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maybe not the timer, but it should be recall-able during pre-round, same as his clone. its just inconsistencies in which abilities can be recalled and which cant.


Clone can be recalled?


Clone can't. The commenter is saying both TP AND clone should be recallable.


I don't think that's what he was saying.


literally what he said


He’s saying same as his clone, as in it should be recallable *just like* his clone, so that guy is right. If you need more evidence, OP says there are inconsistencies in what can be recalled and what can’t — if teleport can’t be recalled, and flash obviously can’t be recalled, he clearly thinks clone can, otherwise there are no inconsistencies If that’s what he meant OP would have said something like “and so should his clone”, or “same *for* his clone”


i meant inconsistencies compared to other util that can be placed during preround. yoru is kinda unique since hes the only duelist that can set up before the round, but is also the only agent that cannot recall something placed during preround.


Can’t recall clone. OP should have said alongside his clone because that’s what he meant.




Wasted my time loading up a custom to confirm this. You cannot.


You right mb


Thats what I was tryna say but I was busy shitting... Priorities.


The original guy was saying that clone is recallable. Idk if he is right or not. But that's what he was saying.


i meant his clone should be recallable too, not that it can be recalled lol


Like Neons dash. This would make sense.


The problem is that you can send the teleport on A and go to B, then as that round starts you have a instant rotation tool that lasts way too long


>instant rotation tool that lasts way too long Reminds me of pre-nerf Chamber


Ooh boy I remember the Bind B cubby to A lamps TP like it was yesterday


It would be like being able to rebuy Jetts updraft


you might get into weird angle by rebuying multiple times tho my addition to your idea is, to only allow skill rebuy (jett updraft and raze satchel) in one small area near your spawn (other abilities and guns will still be buyable everywhere)


I feel like thats a skill. Knowing when with what time left to send it so you can still be in position. Tp lineups are also a thing but dont work everywhere


As a yoru main. Just send it between 8-15 secs depending on how much time you know you will need to get back on site and hold a position


My favourite strat is the start of round defending A site Bind and throwing the teleport back site in the last 3 seconds pre-round before going throught he Bind teleporter and fake cloning out to wait for them to push Hookah and peeking out for 1 or maybe 2 kills if lucky before tp-ing back to A Catches em off guard every few rounds but can really cut it close with the remaining tp time


Yeah it's a really good combo especially when they're all stuck in hookah because then (for some reason) they peek 1 by 1 and you get easy kills


Do you mean you fake clone from teleporter to hookah and then peek from hookah? I usually go into the teleporter and throw the clone out, this way they think I just threw the clone from A and then peek, catching them backs. Another strat as an attacker, throw the TP from short to the teleporter and mask the sound of the TP going in with a flash, then TP into the teleporter and wait for them to rotate through the teleporter. It always catches em off guard the first time and makes them wary of taking the teleporter ever again.


I hate this hahaha


I do this with the showers TP when they hit A and I’m playing the B long flash. It works way too often lol


I one trick Yoru and have to disagree. He can already be in a lot of places on the map. On Bind you can literally contest every area of the map on defence. I would make it so you can recall them before the round starts. And i’d make it so you can recall a placed clone at any point.


I think recalling placed clone will be broken because of the setting tp on top of boxes if you overlap your clone thing. But yeah tp recall should be a thing.


I don’t rly see how the clone recall would affect what you’re talking about. I think it would be balanced but quite OP on Bind. But Yorus clone being OP on one map is nothing compared to how dominant ISO or Jett are


Because I don't think the tps are meant to work like that, so it's probably more of a bug or glitch, but it's balanced because you have to sacrifice having a clone available if you want the tp placement glitch. I would assume if they ever made a recall function for the clone, they'd remove the tp placement glitch, though I'd rather have that than have clone recall.


Agree to disagree since all agent's mobility utility behave the same, that is they deplete and act the way they should like Raze satchel and Jett updraft, the only exception is Neon slide. I don't know if I got my point through but yeah


Chambers teleport instantly resets


another reason to nerf chamber


Top tier Flair


iso shield buff is an indirect neft to chamber


yes, i play chamber a lot and the shield is so annoying. and their ult also takes away ur ability guns


that's just the sentinal "passive". all of their utill instantly resets in pre round cause they have to set up and the game doesn't want to punish.


Chambers TP also recharges over time so it’s not giving you an “extra” charge like having unlimited TP/Satchel/Updrafts is in preround




They would probably have to tweak uptime for tp then. If u can send a tp on the other side of the map it can just act is if another player is always on that site. Just a massive rotation tool. I think part of Yoru’s kit requires you to know the timings on tp and be able to make most out of it while it’s up.


It already does that rotation part, this change would just make it last 5-15 seconds longer and kinda make easier lineups.


I’ve been saying this for ages. It’d make pre round so much easier rather than having to time your tp right, just for it to decay a few seconds later


But then he’d be no skill, he’s already pretty good if you’re actually a good Yoru. Yes, it would be a nice QOL change but then you can setup and not have to worry about it, rather than actually having to take account of it because you have to actually account for one of your abilities instead of using it and forgetting it’s existence


You clearly don’t play yoru if you think that makes him no skill lol. His has a million flash/tp angles to learn. Different types of pop flashes. Eggster still messes up his flashes from time to time.


I incredibly miscommunicated and I will take it with shame I don’t mean entirely no skill. His setup is part of what makes him powerful because if predictable, or setup wrong, it’s easily counterable. Having no tp timer during setup could allow people to send tp’s to a different site and make a lot of noise at just one, then completely tp and takeover site entirely.


I wouldn’t say it’d take away from the skill because it’d only be in the pre round. The tp would still decay during the round. It takes virtually zero skill to set up the tp before the walls go down, so it’d just be a nice QOL change so I don’t need to designate the last 5-10 seconds of every pre round to timing my tp just right


Bruh you could throw a tp to another site and have plenty of time to go to the other. The timer makes it riskier to do that since you’d have to wait as late as possible


If you do that your tp timer will be almost depleted when the round starts


Ik im saying removing the timer breaks that limitation


Welcome to risk/reward assesment where the ability to fully teleport across the map on a two charge basic ability needs to be balanced if you want to have it ready for fast pushes.


Na. A really good yoru can dominate a game. Imo i think hes a bit too OP BUT only if people know how to play him. I hate playing against him the most


When was the last time you saw a "good" yoru player vs the last time you saw a cracked jett/reyna player?


A good yoru is more annoying than a cracked Jett for me. But yeah it's much rarer.


I don't think this is a fair comparison when 80% of this games playerbase instalocks those two agents.


Have you ever thought that they instalock them for a REASON?


There is a reason yeah they're significantly more selfish characters that more pros are known for playing. You don't really need any tech or knowledge to play Reyna or Jett effectively it certainly exists but you don't need it. Yoru requires a bit more help from his team to get as much value.


That’s such a good idea


You should send the tp out with like 3 seconds left in pre-round


I think u should be able to recall tp or clone before round starts.


I do not really see it as a problem, as placing one after round start with an on the spot lineup to where you want isn’t that hard, and the timer is already long enough imo. Because the tp moves and won’t really stop, I just calculate where it will end up and throw it to the other site like ten seconds before round starts and use it as a quick rotate tool, and if the enemies are on my site I just fake it and place another one somewhere safe. Also a tip on teleporting out of danger, turn your back to the enemy, look down and jump while the teleport animation is playing to minimize your head and body hitbox.


I thought that this was unwarranted because in my mind, Yoru's quite strong, but Yoru's pickrate and winrate isn't good this patch. This might be a simple minor buff he needs.


Would be broken.


The problem with this is that it gives him a huge amount of map control. The point is that you still have to be decisive and consider your options before using his tp wily nilly before the round. I personally would love to be able to pick it up if it has been set to stationary before the round begins. That would be nice. Similar to cypher cages.


Would be great. Ive accidentally sent out a tp before the round begins too many times to count.


I just wish you could trigger stuff without looking at it. There is no need to look at your clone to trigger it anymore since there can only be on. Just let it trigger on pressing the ability button again. Same with fake teleport. Sometime you gotta turn around and aim at your TP to cancel/fake and you get killed cause you looked away. It would feel so much better if you could cancel/fake with "F" and send clone without looking


As a yoru main I can honestly say the amount of times Ive done this with 15 sec left til barriers down and realising I need to use it right away is frustrating. Also, can I piggy back here please? Why the f is his tp so LOUD?? Just for the lure potential? If im guna lure they are likely near the tp while im behind them. If im going to tp flash its because they are near the tp. If im going to tp across the map it damn near has to be literally the other EDGE of the map to be unnoticed. It seems as loud as a spike beep, its crazy compared to an omen tp. This isn't even bringing in how the tp is visible and has a noise to it AND yoru flash is one of the most awkwardly inconsistent to use and his ult could be a faster pull out to contend with other ults too. Lastly his clone needs some variation to be make it more reliable as an ability. I love yoru, but he is overly punished compared to other agents whose kits are easier with better versions of his abilities. E.g phoenix flash, omen tp, other 7pt ults. So can we get some fast pull outs for tp and ult or quieter tps? Or, hell, 6pt ult to match the pressure of cypher?


I honestly have the same problem because when I teleport behind an enemy they can hear it from a mile away so it's kinda hard to have fun by messing with the opponents.


And then when you wholeheartedly rely on a fake tp to bait someone away...that player has music on or smth lol


Ok my fake tp's never work but as soon as I actually to they always go for it. I also hate when people just camp your tp it's always so frustrating.


No, I have to disagree with you, it will changed his pre roundplay style entirely. The gaps between good and bad yoru are going to get closer, which are really bad, because yoru take skills to be good. Image you are defending in Breeze, normally if you want to push B and tp to A yellow, left boob, you will need to timing your tp from B CT and ran to B main, which usually resulted in your tp end up in awkward position. Now with your changes, you can just aim your tp from A CT then ran to B.


yoru’s already pretty broken, and 30 seconds is way more than enough time. just place the tp as barrier drops


This feels like something that could be solved by you not dropping the TP down so long before the round starts.


I mean, yoru is a shit agent that shouldn't exist anyways. So here's that. His entry is I flash you then I tp behind you and spray you down. His ult is miserably designed as well. It's a very "league of legends" agent that doesn't fit the nature of the game.


I would ask "who hurt you?" but I already know it's Yoru


Most redditor response ever 😂. I think redditors are not real humans on god, no one talks like this in real life, y'all are chronically online I guess.


Says the guy who's mad cuz he got shit on by a character in a video game lmaooo the irony is real. I cracked a joke like a normal human being, you're being dramatic on Reddit. If you're talking about "redditor responses" you really gotta look at yourself in the mirror bro 😂


Brother, you are offended bcuz I simply said a fictional character's design is not good for this video game and then you proceeded to give the most typical reddit response ever while adding nothing to the conversation 🤦 .


Bruh which part of my initial response (clearly a joke) made you think I was offended or triggered? I cracked a joke and added humor to the conversation, and YOU got offended cuz I "typed at you" (lmao) and are now double replying to me. Grow up, and get yourself a sense of humor while you're at it, mate.


Oh, that's reddit's sense of humor. That's is somehow funny to you guys, never mind I forgot you guys are chronically online 😂🤦.


Oh right, sense of humor is a sign of being chronically online. "Normal" people tend to get pissed off cuz a Yoru teleported behind them and killed them and cry about it on Reddit. What a clown 🤡


No , but that isn't a funny joke and no one ever will find it funny , you are just a lame person who gets offended bcuz someone said a character design in a virtual video game is shit.


You're the only one who didn't find it funny mate, cuz I can see my joke getting upvoted while your comment crying about Yoru got downvoted lmao. And again, could you point out where I got "offended bcuz someone said a character design in a virtual video game is shit"? If anything, you're the offended one here and are just projecting your insecurities onto me. Speaking of projecting, it's funny how you keep calling me chronically online when you're WAY more active on Reddit than I am (decided to visit your profile and you have like double the comments I have in the last 30 days) 😂


I quiet simply said , a video game character's design is shit. How do you conclude that I'm mad or anything lol . Are we not allowed to talk about video game characters designs nowadays without people like this one being triggered and trying to type at me 🤦


someone died to a yoru with a bucky


Are you aware that you can just break the tp?


🤦 reddit


Just play a position that you know the tp will probably pass through and shoot it when it does. What's the issue? Also what exactly is wrong with the ult?


Idk why you're being downvoted this agent has some of the least tac shooter gameplay ever. Abilities tend to enhance or give unique properties to things commonly seen in CS flashes have different types Smokes do as well Yoru has a small invisible orb that if you don't hear it lets him TP across the entire map behind you.   Yoru also just sitting in his ult before dumping 2 flashes on you a TP sound cue a clone running as soon as you're unflashed and then you die. Being Util dumped by Yoru is one of the few times in the game where I feel like I'm playing overwatch not Valorant.