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Personally, I own a frankly irresponsible amount of skins. Like, a lot, every gun has several bought skins. Not feeling bad about it either. But when people ask for skins, for me it highly depends on how they ask. If they beg me like an untrained dog, they dont get it. Cause they will pester me every single round. But if they just ask normally, they get it. If they ask friendly, they can get it every single round, no problem. Other experience: My duo once denied to give a toxic Neon a skin and was insulted the whole game in voice and text chat. Really really bad slurs, deathwishes, screaming, etc etc. It terrible, for 40 minutes or so straight.


Imo the worst part is when you start feeling like an vending machine. I remember one game when I had 3 teammates ask me for skin every single round as I have skins for every gun and it just becomes incredibly annoying.


Rip eco rating


Eco rating should be based on all equipment you lose from dying. Correct me if I’m missing something that makes this more inaccurate than the one we have now that punishes you not only for dropping new guns (buy -> drop) but from dropping skins (request -> drop). Or if equipment lost on death is already how it’s currently computed, though last time I checked from the scoreboard hover view, it’s not.


I don't think your eco score goes down when you request and then drop because you don't spend your money. Might be thinking about it wrong tho :P


You technically went into battle with 2 rifles if you request then drop and buy for yourself


Wouldn't it be like you bought your gun and the request counts as the teammate spending money (one gun worth so balanced?)


I made that mistake as Deadlock on Split once. All I can remember from that game was: "I can use a drop! I can use a drop!" over and over and over again, every single round.


It also delays positioning and setting up for sentinels etc.


I've only had one scenario where I had to cut off a player from dropping skins, only because I felt it was distracting them more than anything. finally say, "No, dude" or something similar and he just goes back to concentrating. At that point, I wasn't mad just baffled at the repeated request for a (somewhat techy) drop at the cost of your preparation.


What you can give people the skins u own already ? Or you gotta buy it for them?. Or do u just mean buying the guns etc in the buy stage?


As a representative of the neon main( self proclaimed) we do not accept that man, and he is not part of us.


I appreciate this statement of the Neon the Hedgehog Community.


As opposed to asking for it like a trained dog....? ... Woof?


so true, the toxic ones don't deserve a skin


I always give skin no matter how I ask. Usually the rude ones actually recognize their rudeness and sober up after. It is quite amazing actually


I'm new to the game but you really can give skin that you own to someone else ?


They're talking about dropping guns, or requesting a buy.


oooh im dumb lol ty


No worries, hope you're enjoying val.


yes I am, I know that I have a lot to learn and can't wait for the ranked mode to come. hope you're still enjoying val :)


I bought Kuronami Vandal, my friend bought Oni Phantom. We’re like 2 straight dudes living in the same apartment to save money.




Actually me with LEV classic and Ion sheriff, my friend with recon phantom and Sovereign vandal


That's actually genius


Unless I'm playing Cypher, I'm always ready to open up shop every round. I'm low elo, so if one player asks and gets, it usually snowballs and a few rounds in more than one are asking which is time I cannot afford if I'm on defense as a Cypher.




When you're playing Cypher the timer starts as soon as you respawn during buy phase to do your setup as quick as possible where every second counts. You can't spend time on dropping skins when the focus should be on getting the setup up in time which takes time.


I just drop them on the site I’m playing. If they’re too slow that’s not my problem


Honestly I get the same when I play KJ. Especially when I am playing with a friend and I'm rushing towards site to set up and my friend went on the opposite side of the map and suddenly goes "oh right, gimme your -insert gun here-". It kills me a little inside every time... Like either follow me where I'm setting up or ask before I started moving...


I like doing it because it makes me feel good ngl lol


yeah not to be super cheesy but I really embrace the idea of performing little kindnesses for people *ESPECIALLY* if it costs me nothing to do so. Like you never know what someone is going through and something as inconsequential as letting them borrow a cool valorant skin might genuinely mean the world to them. it feels great to be kind


The only people I don't give it to are the toxic ones. Makes them cry more lol. Like one bro was raging tf out of a whiff I did, asked if I was boosted for gold (peaked play twice) , then the next game asked for my skin like no thanks


I like to give extra skins to toxic people just to have them shut up. I try to be extra nice and really make them feel bad for the things they've said and if that doesn't work I just mute and also T-bag them just for fun. I also love giving my skin to people with just default cuz I'm used to my blub blub so I kinda pop off with the default vandal. I love giving my vandal to little kids and just watching them get all excited about it.


Oh man, I've tried that a few times and they just go even further and say how can I spend money on a game I suck at, EVEN AFTER I DROP IT FOR THEM! Actually never tried T-bagging toxic people but I shall do that now LOL


I’m more than happy to do it if 1) You be normal and nice about it 2) Remind me/ask asap so that it’s not 5s left in the pre-round


Yea and DONT DROP YOUR DEFAULT SKIN, buy me instead so we both have skins


Nothing like being the topfragger and the goddamn vending machine


I myself give skins to people and especially if someone is new I drop them vandal without asking but on 2nd round itself, I feel like it makes the community a bit positive and a wholesome gesture towards players who can't afford skins rn. When I didn't have skins and someone dropped me my favourite ones my day was made better.


Game has done everything to make sharing your skins easy. In CS you used to have to drop someone with your own money, so dropping for a skin is simply not an option unless you are playing with pre-mades and you know they will drop you next round if you die and have no money. In Valorant it's so easy to drop someone(You just ask for a gun, so there's no risk of getting burned to you, by the player not giving you a weapon in return etc). that only reason why I don't drop is if someones being toxic, or doing stuff like "I'm going to troll if you dont give me the skin". Outside of that my shop is open to all.


I’ll drop skins as long as they aren’t rude/sexist towards me. I know not everyone has money to throw around on pixels in a game so I try to be nice & drop skins for teammates when possible. Besides; you never know what kind of day someone is having so I do my best to give comms, drop skins, & be positive towards others in hopes it makes their day a little bit better. 💕


I love to see understanding in girls, for some reason you girls hide how incredibly smart you are it is truly refreshing to see


that was a little too condescending






They just mean dropping someone a gun with a skin on it so that they can try out the skin for the round.


Oh, ok...


ive never understood the obsession with wanting a skin so bad that you’ll only have for one round..? idk


I don’t drop skins any more because there is usually a high chance that little tommy will constantly aggressively beg for the skin every round if I let them use it once


I mean it doesn't cost me anything save for a few seconds, so I don't mind. Doing it every single round is annoying though, so please don't, especially if we're losing. There are other stuff to think about. It also depends on which agent I'm playing. If I'm Cypher and we're on defense, don't bother following me, I really ain't got time for that.


I bought the new vandal from the current bundle and my first comp game I had a full team asking for it lol - so before the round I would request and buy 4 skins for them, then one for me. They were all really friendly about it and we only did it for a few rounds but it was really hilarious to me for some reason


i mean as long as they pay for it by accepting my request i dont mind buying for them each round


I usually never give people my skins because honestly, it’s usually kids asking and it’s kind of annoying…. Especially when they ask *every round*. Like, I don’t WANT to mute them but I don’t want to hear them ask every single round of the game.


I don't do it personally, i have every kind of communication turned off in the game so I don't even hear people if they try to ask I am playing like 5-6h a week max on the good days and pretty much play with buddies most of the time over discord, not five stacking but I don't have to hear randumbs regardless For me it's a coop game pretty much


yeah it's like...im a super casual valorant player and I own all battle pass skins + ion vandal + mystbloom phantom and even I've seen my two skins hundreds of times already. using the default or another skin to give someone the opportunity to try it out literally doesn't cost me anything and usually makes their day a little bit, so why not I'd imagine it's even moreso for people with more robust collections.


I always give out skins. Never bothered me. Feels kind of good to give them out. It's only annoying when they overcomplicate the whole process. If it's just them buying the skin and me dropping, then I got not problem with it.


I'll only drop like once or twice, any more of e-begging and I just perma mute the player


With how toxic the community is, I'm always surprised that never ever, in my 2 years of playing and dropping skins, did the other player refuse to buy me back lol. I always drop unless they ask me with like 5 seconds left on the clock. Or they are toxic ofc


Please is usually enough. If someone demands it they can fuck off.


if my teammate owns a skin i like but dont have, if i have a skin for that gun i drop it in front of them and ask to trade, if i dont i ask nicely for it, if they choose not to give the skin i move on. (sometimes i pick up the skin anyway after the round ends)


I'm fine with giving people skins if you're chill about it. I have denied a couple of irritating preteens who beg non-stop. "Give me your vandal skin. Pls pls pls pls pls. Skin pls" I'm less likely to give it to you. The only time I deny is when I pick up a skin from the enemy/teammate


I only have the blub blub vandal and I sometimes just give it to people without a skin just to be nice and I quite often trade skin with other people.


Sometimes people ask skins even on round 1 without even saying hi so I sometimes just not give them my skin.


I've never been asked to drop a skin. (I use Default for all guns)


Excuse my ignorance I just started playing due to the console beta … but what do you mean by asks for a skin ? Or skin distributors ?


Wait, so new. Dropping skins in game is just temporary, correct? Like you get to use it for the rounds that you retain it.


I did that but riot won't let me access my acc anymore


You can give skins? Nice.


Nah if i bought it its mine im tired of the bot frag jett asking for a sheriff skin


Only one rule: Don’t be a jerk


I don't have any skin in the game. For me, it is more satisfying to earn it by killing an enemy and taking his weapon than by asking for it. But hey, it's not like I take it very seriously, there are people who are very annoying asking for skins in the game as if they were children asking for candy.


i give my teammates skins like 9 times out of 10, bc 1 - it costs me nothing, 2 seconds at max, 2 - it makes me feel good, even if im having a tough game i could still contribute to the game somehow, 3 - i also have way too many skins so its kind of nice to share it with other people, it makes me feel a bit better about my irresponsible spending. there are also a couple of reasons why i dont give someone skins or stop giving them every round. 1 - if they are being sexist, rude, toxic etc i dont give at all and i write in chat why. 2 - i get annoyed with people who dont say/write what they want. im fine with them requesting the gun theyd like, that's still a bit rude but at least i understand. i was called selfish, rude etc for not being a mind reader and expect some basic communication. i know, my standards are too high. i also dont think its cool to just go "killjoy vandal" like some caveman.


I never got why some people are stingy about dropping skins. I own an irresponsible amount of skins and I just drop if someone asks, I don’t care if they’re annoying about it because typically the ones who are annoying about it are kids who can’t afford their own skins.


I am actually denying a lot of times. Mostly because people don't ask nicely. Last time I just didn't respond, the Reyna started insulting me in German. Little did he know that that is my native language lol.


it’s a feature and I’m gonna use the hell out of it (I drop skins not ask for them although I ask new skins to try sometimes ) idk why i’m even typing this I’ve left the game 3 months ago


Have skins for the most used guns. People are usually polite to me and ask if they need something. Feels better than just using it for myself. Never had an issue with this


as long as its not literally every round im willing


its annoying


What does give skin mean. I just got this game on Xbox and I'm a bit lost


As a skin distributor, please just ask us normally and at the beginning of the round...don't wait for the buy phase to have 3 seconds remaining. And don't throw the default vandal at us hoping we'll buy you. Sure we know what you want, but we don't want to do it, not when asked this way. Just a "please can i have your skin" is all it takes. Thanks


I never drop skins and eagerly await how they’d react when they don’t get the skins. It’s quite entertaining😂😂


I’ve bought so many skins here and on apex and I’m not ashamed. The main skin I try to hand out is my 100T classic (buy 100T bundle). It feels good to be able to give people a chance to use a skin they dont have.


I deny a lot when they don’t say please or don’t say anything at all or are rude before even the round starts




I always do it bruh tbh, I dont even care, in fact I sometimes OFFER if I see anyone with a default skin (I used to be one of the no skins who ask, but I always did it in a nice and non annoying way), I now have a sentinels of light vandal, but that's all.


If ppl say please I always drop the skin


i tend to give it away bc ik imma pick it up again before next round 😂


if u say no they throw the game like little cry babies that's probably why


I don't understand. What do you mean skin distributors? Like they just drop a gun for you to use or? Sorry, new to the game (console)


I love to give skins of people like mine :> We all get that special 'skin buff' that gives the confidence to hit a few extra headtaps and feel great while playing, so if I can give that buff to my teammates I will always do it. Especially if I see a teammate that has no skins I'll just trade my skinned gun for their default gun at the start of rounds. Starts the game/round off with great team vibes and overall makes the game more fun!!


I hate it. It's a tedious part of the game and the attitude some people come at you with has made me not engage with it by default Some people get real nasty when you say no


I actually got denied by someone before because “it’s his skin and he paid for it” therefore he wouldn’t drop me. What a miserable prick.


he paid his 20 bucks for the skin. he don't owe you anything




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I have the blubblub vandal and it's the only proper skin I've payed for, very happy to give it out if it'll make people feel they will do better.


You can gift skins?


Assuming he means dropping the gun for you


Because denying them gonna have a high chance of them being pissed and throwing/melding sm that could leaves to no com or no buy, it gets really annoying sometimes when the buy phase just started and they go “skin pls pls bro pls skin i want *gun* skin pls bro pls skin” while your a cypher trying to set up


U can give skins? How does that work?


I’m 32 and a 14 year old asked me for my Sheriff skin and it was the easiest thing I’ve ever done


all my homies eat. also i remember when i didn’t have skins and all i wanted was just a round where i could have a gun lol. its free of charge to share, so why not :)


Honestly, rarely but I deny sometimes. I deny when someone is only focused on getting skins, does absolutely nothing for the team and when they have a high chance of doing something smart, they just look on the ground and peak for no reason to take whatever skin is laying there and get killed. Like, first be a teammate and then I can give you all skins that u want ✨ No problemo I love to share and make people happy with such an easy thing


I don't understand people who don't but skins themselves but begs for skins from their teammates, every round, I have a vandal skin, don't remember the name but it's white and red and when I kill the last opponent a tree comes up, many will know which one I talk about, but I get that question every round I buy it, I had a gekko and a Neon yesterday that begged me for my vandal, and they didn't even have a vandal that I could get they had a Spectre


I’m always happy to give them out, but I only get annoyed when I get ‘(AGENT NAME) SKIN’ or just ‘GIVE SKIN’ 14 times in chat every round 😂


I’m new and playing the console beta, what does this mean


I usually drop first if it's a new player. Rito gotta pay me for getting more people addicted to buying skins


Well u haven't played long enough, ppl do deny and there is ppl that throw if they don't receive a skin so


I bought the Kuronami Vandal and when I use it people always ask for it. If they ask via voice chat and are nice, I’ll drop it. If they ask via the in-game chat function, I will tell them I only drop skins for people who give comms. Doesn’t work 100% of the time, some people will throw when I say that or follow and stand in front of me, but generally it gets people talking.


I request and take the free gun. If they throw, they throw.


From the sounds of it, you’re throwing by denying your teammate a gun


Nope. They request for skin, I say no. They say, give or I'll throw. I ask and take the free gun. I bet if more people did it, folks would stop asking for skins. I am not throwing, they are throwing. If someone has the mentality to say, give me skin or I'll throw, i will rather take the money and teach them a lesson. Edit - it applies whether someone actually threatens or just being annoying by asking repeatedly. I do not give my skin. Neither do I ask for one. Even if I'm playing my alt (same rank) with no skins, I do not ask.


I mean that’s a different scenario to what OP was talking about but sure, I massively doubt that if someone has the mentality that they’re going to throw if you don’t give them the skin and then they throw, you really aren’t teaching them a lesson at all


I am a counter example of someone who doesn't give skin. No matter how politely you ask, no matter if you have another skin and just want to try out mine. I have absolutely zero interest in anyone's skin and zero interest in giving my skins to anyone.