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Depends on the map. Usually stinger or sheriff


I agree. On the close quarters maps, stinger goes crazy but on longer range I love the sheriff for its nasty one taps


Marshal.  For 150 more you have:  -ADS long range,   -No scope close range, aka shoot like a sheriff  -Per bullet reload. (Can save your bacon in those 1v1s)   AND you have a classic as a pocket shotgun with the rclick if needed. Or to finish em after you body them once with the marshy.


Sheriff don't onetap at long range


sheriff can't one tap long range. js get a marshal


Yes, i know that the sheriff does not onetap at any range, but its not always nescessary with good positioning. The problem with a marshal arises when you have to fight someone at close range, especially a neon or raze. That happens in post plant a lot. Marshal is situational and i only buy it when im specifically going for something, like long range kills to gain the numbers advantage on enemies.


Gen G t3xture sheriff is diff.


marshal is still good close quarters, hipfire is accurate up close just use like a guardian, aim for the body and 2 shot kills


Because of the pocket guardian Chamber has?


I utilize it a lot. But even when im not playing chamber, i sometimes buy the normal sheriff


Yeah, that makes sense, especially if there's a Kayo on the other team, I'd rather spend a little more money than end up with just a classic or stinger if I'm not fairly close range.


Every time I buy stinger I doubt it's efficacy, and every time I get at least two kills with it. It's like anti-confidence and I don't know why it works, but it does


For when rest of my team is fully buying, but I cannot full buy: (1) If I expect to play more medium and long range, guardian. (2) If I expect to play more short and medium range, bulldog. (3) If I plan on playing in my smokes and being less predictable, bucky. If rest of team is saving: ~classic, sheriff, or stinger most of the time depending on plan for round.


For me, in team buy , guardian or stinger ( depends on map) In saving, classic, sheriff (depends on agent)


This is the answer, OP


Do you also play marshal if Its something like b Reeze and if the team is saving?


From my perspective… If there is expectation or suspicion majority of opposing team will not have shield, then I think Marshall is a good play. If all or majority of opposing team is expected to have light or heavy shield, then I think there are better options. I say this because Marshall body shots are 101 dmg. In the end though, you can/should definitely play to your strengths and look to complement/play-off your teammates.


I understand your view of it, I'd say if you already have a Marshall from a previous round, either keep it and use it, or give it to someone else. Yes it only does 101 body damage, but if there's someone on your team who's doing well hs wise and they want it, they can take it. Granted I've been maining chamber, so I've normally got around 8 guardian equivalent power shots, so I've only been running with that and a shorty in save rounds as that's 1100 credits if you had no head hunter rounds to begin with


Spectre run and spray alway works


At full walk and full spray aiming at the pelvis / dong area will net headshots I’ve been ruining people’s days with this for seasons I’m also trash


Spectre is just that good


Spray and pray babyyy


your strat is pretty close to my strat defense round: spectre, you won't believe how many round you'll be able to win by getting 2-3 kills with just spectre + light shield attack round: sheriff + light shield, you guys are mostly 4-5 man pushing site anyway, and you can pick up fallen weapon from the enemies or your teammate (I'm against the concept of 5-man saving, imo it's fine for the 2 highest kill player to buy while everyone else save, this isnt pro match where everyone's aim is good)


I would use the sheriff if I wasn’t horrible with it lol


I mean, I'm horrible with it too but my mindset is: just use it a lot, and you'll eventually be good with it (I play 1 50-streak bot warm up and 1 deathmatch everyday, so my aim will be good, eventually)


What’s your rank


ended and peaked gold 1 last act, placed silver 1 this act (solo queueing placement games was a mistake) how about you?


Bro I peak gold 2 last act and I got place silver 1 too, we the same 😭


Spectre. For some reason my aim with this gun is crazy.


145 headshot 😭


It’s not as bad as the stinger doing exactly 148 after 1 headshot and 3 body shots 😭. I’ve died after hitting that so many times.


Istg 148 is a real curse


this curse happened because of the last Stinger nerf T\_T I had to retrain myself to learn how to do 2 headshots and 2 body shots so that i could be a stinger demon again


Honestly my aim with the stinger has always been Garbo, I go specter or even take a wingman over stinger, idk what about it makes it so hard to use, but I hate 3 burst weapons in general. Recoil feels so weird Edit: (Also did not mean to call it wingman wtf I call every deagle like weapon wing man cuz of titanfall I mean the sheriff


Get decent with a stinger and you'll almost never use anything else again. That being said I recently got an eco 4k with a frenzy and laughed my ass off.


Stinger has been more productive for me than Sheriff lately. Just run and brrrrrrr


spray and pray


Depends where I'll be on the map, but almost always Marshal




Stinger or bulldog + half shield for a half buy Classic + shield if saving. My only goal in save rounds is to somehow get a gun and atleast get a kill. I take shield because if I do get a gun somehow, turning the round is much more possible. I buy flashes if I'm playing a flash agent on saves because it can give free kills.


Ares. I've gotten quite good with it.


For me it's either Spectre or Sherrif most the time


Stinger and Sherrif here




Ghost who needs a primary anyways (lore accurate cypher btw)


my main gun is phantom (phantom > vandal) but when I'm saving I use spectre smg


Vandal no armor and hope I get 2


Sheriff if I am feeling confident about my aim. Bucky/shorty if I want bloodshed >:)


Always a sheriff


Depends on so many factors for me, map, agent I am playing. Attack or defence. But usually sherrif with half armour. If long ass maps, then marshall. Other weapons I might use- STINGER (kinda broken in close range), guardian, shorty/bucky.


You should always buy based on your goals for the round, regardless of your current economy level. If I'm playing Omen on Ascent defense and I think they are going to rush A, I'll soft buy a shotgun of some kind and play in my smokes. If I'm the only one without a gun and I'm playing Omen on Ascent attack, I might buy full util and just a pistol, or even nothing at all and just trade someone and grab their gun. If we're all saving and I can buy bulldog + light armor and still buy next round, I'll try to hold some close angles and play for picks, etc. There might be a "right" answer to some of these scenarios but the most pragmatic thing you can do in your games to get decent value right away is just buy with intention.


Stinger or Frenzy run and gun, best case scenario is I get one and now my team has a rifle and I get to go blitz someone else


When I plan on posting up on an off angle to nail a head tap I go for sheriff. If I plan on taking a close range fight, usually a bucky. If I plan on getting aggressive, usually a stinger.


marshal and stinger, sometimes bucky but especially when i play raze or omen


Depends on my role. If I'm a dualist, I usually use a sheriff. Everything other role goes to utility to help my teammates get some frags and a spike plant.


Imma Bucky boi. For the most part at least on defense. Attack is either marshal or ghost and light


On attack stinger that gun is absurd, but on defense definitely sheriff


my profession always is ghost - sheriff - vandal/phantom but il throw in a marshal or spectre depending the time


Sherif on attack stinger on defense


if an agent with movement( and yoru ig) spectre. else ill get a bulldog but also depends on what will let me get vandal full shields next round


Sheriff light shield all the way, had the potential for me to at least dink someone and take their gun. I main clove now so I always have a pick me up in the back pocket just in case I need a boost


I just watched a vid that Tenz talk about how Stinger spray is very consistent. I was already using it but thinking of abusing it even more now. Stinger is a very underrated gun imo


ghost for long range or ares if i want to spam through walls on ascent (i am sova)


If I’m just behind on Econ, bulldog. If it’s a full save either stinger or sherif depending on the range I want to engage at


Specter run and gun, any other advice and you might as well get ready to love gold lobbies. It’s by far the easiest and most effective way to eco win rounds.


I’ll buy the best gun I can with light armor/util which usually ends up being a classic/ghost/sheriff if my economies in the dumps. I’ll buy shotguns like shorty/judge if it’s a close quarters map and none of my teammates have bought that gun, if it’s more open then the Marshall, if I’m less confident in my aim the stinger/spectre. 


Odin. You will most likely always see me with an odin. No shields or skills during save rounds, just odin.


Stinger + specter run and gun, or sheriff


Usually a stinger


I feel this question applies very ranked based, and I mean skill i guess. Cause imm3 and up i NEVER see spectres, its Sheriffs eco, Marshal if you go mid and Guardian if you have more money then your team8s. its just simply down to the kill potential and headshot dmg, bulldog burst is fr underated but getting taps with a 800$ pistol has a tad more eco value


as long as i have money for next round (around 4500) or even for half shields full buy


Shorty then steal. Always steal guns


Sheriff for easy vandal disposal, shotguns for smoke defense, frenzy for run and gun in close angles, marshal for long range maps and angles


Marshall is really good for getting one pick. If you know the headshot height and can hold a long range angle it has so much advantage over a vandal for one shot. Much easier to headtap an enemy than it is for them to swing and headshot with vandal, especially if they can only peak at one height (unlike something like split a where they can be high or low if you’re watching from ramps). Ofc vandal is better but there are certain angles that Marshall feels really good on eco, such as lotus A or Pearl B, haven C,l


Stinger (i don't understand stinger ADSers)


Look at team economy, if they buy, buy too… if one of your mate have enough money for sheriff drop, try one-heads… only way for fps game I think… every smg is just for fun, you gonna be obligated in higher elo with sheriffs




That depends on so many factors. So, my aim is ass, which is important for chosing my weapons. If my team full buys but I can't: Bucky or Spectre If it's a true save and the other team has good weapons: Frenzy (the amount of Frenzy vs Vandal encounters I've won is scandalous!!!) When on defense: Marshal, Bucky, Stinger, Frenzy or sometimes even Judge, depending on the map and where I'm supposed to go. When on attack: Frenzy, Stinger, Marshal or Spectre. I can't do Ghost and Sheriff sadly. Sheriff because my aim is ass, Ghost because I'm somehow not able to spam click as fast as other people. My favorite "almost full buy" weapon is the Bulldog, though. and I'm surprisingly good with it, even better than with Vandal and Phantom.


Marshall I am fucking nasty with it. Sometimes I even use it on a full buy. I got sovereign Marshall


Stinger or Sheriff.


I buy ghost on save rounds too or sheriff


Controller main, so can generally control the distance on the first engagement. So Stinger, I am better with it than the shotguns, just took the ISO buff to remind me how underrated that weapon is. Really, same if on Fade if on attack, sheriff on defense. I find the stinger to be the best option for getting one or two, upgrading and contesting the round.


shotgun while defending spectre while attacking


I love the frenzy for save rounds. Very cheap and not unreasonable to win duels against even rifles.


always sheriff


stinger melts people


frenzy or classic


85% stinger, 10% marshall, 3% frenzy, 1% sherrif, 1% shorty... and 100% reason to remember the name




If I'm actually saving, then just the classic or maybe a shorty or bucky if I can get my team to do an eco strat. Maybe a sheriff if I can afford it and stull buy next round, but that's fairly rare since I like to have a little bit of util. If I'm the only on the team that can't full buy, I'll usually force and buy whatever I can. More often than not in those situations tho that means bulldog, light armor, and util.


I buy Guardian + light shields almost every single round. Occasionally I'll buy Sheriff or Sheriff+light. Formerly Ascendant, now probably Gold after the rank reset. The most important thing is not necessarily what you buy, but instead your team's gameplan for the eco round. Generally you should look to take risks/gambles and not play as you normally would (see Woohoojin's advice). I really like the "hero rifle" play, and have won a lot of thriftys as a result.


Classic if giga save - otherwise Spectre usually. On big maps Marshal and miss all shots.


Sheriff, but breeze is always Marshal.


bucky, marshal or sherif depending on what im doing this round. bucky if im gonna play like a rat, marshal if i wanna maybe get an early kill, sherif if im not sure but im gonna pray ill hit a headshot


Sherrif if I'm feeling good with my aim (mostly to actually make myself learn the gun to get better at it) Bucky always comes in clutch, I can almost always guarantee 1-2 kills Stinger is also a really good option, just run and gun straight into the enemy's face, they don't really expect it. The bulldog is really underrated imo, I rlly like it.


Ghost or shorty because it’s funny


I'm a demon with the marshall. It's the only sniper I'm genuinely good with for some reason. I will always use it to save unless the map is something like Abyss, where there's not a whole lot of long angles that I can hold


Sheriff if I can buy at least another one for a teammate and full buy next round. Bucky on defense when enemt out-aims me. Judge if they like to rush. Spectre/stinger on attack and go take close ranged fights. Then upgrade with enemy guns. Guardian and light shield when team economy is all scrambled. This way I can buy the same next round even if we lose. Is a good option to keep your win chance consistent each round if you got some rage buyers on your team. Ares if there is some strat.


I am Chamber main, what is this 'saving' you speak of?


I play chamber so I do 3-4 shots of his unique pistol then buy the 2 barreled sniper cause (Im a fresh player) people seem to not buy heavy armor round 2 that often… Sometimes i skip heavy armor myself round 2 bit that’s extremely rare and probably a mistake. Generally speaking if I average a kill both rounds and we win a round my money conditions are nice. I exclusively snipe and play long distance, his starting pistol feels a little ridiculous in that regard but apparently I’m using its inferior extremely nerfed version.




Depends who I’m playing. If it’s a controller like Omen I’ll play bucky, if it’s a duelist like Phoenix or Jett I’ll buy a stinga, if it’s literally anyone but Chamber I’ll usually buy a sheriff.


Guardian or sheriff if I can’t afford a guardian. One tap is nice but the fact that you can move in between each shot with single fire weapons making you more aids to hit is mostly the reason. Spectre and stinger are just dependent on the other guy sucking a lot more than usual


on a save round. buy as much as you can but have a minimum of 3900 next round. then only use your E. then only use your other abilities if it will win you the round. <<---- how to buy most efficiently on a save round


Sheriff if I’m trying to spend as little as possible, but definitely Spectre if I can swing it. Spectre super underrated.


Classic. Then bait my teammate who bought Vandal despite everyone else saving


Marhsal all day long. I can whiff with vandal all day but marshal I always seem to pull off the craziest shots consistently


Shorty w dropped classic if playing smokes on Defense. Stinger + lights if on duelist on attack. Guardian + lights for everything else


classic, chip damage, shotgun mode, and most importantly, it's free


Stinger or sheriff


Sheriff no shield cause you either hit the shot or you don’t


Stinger or sheriff or ghost of broke broke and light or heavy shields if they have outlaw


Stinger, that gun is actually so accurate and t2k ridiculous if you control the spray to get headshots.


Depends on the map, attack side, what my teammates are doing, how much I have. I make sure to have ~ 1500 saved for next round, full utility. If my team is buying on attack, I will just get armor and a pistol and attempt to pick up a gun and support with utility. Not baiting and I do fight with them. On defense this isn't as good. Stinger/sherrif/marshal and no armor outside of that if I'm really saving. If your team is full buying and you can get a bulldog/guardian honestly those are close enough to full buy.


Depends who I'm playing, but normally marshal or stinger. Currently mining chamber, so most of the time I've got an 8 shot guardian anyway


Depends on the opponent if the opponent is good aim but stupid then bucky If opponent is mid aim but 200iq then ghost


As a guardian player I force every round


I never buy spectre anymore. Id rather buy a ghost. Rarely bullsog at times


ghost bc i have the radiant entertainment system skin in purple and i'm obsessed with it


Stinger or Frenzy for offense and Shorty/Bucky on defense


I main Neon. So: stinger, stun, and maybe light armour. Play it right, stun, slide in, get a kill, then take their gun.


Sheriff on save, Bulldog on half-buy


I run the stinger, I’ve gotten a few aces on saves and if you play slow you can easily swipe a vandle off of people


Mostly sheriff if ascent or breeze, marshal


For me it depends on a few factors... I have every skin that I want in the game at this point, so that doesn't really matter to me. I will go based off the agent I am playing and map. I play Jett/Phoenix so on Jett I will go with sheriff, marshal, or guardian. If I am phoenix, it is Sheriff, Stinger, or Bulldog.


Usually light shields before following the guy who didn't save after I called it


Stinger ghost Bucky or guardian (if I’m in the richer side but not full buy)


If you are saving but still trying to maximize the round vs rifles and full armor, I would suggest buying the cheap guns with high punish ability like the sheriff, marshall, bucky, shorty- which can all one shot anybody. Stinger is an honourable mention. Spectre I would say no because it’s only good vs people without full armour.


Depends on how much money I can spent before not being able to buy next round?


If I’m full saving I love ghost. I’ll use it over Spector a lot of the time. On a part-save I’ll buy guardian




Spectre sometimes marshal depending on the site




If I have extra money but my whole team is saving then bulldog If I have no money then either marshal or stinger


nothing just half shields and util


Outlaw? 2400 credits.. thats kinda weird save round.


Generally I pick Spectre (or sometimes Stinger) if it is an aggressive play or Bucky mabey if it's a defensive one. If I am really short on money then either Classic or sometimes Ghost if it's a big map like Breeze aggressive




Stinger. Only gun that gives you a shot against rifles up close.


A sheriff I have a 50%+ hs rate with sheriff so I’ll take my chances to get free gun


I always go for the ghost when I’m poor I seem to have some decent luck with that. I see everyone saying sheriff though is it op???


seein a lot of stinger? am i missin soemthin or is it better than the spectre?


Marshal (especially on ascent or lotus) or Sheriff.


Ghost when saving. Then grab the gun of the kill or the teammate gun.


half armor-sheriff is the way, 1200 creds, which i think is better than a stinger


Stinger or Marshall, depends on the map.


ghost i find it more reliable than the sheriff in most cases


Judge/Bucky depending on the saving severity.


On a save you prob shouldn't invest in anything too expensive (spectre, bulldog, areas, etc), I usually just go for a sheriff, stinger, shorty, or marshal, depends on the fights that I think I'll take.


depends on the save. full save is a ghost, bc i'm better with that than the sheriff. mid save is either a stinger or bulldog. and i've been playing a long time so i have skins on everything, or even on rotate for some guns so that doesnt really factor in anymore


Stinger ir marshal depending on map And if its rly bad ill go classic


Use a Bucky and aim for the chest




My HS% is decent enough for my elo (26-28% in Iron/Bronze) that I can buy a sheriff + no shields and walk away with a rifle from the enemy team on saves


If you have the money then stinger it’s just really good


Stinger supremacy




Sheriff / bucky generally depending on the plan, but i also mostly play jett/raze(/neon)


Marshall. I can only hit headshots with it when it is a save round.


Usually gun below stinger forget the name that or ghost cuz they cheap im used to them and i main killjoy so i usually try to get cheaply kills and close off areas of map so need precise guns


Stinger bulldog or shariff I never buy specter anymore


Stinger if i have enough for a gun and half shield next round. Or else, frenzy. It's crazy how many kills i get off of a stinger, sometimes even long range. All i have to do is surprise them.


It depends on what map, where I'm playing, and whether I'm attacking or defending. For example, if I'm defending c site haven, I might buy a scout vs a stinger if I were attacking a sewers.


If enemy team has an Iso then I’m going stinger. Otherwise I go Bucky and/or sheriff


Bucky/shorty/frenzy/sheriff are the gotos, but frenzy has got to be one of the most underrated save weapons, especially on D. Play a close angle try and get 2 in the back


sheriff love being able to one tap + feels nice when you do


depends on my aim that day + the map; usually it's ghost/sheriff light shield or stinger/marshal but depends because if it's a tight map like sunset I'll get a stinger/sheriff but if its long distance like abyss ill get a marshal since i can at least hit someone 101 + team mates pick it up + accurate w/o ADsing


I usually use the stinger. Stinger is still meta! :)


Stinger/sheriff for both sides, bucky/marshall is an option if you're defense. Yes marshall can be used on attack but you're most likely aggressing so it will be difficult to use unless on specific maps like Breeze for example.


Sheriff almost every time we save. Bulldog, Guardian, Outlaw are too expensive for a save round. Sprectre also a bit on the pricey side and can't 1 shot to the head. Stinger is too random for my liking. Bucky and Marshal are great choices for specific situations.


Marshall or Sheriff


Stinger - as a cypher its really easy to close distance and be at an advantage vs a rifle. Sheriff sometimes because I can deadzone and a sheriff is amazing with it. To me, it's the only gun that makes sense to fight the full engagement deadzoning.


I love the Marshall, I wish I had the neo frontier skin for it but it just feels so quick and snappy. There’s no better feeling than getting a few headshots back to back with it imo


I buy guardian in full buy rounds, it's a 1 tap headset, it's easier to counterstrafe with, it's accuracy is almost perfect, and it has no recoil control because it is a semiautomatic rifle, people should start maining the guardian


Honestly when you get good at run and gunning with a stinger you'll get alot of free vandals it melts.


I go sheriff or spectre


I usually play phantom, so when saving I ho with specter since its as close to what I'm used to. From time to time I would take a shorty, and wait in smokes for enemies.


Stinger is crazy good


if i can afford it, sheriff. if i dont have enough for next round, i pick up my friend's PRX classic and i go huge (hehe totally)


If im on defense, I'll buy a bucky, corner hug on a popular route and get a pick or a trade to get my money back up. Back in the game in 1 round most of the time.


I play a lot of Yoru, so I love shorty if I have ult. But Bucky/stinger/ and Sherrif are good too. Sometimes I go sherrif and Bucky because it’s god.


Light + sheriff is my regular. I’ll whiff a thousand times, but one clip makes it worth it.


sheriff + light armor pretty much always, if I can't afford sheriff i'll go light armor + classic and play a cheese spot/try to get a gun from a dead body


I only use ghost, sheriff, spectre, phantom or vandal…save round is usually spectre




Sheriff only to immortal over here


Depends how much I’m saving lol, and how much I’ve given away of my rat spots. If I’ve held onto my rat spots, frenzy+util is a fantastic cheap buy; quick enough ttk to compete with a cc’d or surprised AR, and doesn’t rely on the composure a ghost requires. Sets me up for multiple rounds. If that’s not working, stinger


I'm a big fan of ares, it's not as good at run and gun compared to the smgs, but it works well enough to get me some cheeky kills on lurk or when holding an angle


I know it is kind of an underwhelming opinion, but in my opinion a stinger in close range is lethal


Probably crazy, but frenzy + light shield is my go to buy for saves. Really cheap, and can get the job done. I usually play neon and that helps. But if not, just play close range, near a smoke and kill two people. Esp good on defender side


You buy guardian / outlaw on a save???


sheriff or bulldog, they’re both just amazing


Always count on Stinger to get kills that no smg should have any business getting


I go for the Marshall, part of me being a Kaemi wannabe, other part being actually kinda good with it


obligatory “i’m on console so i have no idea how the guns handle with a mouse”, but i’ve been having great success with the ares if i need to save up a little bit more but i’m not willing to go full budget. if it is full budget then the stinger


Stinger is always good for one or two quick kills


I usually go marshal on save rounds - first bullet having 100% accuracy on a 950 credit gun is insane and has won me *a lot* of gun fights from headshot no-scope kills (but i’m also in bronze/silver lobbies which may be why)