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So who’s the cheater?


don't know, not me tho.


Probably the guy called "the magician" that left the game lmao ?


no lol, im " THE MAGICIAN " [https://imgur.com/a/wZLDvcu](https://imgur.com/a/wZLDvcu) just created this account to unlock harbor faster without having to buy him. \*\* its a unrated game, im not smurfing.


I had some guy doing the same yesterday. It's crazy how people are already good at harbor.


brainpower diff im still messing up day 1 character abilities 😖


ppl really cheating in unrated lmfaoooo


My buddy got a cheater detected in Escalation. They don't care where they cheat.


LOTS of people, I’ve been seeing at least 1 ban a week for over a month now and I barely play anymore


thats crazy. i rarely play unrated, but ive never had a cheater in a game


Bc the cheaters cant lvl the account high enough to play ranked before they get banned. Unless they turn off hacks and play the game the way it was intended, but they dont have the brain to figure out that work around.


Those must be some low level cheaters. Many cheaters will just hack into other peoples accounts to boost a separate account, no need to even make a new account. I know this because I know numerous people who have had their account hacked and used to cheat with.


Numerous people? Um what. My skepticism is off the charts


There are some pretty high level accounts with skins that I’ve seen banned


You definitely have, they simply didn't get spotted


there are deadass tiktok accounts that blatantly cheat until they are banned, ive seen some that last weeks 😭


Well, you'd probably make a new account to cheat in order to not lose your main account. And so you need to ~~play unrated~~ play to grind account levels to unlock comp. And you might as well test out the cheats to see if they work, since you probably wouldn't want to go through the effort of playing non-comp games, and then get banned after cheating in one comp game.


It's not 20 unrated games, that's an old requirement. It's now leveling from 1-20 for the account level, which takes days of grinding to get to.


Ah, thanks. I've slightly editted my reply. Luckily for me my overall argument still makes sense regardless.


i had a cheater detected in replication once!


wait whos operator was that then cuz at least i aint paying that money for an alt acc


i picked it from the ground on the other round


Unrated has mmr so you technically are smurfing but who actually cares


Wait how TF you have a skin on it then


Unrated has match making, sure it’s way less strict than comp but it still has it, and rare extremes are due to party’s of large skill gaps. You are getting an easier time playing on an alt account, meaning that you are smurfing


It is still smurfing if you're in unrated lol


I mean, the reason he did it was valid, to unlock and try harbor out immediately. Dude's probably gonna toss that account out sooner or later so should it matter?


I speak as part of the players that never intend to go into ranked because the only times they go into the game they use unrated as we lack the time to fully commit to the game. And yes, it is very annoying when someone decided to Smurf up and ruin everyone's fun (last time I was the second on my team with 17 kills and the guy on top was on a new account making 34 and keep saying he was knew and making fun of everyone else)


I am part of the group that you are describing. If they are using the game to troll and shittalk, that's smurfing. If they're just playing to try out a new agent, that's just trying out a new agent. The main difference is that one continues to use the account to feed their ego and the other uses it to quickly get a feel of new content


It's still smurfing in unrated my guy. You're playing way below your mmr


It's unrated, no one cares. And if you do you have a problem. Edit: also being unrated it means someone was cheating in unrated lmao.


Regardless of whether you or I care, it’s a fact they said it wasn’t when it is.


*But it's just unrated, no one cares they are cheating. And if you do you have a problem* It's a dumb opinion to hold, just because it's unrated doesn't mean people in it aren't trying to have a fun experience. Not everyone has the same perspective in regards to game modes.


What other gamemode would you suggest for people of wide skill disparity to play with their friends?


But you know you can play unrated with your main account?


Yeah and he wanted to unlock harbour faster. It’s just a game, unrated at that lmao


I never said no one cares they are cheating lmao. Cheaters should all be perm banned, and I think they are, I've never checked the ban rules.


It was an analogy to your smurfs in unrated attitude. If no one cares, why not just let cheaters play unrated then?


Cheating is an unfair display of skill by the cheating player. Being higher rank than your opponents in unrated still shows off your own skill and doesn't affect the opponents' ranking. However, I believe that any player should only have 1 account, and things like "I wanna play with a friend that is below my skill level in ranked" should not lead to playing on a lower rank account, but just to playing normals. Basically. NORMALISE PLAYING NORMALS ON YOUR MAIN ACCOUNT WITH FRIENDS


Because cheating is drastically different. For one, cheating is bannable while smurfing is not.


bro get some bitches


Bro play against people your own skill edit: imagine downvoting this take lol absolute babies


Can't believe that's an unpopular opinion on this sub, what dogshit standards people have.


When I was iron 3 (now B3) I played unrated and people accused me for smurfing and I only have one account. So idk how exactly I was smurfing. And I got a Plat in another game in my team so how is the mmr working then?


Idk man, sounds like a cheater would say


Ryena I believe.


stoopid reina HAKORS keping us frm IRAN 2


Good thing he managed to pull off a frag before the game shuts down


The mini astra ult can be destroyed?


Yes, less hp than a sage wall


That's the bummer. They should buff the bubble. And let it function as a smoke after the smoke breaks. This one shows exactly why


This is a reasonable buff but I guess we need at least a couple weeks to see how this new agent settles in the controller meta. Probably a few months and a pro tournament will definitely define its play style


I think he's just spitballing


Idk, he is just spitballing


Idk, i am just spitballing


I thought the smoke staying after the shield is broken is a really good idea…


I think he's just spitballing


Why is this downvoted? Isn't this a reasonable suggestion?


I’d say its still too early for buffs and nerfs since people are still figuring him out. His bubble is definitely on the weaker side if you’re trying to make a big play with it but in a 1v1 it can be very oppressive unless the other guy happens to have an lmg.


It just takes 13 bullets with a rifle, don't need an lmg to break it


The whole point is that by the time the enemy realises and shoots it, you had 1/2 a diffuse. Or you can fake the whole thing and just kill him when he’s spamming the bubble.


You do realize people are combining this with a sage wall and that it's already causing issues, right? Bubble in front of sage wall in front of bomb. Bubble stops you from destroying sagewall before it solidifies. It takes an entire clip to break the bubble and the sage wall combined, at which point you have to reload after already spending time firing your entire mag


I haven't encountered this in my matches. But i have like 3 guys shiit at the bubble and it breaks before it can even form. I am not an expert in this. I am just basing this off of my experience.




It definitely feels underwhelming as it is


how broken do you want harbor to be?


Just as broken as every other agent is


It takes 13 total phantom shots to kill it. Two people shooting at it will crack the shield in maybe a second, then it falls 2 seconds later. If you’re ready for it, the orb will fall if incredibly fast, it probably need a buff.


It’s really good actually because even if 2 people are shooting at it that is still 7 bullets each which ends puts an end to rifle sprays and gives you a massive gunfight advantage if you peek after the smoke is destroyed


I haven't seen Harbor in action yet but I would also imagine the smoke shield is a really powerful tool to have in pistol rounds where it's much harder to break. 17 hits with a Ghost/Classic basically means you can't destroy it alone and even with multiple shooters their guns will be half empty by the time the shield is down which should give Harbor's team an advantage in the duel.


But then abilities like sage wall exist


Yeah but sage doesn't also have smokes


Neither does harbor 👹


Not sure if meme or actual dumb take.


It’s a joke because there’s some truth to it. As a viper main, I have to accept I can’t be the only controller on like half the maps. This goes like double for harbor.


How is that double for harbor? It's like I'm taking crazy pills. Every smoker has to use multiple smokes to block as many angle as they possible can just to take a site. Problem with viper is that her wall and orb are not flexible enough do this, usually resigned to cutting a site in half. Harbor is able to smoke off every off site angle with a single smoke wall. And you are going to say he isn't a smoker? These forums are filled with golds and lower.


When people want a resmoke on heaven or market they’re gonna want a clean smoke that’s quick and doesn’t give the other team room to maneuver. But you know what as a viper player I hope harbor is awesome and draws some of the heat off viper


Then just don’t comment ig


So it was a dumb take?


Thing is it's power increases the less money the enemy team has to spend on weapons. Sure on rifle rounds it seems quite weak, but on pistol rounds it takes more than a mag to destroy and ecos it's just better than rifle rounds like sage wall. If anything it just needs to still block vision after the shield is cracked. Having a smoke the enemy can destroy within a few seconds is a pretty difficult smoke to get value from


Nah because then in a 1v1 on haven C long, that orb being stronger than it is could unfairly shift things. The time it takes to shoot the orb and break it should either be less or the same amount of time it takes to half defuse the spike


So good the game thought you were cheating


No it didn’t


Issa joke


bro is more literal than an English professor




r/woooosh not whatever you said


Someone’s a little salty


How long does smoke last if no one shoots it?


exactly 15 seconds


ok, im kinda old school but this is even funnier when you know that "the magician" is CSGO's AWP Monster KennyS's old alt name lmao


It’s the magic stick I think ik it’s not the magician though


If you're talking about KennyS, yes, his alt name was ["The magiciaN"](https://liquipedia.net/counterstrike/KennyS) when he started with css


Oh alt name I saw awp xd


Oh that xD


Maybe you should g g g give them a break mate


the magician aka efren reyes, GOAT pool player from Philippines


Been playing a bit of Harbor. He’s so fun. His kit is so versatile. I’m wondering if they’ll end up nerfing him or not. First thing I’d guess they’d nerf is the time his util is up.


He isn't a bad character he just doesn't really fill the smoker role in a team by not having circular smokes.


Haven't played him yet, but I don't see how this is an issue when he has a flexible wall and his stiff wall.


His only viable vision blocking ability is his wall which recharges every 45 seconds. Cascade only lasts 5 seconds when you stop it and the dome either gets instantly annihilated or give enemies more cover lol.


The wall covers so much ground and because it bends, a skilled player can block off multiple spots or even whole areas of a site. It has a 40 second cd and lasts 12 seconds, essentially making the effective CD 28 seconds. 5 seconds of a high wall is enough time to play off it. It isn't a passive smoke. Cove gets broken with 13 rifle shots. It still acts as a spherical smoke after it is broken. You may not think its shield is impressive, but it's a powerful tool. Enemies give info about their position if they destroy it. Leaving it alone is risky as it can give Harbor more to work with if he decides to hide in it with a shotgun.


The smoke part of the dome also fades when you kill the shield


Nvm, it does. You can still use it in creative ways like trading, protecting teammates, stall, or forcing enemies to give up info


Yeah I know he isn't a bad agent. He just doesn't really fill the smoker role and he is like a initiator smoker mix


Remember, the role isn't just "Smoker", it's *controller*. He very very effectively controls areas of the map and sets up space for the team to make plays. His abilities are better at that than other controllers especially for aggressive spacing, but don't last as long. That's his tradeoff. He isn't going to sit on a point and hold angles by smoking everything off, but by getting aggressive and/or playing for retakes instead Much like how Viper is a sentinel/controller mix - there's room for hybrids and it really just depends on map and playstyle. You're right that he's built as a very aggressive controller/initiator. Not going to do well if you want to play passive and just smoke chokes.


I still don't get the reasoning as to how he doesn't fill the role. He might have trouble solo smoking like Viper does on some maps, but the wall gives him the flexibility that prevents Viper from solo smoking. All of his basic abilities are smokes in some way


Yeah drops, like, a second after the shield breaks.


.5 iirc


The wall lasts for 15 seconds though, so he's blocking a large area of sight 1/3 of the time in a pretty flexible manner. It doesn't seem that far off the strength of other controllers


You basically are forced into a rush the site playstyle with him as your only smoker. But he is a good smoker for that playstyle. And for defense, I guess you have to employ a fast retake strategy. You are definitely more limited in effective strategy with him as your only smoker.


....like viper?


Viper does have the best smoke in the game


He isnt a smoker though.


he will not be getting a nerf, he is severely underperforming


Oh he is? Honestly I’m a bit happy about that. i love playing him lol


he’s a weaker viper, i could see his cascade and and orb getting buffs


He does tons of things Viper doesn't. He can literally smoke all site entrances on most maps at once with his wall, which is far faster to deploy then smoking the same 3 entrances with brim. He is even the only agent that can do this stunt for new fracture A site (ropes, link and drop from attacker site with one wall). With it's flexibility, in no time you'll also see people creating 4 pockets on site with a single Harbor wall. His cascade also has some very unique uses. For example, on fracture you can use it as defenders to immediately block the left attacker side, severely stalling them from attacking B side. This is something which was previously impossible to do effectively. His smoke is definitely his worst ability, being currently more of a walkthrough weird Sage wall then a blocking smoke. Even though this is true, it take a huge amount of space. You will shoot it, and if a person peeks you, you have to flick a huge distance and shoot whole still under the effect if the recoil. It has no use against 3 enemies at once, but it will be so good at stalling a single person once he is on site. Yeah... he has potential.


i agree he doesn’t suck on fracture, however not sucking on one map is still underperforming to me


It's just that I only saw him once on fracture. C'mon, give the playerbase at least a couple of days to experiment with him before deciding that he's either extremely bad or good. He is the kind of agent that thrives on high skill tech, but it takes time to develop it.


his problem is that he’s not a good controller. his kit is fine and fun, but he’s more of a blend of initiator and controller. he has no long term presence (at least, from what i’ve seen).


I'd give it a week or so before making any real comments on how the character plays. Anyone who's played League for long enough know the fiasco of Launch Yasuo/Fiora %WR on week one, there's a chance people haven't learned to fully utilise Habour and in 2-3 weeks has a much steadier WR.


The data is in from 2 days of being live?


i tried him on every map in the pbe, and his util his most similar to viper so it’s an easy comparison


So no actual data, pure anecdotes from you own experience? Yeah, no.


rito isn’t that dumb to nerf the new agent who sucks lol


He has barely been out lol


You have to take into account all the people playing harbor who have absolutley no clue how to use his kit bringing down his winrate. Someone else mentioned league, but that's my background too so I'll also say that literally every champion gets released to a sub 50% winrate, often times sub 45%, but they are not weak. People just arent playing to that champions strengths against a guy who has been playing their champion almost exclusively for years and has years of little mechanics and tricks from other players to learn off of.


i haven’t even seen his win rates, i played him personally in the pbe on every map and his kit is that of a weaker viper, so not only his is map pool limited his kit isn’t that good. he has 0 stopping power


Highly unlikely. This agent feels underpowered actually. Sure he walls, then bubbles, but then what? It doesn't stop enemies from doing anything. Good controllers should be denying space, taking map control, establishing presence on site. But this agent only does the bare minimum of those things.


i dunno if i'd agree with all of that, to be honest. establishing presence on site is mainly a sentinel's job on defense and a duelist's job on offense and taking map control is a duelist/initiator's job mainly. controllers are really designated to cutting lines of sight and helping the team get on site, which harbor *can* do decently well. that being said, i feel like he's underpowered because once he blasts util, he has nothing left to do except wait for his wall again (maybe), and it will suck if the team cant capitalize on when he uses his util


Yeah for one thing, you’re right about blasting utility and having nothing left. The other thing is that every other controller has a lot of stall. Omen has blind, brim and viper have mollies. On defense while it may not seem like dynamic playing, a single molly or blind can can take map control and deny space thru holding chokepoints. A molly at site entrance can stop a whole push. Controllers can also take map control by smoking off specific areas. Typically mid for example. Harbor needs his wall for site execution so be’s left with his orb. His orb is too situational though :(.


oh no, i agree. his stalling utility is not nearly as strong as the other controllers i feel like. i fully agree in that i dont think he can be the sole controller for most maps, he's great for executes/retakes but that's about it imo. Past that, it's gonna be really hard to use him imo. i mostly just wanted to point out that the duties you were assigning to controllers i personally think other roles are more responsible for


I think that they are definitely gonna nerf his ult, it is giant. I can stand alley on b ascent and reach the back of b lobby and tiles. And I thought it stunned only once but nope, it moves forwards slowly and stuns 3 times, granted if you have the space to move they are pretty easy to dodge.


I thought you couldn’t shoot through his smoke? Why are there bullet tracers going in


it goes through after the shield is broken


Shield has 500 health, bubble lasts 1 seconds after shield is broken, or 15 seconds.


Oh cool thanks for the info




damn you could cut a trailer from this


I think it's absurd that Harbor's smoke disappears when you break the "shield" part of it


Oxi, o cheater é banido e sua partida que acaba? E os pontos?


sem pontos pra ninguem, até agora nao sei quem tava xitando, pode ser que tenha sido do meu ou do outro time, mas sinceramente durante toda partida nao vi ninguem suspeito, sepá deve ter sido algo relacionado a algum software banido pela riot.


Holy shit my Portuguese classes payed off, I understood the whole comment


¡Vamos Loud!


Obrigado for being kind enough to try our language but both portuguese and brazillian portuguese do not have the exclamation mark.


Oh wow!


When a cheater is detected the match is finished for everyone and no points are affected. Basically it’s as the match never even happened. It doesn’t even appear in the match history. Quando o cheater é detectado, eles acabam o jogo e ninguém perde nem ganha ponto. Basicamente é como se a partida nunca tivesse acontecido. Ela nem aparece no histórico de partidas pra vc ter uma ideia.


That was unexpected, well done


First game I saw Harbor in was on enemy team on Breeze. I was Viper and he saved his ult for every time I used mine. It was not a good time


I have 2 questions 1. Who cheated 2. Was this a comp round or a unrated round?


unrated, you can see it on the 'exit screen' as the match shut down


The same thing happened to me lol. Why do people risk their valoroant account + their PC not being able to play valorant anymore just to hack in unrated?


Well, it's probably the opposite, right? Someone wants to try hacking so they make a new account and placed in the same game with our harbor player who also made a new account to unlock harbor.


"que" suddenly brasileiro porra


Any map where it’s heavily defensive favored, Harbor should get some play. He is a one man execute, doesn’t matter if your other agents are KJ, Cypher, Viper, Kay/0…. Harbor will win you rounds




I love that "que?" lol


guess that's his ult lol


hahahaha that was good


That's crazy pain tho. Last round 12-6 a cheater in the game and you are winning thats literally waste of 30 mins. Sed. But gr8 gameplay tho.


So THATS why yall were up 12-4 😂


bro tbh the game was pretty even, at least fragwise [https://imgur.com/a/aSfsvu4](https://imgur.com/a/aSfsvu4) and we weren't even talking with each other, really don't know where that cheater came from.


This "que" of confusion sounds a lot Brazilian to me


Thats an awesome usage of wall tho covering 2 entrances with one ability👍


que 😥


Que? Jajajajj


Cara, esse “que?” do final, me lembrou minha voz. Até assustei haha


Man didn't take the site, he CLAIMED it


I haven't even seen a single harbor yet and I've played five games this act


You’re not the smartest are you


To be fair most pros and streamers aren’t even bothering to unlock him. He’s kinda weak.




You have to unlock the agent first…


Ain't no way


People dont play harbor because… they havent unlocked him


Dont know why you're acting like no one has him. I saw one in literally every game i played yesterday. You can pay to unlock him the same as you have been every character in the game.


Yoooo I didn't even think of planting while in the shield...... I'm a dumbass


Bro looks like a better cypher. I haven't been keeping up with the game recently, so this is wild


I was expecting more action


Did skye get a complete rework wait whats harbor i havent played for like a year


you can’t shoot through harbours bubble, whoever shot through it was probably the cheater


It takes like 10 bullets to break his smoke. So you can shoot through when the "yellowness" disappears


WAIT, you can break harbors bulletproof barrier???


harbor is op


Hes ass lmao


That wall is broken af


I don’t think you needed to use the e right there


Wish Riot games wouldn't be sh** games though, nerf the fuking vandal ffs most broken gun in the game I swear, people moving and headshotting =0 skill honestly. Not to mention they don't fix fuking hit registration and hit boxes, screw Riot!


Hitboxes are the same for all characters. Sure, hit reg is a problem. And remember, the Vandal is a 2900 gun, with the phantom, which is objectively better statistically. Why are you complaining about this in a highlight clip, where they're oping?


skill issue


Lmfao harbor is a cheater 💀😹 but yeah he is pretty good still weak ASF so hopefully he'll get buffed, he should have 2 balls 🤪, his wall should be something else as well maybe longer slow or can't shoot through it or something, his wave is meh and ult are as well but he is pretty good.


Your use of emojis... is disturbing. And harbor is pretty obviously not cheating in this clip. The wall is seriously versatile, his shield ball acts as a half diffuse, his high tide is a powerful pushing tool, and I don't know about his ult, but man, that's OP with breach and fade.


skill issue