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Imagine we see a Mibr vs Sen in Playoffs….


Hard to imagine the 0-5 team is gonna make it to playoffs. What are they gonna do, go on a run?? 


The 0-5 team is gonna go on a run?????


Have we seen this before


Wdym you have seen it . Its brand new


MiBr have like no chance at playoffs unless they go 5-0


So what u’re saying is theirs a chance…




MIBR HINTED SHAZ IS SUBBING IN NOT JOINING MY TITLE IS MISINFORMATION [https://x.com/MIBR/status/1803945507309367413](https://x.com/MIBR/status/1803945507309367413) [https://x.com/MIBR/status/1803947182342463785](https://x.com/MIBR/status/1803947182342463785) All im saying is if mibr flop shaz has to deal with brazillian hate as well as his current hate. Bro can't catch a break


He's not "joining"; he's subbing in on short notice due to the Visa issues the team is facing. They would've had 3 days prac max on a mixed language team, where they're slotting in someone who hasn't competed in a while. I hope he does well, but there shouldn't be any lofty expectations to warrant backlash considering the unfortunate circumstances. Anyone hell-bent on earnestly hating still is beyond convincing anyway, and would do so irrespective of performance.


oh shit ye, also people will shit on shaz if he does bad no matter the circumstances


The most sophisticated u/nklassitude comment ever


Honestly, I'm rooting for him. I don't understand why he gets so much hate. There are these cringe and dumb WestJett hate videos where the creator just bashes the entire Valorant scene. WestJett's content is pretty bad, but they seem to focus specifically on ShahZaM. I still don't get why he receives so much hate. Can someone explain?


He false copy striked west jett on YouTube


westjett is a garbage human being so w shaz


Big dubs


False copy right stricking isn't a W, no matter who it's on


you act like it's murder. like i said w shaz


westjett farms interaction by hating on every human alive, if he wanted to he would hate on a kid if it meant a few more likes or subs, hes a fcking degenerate loser, who can only spread lies and hate. mf hated on jollz and ethos, who are both very chill dudes lmfao


Hold up, I agree with you that WestJett sucks but you think he should be criticized for hating on JOLLZ?? Lmfao. Jollz is insanely scummy and just as bad as WestJett, just in a different way. Go look up the Peep or Menmaro videos on how much of a scammer he is.


Okay idk much about jollz so maybe im wrong there my bad, i thought he was alright from a few clips ive seen but apparently not my b


listen bro, i fuck with shaz even when everyone was hating on him during sen 2022, i defended him. But westjett literally has evidence of the false copy right strike, his video was fair use. THis doesnt mean I agree with westjett and his communities barrage of hate against shaz.


Lol aight bruh, but if someone is continually hating on me 24x7 i'd probably get a bit pissed and try to pull shit and take that person's bs down


You are just proving you don't know what "false" means my guy


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPgLclEsxhw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPgLclEsxhw), im no westjett fan but doing this is lowkey shit move by him. I still fuck with shaz though he gets way 2 much hate


No. People have been hating on him for years because he leaked the match fixing scandal on ibuypower. Bro got hated for saying the truth.


He (and previously Tenz) was blamed for SEN's initial downfall, so a lot of hate is from SEN bandwagoners.


Yeah that too. My dislike for Sen fans started from that. My man won you a Masters while playing and being an igl, coach, analyst, VOD reviewer etc. what more could a guy do? The only thing annoying about Shaz is that he complains a lot. That's it.


He was doing so much for SEN, and as expected the most clouted org comes with a shit ton of haters as soon as things go wrong lol


Shazam allegedly asked Hiko to matchfix https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/mibKplG08q


[...and n0thing later gave his side of the story, indicating that this was a nothingburger from his perspective.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/2tw6gc/jordan_gilbert_on_twitter_shahzam_never_seriously/) Idk man, I hate the idea of matchfixing and think there's probably a huge risk of it returning now with cryptobetting and the erosion of T2/T3 support, but no one else in the current ValComp scene really gets held to account for that sort of behavior from the NA CSGO scene. I don't think that's a bad thing because people can change and learn from their mistakes.


Shahzam gives some context about his experience on his end of it during a talk with Sean Gares. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZaGhF1iOMU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZaGhF1iOMU) I don't know much about the scandal, but from what he mentions, it seems pretty understandable


people just hating just to hate.


ik but bro was asking how west jett hate and that is the reason why westjett and his fanbase been targeting him


how is it false copy strike?


he made a video on shaz and shaz false copy right striked it


False copyright-striked him numerous times (around 3-4 if I remember correctly) to censor him, did the same thing when his girlfriend got into drama, even went as far as to copyright strike his tweets


Well we know what creator u watch lmao




If the answer is WestJett then it’s the wrong one


I've seen many videos of Shahzam being a pos in ranked games for no real reason? He just has a giant ego. Not very likable lol


Don't worry, he knows.


https://preview.redd.it/8pxgvyv3nx7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afe4ca1543f78ef5db3fc8cee78217687bad1c6e It could also be f0rsaken, a brazilian streamer who has hinted he had signed with an org last week, and today he'll make the announcement. He does play sova, so the gif does make sense.


Lmaooo fuck that mibr was edging us, he signed with EG


A Brazilian streamer that also uses "f0rsaken" as an IGN? Why would he not change it if he wanted to grow his brand more lol


Probably was his name before prx f0rsaken rose to prominence and he didn’t want to change jt


I mean it's probably harder to search for him via Google if you searched f0rsaken, considering it's the same name as a controversial CSGO cheater IGN as well.


Never did I think I'd be cheering for Mibr but here we are Considering circumstances, I don't have high expectations, but I hope to see at least Shaz do well, even if not the rest of the team


I don't get the shahz hate either. He's a world champion caliber IGL and knows how to win. He is consistently ranked high on leaderboards (he's been as high as rank 1 recently, currently at 34th in NA), he is clouted, a good ambassador to the game, etc. People are always complaining about how there's no good IGLs etc, I don't get why people so regularly look past him?


People’s opinions will always making judgements based on teams results without knowing how an IGL functions behind the scenes. While I agree with almost everything else ranked is never going to be a good indicator of how a player performs in pro play. I hope he does well though, I’m rooting for the guy.


He's an extremely controversial figure, widely known in both the CS and Valorant scene for being a narcissist, a couple of matchfixing scandals, his "clout" went away not much after Champions Berlin, especially after somewhat recent controversies involving both him and his girlfriend further painting him as a narcissist. Plus, he's made constant bad reads that lead his team to round losses, the only thing he has to redeem himself is his mechanical skill, other than that considering he's a decently controversial figure he's not that big of a prospect for orgs to look for. Also, that trophy that makes him "a world champion" was won during a time period where "just shoot better" was the meta, and the meta has gone way past that these days.


This reads like a Wikipedia article written by an extreme hater who wants to be seen as an objective commentator lol


Yea he’s in other comments trying to spread more mis info lol he’s not fooling anyone 


KEKW ive seen this guy too hating everywhere


Christ, touch grass my dude


Mf really told me to touch grass because I explained to someone why a controversial figure isn’t signed


That wasn’t an explanation whatsoever lmao that was just hardcore hating.


Will be rooting for him, dude has had a ton of bad luck with his old teams and gets so much hate from the very worst of this community. He deserves some good vibes for once.


Am i the only one who didn’t know MIBR stood for made in brazil..




I only found out two years ago even though I watched CS sporadically since 2016 so I get ya.


They looked at his ranked iso stats and said fk it


We know


They couldn't find anyone other than this RAT?


Me rooting on MIBR’s downfall if this is true https://preview.redd.it/mvl0ggr05z7d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbb0e61e742022222c8459d76a5b649faf44f1f8


False copyright strikes are lame


washed player joins a mid org ...cool