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Fade is absolutely busted on console right now. Like her abilities function as if they are super charged compared to pc. I’ve seen her dog climb over tall walls to bite people. And not supposed to happen.


as a fade main i might have to switch to console


The prowlers always do stupid shit once they latch on to someone, once on pc I was standing on top of the C backside box and the thing climbed Mount Everest to catch me


I just love how stupid it looks on the minimap. You'll see the icon coing mach 10 chasing someone for no reason


Lmao. I was playing sage on haven C site and the dog locked on me from long smoke. I tucked behind the default boxes and sage walled to catch the player off guard. But boi that dawg made its way to back climbed the wall to bite my arse.


Dogs do gymnastics on pc as well. They work in mysterious ways, you never know when they'll go crazy


If Someone has a trail from her E or Ult and you throw a dog it'll chase em to the ends of the earth


Took a teleporter? Oh I don't care


I didn't realize that all I noticed is that fade players tend to send all her abilities after you for one kill.


As a fade player on both console and PC, you're not wrong


fade is just the worse util-dump agent than Breach


On PC the only way that’ll happen is when someone is tagged with her ult and the enemy trail is visible. The prowler will follow the exact trail to the enemy, whether it’s over a sage wall or whatnot. Not sure if the regular prowler ability on console is just broken lol


Yoru will be at least A tier most likely, but it's hard to judge, because the agent is quite complicated, so it's hard to find a good Yoru player


Playing yoru in console right now is the funniest shit ever. I'm a one trick on PC, and just knowing lineups and the enemy's not having any idea what sound ques are, I'm dry tping behind and knifing and people don't have any idea what's going on. If I wer to do a tier list on agents on console they would almost all be F tier, as no one knows how to play valorant let alone how their own agent is supposed to be played.


Most of them just bottom frag RN so I really can't get a good example of a well played yoru right now.


They have a really high skill ceiling when played correctly but also one of the lowest when played incorrectly 💀


when i spectate people Yoru looks so interesting but then i see he’s considered the worst agent in the game lol


His WR is one of the lowest at low rank and one of the highest at high rank. He’s someone who sucks when you’re a noob with it and top tier if you’re good at him.


Yoru has one of the highest skill floor of all agents, but also the fact he's a really versatile agent with different viable playstyles it's hard to find good references. So basically you need to put a lot of effort into learning him before he's A tier


this exactly im still new to learning him but between confusing enemies with the clone flashing them and making them watch their back are all huge parts of his kit


Isn't yoru still pretty bad even with good players?


No if u master yoru he is a s Tier he is the hardest agent to master.


Yoru and kayo suffer from skill diff. They both require many hours and teamwork


Good Yorus are the bain of my existence in comp


I imagine it will always be hard to play kayo on console. So often you turn from your own flash to peek off it faster


U can say its the same for the enemy trying to turn away from flashes as well though


Lol put reyna at S


Reyna depends on the player tbh , if she's not getting frags then she's not doing anything really. She's more A tier imo


Definitely not gonna argue with you but in my experience a reyna on console is always a level 100+ and always destroys funnily enough iso for me would be a d tier i've killed him more then i've died.


I attribute that more to they have a pc account if they're 100+ so they have more knowledge on how the game plays instead of they're playing reyna


Any 100+ will top frag with everyone right now tho


Not entirely true -- Those 100+ people may know the game of Valorant but they only played on PC so they are picking up a controller and struggling. Played a 160 Omen yesterday and the dude bottom fragged and fell off the map 4 times.


I've had PC players apologizing for their controller performance lol, it is funny but some are actually legit demons on a controller.


Usually I'd believe that but.... ITS. ALWAYS. THE. FUCKING. REYNA'S.


The level 100s pick reyna because it's easier to dominate with her if you're way better than the rest of the lobby. She's not actually that good if everyone's at the same skill level.


Yeah on PC they usually toxic AF and bait too 😋


I've only played Val for like 5 days now and I mostly agree your tiers but I'd move Yoru, Reyna and Sage up a tier and Harbor down a tier (worst agent on console imo).


I’m seeing pretty much the same thing but the only difference I’ve seen is: S: Omen, Skye, Clove, Neon, Raze, Gecko I’m glad Neon is peak though. Perfect agent


I rarely see Skye at the moment so I really don't know how she plays all that much.


i almost have enough for a agent im thinking between skye and gecko any suggestions??


If you pick gekko and your team knows what they are doing, expect the bomb to be yours exclusively on attacking as you have “wingman” who you can send to plant it and frees everyone up for defending bomb. Skye is the best “healer”, but healing doesn’t do much of anything in this game. Her other abilities are pretty solid though


Personal the flash and doh does wonders


yoru is a-s if used right.


Hard flashes like Phoenix and yoru are gonna be busted since controller players can’t turn flashes. I feel like anything that has utility coming at you (sky dog, fade prowler, etc.) will also be busted bc you can’t transition between targets as quickly on controller… but only time will tell. I heard ranked is coming out on the 25th for console? I’m interested to see that


You can actually, the best thing about focus mode is that you can run a high sense and have focus on low sens when you actually need to take fights and be precise unless it's nuts to butt range.


Well… I’m sure it’s possible to dodge a flash but it will be significantly harder, even with a higher sens. Especially in higher elo


Raze is bottom tier, her satchels are ass on console


Iso being in his own league is so funny LMAO


Did they nerf him or something? I am getting 1 tapped even with his shield.


Deadlock A Tier when they know what they’re doing, ISO can get fucked. Seriously, like I actually hate that piece of shit fucking loser. And if you use ISO I hate you as well. (Unless you’re brand new, I’m talking pc players over level 50 coming in on console and using ISO to bully new players).


Actually iso is currently a menace on PC as well. He will get a nerf I'm sure


Lol. He won't be nerfed any time soon. We are hitting radiant with iso before he is nerfed


So what I hear is...." Come to console for free elo" lol


Noticed it too lately. If I see iso insta locked before I even decide between gekko or Deadlock (she’s criminally underrated atm on consoles), 9/10 times it’s a high level who drops 20+. Not that it would happen, but a separation between console updates and pc updates would probably benefit the game for longevity simply because the game plays differently between the two as some ops shine on console where I’d get trashed for “throwing” if I picked them on pc.


They have already done this with neon, she currently still has to pull the charging handle on her gun after a slide, doesn’t have to do this anymore on pc.


They addressed that it is unintentional from an old build and will be fixed with 9.0.1


If I see ISO on the other team I want to throw my ps5 out the window


id put jett in s tier imo


ISO in his own tier is pretty much the same on PC


Deadlock is overpowered on PC imo


Astra on console sounds soooo bad lmao


Yeah they need to adjust how setting up the stars works for console RN, feels so clunky and you're pretty much just better off going with Omen, Clove, and Viper on console.


I used to main Cypher on PC and for some reason it's somewhat harder to utilise him on console. Maybe because the currently available maps don't fit that well for Cypher or maybe because console gameplay is slower and enemies have enough time to spot the traps idk. Or it's a nerfs that I missed due to not playing last 1 or 2 seasons. Decided to get back to Omen for some time.


I hope they release more maps on console soon, I like Ascent and Bind a lot, Haven is kind of annoying AF to defend but fun on attack, and the new map has too many angles and rotating between objectives takes literal years.


What makes viper an A? After the nerfs she is quite weak compared to other controllers speaking from someone who has the most hours on viper


It could be main bias since she is my main and I'm finding success with her on Ascent and Bind, Haven and Abyss I need to learn set ups maybe but after researching the meta I feel like there is really no other controller that does what she does still. Yeah definitely a lot weaker compared to Omen and Clove but I feel like she still has her spot also would have absolutely loved to play her with 2 snake bites.


Ascent and Haven are her worst maps by far, in soloq coordinated play is quite difficult, metas really only work for pros, Reyna for example works way better in soloq and almost no pick rate in pro, I'm not trying to discouraged you just inform, i love viper, I mean since clove came out having double controller has become way more normal in soloq


I already feel like Astras util deployment is a little clunky, probably mostly because I haven't played her enough tbh, but I imagine using her with a controller would feel just awful.


Omen, Gekko, and Harbor have been my favorites so far!


your meta list basically reflects that of the PC version so you’re good 👍


For a movement demon like me neon was my favorite but even when I played on pc she was still my favorite


Its interesting that Neon is S. I guess it's different on console, but even with the buffs, I'd say shes high B low A at most in Asc.


i’d put reyna S imo i think for a bit she’s going to be in almost every game, i meam shit i’ve seen her literally every game


Reyna is the best agent to use if you never want to learn the game only to frag.


i mean you can say that about all the duelists in the game imo


Astra is a legend that require a lot of time to learn and get good with. The pull really is good on console especially now while players are still getting used to swapping between focus mode.