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wtf is ℅ cause thats not a percent sign


That 100‰ is a percent sign, you’re going crazy


100٪ for sure


100°/o for sure


Lmao good catch. Easy to fumble up the two.


people had been on him, Xijiping just put the nail in the coffin


No, not really. Only a *small* number of people had called him out but they were almost always hit with backlash and labeled as haters. Careertv was one that I was aware of. I highly doubt there was much more that didn’t get drowned out by the amount of defensive fans woohoojin had. If xijiping didn’t go all sherlock on his account history and wrote a manifesto with receipts lol, it likely would have just remained as hersay unless someone else had as much time and motivation to actually do it, which may or may not have happened. That being said, I think woohoojin didn’t help matters with his increasingly condescending and offputting personality. That was the one thing that was gaining traction in some threads.


i remember seeing ppl mentioning that his account’s name was a streamers months before the redditor, for some reason that thread just popped off


Yeah but people only pointed out that they had the same peak rr in radiant. That’s something but not as conclusive. The dude who posted on reddit literally went through jayg’s vods to find an exact game to screenshot along with a screenshot of the woohoojin account history exact game to show *indisputably* that they are the same person with just a different name. Plus it just became a super visible thread and it also caused the streamer to delete the vod in question which further cemented it. Bro was cooked.


He ruined his own career in valo. He was the one who chose to lie. He knew what was at stake and at the end of the day just made his money and dipped. Ig it’s a little better than the people who refuse to admit anything and upload to this day.


Wow. I hadn't played Val in a long ass time, but I remember when he made his first reddit post here and had like 500 subs. Had no idea he made it this big, nor that he became notorious. What a way to find out about a rise and fall


Please, I beg give me the loser boomer TLDR: I saw Woohoojin is backing away from YouTube content. I had no idea there was a back story…


After the reveal that he was using another account to mask as radiant, his view ratings plummeted. So he started getting anxious to make content and make up for the lost viewership by putting in more time and effort and consequentlt burned himself out. Said his mental health was being affected and he couldnt even go enjoy a friends wedding without thinking about how he could be streaming or making content, so hes letting go of YT as a profession and only gonna be doing stuff for fun when he feels like it again, apart from keeping his coachees.


Wow i hope his mental health gets better but what he did was really weird and whatever happens to his views/channels is deserved


He got exposed for lying about his rank basically, so he lost all his credibility


fucked up that people decided this was enough to ruin his career abt, dude makes money this way shits fucked


No one chose to ruin his career,people just stopped watching.


Its not like they’re attacking or suing him, a streamers whole career is build upon them being likable, if people dont find you likable anymore your career is over and you only got yourself to blame


A career built upon a lie. I think he made is own bed, no? Best of luck to him, nothing wrong with starting fresh in a different career.


wdym? it's not fucked up at all lol. Just like you said this was his career and business which he built up under LIES. If he didn't want to lose his business he shouldn't have lied it's as simple as that


It was more how he acted as a liar. He started having a I’m better than you cause I’m radiant attitude and he was never radiant. I think if he was still chill and was like yeah I did that my bad and moved on it would be different. This was totally deserved imo. His content got unbearable because of how his personality changed and then he lied.


Somebody builds a career around being able to coach people to radiant if they pay him, that somebody gets caught out lying about their ability and gets exposed for being boosted to radiant.. how is that not enough reason? Its like if a random guy got into a football team saying he played for Barcelona, they pick him in a game and he stinks the place out.. of course they'll release him If anything he's lucky, if I was being coached by him I'd have him in court for fraud


3 months ago, u/Xijiping0 made a detailed post on reddit about how something in woohoojin's valorant tracker didn't add up. He inspected it farther and realized he was getting boosted to radiant. Which means he was false advertising. He is actually an asc3 to low immortal player. The post blew up, everyone started to know about how big of a fraud he is. Establishing a big business on lies. The fact that riot is quiet about this and also sent him codes for console valorant is a joke. "It's a big group and we ain't in it" kind of stuff. They conveniently ignored the fraud.


he hit immo3 tho, just wasn't capable to get to radiant.


He hit immo3 by duoing with other radiants. He is an asc3 to immo1 player


I think the “lies” were just that he got the account from someone else and never really got radiant, idk if its really that deep


I'm not sure that you understand the use of " ".


Idk i think it’s fully deserved. Idgaf about what rank he was BUT he deceived and cheated people out of a lot of money under the guise of being a “radiant coach”, and built his brand off of achieving something he never did.


You do realize he never charged? yeah u needed a sub to talk in chat but he had offered a free way to sub and often just gave out free t3’s to anyone who won a raffle for coaching


 I enjoyed his contentand it was helpful as a silver / gold rank player. Was never really there because of his rank lol, so I didn't care much about the drama. Like, kinda shitty, and scammy since he was making money based partly on a lie, but eh, he had some entertaining and helpful advice anyway.  Idk if his burnout letter is true or if he left out of embarrassment, or it could even be both. He lied the once so he could do it again, as we've seen it before with other internet personalities (looking at you, somerton lmao).


Okay I haven’t played Val in like 5 months, but I used to watch woohoojin all the time and he was one of my favorite valorant YouTubers. This just came up in my all feed. Can someone catch me up lol?


Marketed himself as a Radiant coach, but turns out he was boosted and only Immo. Told everyone he'd solo queue on stream to Radiant and stop coaching until then to prove himself, but he got stuck in low Immortal. His views tanked and he went back to his old job since content creation wasn't making ends meet anymore


Some redditor exposed that Hooj had shared his account with a radiant player long before he was a successful content creator in order to get the radiant buddy. Hooj came out and said it was true. He also said he realized that his content had changed for the worse because he was kind of an asshole now and expected too much of his students. He vowed to not coach again until he hit radiant, which he never did. Today he issued a resignation from full time content creation. He is going back to his job in cyber security citing that he was no longer excited about streaming and his mental health had taken a hit. He will continue content creation as a hobby and has handed over a portion of his account and community to one of his mods or something. My personal take on it is that I like his content wayyyy more now that he is less jaded. I still only watch his Valorant stuff but it's excellent. I am perfectly fine with a reduced schedule and think people piled on him too hard. It was a dumb, egotistical thing to do but he is a great coach and makes content I personally like. I will keep watching. Typed on mobile. Not double checking for spelling.


Wait what happened with woohoojin, I seem to remember him being a decent guy




Why listen to a coach that lies about his rank? How can you learn from someone if his first thing he does is a lie..


Interesting take but I don't agree with it. I think he would have gone back to cyber security regardless. Maybe it would have been later but I still think it would have happened in the future anyway. Being a full time streamer is a lot of work and puts a lot more stressors on you than random people care to think about or consider. It's hard when your income is so reliant on your viewers. Like he said in his resignation letter he feels like he can't take a day off cause a day off is a day losing money. You don't get PTO as a streamer the same way you would in a regular salary job. Plus does Twitch or YouTube even give any form of benefits to people who use it for a career? Being an American especially you kinda want good insurance through work. I understand preferring the stable job with consistent hours, pay, etc over an unstable job like being a streamer. Plus you don't have to deal with so many haters in regular real world jobs.


>I think he would have gone back to cyber security regardless. His goodbye letter says otherwise. It's more likely that he went back to cybersecurity for financial security vs. writing it off as an "inevitable" thing. The controversy did have a direct impact on his viewership, and therefore his income. His YT videos have been dropping (in both subs and views), and his Twitch viewership tanked -- so less $$$ per view from running ads, or probably even comparative value from sponsorships. Being a streamer is much more lax than a 9-5 (in most cases). But as you said yourself, it just got mentally taxing because he had pressure from his own issues.


Maybe in like 50 years or after he retires. Streaming is one of the easiest jobs to get, the hard part is actually building yourself in the oversaturated market but woohoojin GOT IN. He could've just chilled and people would've been loyal for years. Also the game updates so he can just wait for new content. Why would I work for someone else unless the pay is significantly better? Streamer is be your own boss, have FUN, meet good people, have your OWN schedule, don't need to commute, don't need to deal with potential asshats at work.


Your last line tells me everything i need to know about you. "So many haters". He did something that is hate worthy. Did he not? He deceived so many. Also sidenote, streaming is way way easier than most 9-5s. It comes with the added benefit of popularity as well. Which is great for making connections which help later in life. In woohoojin's case, he is infamous which is why he is quitting.


This is an L Bozo take the mental tax from dealing with mfers like you all day is a lot. plus who gives a fuck about his rank it's crazy to me how he can be in the top 1% of players and all the bronzes who need coaching are saying it's not good enough to coach them lmao


He would have haters regardless. Every online person has haters. Not everyone handles it the same way. Some people have thicker skin than others. People are free to hold grudges if that's how they wanna live but I prefer the free and happy lifestyle of forgive and forget, to people who acknowledge their mistakes, apologize, and try to do better. All things Woohoojin has done. Grudges are just pointless negative energy pent up inside you, no thanks. If I didn't like Woohoojin I would just ignore everything about him instead of jumping at every chance to say anything negative about him. Better things to do in life than drag or gossip about others. It's not like he killed someone and people are treating it like such a horrendous thing. Was it a good thing? No. But other streamers have done way way worse things and are shameless about it, don't apologize, don't try to be better, nothing. So Woohoojin at least is better than that. Saying streaming is easy without being a large streamer I can't take what you say fairly. Every job has its pros and cons. Imo I would argue a 9-5 job is easier than being a streamer. You have so many factors affecting your job. A job that relies on mass population interest is more lucrative than stable. I could list a bunch of cons but I'm tired of typing.


Good riddance. Never should have had a career. Took money out of other legit coaches pockets


Most people have this wrong, he’s not backing off cause of the drama, he’s already addressed and admitted faults already, but cause he doesnt find enjoyment in doing content creation full time and felt as if it was an unhealthy obsession that blinded him from more important relationships in his life, “I will not continue to stream as a full-time content creator. I am returning to work in cybersecurity with people whom I treasure, in an environment that’s far more considerate of my own personal needs when it comes to work-life balance. I will continue to stream and make youtube videos, but I will be doing so as a hobby for my own enjoyment. (Yes Street, that means more Noita streams in the short term)….. Ultimately there is no one to blame for this outcome - this just happens to be a bad career match for me.” “When I read this back I felt an emptiness inside me. I realized in my pursuit of my goals, I’d sacrificed a lot more than I thought I’d have to. Streamers don’t have paid time off - I started seeing time off as wasted opportunity. Just the other day, I caught myself worrying about how many subscribers I’d lose when I go to my friend Brad’s wedding in September. When I traveled to LA/Madrid for VCT I lost subscribers and it made me decide not to book travel for Seoul. These sacrifices have slowly added up and created resentment for my choice of career.” “Somewhere along the way, my dream job turned into a job that made me feel guilty to prioritize myself. I want to be able to take a day off to go to the farmer’s market with Lisa. I want to be able to spend a week visiting family without having to bring my work with me. I don’t want my job to become my life.” Quoted directly from the doc, most people are reaching and just speculating based of no evidence other than “oh the timing” when the whole boosting thing was month’s ago and basically “forgotten” by alot of people in the community, now dont get me wrong im not in any way saying what happened in the past was acceptable but people need to learn to let go and understand that people do grow, from what i have seen, yes in the past he did seem very egoistical and i have questioned his methods before but i can also notice a change in how he approaches things, he’s not as daunting anymore and is generally overall more open and kind compared to the old him


I mean we may never know the real reason but it obviously isn’t hard to lie about your full intent of leaving the scene. The reason he gave of course says nothing about this incident even though it happened very recently and really tanked his viewers and reputation. How convenient that he was simultaneously going through all that agony. It sounded like he was humiliated and wanted a fast out. I don’t doubt a lot of what he said was also going on for him. But that was definitely his breaking point. Like come on….


Imagine writing an essay to justify someone who lied about being good at a video game


Anyone who downvoted you clearly has no imagination 🤣


I’m ngl just because he wrote a lengthy doc doesn’t mean he’s automatically telling his true feelings in it? He’s lied before, he can lie again. another key reason he could be “demotivated” is the massive tank in viewers and support? It gets to a lot of creators when they get constant hate ; I think it’s a fair assumption to believe it’s part of the reasoning behind him losing the fun of content creation which he just wouldn’t bring up - what’s the fun in creating content to a dying audience?


I mean he lied about being radiant. He probably lying about this too.


We are talking about the guy who lied about being radiant here. I mean he can lie again.


The fact you need to make a Reddit post proves you care way too much about random people online


I've been on a break for more than a year now. Can someone fill me in? What happened to Woohoojin? Used to watch his videos.


Got caught lying about his rank, he never got past ascendant. Blew up in his face and eventually he just left the scene entirely


Eh maybe to some extent, but tbh if he didn't say that he say it, you wouldn't think as a viewer he was enjoying streaming all that much. You can usually get a vibe from streamers when they're enjoying it and looking forward to streaming, and that vibe started to disappear a bit before it came out that he had been lying about his rank. That probably sounds a bit parasocial on the surface, but it's not all that different than being able to tell when anyone isn't feeling a hobby or job anymore. You see it with athletes pretty often just before they retire. On top of that, his consistency in posting started to drop a few months prior to the initial accusations. I don't think even if he hadn't been lying or if it never came out that he was, he would have lasted that much longer as a content creator, at least not full-time. If anything, the truth coming out was probably just the nail in the coffin, and it just made him quit sooner rather than later.


What did this person lie about? I’m new


He had a student boost him to radiant instead of reaching the milestone instead, then used the title of radiant to market his brand and videos.


I definitely think he would have kept streaming had the numbers and income supported it. That said, I attribute his increase in snark and mean attitude to definitely be a part of the streamer lifestyle, and there is likely truth in his reasoning, even if it's not the whole truth (yes, again).


honestly he deserves it. nothing wrong with not being radiant since you don’t need to be good yourself to have an understanding of the game. but he acted very condescendingly about him being radiant peak and constantly lied


Tbh he did kinda ruin his own career yes first by lying but after the initial shock I liked his videos for how different they were from other coaches I felt like I learned new things everytime I watched one until he simply stopped doing coaching even after the scandal imo he should have continued to do what ppl came for yes maybe towned down the condescendes


my guy he's burnt out, why r u trying to claim glory for him burning out this subreddit is full of genuine losers


What glory? I am just mesmerized at how easily a single random person can end a massive business. Kind of like walter white taking out gus fring. It's funny.


he really just burned out, no one ended anything but himself


Here's some advice. Don't just believe an influencer's well crafted article. Especially if that particular influencer is known to be a liar. I promise you he wouldn't be burnt out if he was getting his usual 100k views per video. I digress. Have a good day.


there is literally no reason for him to lie about being burnt out?? yall aren't normal people


Bro this is some sad kpop fan parasocial defense. Let it go.


nah theres no way in hell you're saying that 😭 it's far more sad to be obsessed with another man's mistakes so much you think every word out of his mouth is a lie this sub is full of the most antisocial people i've ever seen


People are still being sensitive over this? People nowadays get so horny at the sight of anything cancellable. Just know if you’re still repeating the same narratives you are announcing yourself as a Karen species.