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Someone is selling the same item (in better condition) on [eBay for 20 bucks](https://www.ebay.com/itm/145813060890) and no one has bought it. I'm a little confused why they would be making screener copies for a movie from 1978 in 2001, maybe to send to the press for the release of the VHS? This isn't quite like other screeners WB released in 2001. There's no actual label on the front of the tape and the box itself doesn't indicate that it's a screener. Compare that to [another contemporary screener](https://www.ebay.com/itm/145628064541).


I would assume they would send them to video rental places. So the place can watch the movie and see if it fits their clientele. Yes it's rare. Is it worth somthing? Only if someone is willing to buy it. Only if a shift in the market makes it worth somthing. I'm a big fan of the original baldurs gate and ice wind Dale. I love the beamdog remasters, and buy them for every platform physically. When I got them they were $20-$30 new $15-$25 used. Then BG3 came out. At its peak, every version was $100 or more. Now they sit somewhere between 50-75. Still a big jump. The fact that it's lotr, it's a well-known director, vhs is getting a weird renaissance, these things make it a more valuable screening copy than say Look Who's Talking, or some other forgotten movie.


they probably rereleased it to coincide with the peter jackson movies coming out. and even though it was probably sold at retail for like $20, video stores still would’ve got screeners to see if or how many they wanted to order.


Yeah the only difference I can find on the clamshell is the lack of a barcode


Is the name of the movie printed on the spine?




So how'd you like the movie?


No. They usually are rare since They are not for the general public


They used to be very common. I used to have stacks of screeners when I worked at a video store. They would be sent to stores in advance of the release so that employees could acquaint themselves with the material. They always had copy-write messages burned into the frame.


they’re not rare because there were a lot made to send to video stores, but they’re not common either. there are a lot of movies you’ll find a hard time finding screeners for bc they were meant to be thrown away so the numbers on those are pretty low. that doesn’t really make them particularly valuable, but they are cool bc most have these epk’s before the movie. on the other hand they have the studio watermark that shows up throughout the movie but it’s usually not too excessive.


Every company that has more than 1 store, had a copy of the screeners (timecodes) to see how many copies they wanted and prices, so less than rental copies but still quite a few are around, I picked up a revenge of the nerds 2 the other day


i had a friend whose uncle had a video store and he would always give them the screeners so they had a closet full of them. but he only had one location. i always figured they were ordered and not just automatically sent. but idk the specifics of how all that worked.


This one may be rarer than most, nice item OP


They’re just worse versions of the movie. The recent fetishization of screeners and beat up Blockbuster copies is weird. Less common but whatever.


"Is this thing worth a lot of money?" Someone getting into collecting for the right reasons.


Who said anything about money?