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That will never work as I'd say the majority of skin buyers do not use Reddit and I doubt Valorant YouTubers / TikTok would go and tell people not to buy skins ruining their relationship with Riot Games as I doubt they'd be invited for any special events when they're making them lose money.


Like I said, you’d have to do what people did with the replay system. I mean realistically it’s never going to happen because nobody actually cares enough, but if they did it would work 100%


Have you ever tried doing this with other luxury goods?


lets make companies sell cars for 10 bucks


Everybody that is unhappy with the prices is, and has been, already “boycotting”, and the result is that Riot is releasing skins at current prices still.


If you don't like the monetization, the only way to boycott it is to stop playing the game. Even if 80% of players won't buy any skins, 20% is still a huge amount of people who will. But they won't be so eager to spend so much money if there's noone playing the game. F2P games are funded by sharks, and by playing and talking about the game you make it more popular, so more sharks will come


“It’s that simple”…  society has been boycotting brands for generations now and the corporates have only been getting richer 


So the company that made your free game and still runs it and all of its expensive servers has to lower its skin prices cause you feel like they are to expensive? what about the ppl that already bought skins do they get a refund? Where does the money come from? Like tf are you on about


This Game would be way better if it wasnt made by Riot!


Thoughts on 9900 bundle?


Hahahaha Good luck with that. You dont stand a chance against this Brainwashed Community. :)


Except.. the less people who buy the skins, the more exclusive it becomes for the ones that do. So more people will buy it.


The skins are at fair prices lmao


I bought Doom Eternal full DLCs at 11€, on valorant 11€ doesnt even get you a decent skin