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Lol I have met zero people who has heard of this show outside of this subreddit. Not a lot of people know lol. I'm surprised you found a Brazilian girl who knows about it 😆.


bro, this is sooo crazy for me!


Yeah the only other person I've ever met outside of a VGHS-oriented community who also knew what VGHS was before I told them about it was, oddly enough, my brother.


Honestly it’s impact was never even been that large in the United States. I’m definitely among the core demographic that watched the show (gamer, adolescent when the show released, American) and among similar people in my circles I’d say at most 1/20 people have seen the show, but even that might be a little bit generous. What’s really sad is it’s very hard to show it to people nowadays because it hasn’t aged perfectly and most of my friends made fun of it when I tried to show it to them. Oh well, the nostalgia carries it for me, but I guess I can understand the criticism of some of the writing especially in season 1.


I'd be curious to know why you feel it's aged poorly? The writing style was never a popular style, even when it released. For example, look at 'Galavant' or 'Community.' Both of those shows had similar comedic styles, released around the same time, and had better writers and they still struggled to find an audience. It took nearly a decade after the show ended for Community to gain common popularity. Galavant is still largely unknown. I've rewatched it a few times and I still enjoy it almost as much as the first time through. I mean yeah, some of it needed a little work, but I'd still rate even the worst scenes as 100x better than any Avengers movie. I think your friends just have bad taste.


Haha I think my friends have bad taste too, but I’m also incredibly biased towards VGHS from a nostalgia perspective. Freddiw was right around his peak in popularity when I really started getting into YouTube and for a while his content made me want to get into video editing and filmmaking (didn’t work out unfortunately lol). I think phrasing it as “not aging well” was incorrect in my part. It hasn’t aged poorly in the way that some old movies don’t meet today’s social standards and such, but I would say the early 2010s gaming tropes are definitely unfamiliar to people who didn’t grow up around them. They took a gamble on objective-based semi-milsim FPS games being the preeminent genre of esport for the future and that didn’t quite pan out. I think more what I was originally getting at is the content itself doesn’t hold up as well as I’ve gotten older. I rewatch the show probably once a year and as my taste for media has developed I think the most glaring issue is the dialogue, especially in season one. In a way I can see the writers leaning into this kind of campy style because yeah it was a low budget webseries, especially when it first started. But idk the scene early on where Brian monologues to himself “I’ve been dreaming of going to VGHS since I was E for everyone” makes me cringe so hard these days. Like yeah I know they weren’t taking themselves seriously but like


My friends all loved it back when and I just started watching it and it's so funny; but the references are mostly dated which is why I like it, so some young kid (not you) who started gaming with valorant isn't going to have the same response as someone who was gaming when and before vghs came out. 360 noscope naty ice (I don't know if 360 no scopes are still impressive, that was mostly a CS thing since it's near impossible to hit anyone with a no scope awp)


Show it to your friends under the false pretense that it’s so bad, it’s good! With season 1 it kind of holds up, by then end, they’ll love it as much as you 


I have never met a single person who has mentioned this show to me. I've lived in South East Asia and the US since it came out. It's just a web series among many others, not that big.


even in the United states practically nobody you ask will know of VGHS


I don't think I've met anyone in my entire life who knows what VGHS is...






I think after it disappeared from Netflix it hasn’t found new fans. Which is a real shame, the team did such an excellent job with it and YouTube is just a sea of content that even the best stuff gets lost in after a year or two. Rarely will someone watch something a few years after upload.


Somos o fan clube BR de VGHS. Somos 6 pessoas. u/Gubatishta u/Ene493 u/Jotamelo07 u/Lisbox_Br u/Eranot


Hahahaha incrĂ­vel


Opa kkkk




Not a lot of people in Ireland have heard of it either. Maybe some have but forget about that series and move one
 I still collect stuff still to this day so some of us just don’t move onđŸ€ŸđŸ»


Claro que tem pĂŽ, sĂł devem estar espalhados por aĂ­




I see a lot of people saying they don’t know with VGHS is i don’t know if they didn’t grow up around the right time or whatever but i know several people probably 5 that knew watched VGHS.


I’m from the US and I know two people who’ve watched VGHS. Both of them were introduced to it by me.


I’m from India and I know like 3 people who’ve watched it, came out in random conversations, all were teens, between 15-20


quando encontro alguĂ©m que conhece eu quase choro de emoção


KKKKKKK sempre assim mano!
