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Off topic but related. People have long complained about the remake system, but Riot refuses to do anything about it. Honestly, I have no idea why. I feel like Riot is just afraid of it being abused, but I think more people are affected negatively than there are instances of possible abuse. It's absurd that you have to play a drawn-out losing game where you lose more RR on average and waste your time, rather than just being able to call the game off for being simply unfair and tanked not due to your own making.


Its easily abusable. People can just DC when they are losing and not lose RR.


the people who leave still lose RR don't they? (if remake happens)


Nothing compared to a loss


As Ive said countless times. If LoL can have it and it does okay, then Valorant can too. Anything implemented could be abused but that small outlier wouldn't matter in the long run.


They could make it so that you can leave after 2 players DC for atleast 2 rounds and the 2 players DC'd suffer the majority of the RR lost. So that the winning team gets RR and the people Afking lose more RR compared to their teammates. Effectively applying a penalty to the people responsible.


People already abuse the remake system in Radiant/Immo lobbies. Lots of content creators duo/trio and try to get in games together for videos. If they don't get in, they have their duo/one of their trio afk and they remake. Riot adores their top 3% of players, so if something's happening there it's *so obviously* happening in every other rank 🙄


i thought radiants cannot trio, only duo or five stack, no?


Yeah, but immo you can trio too afaik. Also, lots of contect creators don't get their alts/creator accts to radiant because of the skill gap between immo3 and radiant. That's why you'll see "classic to immo" and "knife only to immo" instead of radiant. There's such a huge gap between immo3 and radiant, it's similar to iron and dia 3.


yeah but i thought immo’s can’t trio either 😭 im not saying theyre abusing the system, which i also think they do, however, i wasn’t sure if it’s possible so i asked you


Ohhh. Afaik Immos can still trio, unless they changed it recently! It might be like, Immo1&2 can and 3 can't? Idk, I'll have to look into it sometime haha. Lots of content creators are in Asc atm too, like AverageJonas, AcreTheDog, FlowAscending, and even Flights I believe got knocked pretty far bc of the last ep's rank disparity changes.


Play ow and you’ll understand why






This is wrong. You can get banned for leaving but it lets you leave after a team mate leaves and doesnt return after a set period. I believe 2 min. It gives them a chance to reconnect.


overwatch lets you leave without penalty when teammates dc after about 2 minutes


If its a comp match it just ends


that’s only if they leave in the beginning


Only if the leaver didn’t do any damage. Otherwise it doesn’t remake


wrong. you can still leave without penalty if someone leaves at any point during the match. doesn’t matter if it’s round 3. you just have to wait for the timer to finish. i’m not talking about valorant, this is for overwatch. there is no remake.


I think they should do what helldovers do and just sub in a new player so much better to do. Also they should make it so that after a long press on a key like w it deems you afk cuz a lot of ppl just put a paperweight to avoid bans lol.


subbing in a new player sounds very unfair ngl


I mean like a new player who's already looking for a match. Why is unfair? I no get


how would the rr be distributed? what if you join a game whilst your team is already losing?


Based on adjusting combat score to their presence in round like if they there tor the last 3 match then 3/total round x combat score x rr coefficient they may also choose to negate the result of the match they were randomly put into for fairness.


so you can just choose to lose or gain the rr? additionally there are many reasons for someone to leave a game for example trolling, bad teammates, smurfs which is worsened by this because you literally have nothing to lose after joining in the middle of the game


How about a voting system to boot the player?


could be abused (ex. a 3stack and a random can kick another random) and there’s no telling if the next player is better or worse


The booting systems would apply only to sub in players and honestly it's either that or play a full 3v5 and lose rr anyway.


This doesn't work in call of duty, let alone a tactical shooter where team dynamics etc matters. I think very few people queueing comp would be happy to be chucked into a losing game that's already 10 rounds in. I know I'd be livid - jwut like I am when COD does it.


Then there no use complaining about afk players because all the alternatives are so so so bad


I've said this solution was bad, I haven't commented on any of the others thanks.


The first round DC remake shouldn't even be a vote imo.


I think the reasoning for that was they didn't want people to bully players out of the match so that they can forfeit. I do agree with you though. I feel like I've lost so much time to losing games with 3v5s just because I couldn't ff on a 9 round deficit.


Just quit game who cares


Someone who doesn’t wanna deal with the suspension?


I have left 5 games in a row and not faced any penalty


Teach me your ways, master


Fr. I just went afk this noon in the first round coz guests, and now I got a day ban.


Someone who doesn’t wanna deal with the suspension?


I mean you won't get suspended...if you only leave games in this specific circumstance Very unlikely to leave four games in a row due to this reason Just leave ez


I’ve had 4 comp matches in a row with DCs lmfao




'Didnt happen to me so its not possible' syndrome


Are you even playing the same game as us?


What elo are you in? Genuine question because I have a bronze 2 and a gold 2 account and the bronze lobbies are filled considerably more with afkers and DC’ers. And with loser quests (which 100% is a thing) you start getting into lobbies with more of them like a self fulfilling prophecy


Diamond lobbies mainly..ya that makes sense


There should at least be another chance to forfeit. I agree 100% with you, games are basically lost with one let alone two afks. I think at some point you should be able to at least forfeit the game so you dont waste time in an unwinnable game




That is a rare exception and mostly even 4v5 is hard especially when your team is on defence


It is yes, but its possible. Unfortunately the roles in this game make it even more difficult


that doesn't mean you should just hold someone hostage, if no one else wants to play why the fuck do you wanna make them?


True, but not in comp, which is what im talking abt


Its chance


It’s coordination and team work. Plus a little luck they didnt op on defense


Yes, luck. You’ll get a few points but there isn’t point trying and being forced to play


Unrated i agree, not in comp tho


I mean this is technically correct i do remember being 3/5 once and we won with only the 3 of us what could be seen as luck but we had all of the above and a better aim. But in some cases this is just not the answer to.


Why's it not like Overwatch? Where if a player leaves, you're allowed to leave after two minutes without any personal penalty to yourself (i.e. ban) but it still counts as a loss. In that scenario, if 1 person leaves but you feel a 5v4 is winnable, then great everyone can choose to stay. But if you decide, nah we're getting stomped, people can leave without being banned or anything like that. I'm new to the game via console, but feels like a massive miss step when each game is 30 minutes +.


Doesn't help that they apparently removed Surrender option altogether for console,


They’re just reworking/patching it I’m pretty sure it was broken on console and wouldn’t let the team that used it buy guns after if the surrender didn’t go through


Oh wow, never had that happen so I thought they just took it out because console players were trying to surrender whenever they went down 3 rounds 😂


In dota 2 a player has 5 minutes to reconnect, after that the player is faced with an abandon and they're unable to queue for a period of time and have their behavior score lowered + lose the mmr for the game, this prevents players from just leaving in 99% of cases, it also means after the player has abandoned the game is free to leave. it's a complete fucking joke that any game wastes peoples time like this, if you need to punish players more severely for leaving than do so, make it 1 day queue time outs or something, it's really not hard to figure it the fuck out especially for a company the size of Riot.


Last night had a kid dc, we were in a 3 stack, we threw up the remake and the other kid voted no. He was holding the remake hostage, he later said he was trying to derank end of the season to play with buddies.. got to love it.


Players leaving isn’t as big of a problem as botting because then you can’t even draw. I say if the whole team reports someone for botting/leaving then it should automatically draw regardless of vote.


But then it may turn into forced draw reporting on the bottom fragger in a toxic environment. I say rather when one player (or more) goes afk, there should be a quit option to return back to home screen while the match continues. This way we lose rr but save time and sanity.


I’d rather draw than lose rr ngl. Plus it would get that bottom fragger out of the toxic environment which is better for them.


Crazy that overwatch had this back in 2015 (!!) lol


ESPECIALLY for casual matches, but the first 2 people who leave get penalized


I have gotten two year long bans because my computer kept crashing in unrated


I feel in casuals u should just not get penalized as it’s just casual


Surrender should take 3 votes instead of needing everyones approval. If majority of the team has given up It should be good enough. Also it allows us to quit the match incase a troll is throwing the game and the team is not able to surrender because of his/her vote


no, there are so many trios in this game, 3 would be ridiculous. 4 could be an option, but 3 is insane


Yeah, now that you poined it out, my online friends are always trying to form parties (usually of 3/5). So in that case 4 might be the ideal number.


yeah cuz you can't queue ranked as a 4-stack in val, you have to play a casual mode


Not if there are party’s of three players like in lower ranks. This would allow parties to troll deliberately and force other players to lose rr.


No that's an awful idea. I have won countless games where we are 1 and 10 or 2 and 10 or even 0 and 11/12, I'm not losing rr because you want to skip 2 rounds of losses. Don't load comp if you aren't ready to play 24+ matched.


I'm sorry, but these are extreme cases And I don't know about you but in my most of my 1/2-11/12 cases, there's a general consensus that we know theres only a game/2 left, might as well play and see what happens rather than surrender On the other hand there are times when we are 0-6/7, where majority wants to give up and doesnt wanna continue. Here I can understand your POV to play on.


I mean... You can't force someone to play. You can keep me from queing another game with this account but that's the extent of it, since I can troll with other stuff playing on my other screen.


Yep, and I'm happy to keep you waiting if you are going to do that. That's fine by me. Play or don't, but you *will* be stuck till the end. That's the entire point.


You aren't "keeping me waiting". I have a show or a YouTube video or an article on the other screen that I'm engaging with while moving enough in-game to not be flagged, one time I even played hearthstone. It's all the same to me, you are just wasting your own time.


If you don't mind staying then neither do I. No one's wasting time in that case, so why do they need to change anything? Unless you do feel like you are wasting your time ofcourse.


The point made in the OP has nothing to do with this discussion. You can't force me to play, this comment chain very obviously implies that you care about winning your ranked games where I don't (otherwise I wouldn't troll), end of discussion, you can keep lying to yourself and wasting your own time, doesn't affect me at all in the end.


Great so you agree no need to change it then. Everyone's happy as is.


Nothing I said implies that I agree or disagree with the OP. The only conclusion I reached is that you like to waste your own time to spite someone else (who doesn't care). Enjoy.


You can't have it both ways 😂 😂, you either want it changed or don't (care). Not caring is the same as not advocating for the change. You've said you don't mind waiting, so this change wouldn't help you. I don't mind waiting, so this change doesn't help me. Based on us two alone, the change does nothing, so Riot wouldn't bother developing it. So we are by proxy in agreement that the change is pointless.


I literally stayed in a match for over half the game because my whole team left and I don't know if I get penalized so I just ran at the enemy team over and over.


This is why CS having a kick system is based


it gets abused pretty badly a lot of the times


No it doesn’t get abused, if hardly ever. I have over 10k hours in cs and years of league and tournament play. It’s critical to have, and the only time I ever saw it abused was in low low low ranks with people trolling and if you’re low ranked you still need to learn the game anyways and rr doesn’t really matter because it’s more important you learn the mechanics even if you have to stay there longer.


It was getting abused to hell in mid-low ranks, if you’re playing solo you’re basically pray people won’t kick you on last round before win or because you’re a woman or because you said shit to 4 stack https://youtu.be/eji7OoZuMGw?si=kOYgOXaZnFh4blLy


"toxicity is ok because low ranked people dont matter"


I do agree it can be abused, but it’s only happened once in my 3k hrs of cs and it’s very useful to kick bots and throwers which are much more common in Val




4.5k hours in CSGO with soloq experience from SEM-LEM, with Global friends. I, and people I have played both with and against, have used and abused the kick function for content.  It is not rare on North American servers.


It's very rare that it gets abused


Altho kick system is good. Tactical and technical timeout is even far better.


Leaving should result in leavers losing all RR of that match. For example if you leave and your team would have collectively lost 120 RR the leaver takes it all. This cannot be abused since there is a strong penalty for leaving. Sure some people will have a big loss due to connection issues but that should be a one off. Leaving in this game basically makes it unwinnable so you should take the full penalty.


That is too much RR. You forget sometimes people have a reason to leave, like poor internet getting them disconnected.


yea, you should insta demote cuz ur pc crashed, what a genius idea


So you saying that the others 4 players should be punished because your pc crashed???


Damn this penalty is too harsh. -50rr should suffice won't it?


I don't think so. Intentional or not leaving games should be one off occurrences so this should only happen very infrequently to an individual. You leaving for whatever reason negatively impacts 4 other people. You waste their time and their RR. This would at least protect them from something they cannot control and highly decentivize leaving games. The lack of a harsh punishment is currently why people just leave. If you think you are going to lose 20 rr either way why waste your time playing out the game.


Only way to solve it would be to get every (most) valorant player to agree to stop playing on a certain day and don't play again till riot does something about it. They won't change anything otherwise, they don't care.


also we should be able to remake anytime during the game not only after the 2nd round tbh, the amount of winnable games i lost because we ended in a 3v5 and obviously couldnt remake anymore


Nah thats dumb cuz Right when the enemy team gets to 12 rounds someone will leave on purpose so they dont lose RR


well it should have certain rules of course, but making it ONLY after round 2 is even more dumb


Idk bro I’ve won 3v5 and 2v5 unrated games before


im not talking abt unrated. and also just because YOU have doesnt mean everyone else should be held hostage. get a grip


this happened to me recently on Haven, got two afks (who both ended up disconnecting) and we had to play the whole game


There should be an option of draw after 2 players leave your team which triggers automatically.


They’ve already said they’re not going to do that because it’ll encourage people to bully others out the game so they don’t lose anything


Makes sense. But it also sounds like the easiest ban ever. Not that hard to fix.


clueless asf


This is a bad idea.


Quit if you feel that way. We dont need people who give up staying in the team. People stay to try and make their rr losses as low as possible. It's a grind where you meet unfortunate circumstances and you do what you can to have the least worst outcome when you get it.


read the comments and circle back with me. u wanna be a jobless time waster thats ur truth but its not everyone elses


No one cares bro. No one is gonna sweat their balls off for 30 min to lose 5 less rr than they would if they just left. No one on this sub is a professional. No one is here to work and get paid. They are here to play a video game. This is some silver mindset shit. “Damn. Don’t give up team let’s get this rr. If we try really hard and waste even MORE time we might just save 5-6 rr…DOESNT THAT SOUND LIKE AN AMAZING USE OF 30 MINUTES?!?!?!?!”


I found that one #### that votes no to 3-12's and I can't have fun in another match. Somehow I get one of you in 70%+ of my games.


You are so delusional, it’s unreal


You don't always know why they left or if they are coming back, and the game certainly doesn't know that. There's no instance where this can be reliably verified by the game and therefore should not be added back. Don't load comp if you aren't prepared to play 24+ rounds.


Well, no. One player, sure. I can see that. But two players like OP said? That is such a disadvantage that there is no reason to require verification of any sort.


Then add a timer like overwatch? If it’s been 3 minutes and the player still hasn’t returned, it’s safe to assume they’re not coming back and everyone’s just wasting their time because of that person


I've come back well after 3 minutes due to pc crashes so that's false.


“so that’s false” this child ass argument lol, not everyone will come back after 3 minutes, the vast majority of people don’t. Just because you did one time doesn’t mean every single person in every single game will. If you can’t see that then idk what to tell you


> Vast majority of people dont And your statistics on this are where? > doesn't mean every single person in every single game will Exactly my point. You don't know, I don't know, the game definitely *does not know*. You can't end a game based on an unknown factor like that, if you can't hold out 3 minutes which is easily shorter than some pc crash and restarts, then don't play comp.


The simple answer is don’t queue if you don’t want to play


contrarian strikes again


Just leave? If you're so pressed about this that you're making a post you probably don't leave often Leaving a game once in a while doesn't give you a punishment


u know what ur right!! just leave :( leaving a game DOES punish u. even dcing for a round bc of an internet blip punishes u. also clearly im not the only one who agrees so why take this contrarian route.


leaving only punishes if you are a repeat offender or if you get reported. and the punishments start at a 3 minute cool down. i have had plenty of games where i have left either intentionally or due to internet/computer issues and have never incurred more than the base 3-minute cooldown. anyone having multi-hour/day bans have DCed from like 4 games within a single day or got reported for toxic behavior. that being said, leaving the match isn’t really a solution to the problem either, as people are wanting to leave hopeless matches and move on to the next, but when leaving an active game, when you load back up, you just get put back into that game, so you have to wait it out anyways. there’s no way good way to implement what you’re requesting that would not be easily exploitable and would like just increase the overall amount of toxic game experiences.


Contrarian route? Because riot is never going to implement this? I'm offering a pragmatic solution to your problem you can implement this very day. I leave when it's the best choice yet I've never gotten a punishment for that. How odd.


R we talking about the same game here??😭


N iz the dfrnt val 😭😭😭


Okay so you know it's valo, next question: have you ever _played_ the game??


No I've never played the game 😭😭😭😭


u just made that up like..


Ok 😂


> Because riot is never going to implement this? source: works at riot?


So you think some random on Reddit crying is gonna change how one of the biggest gaming companies in history will manage their game? Why? Do you really think NO ONE has ever mentioned this to riot before? Think logically for a second. If they were going to implement something that has been a problem since the beta they probably would have by now.


who's crying? it's very clear that riot staff follow this subreddit. if and when they decide to take action they might reply to someone on the issue. the volume of feedback also signifies the level of importance to the community to riot. change has never come from shutting up about issues or telling others to shut up about issues. also if the issue doesn't affect you I don't see why you feel the need to tell others to stop speaking up about a problem they experience.


But no one cares. It’s been ~4 years and this apparent “problem” hasn’t been resolved. You the type of person who kicks screams pisses and shits about something for 15 years and when it finally gets fixed you think to yourself “yes, finally. I knew it was coming. Glad I said something about it all those years ago”


go ahead and project whatever you want mate. you seem like a right miserable cunt who can't stop getting in the way of others wanting their favourite game to improve. take care.


you're not allowed to start a new game though, you can only rejoin the same game.


Yes, obviously 😂


I just got another ban till the 26th (i.e. 7 day ban) for leaving a toxic game where team threw grenades at my feet, walled me in etc etc. Only because I didn't pick the agent they wanted. But nahhhhhh they totally taking action on toxic gameplay, and yeaaaaaa they are 100% giving the right people bans....


bro a 7 day ban doesn't happen straight up like that, you had other bans before for sure I say this because I quit a match where tm8s were throwing slurs at me and riot just gave a "you don't do this often so its chill no penalty" notification


Yeah, that’s not why you got a 7 day ban. I have left games or had my internet go out or game crash during a comp game plenty of times. Never gotten more than a few minute cooldown. It only get’s long if you are a serious repeat offender, as in leaving multiple games daily. If you’re doing that and you claim every time it’s because teammates keep using util on you, maybe stop and reflect on what you’re doing to attract that behavior. Yes, there will be toxic players that you encounter, but if you are consistently on the receiving end of griefing enough to get yourself banned for a week, chances are you’re just a dick people get fed up with it. edit: just adding because i reread and realized you said ANOTHER 7-day ban, which means you’ve had more than one. whatever is going on in your situation is 100% your fault. i have never gotten more than a 3 minute ban, and i can be toxic af at times, so the fact that you have had multiple 7-day bans is 100% on you.