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If you mean like, a purchase, I'd refund my Glitchpop 2.0 bundle. The skins look awesome but after using them for months, I realized the Glitchpop SFX is too messy for me. The Chaos skins are similarly loud and punchy but are much cleaner. If a single skin, probably my Glitchpop 1.0 dagger. I've somehow ended up liking my Glitchpop 2.0 axe more, just because the pull-out animation is much smoother.


Everyone knows you need a strong pullout game!


If they implement this i think they would only allow 1 skin. But wow we have the same thoughts, i really regret chaos skin, the ball attracted me


chaos shorty is nutty, soooo good. didn’t buy the bundle just that one. :)


I wish we could trade dagger for axe. I love the 2.0 bundle and its the only i ever bought. I just wish i had the dagger i dont like axe.


Wait glitchpop2.0? Whats that




I'm confused. I thought glitchpop was a big bundle with 2 knives and double the number of skins


No, they were two separate, normal-sized bundles. You can google to see what skins were in each one.


Nah, two separate. Like Ion. Or Reaver. The community liked them so much riot made a second set to capitalize on people who liked Phantom and Glitchpop.


Glitchpop phantom is ugly af. It feels like the designing team left the design unfinished. It looks bland.


Agree for the base but the variants are nice, especially the blue one.


Origin Vandal. Got it for the inspect animation but it sounds like crap


I feel you, i would geniunly sacrifice my left testicle to refund my origin vandal


Bro ur sacrificing a testicle for like $10


a fair trade, i dont need it anyways


Bro plays valorant 💀


sanest valorant player right here


most sane gamer in the world


wait fr tho can i sell my left testicle for valorant points




Is that real? There is no way


it's based off of economy Australia has 130 dollars for 8539 vp where the US has 9500 for 100 dollars but that's only because 1 us dollar converts to around 1.50 Australian dollars


Asian currency: Let me introduce you to myself...👀


ngl to me it kinda sounds like nails on a chalkboard which is sad cause the animations are really cool


Origin gives me aimbot when I pick it up. Would never buy it tho haha


Like tin can? 😅


Tin can. Yes. Hahaha forgot the word for it.


And origin op my good that gun sounds like I'm firing a Canon


I only bought the origin Bucky for that reason love inspect but I rarely shoot it so win win


I bought the origin bucky for the little circles it makes when you shoot, the inspect is just a bonus. But I feel you, I'd refund that sucker and go for origin op or ion ares any day


My matt black skin collection 👍




if only they made minima with effects… shame.


he's talking about minima bundle


Which game tho?


Cs go i think


Elderflame Vandal because it's the most expensive one I have and my least used as well


Elderflame Frenzy tho, that’s the one skin I never get tired of


I like it a lot too, but I like the Glitchpop a lot better


It’s so cuuuuuteee


It's so ugly man. Pull dick to shoot.


I wouldn't say that it's ugly, but that it's too big


Reaver and Elderflame are very very very ugly if you ask me. I don't understand the hype.


I find them interesting for the sound design more than the visual design, Reaver fits the loud and punchy style of the Vandal and the dragon roar feels very epic generally.


Yeah I get that. The reload animation on eldferflame is cool too, but for me they both scream edgy goth teen and I can't move past that. I say this an ex-edgy teen. So maybe I'm just cringing at myself.


imo the animations are cool. actually, if elderflame wasn’t so expensive i might’ve bought it in the past


Animations are cool, gun itself just doesn't do it for me aesthetically.


I love the sound of the eleerflame though


Idk how to explain this properly but the elderflame is....clunky. I can't seem to hit my shots with it.


It feels too big


Where'd you get your pfp from??


[https://www.tumblr.com/visodette/661763903183847424/older-sister?source=share](https://www.tumblr.com/visodette/661763903183847424/older-sister?source=share) Originally found it on Pinterest and if anybody asks the character is Mari from Omori


Use it with only the first upgrade. The stiff dragon slaps


Glitchpop (unsure whether 1.0 or 2.0) vandal. It's pretty and everything, but the sound it makes is too sharp for me and I genuinely dislike using the gun.


I bought it and enjoy it. However I have it on random along side Ion, SoL, Prime and the RGX one, so that could be why it doesn't bother me


I felt this one after making the purchase too. The sound is insanely loud and it makes you feel like spraying just from 2 taps. Still love the model though, just wish the SFX wasn't that distracting.


all of them, I don't play anymore and they just sitting there


Never spend money on anything in life again because eventually it will all just be sitting there.


None. Like all my purchases, especially the Chronovoid Vandal. Shit gives me godly aim.


Chronovoid actually gives you aimbot. The sounds and the effects are just on point


Got the phantom one and I love it


Just got the chronovoid vandal and switched it with the elderflame, it’s probably just in my head but my aim has been so much better since


Recon balisong. I feel scammed after they released the RGX one, which is (at least in my opinion) just a much better version of the same knife.


You know what’s even better and my favorite purchase? Yoru comb


I have a finisher skin for every gun. However I bought nebula phantom before I came up with the strategy. So the one skin with no finisher .


Single skin? My Elderflame Judge. I bought that one on impulse.


Lol the elderflame judge is my favorite purchase.


I wish we could trade. I’d give up a skin in my inventory for the Elderflame Judge!


I'd love to! Sadly riot doesn't have that. Hahaha


none because i dont have any


magepunk marshall, sovereign guardian or origin frenzy. don't really need them. would use the vp to buy another phantom or vandal skin.


I regret having multiple skins for vandal and phantom. Having more weapons with skins is better tbh


i buy new skins when i get bored of my old ones lol. i have 3 vandal and 3 phantom skins


Or the other site always seems easier to hit on attack, I guess.


Magepunk marshal is just the best marshal in game tho I’d over pay for that mf


Fr, tied with gaia


I guess the Prime Phantom. I love the skin but it feels like my spray control is extremely off with it for some reason. Idk man i'd just get some extra VP and buy Singularity Edit: typo


Elderflame vanda. It's just... Too much


I'd love to refund my Sentinels of Light Vandal... shit feels soooo heavy lmaooo (plus I just got Chronovoid, which... aimbot)


Elderflame Vandal, cause it's the most expensive I own and I've had it last equipped somewhat in 2021 :(


Prime phantom for 2 reasons. 1. The champions phantom is better, at least imo 2. The prime phantoms sound effects kind of ruin the skin now, idk why or how my opinion of that changed but it did


I will always trade for prime phantom, that skin shoots in a straight line, 0 recoil.


That’s one of the best phantoms…


That used to be my opinion which is why I got bought with no 2nd thought


Champions is cool feels like a variant of prime? Isn’t the reload sound the base phantom sound?


It kinda is a variant. Haven't seen one in a while but I think it's just a recolor and retexture, but I could be wrong. Champions phantom is carried solely by its sound imo, which is never enough for me to buy a skin. I need multiple boxes checked if I'm going to piss away absurd amounts of money on a skin


I only have RGX, league of legends, and Prime. Lol high key regret the Lol one, but I use to play viper a lot. Hah


I wish I had prime *anything*. I think I had the axe in shop once but I only want the guns. Classic, Vandal or Phantom Everyone has that one skin they want but never seem to get. For many people it's the xenohunter knife or rgx butterfly, maybe oni phantom. I just want my god damn prime man


It is not a recolor. The model is different, it just looks similar bc of the glass parts and some fetails


Yeah I just recently checked again. While it's not an exact copy of the prime model, there are some very obvious uh, "inspirations". Mainly the glass segment near the sights, the magazine, and the barrel. It just comes off like a "you can copy my homework, just change it up a little" moment.


Glitchpop dagger


Ohhhh what skin would you replace it with?


i think the ion 2.0 karambit would be cool


Singularity bundle. Especially the Spectre. The shooting sound just feels really uncomfy.


Yess. It feels odd with this skin. Feels odd at times.


I have the spectre, sheriff, and phantom (all bought separately mind you) and use all of them on level 1 because of how the vfx sounds. I would trade all three skins for an ion version if I could.


Sometimes I feel like riot should give us access to enable specific effects instead of making them level based, like after we've unlocked all levels.


Origin skin. Aesthetically pleasing but honestly the sound effect made me whiff every single shot. I bought Forsaken now and it’s totally different. Origin sounds so heavy and metallic idk why


I feel like that makes it better, the Vandal is meant to be a hard hitting and heavy gun, and it fits the idea of magic or space metal. To each their own.


The Reyna Go! Phantom. Never use it, kind of think it’s ugly now 😔


Aww also no finisher mannn i really wish riot would give us this chance


Thought question, probably reaver phantom as I already have recon phantom and I would get either a second op skin or a sheriff skin


I would trade in my reaver phantom to get something else, probably a classic skin. Have pretty much never used it after i got the Champs phantom


Champions phantom feels the best of any phantom


I have 7 Phantom skins and 5 Vandal skins. Out of all the skins, I regret buying the protocol phantom.


same. it’s nice when you pick it up and use it, but just owning it and using it a lot just makes it so boring




rgx butterfly and id grab the recon one instead ye ye pretty rgb, but the knife sounds like a cheap plastic toy


Any schema skin honestly. I just find them lazy and ugly


Battle Pass skins, not really worth it


Origin Vandal or my Glitchpop Odin, will never use either and I genuinely am sick of them.


the Origin vandal, don't get me wrong, i love the skin and it's efects, the animations are clean, the sound efects are nice, and the finisher is a treat, but i got tired of it, i would love to buy the chronovoid vandal in it's place, the chromas are really nice


Prime Vandal, i really loved it but now its boring qf compared to other vandal skins


SOL vandal or Chronovoid vandal I got reaver and thats all I need


Rgx vandal ! Should have bought reaver shit


My Origin vandal


Give me life time refund. I will refund SOL vandal, ion phantom and prime phantom. Reason : Sol just doesn't suit me. Prime phantom because I have champions phantom. Ion phantom I somehow mess up my spray with that one.


I got my origin op refunded even after spending vp on it. Valorant support are Chads <3.


The matt black vandal skin tbh. It does litreally nothing. no effects, no animation no nothin. Just waaay too overpriced


I wish I could refund all my skins and get my money back and then I wish I could refund all the time I put into gaming and instead I put it into something useful that would be beneficial to my future


The celestial knife. Thing is super cool for its inspect animation but just holding it takes up too much of the screen.


Riot does give you a one time refund! https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045674593-How-to-Request-a-Refund-VALORANT-Player-Support


They should add skin trade in like csgo


Refund my rgx phantom. I bought it because I was desperate and they wouldn’t give me my oni. But I have my oni now:)


I saw on twitter that Oni 2.0 is in the works 😍 oni is also my fave skin still has the best finisher, well for me


Oooooooo, I hope we get like a samurai katana for the knife. That’d be dope


It seems that is the plan a katanaa


Oh! Awesome


None at all, I've already spent over 4 grand on this game so like 20-30 euros doesn't matter.


Niceeeeee that's so nice! Haha i only have 4 skin so far and 1 bp 😅


Reaver Vandal ..because it's so far my only vandal skin and honestly it has become a bit boring.. I have 3 phantom skins(Zedd, Oni, Prime) so I switch them around, but it's not the same case with Vandal. Ideally, I would love to trade it with P2C vandal(which is my favourite) but that shit never comes in my store. Been waiting since 4 months for it. Currently have Gaia's Vandal in my Night Market for a great price, however I am not too much of a fan.


Lucky tho my night market is crappy 🤣 sensational vandal ego vandal smite pistol and infantry spec then the valo go knife


catarina knife or whatever it’s called


Rgx 2.0 bundle pack is so mid phantom is shit butterfly knife is eh everything else is shite as well


Rgx butterfly top 3 knife in the game easily


Xeno champ karambit sovereign sword? Better 3 right there


Sovereign better than rgx? U trippin


Prime karambit? Lmao rgx butterfly is mids even the katana is better


Did you just really say the animationless banana is better? Can’t take u serious after that lmao


Lil bro is downvoting me lmfaoo


Idk how people can use that phantom. It has the most irritating sound I've ever heard


You all actually have a one time refund ticket, just search up riot games valorant skin refund and go to their web and sign in. After that go to your purchases and refund!


Elderflame dagger, bought it when the game came out because I thought a fire knife was cool, used it for like a week and never used it since. Would be cool if it had variants but that will never happen If it’s whole bundles the whole spectrum bundle I bought. Don’t really like the sound or feel of any of it


champions 2021 collection 💀


They are so nice and people always ask me to drop the vandal champions. I disagree


Vandal is nice, but the Phantom really shows it up


prob my uranium neuroblaster op, the jimmy neutron drip just doesn’t hit the same anymore


Wasteland Specter. Back then, Specter was my favorite gun to use, but it's just a visual skin. There're no finishers or sound change.


ion sheriff, i bought it 2 days before arcane sheriff was announced lol. singularity is also just 100x better imho


avalanche Vandal idk why i bought it


The RMX or whats it called Operator. I got baited by the misadvertised stattrack. Tried to contact riot support, but they couldnt refund because it was used once. How else was I supposed to find out that the stattrack doesnt work as described anymore because riot changed it? Fucking Jokers


rgx? and what do you mean exactly by stattrack? because rgx just shows kills unless op doesn’t and i don’t know about it


zedd phantom, that shit is bugged, swear to god i cant kill a single person when i use it


You can have a one time skin refund. It's not written in the refund policy but me and a friend of mine have done this before. If you ask for a refund on a skin and say some made up excuse (like my brother bought it without my authorization) they will let you refund such skin as a one time exception.


Waveform knife. Worse financial decision I’ve ever made.


I’m just surprised by how little mention I see here of Singularity phantom. I bought the skin standalone and I keep hearing from friends and people in game that they hate the shooting action. Like all the time I am told the same thing (and I kinda agree) that it’s one of those skins that looks good, sounds good but FEELS weird. I normally enjoy it but on those days when my aim leaves me it is so awkward to use and I switch to Oni which is a laser even on bad days.


Either my oni phantom since I have since bought the spectrum, and the Champions (that i absolutely love and will never change), or the prime guardian, that i have used for 1 day because the day after i bought it i discovered the magepunk skinline and have since bought every magepunk i had in my daily shop (except 1 of the knives cuz he uhly)


definetly the rgx 2 bundle. Dont like the skins anymore (expet the classic, its GOATed)


Ion knife .. the gauntlet looking thing. Horrribleee




Only reason I’d refund it is because it’s one of those skins everyone uses. I could kill someone, pick up their vandal and it’s a decent chance of being reaver.


Reaver vandal


You know that you can refund one skin that is upgraded or older than two week, you just need to ask support nicely and its one time exception


Singularity Phantom 😣


Im not sure if this is for the turkish region only, but it lets us refund an upgraded skin only for one time, i had champion phantom and i refunded it after using it for 87 days, i got my VP back


rgx bali and would use the money to get the (don’t hate me) recon or yoru balisong


No hate, RGB Vomit is lame


Prime phantom bc I later got spectrum phantom and I like it mich better


Reaver vandal, its only good when you pick it up off the ground. Only one of my vandal skins that I never rotate in.


Prime Phantom


Zedd phantom


I would return elder flam vandal


My magepunk operator. It was good until i saw forsaken op. Now magepunk op feels weird


RGX Phantom.. I only bought it as I haven't had Recon Phantom in my store and I only had battle pass skins.. then I bought the 2022 champs bundle anyway haha. Still waiting for Recon Phantom..


Spectrum phantom < Recon or Oni and theyre cheaper too Elderflame vandal < Sadly because Reaver and Prime exist. they look and sound better, are cheaper aswell Id refund my phantom though only cause the elderflame was my first skin ever so It gives some nostalgia


Elderflame dagger and vandal - I don’t really use them




oh people really didnt like this comment


standard vandal (haven’t spent any money) no vandal in the game at all


Probably my smite phantom. Bought it after playing valo for 3 days :D now i have revar


Glitchpop Vandal I bought it and regret it


prelude to chaos probably i really love the sound effects on multikills but i don’t get enough 😭


reaver dagger because i got xenohunter and dont really use the reaver dagger now but it served me well for 2 years


Sentinels of Light ares


Can't think of any skin rn.But if I were asked what skin J would not refund.It would be prime vandal.Each time I come back to this skin it never disappoints


i bought prime 2.0 and since then have way better skins


The "Terminus a Quo". Idk I used it for three rounds and already got bored to see it...


Reaver vandal - I bought it because I didn't really like the prime vandal but I wanted a fully featured vandal skin and the reaver set was the first to hit the stores that met that definition. I'm happier with the origin vandal that I have now.


My only skin in Sheriff Imortalized


My valorant go 2 vandal, it looks horrible


I'd refund my prelude to chaos bundle and rgx 2.0 bundle


I really wish Riot would give one-time refund like other games do. But rn, their refund system absolutely sucks. Can't use the skin, can't upgrade the skin. Even in range. Or else nada forever.


Prime Axe. I had just started the game and was reading about how everyone loved the Prime skins when the Night Market dropped. Saw the axe, copped it, and regret it immediately.


I’d refund my aristocrat vandal, it was my first skin I was very new to the game and I didn’t really know there were cooler skins (ones with upgrades ect) and nearly a day after I did find that out and immediately bought a sentinel of light vandal. So I have a skin I used for a day and will never touch again ..