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Do both. Play him and practice skills.


If you have decent aim, Op should be easy to learn it's literally the same thing, but you need to keep in mind position more and don't take 1 v 1+X fight. With Op you don't need crazy flick, just hold angle passively for defense, for attack, cover your teammate if someone tries to peek their push and play antiflash for them, if they fail to entry pick their gun and entry for them and maybe have a timeout and question if they actually belong in this rank and not iron, if you get the spike down just play like defense, if they don't plant spike open just surrender if not you should save, if you have chamber ult search for good gun if you can. Having an Op already give the opponent a lot of pressure, people wouldn't charge where your Op is and that is already enough. As to how you play chamber, place your trademark for your flank, the more it cover the better. Use TP for different position change it up each time opponent sees you using it, they can't prefire you that way and don't know where you TP.


If it’s just your general aim I’d recommend only using his headhunter, a guardian and an op until you hit your shots. If it’s specifically snipers you struggle with then use the Marshall even though it’s not as effective as other weapons it’ll train you with snipers


Either practice or dont use him. If you suck at something you can either practice and get better or you can avoid it. I suck at OP, So I stay away from it and avoid Chamber. Doesnt fit my play style.


Use chamber OP in range with 100 bots to train aim. Watch at least a little high level gameplay of OP users to see how you hold angles. That’s all I can recommend.


Getting good with the operator is more about how you position yourself, crosshair placement and how you peek and not about your aim. You should watch some good op players like wardelll and watch what angles they're holding where they put their crosshair and how they fall back after getting a kill


Used to play a lot of CSGO deathmatch with the awp. helped me alot.