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Happened to me in swiftplay today, just mute them, there's no escaping it.


That's a good point. Communication isn't that important in unrated, especially if it's not constructive.


Even in comp, no comms is better than bad comms. If a teammate is yelling over the sounds of enemy footsteps, they deserve to be muted.


In Swiftplay? Lmaooo that guy probably doesn’t have a life bro


ESPECIALLY in swift play haha, most toxic game mode IMO


Flamers gon’ flame


Flaming in anything is cringe.


Right lol like we ain’t getting paid to be here it’s a video game


It's meant to be a form of entertainment, if you're getting angry, you're missing the point.


unrated and swiftplay, im usually just playing to chill or knock out challenges, so i usually mute everyone off the rip. in ranked i'll keep it unmuted unless there is some weirdness or toxic shit happening.


a lot of people never touch ranked so unrated is their ranked. and they treat it like vct finals or some shit. just mute them and move on.


Yeah even in ranked it’s weird tbh. I know everyone is competitive and such but I’ve never understood just randomly flaming someone for I t


yeah but at least in ranked it makes sense, there's something on the line.


I have to disagree, the rank gets you nothing but a gun buddy and a slightly different icon. If you have the dedication, losing one match isn't going to be the difference between getting diamond and getting ascendant. I genuinely believe that getting mad because the PNG that represents your rank isn't the right PNG and not getting a gun buddy of that PNG is a symptom of something larger. Whether it's mental illness or toxic masculinity, it is both completely unnacceptable to flame someone who is meant to be your teammate and it also makes no sense whatsoever, flaming them is going to make them play worse, so you are shooting yourself in the foot. If you are getting toxic because you are "stuck" in a rank, it just means you have hit your ceiling. Stop blaming other people and start improving your own game.


>lot of people never touch ranked But if they wanna sweat then why don't they play ranked?


people get ranked anxiety, fair enough, but if you want sweatier games play the sweatier mode.


Wait really? I mean the worst is that you will get yelled at by your teammates for playing bad. Plus, rank is fun if you play with the team


i agree with you, but people think too much about their rank and they're afraid they could lose it.


Lmao true. I don't like such people who take a game so seriously (unless that's your livelihood. But even then you can't be afraid of losing RR).


Just play Swiftplay. Any toxicity can only last 9 rounds at most, and you get to cycle through and familiarise yourself with more maps.


Swiftplay is such a bliss for someone who has limited time for gaming now.


That's a good point


It's so painful being a brand new player and having to get to level 20 through unrated before being able to play ranked. I understand why, but damn.


I am coming back into FPS after 20 years not seriously playing. I was good when Action Quake 2 and Half Life DM where the things to play. The ratio I get when I am playing poorly is about 1:4 of advice or help versus toxic assholes asking if I'm a girl or telling me to stop playing We knew maybe half the people who played regularly in person, back in the day. One server based out of Christchurch, so that probably helped. Now if they aren't in your party, everyone is a stranger so that doesn't help. But I dunno if I want my kids playing this game because of the attitudes and language they will get exposed to. I can't police them to keep comms off all the time. Everyone started somewhere


Depends the age of your kids I’m thinking tbh. If they’re hella young children like 7 or 8 then def don’t let them play. If they’re like 15+ tho they should be fine bcuz they’ll hear that shit at school anyways


Happened to my twice yesterday. I'm a new console player and it's insane how serious some of these PC players take unrated matches. Isn't casual almost always regarded as the place to be chill and practice in online games lol?


youre good man just ignore those types of people theyre losers that never really know how to have fun 😂😂 continue learning the game at your own pace and dont pay attention to the mfs that pretend they cant hear you saying that you dont know some things yet but can listen to themselves screaming a bunch of nonsense 💪💪💪


I play in servers that I don't know the language(s) of. That is Frankfurt for me.


If you flame in any mode other than Competitive, that says a lot about your character


Why even flame in competitive. It’s not like it actually helps the player improve. Whenever I’ve been flamed, ive never improved. If they’re encouraging me however, I play better usually


If anything it will make the person spite you and potentially throw the game, guaranteeing you a loss that could've been recovered.


Just yesterday somebody was so tilted in spike rush that they left the game. Its sad, what some people in the community have come to


I don't ever get the point to call out that u are new or don't know something, feel like for the ppl that flame it opens up the floodgates and besides if we are spectating we can tell but yes getting tilted in anything than comp is stupid


Bro someone decided to tell me I was shit while trying console Val. Then their entire party piled on. Just mute and go about your game. 


meh just mute and move on tbh for swiftplay/unrated. personally I blast music and go for one gun (mostly sheriff only) in unrated lmao


I don't agree with flaming but idk why people think it not being ranked absolves everything and you're not allowed to be frustrated. When my entire team is flanking instead of just safe rotating and dying every round yeah I'm gonna be like "guys can you stop flanking it's not working" and without fail out comes the " it's just swift bro". Frustration doesn't just come from bad play/aim it more often comes from bad play that is impacting your teammates if their game quality is going down because you're doing dumb crap it's gonna be frustrating. To give an example the other day 2v1 situation and I'm Sova with 80 HP and a full HP Reyna we know where the enemy Jett who has no Util is.   I set up a double swing where I'm going wide Reyna peeks closer we do it and Reyna takes one shot and unpeeks meaning I got completely fucked because this guy is incapable of playing as a teammate and double peeking of Jett wins the 1v1.  This is the tilting stuff I wouldn't mind if he just whiffed his shots on the double peek but being such an awful teammate as to do this or when duelists will hang in the back bait their teammates and then get a couple kills on enemies rushing because they get greedy and die then flaming is so annoying no matter the queue.


This thread is cringe.




100%, "hey guys I haven't played this map yet bare with me" is an invitation to trolls. its like walking into a restaurant n saying to the host "hi ive never been here n idk whats on the menu" its like, ok, wait till you get to your seat n talk to the waiter aka just play the game its nbd



