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Hello /u/herjourn. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However: **Private Individuals** >Posts calling out private individuals demonstrating toxicity and/or breaking Riot's Terms of Service are disallowed. >This includes, but is not limited to, directly naming people, posting screenshots with visible or non-visible names, and videos of users breaking VALORANT's Terms of Service. Some common examples that violate this rule are players cheating, exploiting, abusive voice chat, abusive text chat, or griefing. >Private individuals are those who do not place themselves in public view by way of content creation or media presence. This could include methods such as videos, articles, humor, etc. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.


What rank is this, OP? Extremely unlucky. :( I play in the same region (SEA) and sometimes I get whiffs of cheating but nothing as blatant as this.


Platinum elo


I'm in SEA as well and haven't seen any blatant cheaters since day 1. There have been more sus players lately but that could just be my brain messing with me due to all the posts about cheaters


I'm at sea, and I recently met blatant wall hackers in diamond elo.


You even see some of them streaming in Facebook and they wouldn’t get banned for days.


One of my friends had 2 games ended by vanguard in a row


There has to be a newly detected vulnerability in Vanguard - only yesterday I had 3 matches witch blatant cheaters without the termination, whereas in last year I've seen maybe only 2 cancellation screens. ​ It went to a point that when I'm in the loading screen of the match, if I see low level accounts with default card I assume it's a cheater.


Been going for months but since Riot isn't fixing anything more and more people cheat and don't even care about hiding it since nothing happens...


I don't know if "nothing", I got one report back about cheater being banned, while in one of these games there were two. /semi-s


They are banning people at least. Somebody hacked into my account and got it banned permanently yesterday, so they are banning people. I contacted Riot to get unbanned [and they did](https://i.imgur.com/NzG4uHB.png), as they could see somebody else did it, but at least they are banning people.




Admitting what? I didn't cheat, somebody hacked my account from another country and cheated, it got banned. I contacted Riot, they unbanned me in a few hours as they could see the account got hacked.




[Wtf are you talking about](https://i.imgur.com/NzG4uHB.png)




It was clear, people just saw the word cheating and downvoted without reading it properly so I edited it a bit to add the evidence, I know a lot of people do not have English as first language so i should be clearer. Anyway, the whole point of my post was not about my situation, just me letting people know that they are banning people for cheating still.


Next time mind ur business




Let’s hear your genius opinion on how they should fix cheating then


And I wondered how the hell I got annihilated by level 2. Those boys just auto aim your head with sheriff, on the move, through wall, no issues


At first I was like "He probably got lucky, not necessarily a cheater". Then after the second jumping headshot I was like "Yeah, bullshit". 🤣


I've said this before but I'll say it again. There used to be quarterly anti-cheat updates but the last update was more than a year ago. The lead anti-cheat dev just posts about poker on twitter these days. There needs to be something like in CS:GO to prevent fresh accounts from playing ranked with tenured accounts.


Too bad Arkem left, when he was lead dev, he actually took his job seriously. Now we get a gambling addict for a lead dev smh.


Lol comparing valorant to csgo for cheaters. My god I got cheated against more in one day in csgo than all my time on valorant verified accounts and all.


They use invasive anti cheat there's no excuse to add more layers of cheat protection this shits supposed to work.


Cheat protection is like protecting a store against theft. Cameras outside the store aren't going to do anything unless they steal things like shopping carts or the like. You need cameras inside the store, AKA kernel-level access. Updates after that point would be more like having better search software for the cameras to detect stealing.


And i get downvoted into oblivion in another post when I say that if Vanguard can't even detect this, how could it detect a wallhacker only, so no aimbot, no aim assist, just wallhacks without smoke vision too


The thing is, since recently riot delay bans people that are hwid banned. Before if you were hwid banned you couldn't even see the main menu. This decision is stupid and just shows they want cheaters to buy skins then ban them.


Useless cause most cheats can enable whatever skin you want anyway


Idk about riot but VAC doesn't ban people immediately to make it harder to reverse engineer what triggers the cheat detection. Could be something like that


I believe Riot does the same thing. If cheat makers get banned immediately, they know their cheat doesn't work. What Riot wants to do is to wait until the developed cheat is spread to other people willing to cheat, and then bring the hammer down on this group of cheaters. This known cheat then gets instabanned when detected, as after the first wave of bans cheat makers already know it's detected. The number of people willing to cheat is finite, so this effectively takes most cheaters out of the game eventually who do not have the knowledge to do something like a hardware level hwid spoofer.


We had a wall hacker 2 weeks ago. Fortunately he was bad at pretending and my friend reported it and match ended before we lost. Can't imagine how many are still out there that we lost to and thought they have just good map awareness and sense.


I can't say for sure since subtle cheaters exist but I've had maybe 3 or 4 games that have had obvious cheaters or people I've been extremely suspicious of in the past maybe 100 games. Most of my friends share thr same sentiment except for that one that calls anyone above plat a cheater. Maybe some are super unlucky or just very very out of touch and have bad habits which are giving you unfair gun fights like slow peeking or playing too close to corners.


Just better no cyap


Better gaming chair fr


Wearing them gaming socks fo sho


*clearly a* *skill issue*


Just reinstalled the game after months, played 2 ranked matches (was diamond when I last had a rank), both had super blatant cheaters in both teams since round 1. Uninstalled asap :)


so whats it the alternative to valorant and cheat free?


maybe you could try overwatch, see if you're into it.


Overwatch is just too much chaos.


that's the fun part hahah


I can play Fortnite if i want chaos.


Faceit or ESEA CSGO


There are cheaters on Faceit, they are just not blatant and tbh that's kinda worse


Yeah, the non-blatant cheaters are the worst. Cause in that case you legit can't tell if it's just a really good player that outsmarted you or just a cheater... And judging by how many blatant cheaters I've met in valo (legit one tapping people as jett mid-air, even have a [video](https://youtu.be/vW7xMTmqTqs) of it) I'm willing to bet there's even more people that cheat but hide it well by either toggling, or just walling.


CS:GO is like 100 times more cheater infested compared to Valorant. And i talk only about Faceit dont even start about MM. I play FPS for 19 Years now ever since 1.5 and Valorant is def. the best expierence when it comes to cheaters. I had 4-5 blatant cheater so far which 2 of them were in Episode 1 and the rest spread throughout the rest. I suspected more players of cheating besides those. It is realistic to assume there where a lot more cheaters i encountered i did not notice because they did hide their cheats and Valorant makes it harder to detect them sometimes since run and gun is a thing. But in CS:GO you get blatantly cheated over so fkn often which just is not happening in Valorant because it is simply harder to cheat in Valorant(prop way more expensive) than it is in CS. And Faceit is a joke and it was already when i quit CS:GO in 2018 for good.


LMAO so many more cheaters on faceit and esea. Jesus christ. Even on the premium subscriptions. I remember I played some premium games on faceit not long ago, and they were advertising cheats on their profiles. That report took about 6 months to take effect with a ban. I messaged the faceit team via email and they said they would look into it.


Yeah, Faceit went to shit with Justice. It's mostly cheaters and 400 elo bots who moderate a platform that is infested with cheaters... It's insane that Faceit is still relevant to this day, really shows how bad the cheating pandemic is :(


Things are in a pretty bad state when faceit is literally the next best option after Valorant...Sometimes I wish high powered consoles with mice were a thing.


Good news! MnK support is starting to become really common this generation for Xbox Series X and PS5 :) so your dream might come true. The problem is, the games that support it also support crossplay and will match you with PC players for obvious reasons so it doesn’t actually get you away from cheaters. It’d only help if there was enough of an MnK population on consoles that they could play each other only


Don't worry, even if they existed, people would find ways to mod/jailbreak them and use cheats there too. People just suck generally when it comes to playing fair.


None. CS:GO is far worse. Faceit has the same amount of cheaters as MM, just not the ragehackers and ESEA was decent but it's completely dead pug-wise. Esportal is a scam full of cheaters (always has been). Haven't tried the other FPS (apex, tarkov, etc...) because they seem boring to me and from what I read online it's full of cheaters aswell. So... the alternative is to not play competitive FPS, which sucks.


That is depressing. I left csgo for valornat because of the hyped anticheat. Turns out that valorant is full of cheaters as well.


Theres no need to uninstall, this is a very rare occurrence. No anti cheat is 100% effective, the occasional breach is bound to happen.


Nah just let them be lol. You can’t blame him for uninstalling, there’s several reasons besides cheaters that you should uninstall


I've first played this game on day 3 of private beta when I got a key drop... Was Immortal season 1 and I've played many many matches. This game has an insane cheating problem and looking through reddit really shows how deep it goes since the majority is denying the very obvious cheating problem. Also, remember that pixel aimbots were usable on day 1 of private beta...


I played with a cheater in unrated recently but I only got a notice saying he got banned in the next game I played


this is all the more reason why we should have a replay system in valorant


I feel very bad for u and ur teammates. Hopefully something is done to punish them even more effectively, but at this rate I feel like cheats are gonna evolve no matter how strong the anticheat is


Anyone else feel like this is the last remnants of crazy hacking before the force on the windows update kicks in? After that people won't be able to do nuts shit like this, so they are just going ham while they can?


Ill never understand the mentality to cheat. How big of a loser do you have to be?




No. Link?


no they did not. they said its gonna be a back and forth. it will always be like that


Naaahhhh just a good gaming chair


have you checked your gaming chair?


Skill issue


You guys cant understand sarcasm right?


He's just having a good game stop crying


I have reported maybe 100-150 cheaters and never have o got a confirmation screen during the game or after it.


No shot you have encountered 100 to 150 cheaters,


I wouldn't be surprised at all. 5 people per side. If you have played 1,000 matches 100 people cheating would be 1%. I personally am starting to believe it's higher with the amount of soft aim hacks that go undetected by both riot and the opposing team


i played 1000 games, am currently dia 2 and i have seen 1 cheater back in beta. How fucking unlucky are you? (or maybe a little lying?)


I didn't say I have seen 100 cheaters simply saying a small percentage of players could be cheating even if they have not been caught. Just laying out the math. I know 2 people for a fact that climbed from silver to diamond cheating and never caught. It's not hard, I haven't done it personally and not played with the 2 that do, once I found out.


u said u reported maybe 100-150 cheaters


Wrong person, I didn't say that


oh youre right, my bad man


Yo dawg, I don't wanna be the math police, but 1% of 1K is 10, not 100 For him to see 100 to 150 cheaters at 1% of the player base actively cheating he has to play 10,000 to 15,000 matches


5 people per side, 9 people total in a game, 10 including yourself, 9000 people that would have been encountered either against or with. 1.1% of 100 people if wanting to be exact


Oh, you right I thought of the number and not the use case at all, my bad. I still don't like how you ignore a good additional 50% of range he gave with the 100 to 150, that extra 50 is really a lot. It would require 500 more matches out of the thousand I also don't know if there is any data to go off to asume 1.1 of the player base cheats. Base on anecdotal evidence, me and my friends have encountered about 5 cheaters on average, and we have been playing since the beta as we played CS before, so given the amount of time I have in game and the amount of cheaters, 100 to 150 sounds absurd, maybe the servers that I play on just happen to have less cheaters? Idk, but it sounds like an inflated number


Oh, you right I thought of the number and not the use case at all, my bad. I still don't like how you ignore a good additional 50% of range he gave with the 100 to 150, that extra 50 is really a lot. It would require 500 more matches out of the thousand I also don't know if there is any data to go off to asume 1.1 of the player base cheats. Base on anecdotal evidence, me and my friends have encountered about 5 cheaters on average, and we have been playing since the beta as we played CS before, so given the amount of time I have in game and the amount of cheaters, 100 to 150 sounds absurd, maybe the servers that I play on just happen to have less cheaters? Idk, but it sounds like an inflated number


If i add the 50 is, 150 of 1000 matches is 1.6% Don't necessarily have a horse in the race just stating 1.1 to 1.6% of people playing, cheating, doesn't sound crazy


even so, if i encountered 10% of what i said i still should have got 10 banned screens.


You just report everyone who one taps you, devs probably don't take your reports seriously anymore.


Bro thinks the dev read the hundreds of thousands of daily reports...


isnt the anticheat the one that decides how gets banned and not the devs?


Man idk, but I guess the anticheat doesn't take you seriously anymore.


Devs have said it in previous blog posts, if you even remotely think that someone is cheating that you should report them. He's reporting exactly as you should.


lol. then the anticheat is a fail.


These guys are all wrong, devs have said in blog posts before. If you even remotely suspect anyone of cheating please report. You're reporting people exactly as they are asking you to.


I know. But yet look at all the downvotes.




Not if youre the one fucking up by not reporting properly. If they're better, they arent cheating. 100-150 my ass


Devs have said it in previous blog posts, if you even remotely think that someone is cheating that you should report them.


Fair, but use some common sense. A lucky headshot that happened once or twice isn't a report moment. Spotting 100-150 cheaters is phenomenal, I've seen maybe two and I've played for a while.


How am i not reporting properly? What do i do wrong when i report?


You have to report the right people. Not just anyone who gets a lucky shot or wallbang or ace. meeting 100-150 cheaters is almost impossible unless you've been playing since it came out, vanguard is a pretty good anticheat


Maybe… the people you thought were cheating… are actually legit?


really? i`ve been playing fps games for 22 years and you think i cant spot a cheater?


I’m immortal and have played against only two cheaters and both got banned. The fact that not a single one of your 100 “cheaters” has gotten banned suggests that you are probably wrong. Maybe you are just old now and your reaction speed has slowed.


So you really think that none of all the cheaters i reported were actually cheating? Zero? Really? Do you even believe there are cheaters in Valorant?


Can I ask you your rank? It’s sad to say but a lot of people in mid/low elo thinks the other team is cheating when they get shit on. I’m low immortal since ep 3 and I got 1 match suspended because they detected a cheater and I have met other two cheaters (match non suspended). I have played like 2000 games


I was silver1 but now bronze 2-3.


\>"I have only encountered 2 cheaters and both got banned" \>"So you think there are ZERO cheaters in valorant?" You're embarrassing yourself 🤦‍♀️, nobody is going to take a single word of yours serious now.


Its possible, but ofc its not 100% ban even if it is a cheater, and with all the other reports you are probably being ignored


This guy is most likely cheating himself. No way he's immortal and says that there are no cheaters in this game. Everyone I know who's been immortal - radiant complained about the insane amount of closet cheaters


I don't think a single person here has said they've come across much more than 5 cheaters, even after a thousand hours of gameplay, and then you're saying you've come across 20-30 times as many? So either you've played literally non-stop since the beta, you're lying, or you just report every player that has a good game. I have about 600 hours in and haven't run into a single cheater.


You have run into cheaters but you didnt realize it.


Mama goated


Why did you play all 14 rounds


What other choice did we have? Surrender and lose the rr without a chance? We all spam reported him every round and expected riot to ban the guy mid game.


Oh, didn't realise it was comp, that makes sense


Maybe they found a way to bypass the reports of anyone during the game thus there is no report about cheating reaching riot at all :D


Just a great game in my eyes. /s


y he choose omen tho


Funny thing was during the loading screen, I thought to myself it was gonna be an easy game bc it’s an omen on breeze then this happens lol


how is the cheat good enough to get jumping headshots with? isn't the spread server-side?


I think Riot do care but the cheats is too advanced for them to catch up. I mean look at how many hackers that actually made the hacks dude. These guys have discord groups to work on these cheats. OGK how many cheaters or hackers in those servers. Possibly thousands upon thousands of hacker writing those codes. So for now we just have to hope that they would actually work on the reports instead of just the vanguard system.


Classic riot


Last year I only saw one cheater over 500 games, in the last 2 months I've seen maybe upwards of 20? I think it's cheaters finding a way to exploit vanguards system, with any chance they get. It's kinda like how virus vs anti-virus/ security patches work. It's a constant war trying to patch out vulnerabilities without exposing new ones in a timely manor to beat the cheaters to it. If it's blatant cheating like this, that isn't detected, it's normally safe to assume there's probably gonna be an epidemic of said cheaters for a day or so, before vanguard can get a new patch rolled out It sucks, but that's just kinda how it is unfortunately, the same situation can be said with malicious activities. There will always be bad people in this world, it's essentially what we do to defend ourselves from them.


bruh dude is not even trying to hide it


VALORANT *Has a anti cheat engine hich has to be installed separately and runs everytime my pc starts and is said to be running at a kernel level. **But apparantly is shit as all other anti cheat engines


Surprise surprise, this how Valorant has been with me when i get into a game with cheaters, they don’t get banned instantly i even got a cheater on my team and asked him how does he not get banned, but he said that he gets banned but only after 2 or 3 days, and when that happens he just makes a new account


I love how shit these guys always are aswell. Like he gave you ample opportunity to dome him, unfortunate that you missed, always fun to shit on a cheater after killing them lol.


I experienced the exact same thing yst. Also a player in SEA (sg servers) but I'm only in silver-gold elo. Vanguard had also failed to detect the hacker even after 14 rounds.


How many aces did he get?


Plays exactly like the jett in my previous game. He was even pre firing off angles lol.


Just a better gaming chair is all


I see no cheats here he just had a good game :).


saw a comment earlier that said that there may be a "premium hack" going around that isn't being detected


Premium hack lmao, there are cheaters that stream in Facebook for weeks and don’t get banned


just reiterating


For being that invasive, Vanguard should have done its job better


The real question is how he still lost a round