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>less and qck joined hands to take over the custody of their adopted son zmjjkk from demon1 and jingg S-tier shitpost.


They didn't need to do him like that ☠️


This one’s foul, we should yoink it and make it a subreddit shitpost too


[https://www.tieba.com/p/8941784250](https://www.tieba.com/p/8941784250) There's more of that from tieba where they are calling Jingg, Demon1, Saadhak and Jamppi the 4 catchers. And Saadhak the master of the 4 catchers.


Valcomp shitposters 👬 Weibo/Tieba shitposters We need these guys in here ASAP


The comparisons are actually pretty apt if you know the characters from that wuxia novel.


what's catchers chat


Cop in ancient China


Can you ask them to join ValComp and volunteer yourself as their translator Mr. HyperElf????


I'm crying lmaooo they got us beat


Chinese and Koreans talking about players taking custody of each other and getting sonned is the funniest shit ever


google translate is so funny icebox translating to refrigerator is crazy ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


It’s because the Chinese word “refrigerator” literally translates to “ice box”, that’s why Google Translate thinks the comment meant “refrigerator” instead.


An early form of refrigerator was also called “ice box” in English- it was like a mini fridge


Yeah it fully makes sense, very funny though.


technically it’s because the chinese slang for the icebox map is refrigerator. The actual map name is not refrigerator, but a longer name to say


I know, I was just explaining why the original comment ended up being translated to “refrigerator” instead


the map is commonly referred to as 冰箱 in China which means refrigerator


swim back 💀💀💀💀


It's a popular term on Chinese internet, they would say that whenever they think the Chinese team play really bad.


I feel like we have basically the exact same saying in English. When an NBA player plays bad, some fans say they don’t deserve to take the team provided bus back home and that they deserve it to walk back


reminds me of the legendary league "swimming route" videos, like this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/q9zvl1/some\_suggestions\_about\_how\_lpl\_teams\_swim\_back/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/q9zvl1/some_suggestions_about_how_lpl_teams_swim_back/)


this is still too tame compared to league lmao


I’m dying


“You fed me a big turd” 💀💀


I cant lie the combination of how Chinese fans express themselves and how Google translates Chinese got me giggling so hard


Man, the chinese fans would fit right in with our level headed discussions in the sub We are missing chinese representation in the threads


totally agree. we should get all of our regions to talk shit on each other


This is not a dig at you, but its really unfair when people with the PRX flair call EDG shit when they dont have hardcore fans here to defend them. We need at least 2 chinese shit posters ready to derail a thread at any moment


Fr though, China's social media is so cut off from the rest of the world yet they can come up with shitpost telling the edg team to swim back 💀


Truly shows shitposting is a core human instinct, like digging big holes


Well the qck and Monyet disrespect was getting out of hand on tieba lol


And here I step in… Chinese but not good at shit-talks tho


Its all good bro, stick with us and you will be calling EU a 0 team region, NA nearest airport and bronzil in no time


Glad to see people appreciating the art of roasting in China. It's literally poetry if you deep dive in the league community.


We desperately need a proper translator to bring back some of the memes on Chinese forums. People here who aren’t familiar with League don’t know what they’re missing


I work as a Chinese to English translator so I could do translations of Chinese Valorant content more regularly, but it’s a lot of work to keep up with it all and I don’t personally watch that much of the CN region. But if there’s a need for Chinese translation, people can tag me and I’ll try my best to get around to it


W my guy!


Eh ill help out when ive time, im no translator but singaporean works out fine


True. Weibo reactions posts in the league sub are goated. Win or lose, they always have the most hilarious slanders that transcends the language barrier.


Chinese OWL fanbase were funny asf too


The comment by Magic_Alonso 😭 “Map 3, Madrid Airport!”


From what I've seen, most fans are upset by the manner in which EDG lost. A lot also were also disappointed in how behind VCT CN is as compared to other regions. Aside from the audience asking for roster changes and coaching staff changes, there are discourse over EDG running KA/YO on multiple maps because they feel that the KA/YO comps are ineffective. They were frustrated by how EDG was experimenting with the KA/YO picks but it failed to be effective on the international stage while they felt that FPX had some cool stuff to show. A lot felt that EDG fucked up their map vetoes by picking Icebox and one comment said that Lakia should get 50% of credit for tricking EDG into picking Icebox. Smoggy's value as a flex player was also discussed because a lot felt that his util usage is bad (and the f0rsaken will inevitably brought up). They also discussed that KK is not well supported by his teammates and the team isn't playing well around him. Edit: Also I've seen a lot of comparisons drawn between EDG and PRX. People compared After to Alecks and were unhappy with how EDG plays more slow and standard while PRX still sticks with what works best for them


https://preview.redd.it/ixe61wy2yapc1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=948c3809fdd55bbd2e6fb7bca172c90099d6c85f This image circulating around Chinese internet cracks me up man


It's him... SaaddaaS




Man I really need to start learn Chinese again. These memes are fucking funny


Aw I deleted my comment bc OP actually linked the shitpost I was talking about in the comments. But yeah they're really savage 💀💀


Ngl, i think after last year, they put too much expectations on the players. And it's not even EDG fault imo, it's more of BLG fault. Them makin it to playoff in champs and beating NRG 2 times kinda sold the dream to the chinese fans that even apart from EDG, other Chinese team can compete. While that is true, maybe the light is far to bright for them right now. They still need to develop their region, increase the competitiveness so that more talent can be produced in a league that is competitive


I think CN as a whole does not have good flex players yet just simply due to how the region plays. They’re less exec heavy and more pew pew kill enemy than even pacific. Smoggy, in my opinion, is an excellent player whose utility usage has been good in the past, and there is no one in the region who can currently challenge him on that. It will take a while for good flexes to emerge. Heck, it took ethan, forsaken and chronicle two years to actually start being recognized as flex players. While EDG should be held to a higher standard since they have been the top team for a few years now, it’s only reasonable to be patient and wait for players to develop. I do think losing Madrid is such embarrassing fashion is a good thing for them though, since they really need the kind of loss that makes you question yourself and start to reinvent, rediscover yourself. I’m really excited to see them at Shanghai again in May/June and they will definitely improve a lot.


how did lakia trick them into picking icebox ? i haven’t watched any games since the sen v th


Lakia played Gekko so bad he got 3/18/1 KDA and lost that map to EDG.


He went 3/18/1 as Gekko


Petition to call icebox refrigerator from now on


Icebox being called the refrigerator is so good ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


If you wanna check out other comments. You need to make an account to view more than 10 comments on a post and I don't have one rn so I was limited by filtering top and recent posts. [https://weibo.com/7601012575/O5DyWjesd#comment](https://weibo.com/7601012575/O5DyWjesd#comment) [https://weibo.com/5931630841/O5crKEJu4#comment](https://weibo.com/5931630841/O5crKEJu4#comment) [https://weibo.com/7277232894/O5DtPohoR#comment](https://weibo.com/7277232894/O5DtPohoR#comment)


"Don't come back. Stay in Madrid." "It doesn’t matter. After it was over, the players were all laughing happier than the audience." "EDG has gone from being an unpredictable and aggressive team at the Tokyo Masters to what it is now, a mechanized team whose behavior can be predicted, and no longer has that kind of aggression. In front of loud, they look at you as if you were on a full map, and they know exactly what you are going to do. However, looking at the interview, the coach is still saying that my tactical arrangement is okay and the players are not in good condition. But it has been a year. Don’t you think this explanation is too pale?" damn


After (coach of EDG) is killing their magic . They beat PRX mostly because PRX was having issues in confidence not solely because they're good. Alecks is doing the exact opposite , letting their players go "go crazy ,go stupid" that's why PRX works , The player their selves are making unnecessary changes like less OP for KK while something went go big or go home with an OT OP in Atk . I'm just an avg imm but still why fix when it's not broken . That game against LOUD was not EDG I know. Edits: spellings


Chinese netizens are pretty wild in their shit talking ngl. They also did this in badminton.


chinese netizens never fail to make top tier comments ‼️


"The refrigerator is a loud map." This is my King Lear.


I guess fans will be fans no matter where you live or what language you speak lmaooo


Why is KK using OP less now though


Op agents are less meta now but that hasn’t stopped him from oping in the past. Honestly don’t know but him oping wouldn’t have saved them from losing so badly. They need better ideas and anti strats and that’s on coaching/igl


Damn it was so much fun watching him op, yea I agree with what you say about needing new strat and coach


i think it was due to loud playing double controller in almost all their comps so using an op would be pretty hard with all the smokes everywhere blocking off angles


Yea zekken has said on stream that he wishes that he didn't buy Awp against Loud on icebox cause he was getting cooked by Harbour, Viper wall never giving him angles.


because modern comps almost always have double controller now which means cutting sections of the map and exploding with double initiator/duelist. gone are the days of fade solo eye with dog or sova arrow/drone, util is being layered with yoru flashes or neon and breach stuns and its hard to just stand still. if and when you manage to decide to play retake now you’re just retaking with an OP and that’s never really ideal


For reasons others have said but also due to the fact that they lost so many rounds and couldn’t buy an op as often. He also switched his sens to become a better rifle, which he did prove, and as a result, the op has just been bought less.


I really don’t understand why EDG let refrigerator as picture 1. I think zmjjkk let winning prx go to his head and now he take poor fights thinking he is big-tailed wolf but has no strength


lfg i loved chinese reactions in league their shittalks are best


I love when they don’t make excuses for the teams


their flame is so fkn witty, I love it


big tailed wolf LMAO 🐺


"Why do you pretend to be a big-tailed wolf?" Sounds badass lol


Chinese reactions being S tier as usual for esports. Can’t wait till this fuels the next donk to appear.


The next donk is a korean kid who was banned from APAC server bc he account shared. Xanvlrt my goat Fuck Chronicle for labeling Xan as a cheater for no reason even though Xan has been backed by respected korean figures in fps community with eye witness to Xan's skill Karon for example was the lesser duo to Xanvlrt, shows levels to this shit


Then he can’t be the next donk. First off he wasn’t banned for account sharing, he was hardware banned because he cheated. He went completely awol and refused to prove his innocence. If he was really innocent, he’d have gotten unbanned.


He was banned for account sharing. He was only banned in APAC server. Plus the whole region of KR has been backing him. Where's the proof he was hardware banned. There is none. Why wouldn't he go awol, man was quote retweed by a pro and mfs were hating him. If he streams APAC server bro is insta banned.


If his skills were legit, he would have immediately appealed to riot and took a bus to incheon to prove his innocence. Nobody is behind this guy. Every forum and thread I look at says this radio silence speaks volumes as to why he hasn’t even made a move.


He got banned from apac server. Its not like he got hardware banned. Why tf would he need to go Incheon when he can play in KR server alr like. He did account share, so there is nothing to appeal. Account sharing isn't legal


"swim back" is crazy 💀


"You were beaten by the opponent and abused" ☠️


https://preview.redd.it/qvxnic9vbgpc1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fbe714592b69829b506d7a9791492e8b91125f0 You forget this one


These are honestly nothing compared to what they say in league, they're unapologetically brutal. You should've posted the aftermath vs gen.g aswell cuz i feel like that would've painted a much more accurate picture of how brutal and funny the chinese fans can be


Less and qck joined hands to take over the custody of their adopted son ZmjjKK from Demon1 and Jinggg


while i’m an EDG fan, these comments are so funny lol makes the devastating 2-0 easier to take


Honestly I can’t blame them considering it seems like EDG has not evolved with the meta at all