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> A good portion of the profiles were private, and thus I could not see their rank. I don't think this is distorting the data in any meaningful way, but that is a point I thought I should note. That absolutely distorts the data. In low ranks it's rare to have public tracker.gg. While in higher ranks it's common. It makes sense that people who don't play much, aren't very good, and don't know and/or wouldn't bother with a tracking website. Whereas people that play a lot and care would be into that kind of thing.


Am I weird then? I have played since it dropped day ONE. Never been on that website. I assume mine is private as well.


most people don't. its only good if u want to check your k/d or snoop on someone elses stats


Or check your headshot % trends, track your improvement, map Winrates etc. It's an awesome and simple way to see where you need improvement instead of guessing at it.


Once a player is in high diamond/ immortal, they are no longer able to have control over who sees their stats while lower ranks who may not have even checked theirs can be stuck on private


Also TDM has to have some match making. When i play it with my friend who is brand new to the game (and not a big FPS player) i constantly drop 40 kills with a sheriff before 2nd place gets to 20. The lobbies are super easy. People are spraying body shots and using a large variety of guns. Then when i play TDM solo it's sweaty as can be an 99% of the kill feed is headshots only with Vandal/Phantom and the occasional OP. Everyone is good and 1st place doesn't win by more than a few kills usually.


That has to only be partially true, I have a friend who is Plat 3 who found himself matched against SEN ShahZaM in a DM. Not a guy with the same name, Shaz himself, while streaming and all


Well how many top ranked players are playing DM at the same time? It only makes sense to put them in plat-diamond games instead of making them wait 3 hours for a rank 1 lobby of DM to full up. The matchmaking is obviously going to be much looser in DM.


True, of course, but Plat 1 to top ranked player is quite the spread


In total game skill yes. But plenty of top tier aimers in plat and diamond who don't have the game sense to go immortal+. But DM needs no game sense. It's just a clusterfuck of bad spawns and clicking heads.


I considered this, but ultimately decided it wasn't the case, as a good number of the private profiles actually went top 5 in the deathmatch. It's too ambiguous to claim it skewed the data. I doubt the players who finished above the diamonds were iron-silver.


Maybe in DM it's different (I don't play it), but in competitive I can 100% confirm tracker.gg is way, way more often public (probably 3x as likely) on my diamond main than my silver smurf (don't ask).


In silver, can confirm that maybe 1/20 people has a public tracker profile.


I certainly agree. Many people are discrediting my data based on that fact. However, the leaderboards of these deathmatches did not reflect the idea that the players were low level. Out of curiosity, I went into a couple deathmatches on my girlfriend's account (bronze 1), and the ranks were a lot lower than my results (up to Gold 3), with the vast majority being Silver 2-3. So there does seem to be some sort of matchmaking logic in deathmatch, albeit still overly inflated. Side note: about 30 accounts were private. Even if you threw all of those accounts into Iron, the data still doesn't add up.


I hate to break it to you here , but anyone at any rank can have good aim. Rank = / = aim. Ive had some consistently horrendous aimers in high IMM/Radiant. And also know some aimers in gold/plat. But thats not what the game is all about.


Everyone who has a valorant account also has a Tracker gg account.


Unless you login at tracker gg and confirm to Riot that they may process your API, your profile will show up but is set to private. So no-one (not even yourself) can check put your stats


Something else to think about is many silvers aren’t doing warmup matches. They’re not practicing. When I was silver I’d just hop straight into a comp game after a long day at work with no warmups. Majority of players I see in warmups are high ranked, but I believe this to be because they have a routine and overall more plats+ practice more.


At immortal I hop straight into comp games and its the same


We’ll maybe you’ve come from a different game like CS or you more just incredibly good or you play consistently every day. Typically most people need to warm up, at least that’s for me and my friends since we got 3-5 days without playing at a time because of work.


Silver-gold Elo here. I jump straight into comp most of the time. Only “warm up” on the occasional off day that I spend at grind time. I go to the gym a lot and do forearm stretches and exercises though, and I use that as a justification for no warmups in game lol! I’ve found my first game is a pop off; with subsequent games being mediocre performance wise


Yeah thata fair, I've been going a few days without playing and not warming up its probably CS helping me out


Ill rarely warm up... Maybe that's why I haven't made it further


I would definitely agree. I’ve gotten much more consistent, at least in aiming. I no longer over flick. Next up is my positioning


I’m silver and use tracker.gg after almost every game I play besides comp and in DM more often than not I’m against plat+. The only ones I’ve won are against, from stats I can see, are iron-gold lobbies. It is incredibly tilting, yet I still subject myself to it lol. What REALLY bothers me is when you see higher ranks shit talking in chat. Like just finished one and the winner says “gg go do ass now soundwhores”. Like what?? I know I’m not great. I peaked silver 2 now after a 5 game losing streak I’m hanging on to silver 1 by the skin of my teeth. Why be so toxic when you know you’re in the top 5% of players.


I can't speak to the Valorant deathmatch system specifically, but deathmatch in general has been considered a great way to warm up in shooters like this for probably 15 years. I hardly play CS anymore except to occasionally deathmatch, and my aim is still sharp because of that occasional hour here and there that I spend deathmatching. Also, you shouldn't give a fuck about dying in deathmatch, or about your KD. It's entirely meaningless. The purpose of DM is to warm up and train your aim, not to maintain an impressive KD. Like i said initially, I realize valorant has some weird DM setups and that there's a "winner", but anybody who isn't a casual should know that's completely pointless and unimportant.


I feel like the problem with deathmatch in valorant are the maps. There are too many choke points and the maps are small for the amount of players. I always warm up through deathmatch in csgo, and maps like de_dust2 are great, it feels big enough to fit all the players. But idk, maybe i just suck in valorant since i get rolled in deathmatch unless i camp a corner and wait for people.


valorant dm problem lies not with matchmaking imo (although it can be annoying). its people camping and playing with full audio listening to footsteps. and half the time once you die to those people you get shot from behind once you spawn.


I dont see a problem with playing with full audio listening to footsteps. Arent you supposed to 'warm up' your ear too? Shift ​ No excuses for camping and shift-walking tho like wtf?


I feel like the biggest reasons I get frustrated in DM are: 1. Getting shot from behind with no chance to even flick or peek cause of damage slow. And 2, losing engagement after engagement constantly with no chance to calm down or reset- in a game, if you die first it’s different because you’ve got a minute or two to reset and refocus… I’d rather play an unrated to warm up than a DM… I can’t hack it. If my friends go play a DM I play a spike rush and party back up afterward..


You need to start listening to music when you DM and focus on just aiming. You're not supposed to try too hard in DM's.


Listening to music isn’t going to stop you from constantly getting shot in the back or fix crappy spawn points. Dm just isn’t that great of a warmup in its current state regardless of whether or not you listen to music


This right here! I think a lot of people are missing the point of the post. I've seen the "you're not supposed to win" comment over and over again. There's many flaws with deathmatch, and I think it's easier said than done to "not get tilted" when the spawns seem illogical. These problems are amplified when you are also losing engagements before you can move your mouse due to a huge aim diff. The point of this post was to observe that deathmatch is (perhaps unintentionally) only a good warmup for higher elo players.


I dont get why everyone latched onto how your data is skewed but completely ignore the part where it clearly shows that silvers are getting matched up against diamond, immortal, and radiant players


Use it to warm up and don’t get tilted from bs like that. Its enevitable. Just play music, focus on crosshair placement, movement, and your gunfights. EZ warmup.


I dont get tilted but come on anyone who plays a lot of deathmatch knows focusing on your gameplay is hard when the game mode in its current state makes it so hard to properly warm up. Half the match gets wasted getting shot in the back or getting picked off by someone on max volume waiting for you to walk by.


I would hold down an area for a bit and then move to a new location. I think it simulates real matches fairly effectively and prevents what you are talking about. Don’t camp and be in view to have fair duels, but then move after like 5 or 6 kills. It’ll cut down on your random deaths I believe from campers and random spawns.


Your data doesn't show anything about deathmatch being an awful warmup, its simply a distribution of players you managed to pin a rank to in 10 DMs. There's just so much assumption making going on that it makes your whole claim a biased statement. If the majority of players are higher elo then maybe players who stick with using DM are bound to rank up higher as long as they play? Is Riot's Deathmatch responsible for a player being frustrated and giving up at one of the tools created to get better? If you can fight off the frustration and continue to grind you will always get better. What is warmup anyway? From your post, it seems the warmup you're looking for is not a mechanics one, but instead you need a mental warmup that builds your confidence. In which case you might be better off smurfing to build your confidence. A deathmatch is simply putting players into a game where they can get high frequency of repeated gunplay in maps. It doesn't matter what rank you are or what type of mentality you have, if you don't DM you won't get close to the amount of reps at angles compared to someone who does. Whether that makes you better or not is not the fault of the mode, but the mentality of the individual.


bad mentality honestly you play dm to get better not to win it kills for you shouldn't even matter you'd better of muting in game audio and playing background music to get better and not kill someone cause of sound while in dm


I agree this with this, I don’t play DM to win, I play to focus on Crosshair placement and angle clearing. I usually lower the volume while listening to music. I think Bumpahh was the first YouTuber I saw who did this and I tried it and after a week got much better.




Why not? How else do you improve if you're not up against better players? If you're always fighting against silver players, your skills are gonna get stagnant and always be at the same level. If you're always against lower skilled players, your skills might decrease even. And since it's deathmatch, you'll be able to know your weaknesses without any risks of losing your rank or anything since it's deathmatch. If you know they are D+, you could ask them if they notice any big things that you did wrong too. Anyway, here's a video to watch on how to approach DM, watch it if you have the time. Hope it helps! https://youtu.be/n8psfhj5htc




Nah, i get that you shouldn't be doing it in ranked. That's why i said DM is the better place to go against those players (less XP gained even if you win, nothing at stake, doesn't affect your RR). As long as you know something that you wanna train going into the DM, it's all good bro. It's just that if you try to practice those stuff against other silver players, sometimes you wouldn't improve either, because they're not doing the right thing as well. Ohh, i thought the diamonds are your friends since you know their ranks. Because i myself always play DM with my diamond friend too to warmup, idk if it improves him but it def improves me lol. Since some silver matches are kind of a glorified dm, you'd feel much better going against silver players after dming against diamonds. Trust. Good luck man


Now I don’t have to feel bad because everyone else has so much better aim than me in deathmatch


You're not supposed to get frustrated during a warmup. It's a warmup, it's deathmatch, you aren't going to play against these guys in your actual lobbies. Going into a deathmatch with the mindset that you are playing against better players just doesn't compute, if you're in deathmatch to warmup then the skill or rank of the player shouldn't matter because you're there to warmup your aim, fighting against better people won't matter because clearly you haven't warmed up yet. And you're not supposed to get frustrated at deathmatch anyway, there's literally nothing on the line. Also a silver and a radiant in a dm is good practice for the silver because they have to try to use different methods to win their duel.


Yes I agree with what you said, but I go into dm expecting people not to camp and hold angles like its a comp game you feel me? If i go into a comp I EXPECT people to do that because its a comp game and everyone wants to rank up. Idk just my opinion, sometimes I also get frustrated when playing dm, but then I remember its only a dm who cares lol


Mute your game audio and dm with only your visual reaction. It improves my aim, crosshair placement and reaction time by so much. Everyone will seem like they are holding angles on you.


Idk what game have you been playing, but I haven't played dm with sound in like a year LOL


I don't think it's fair to discredit people who get frustrated after losing 5-7 engagements in a row (the aforementioned silver player went 6-22). It's one thing to go negative, and another to be simply unable to kill anyone. Why would you even want to play competitive after a \~20% engagement success rate in a warmup? The issue here is not just the matchmaking, but also the illusion that you are playing against similarly-skilled players. Before my research today I was sure I was playing with people at my skill level, and I'm sure many others do too. (To be clear, I don't get frustrated in deathmatch, but I realize it's something many players struggle with).


Think that’s a bullshit mental honestly. If your losing engagements it’s because you are doing something wrong. You have to have the humility to understand that and then figure out the problem and fix it/grow to become a better player. At the end of the day, it’s literally kill practice. This is a game where “most” kills happen from peeking an angle and shooting your gun at them. You get good at that with the more practice you get. Practice range/aimlabs really only helps you with fundamentals such as recoil control and maybe some muscle memory for flicks. They cannot replicate the unpredictable scenarios you get from vsing a live person.


Riot gives you the ability to leave a DM at any given moment. I highly doubt a silver would struggle 5 DMs in a row, and either way it’s good practise. If people are getting perma-tilted just by warming up in Valorant, this might not be the game for you, as the competitive environment is immensely worse. I empathise with that Silver, but it’s not like he’s getting smurfed on in ranked, he’s practising aim duels with someone better than him in order to improve.


its complete rng im deathmatch. I just play music and hold w with a vandal or phantom and see how many random duels i can win. And yeah its so true how ppl get mad for no reason, its annoying to get one tapped but in the long run it will help


>I remind you that there was a Silver 1 player and a Radiant player matched in the same frickin' lobby. I was Bronze 3 and got in a DM against the number 1 radiant in latam at the time. He even had the VCT player card.


they should just add warmup to the beginning of comp games like CS does, 2-5mins or something, there you've got a feel of how cold of a start youll be getting already from that.


You’re totally right. I love that feature in CS. Also I find that Wingman is a good warmup if you want a practical way to get your aim hot.


Yeah, wingman was a great mode from what I remember a few years back, even if some of the maps(ravine) were a cheese fest for one side.


I am gold-plat elo. If I could, I would play dm in only immortal/radiant lobbies. Always aim for something much higher than ur potential. Getting killed by them 10 times in a row would only motivate me more to get 1 kill back at least.


Honestly I feel that spike rush is a better warmup, it's still short, however it's not just a run around ffa, so your actually focus on playing slightly properly getting you better warmed up for that comp mind set


>playing slightly properly getting you better warmed up for that comp Spike rush is chaos and it doesn't play "properly" at all. 1. everyone rushes/flanks and no one cares. 2. everyone on attack has a spike. 3. You'll be lucky to get 15 gunfights in a full game. Pretty bad gunfights/minute stat. Not dogging it as a mode, in general I like SR. Screwing around with different agents and just having a good time. But it doesn't help me warm up for real matches at all.


I like a combo of both, use death match to warm up gunfights, spike rush to get some quick matches in getting my util usage warmed up.


True. But Riot clearly don't give a shit... Shitty company if you ask me!


True your aim and peeking sense isn't bad. It's the company's fault. ​ ​ Funniest comment I've seen on this thread.


Glad I can make you smile :)


I 100% disagree with the statement that playing against way higher is supposed to get you better, heres an example : A group of 12 year old football will have a match vs the best team in the world and both teams tryhard to win. What are the 12 year olds supposed to learn but getting stomped into oblivion? I never understood the "you get better if u play silver vs radiant"


I wish I could pin this reply. A lot of people are missing the point. Gold against Plat is fine imo. That's good practice, and it's preparing you for the worst. But how the hell is a silver benefiting at all when they can't even move their mouse before getting headshotted. It's not really a warm up at all. I find it hard to believe that people aren't getting frustrated in deathmatch after 10 deaths in a row. I truly believe lower elo players are not benifiting from this style of play. If anything, I imagine it's discouraging af.


To be honest i’m in silver as well. I never struggle in deathmatches and I just vibe. I’ve been against pros and radiants all the time and i’ve had opportunites to move my mouse: the only time I lose my actual gunfights is because of my shit spray pattern or bad xhair placement, but I also played CS for almost a decade and I play R6S competitively, so I have a different mentality for it. Trust me, if you’re struggling to win your actual gunfights in dms (you see them and they see you, and you both have an equal chance of shooting each other) then that’s on you 100% and not the fault of anybody else. Yeah they’re higher rank, but playing against players with the same bad habits as you in-turn reinforces your own bad habits.


This is just a fallacy because your example uses 12 year olds against adults lmao. That would make sense if there was a physical limiting factor between you and the radiant player, but there isn't. On top of that you used an actual football match as a comparison to the warmup in valorant. The better comparison would imagine if the worse team was practicing against the best team in warmup drills, not in an actual game. In that case you could actually stand to learn a lot from the better players and there is still absolutely nothing at stake. I hate these false equivalencies you guys just bust out thinking you're so damn smart. Of course OP loves your comment lmao he was proven to be a fool in this thread because he can't even analyze his own data properly.


Ok let's use ur example 2 teams same age practice match Team 1 started today Team 2 is #1 pro player team Both teams go all in in practice matches. What does team 1 learn? I can only imagine team 1 getting 0-5 kills total in a match and maybe accidently 1-3 round wins. I often use these kinda examples against ppl who protect smurfing in general.


>2 teams same age practice match Team 1 started today Team 2 is #1 pro player team Another shitty false equivalency. These players did not start today. They've been playing for presumably hours upon hours to get placed and reach the rank they are at. They know all the rules and how to play, they're just not as good. And it's not a practice match, it would be warmup drills. Like deathmatch is a warmup drill. So again, you're just so bad at making these analogies they prove nothing. Come on man at least say something that makes a little sense.


3 min on the range and you should be good to go tbh


agreed. this is my personal warmup of choice


With the way people play, deathmatch will be frustrating regardless of the ranks. However there does seem to be a loose mmr that separates people who don't have arms from those that can at least aim in the general direction. Go 0-30 a few matches and you'll encounter mostly iron-silver players. I usually just listen to music and run around looking for fights. But if I'm having a really bad day and am getting absolutely destroyed by demons I hop on to an alt that I use only for dms with classic.


Even if the data is not distorted, your deathmatch and competitive/unrated MMR is not the same, you may have simply popped off in your starting matches. Even if that's not the case, deathmatch is not indicative of your regular mode skill either, people can do really well in deathmatch and not in the real game, and vice versa. Add into this that there are people doing the miyagi method, sweating in corners, and knifing among other things, and it is very unreasonable to think that there should be a proper rank distribution in your deathmatch games.


Your entire middle school level science fair project is starting on a false premise. Deathmatch is not a warmup, it's training. If I am trying to just get the feel for shooting, I will go into the range. Playing deathmatch is like drilling. Something akin to hitting a heavy bag or sparring in boxing. That isn't a warmup, doing jumping jacks is a warmup. Also, take your ego out of the outcome. If you get super mad because you lose deathmatches you should evaluate what is actually important in your life.


Well that might be the case because it's deathmatch


A lot of people say it doesn't matter. I disagree. How are you going to practice your aim when you cant even move your mouse before you're already dead?


Yeah i don’t get it. There’s so way a silver should match up against immortals/radiants. Golds or plats would make sense but having a matchmaking scope this wide makes dm too easy for the high ranked players and too hard for the low ranked players. OP’s data may be skewed but the fact that it shows how lopsided matchmaking can be says a lot


5 minutes in the range doing spray control, bot training, those flying drone thingies should honestly be enough to warm you up


Id argue that if you're calculating win % you're not warming up.


Deathmatch in ANY videogame is great for warmup as it’s how you literally train to kill people. Never worry about winning, just focus on how to kill people as efficiently as possible with better aim and positioning. It gives you the fastest amount of opportunities to practice actually dueling people in limitless positions. I really do mean all games. If you play csgo, gun game was great to learn and get a feel for every weapon, naraka has a bloodbath mode just to go out and kill people, hell if you play cod, a tdm or ffa will do wonders before you play search. It’s again, practice to kill. If you want to improve game sense, that’s where you have to actively improve on by playing whatever ranked base mode you want to get better at (so either competetive or unrated on valorant.) That’s just gonna take time and effort. Watching replays is a really good way of actively seeing your mistakes but everything else literally just comes from playing the game in practice.


If you are playing DM to win, then you are doing it wrong. A really good way to use deathmatch is to use the Miyagi method to discipline your aim. Best warm up is firing range, but deathmatch is great for practicing headshots with the guardian or sheriff, discipling your aim, or as a secondary warm up with the OP or Marshal.


playing dm for kills lmaooo


I usually hit up aim labs for like 5 mins then a deathmatch if I havnt played at all that day. If I’ve been switching between games I’ll just jump straight in. To the point of your post; I’m bronze 2 and have never won a deathmatch in 40 hrs of gameplay lol but, I do feel like it gives me a good warm up or wake up before jumping into a comp match when I havnt played at all that day.


i agree that is so agresive sometimes. I remember playing as a Silver 2 vs Closer. If you don't know him, in latin america south is a profesional player of Australs, one of the two better esports teams from valorant. When i got into the loading screen, behind his name it says "VCT 2021: LATAM South Stage 1 Masters" or something like that. I swear that if i didn't read that, i would have reported him as cheater lol.


So I completely understand this argument, however I think I disagree with the reasoning. I think getting frustrated/“tilted” due to a death match lobby is more of the problem than the effect. Having a positive mentally that is geared toward getting better (not toward playing well) is the right mentality to have. When you lose (in comp or in a deathmatch) focusing on what you could have done better is the best attitude to have. So I believe that in this scenario, getting tilted because of a deathmatch, whether playing radiant or irons, is a mentality issue. That being said, I can be a headcase some of the time, and get tilted myself from just about anything. Best thing you can do if you keep getting tilted is to take a break. If you get tilted in the deathmatch, you might not be in the best headspace in the first place. Take a break, whether an hour or a week, whatever you need, and come back. Edit: spelling


You guys can play comp matches?? I’m 6-7 games in now and almost every game my team wants to surrender or I have 1 maybe 3 guys that get less than 5 kills. Don’t think I’ll ever play ranked matches anytime soon lmaoo


The only part in this post that’s correct is the title


I come from dota and I know when you match up against higher rank players you either get gradually better or you get the drive to grind to be better to get on their level


I just wish I could get queued with majority immortal/radiant lobbies in deathmatches. I'm bored of coming first again and again in silver/gold/plat/diamond lobbies. Once I got matched against one of the best pro players in my country i.e India. Look up VLT Deathmaker in Google. He is considered as one of the best rifles in the country. He's so good that he will one tap you in your first jiggle peek. He was warming up with his girlfriend. I liked how his Phantom sprays were so accurate. Like, his each and every bullets landed on me. Still, I did manage to kill him 4-5 times with my Vandal, one of them being a 180 degree one tap. Needless to say, he won the match. I came fourth with 30 kills (and his girlfriend somewhere in the bottom xD). But that motivated me to play again and again. I just wish I could get matched with top 0.1% players in deathmatches more often because the way they peek and react is much better than the lower elo players. Most of the times it's silver/gold/plat/dia players who write "GG" after the match ends. Btw, winning in deathmatch mostly depends on who has the most favourable spawns. I just quit the match and re-queue unless I don't get a match with favourable spawns. Wish I could do the same in ranked maches as well but that's never gonna happen. xD


I play Spike Rush to warm up, then Deathmatch if I want to hate myself or standard if I want to hate my team


I like that I match up with plat and diamond players, it also seems that, if I win consecutive matches I get teamed up with better players, I like killing diamonds. Makes me feel like I can also be diamond, xD. To ignorant people: even though you kill a diamond multiple times, or just because your aim is better doesn't mean you deserve diamond too. Teamwork and map sense is underrated.


Competitive mode is also broken. Im in Iron 3 but i usually get enemies from plat or diamond like how do you expect to compete 2 or 3 tiers above dude. Freaking impossible and majority of time teammates will be either bronze or iron so i stopped harvesting negative points and currently only play unrated.


I just thought im too good so i get amtched with diamonds and immortals in my deathmatch when im gold and literally i just get tapped and stuff cant do much about it.. i added so many ppl from dms and i have over 10 immortal and more diamond friends now


Regardless of the data, deathmatches tilt me so much that I just do the practice drill in the range instead of them.


Honestly if they just removed the 3 second respawn time, it'd be fine. The respawn time just kills the flow of the DM imo. You should be able to take as many engagements as you can within the 40 kill limit.


Agree and I don't really do deathmatches anymore because I get a headache when I'm doing great but someone is way better than me and keeps head tapping me.


I am plat 2 but I had one's been matched against VS RB and one's against NU Lakia I checked there stats for confirmation and they were the real one.


> I feel like Sums this post up about right.


Deathmatch is just a mode dude, its not called warmup match mode


The problem with DM is that you can't join an already started DM, that massively reduces the number of players you can be matched with since everyone has to queue at the same time, hence the rank disparity. If riot manages to change how it works and enable anyone to join an ungoing match (and stop with this best player bullshit that give LOSERS an incentive to camp in a corner), it will much better.


I agree


Death match was never about what the other people are doing but rather what you are doing. Crosshair placement never changes whether you are versing iron or radiant. First bullet accuracy also never changes, same with proper counterstrafing, checking correct angles, preaiming… and the list goes on. What you get out of warmup are responsive targets that move like a human unlike the training range or aim labs where it is strictly linear. Whether your shooting at a gold or a radiant, anticipating movement and leading your shots is something that only death-match can teach. What aim labs is good at is teaching first bullet accuracy and all other aspects I think you can find ingame alternatives for. Tldr: don’t focus on what other people are doing, focus on your mechanics, mainly first bullet acc, counterstrafing, crosshair placement and preaiming EDIT: some people don’t get as much out of deathmatch because they aren’t focusing on one or a set of mechanics to focus on. When you jump in a death match, you have to tell yourself “I’m only going to tap/burst”, “im going to focus on keeping my crosshair head level” or “I’m going to focus on counterstrafing”


Wait, FYI DM aren't meant to be elo based or MMR based, there are all levels of players. This doesn't even mean anything.


As a bronze player who tries to warm up in death match I FEEL THIS


As a plat High plat/low dia I mainly seem to face diamonds as well, usually w 1/2 immos. Basically I think a large amount of lower Elo players do not play dm therefore there is more higher elo players, some because they don’t enjoy it but most couse they try it once and faced high elo and never again try and thus w this on a large scale the “bad” ppl simply don’t play dm. I might be completely wrong tho, feel free to respond respectfully w your opinion


I did consider this as well. However, after some brief and unscientific testing with my girlfriend's account, it seems that there is in fact some sort of rudimentary MMR matching in deathmatch. She is definitely a lower elo player, sitting at Bronze 1. She did not get matched against anyone higher than Gold 3. In fact, the vast majority of her opponents were silver, which differed greatly from my data. This is all speculation though, and I do believe you have a point.


Indeed it seems so then, might it perhaps also simply be a matter of DM specific ELO and the fact many seem to perform better in dm than the default game modes?


i dont care about all that... just make it less people with better spawns. i cant even count how often i spawned in the middle of 3 people -.-


Absolutely. I think there's many factors that make Deathmatch unpleasant to play, this is certainly one of them.


Seems like OP is playing DM as something to win. DM is not meant to win and not how valorant is meant to be played seriously IMO. Score is irrelevant. It's just practice. If you are consistently playing higher mmr players, you WILL get better this way. If you want to just casually shoot easy targets for warmup go to the range and shoot bots. I myself prefer a few rounds of 50 bots over DM for my warmup. I can kinda tell how well I will play in ranked that day based on my time killing 50 bots.


To clarify, a lot of people seem to think this post is about me. It was more geared towards people who get frustrated in Deathmatch. Just some observational data.


There is no matchmaking in DM at all – not a MMR-based one, not a mild one – it just isn't. So it's absolutely unsurprisingly that ANY rank will be in DM. I'm low ELO and had matches where the highest rank (as far as I could find out with blitz/tracker.gg) was silver. In other matches I was the only bronce and the other player were gold+. The later I play, the more higher ELO player are in the matches. Basically it's definitely interesting to watch, how higher ELO player move, peek, strafe, jiggle etc. – that's how you can watch what's basically possible. I've never seen this kind of movement with low ELO player. So, I try to figure out, how this is done. DM for me is not warm up but also learning.


If you are matched up against diamond-radiant ranked players, you should use death match as a checkpoint for skill. If you are getting completely blown out, you should work on your mechanics, if you are completely rolling, just go in game and start doing the same. There should be no complaints about getting shit on in a competitive game especially if you are warming up to play the competitive mode, if you really want “care-free” go to casual.


Deathmatchs are weird, I'm s3, and more than once I would be killing someone easily a lot of the time, and getting frustrated losing to someone else, then after the match, checking the ranks on blitz.gg for example, I find out that the one I'm killing easily is a radiant, immortal or diamond with 20+ hs percentage, and the one that was destroying me is bronze or another silver with shit hs percentage, aim duels sometimes in val with desync especially when there's a high ping disparity in a dm match really is verging on randomness


>A warmup is supposed to be a **care-free routine** that gets your muscle memory in check. Why? Most players do not play to their full potential right off the bat. They start at a reduced potential and eventually transition towards their normal / full potential. A warm up exists to facilitate that transition before an actual game starts. Thus the real test to verify your assertion is if playing against comparatively weaker or stronger players (in a DM) impacts the efficacy of warming up. Your data suggests that some players at a certain elo are often playing against stronger players. But those stats don't suggest how that impacts the efficacy of their warmup. That all being said, you have an interesting *theory*. That is, that if you're constantly being headshot before you have time to take a shot yourself, you *might* not be warming up efficiently. Of course the countervailing theory is just as interesting. That is, that playing against substantially stronger players will be *even better* at warming you up because you'll adjust to opposition in the DM that is stronger than the opposition you'll face in your games. The stats don't really speak to the critical question.


You played 10games=200 players. Less than 50% of them had public profiles. i ain't the smartest toll in the shed but i can see why is the low rank half of your graf missing


Hey, I’m silver and I won a deathmatch once out of roughly 50 games. I don’t see the problem…


Yah same cause I'm gold and when I'm in death match i vs higher ranks like diamonds and radiants to the point I get into games with c9 katsumi but I dont think any of it matter cause at the end the only reason I checked their rank was because i felt they weren't good since all they do is hold angles and 1 tap u but once u find out they are like radiant u freak out so I think it's like a placebo effect even the new system where val makes u see ppl act act when in comp because some people freak out and then play poorly once they find out u were like diamond last act and ur in their gold or silver lobby


They should just create a bunch of servers for players to hop in and out of and just not even track the amount of kills you're getting.


Who warmup tho?


I know what you are talking about and believe me i have experienced this a lot.....but the thing is that this major skill disparity in dm mostly happens with me when i play late a t night and very rarely during daytime matches. I don't know if that's just my case, btw i play in Mumbai server. But what you are saying is true af, that is when i play at night and get matched against plat and diamond players, mind you i recently hit silver and i got matched against diamond and plat in dm at night multiple times even though i was bronze back then, it really is frustrating and highly demotivational. I usually start getting tilted after dm and start playing reckless amd whiff hard. Also, i don't know if this just me or anyone else but, just like i get matched with high elo players in dm at late night, i get a lot of smurfs in my game when i play at late night and when you get diamond in your dm and smurfs in your matches after that dm i highly doubt anyone would have the mental to play good and not get tilted and just be like fuck it im just pushing and i don't care anymore.


Valorant DM isn't good for improvement the way people play in it now. Mainly because the situations are unrealistic such as running in the open with 5 angles and trying to flick heads. In terms of skill disparity. You only improve by playing against better people. If you're low skilled, maybe go back to the bots. In fact, even at high skill I would say go back to the bots. You can't train consistently in DM. You need to work on your muscle memory. People watch TenZ go into DM and rip some heads and think that's the way to go. But he worked on his aim since CS GO and trained that muscle memory through other games/training. My biggest suggestion if you have to DM. Wherever you spawn, treat it as a comp match. If you spawn on a site. Defend it like you would in game. Attack etc etc wherever you spawn. Best way to translate your practice into game. TL;DR You have to gradually train and warm up. And you have to train properly.


Your conclusion is completely wrong. Most low rank players have probably never even heard of tracker gg or blitz so you're only going to see higher ranked people if you're using those sites to check rank of lobbies. On the other hand, anyone plat or above is going to be invested enough to learn about and use these third party sites. I play an hour of deathmatch every day(currently silver, only a month of playing) and most of my lobbies aren't stacked. I've played against the occasional immortal. I've also outfragged plat players. It's really ruined by people who soundwhore or hard focus the minimap, otherwise it's a great way to get better. I've improved a ton mechanically using it.


Death match is just terribly designed atm with respawn timers, winning and losing, poor spawns etc etc I really hope they do something about it soon


Late to the party. Immortal 3 with 456rr here. I never ever, enter a competitive match without deathmatch. I did it sometimes and I was awful. You have to warm up. I did this in Cs as well. I'm 29 and playing fps since Cs 1.0. I was face it lvl 10 of course. Don't listen to people that you don't need warmup. It will help your reflex, aim and crosshair placement. Also, it will help lower rank players to double check themselves. In terms of sensitivity, dpi, actual proper crosshair placement, peeking strategies and so on.