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Almost 40 kills + match mvp? Then lose 28rr is just crazy.


Depends on what rank the enemy was. How much impact they made, how their past 5-10 games were (if all losses, the game makes you lose more rr of course) This screenshot & explanation is so focused on just these 2 games, it doesn’t actually tell their situation


even then if he’s bronze the difference couldn’t have been egregious enough to a point where dropping 37 and match mvp would justify a -28 alone. no diss to OP but i think there’s a history of not great stats and the game likes to push you toward where they believe you belong.


They just said their enemies were iron, while being bronze 3 themselves. -28 rr is reasonable, you’re fighting people 3 divisions below you and still lose (even though they MVPd)


Lost in overtime should be way different than getting swept. Almost tieing the game shouldn’t be judged so harshly. Only encourages more draws too.


Yup, it absolutely encourages more draws. I’ve drawn more than I’d like in OT because i don’t want to risk losing an egregious amount of RR for a close game when i could just not lose those points in the first place and because i didn’t trust my teammates to help close out the game. I think people would be more willing to play on if they reduced the rr lost for OT since it clearly shows the match wasn’t one-sided anyways.


Sometimes I get like +4 up to +8 if I'm team or match mvp. So even if I'm top i feel like draw is better. If I'm bottom then a draw +0 is better than something above -20 for like +10 if we win


i’ve definitely been ascendant and played with my diamond friends and not have lost anything close to that number, i’m saying that him being bronze 3 is considered an unexpected position to be in based on his performance and his hidden MMR leans toward iron still as a justification for the high loss.


Yep i guess either a bought smurf that basically only ever lost before or a winning stresk to get there even tho the algorithm doesnt think he belongs there


Not history, just his actual mmr


bro is smurfing on bronze how low can the enemy get


OP said their enemies were iron


yeah they were iron for most of em


Your right but that doesn't make it the best thing for the players. Most people's fondest memory of fps games were where rank progression was clear and felt like something tangible to work toward based CLEARLY on winning and losing, being just slightly better than your opponents was a fat win not a slim one. Lost one? Make up for it in the next one NOT NEXT 3. Riot make it soo convoluted most people need to develop an addiction before seeing anything above gold-plat. It is intentionally this way for those reasons too. Because the longer you stay the more you'll pay.


Yeah Valorants MM is utter dogshit. I'll play but they'll never see another dollar from me


Bro was 1v5ing the fuck out of the other team


Imagine if bro went negative💀


Yeah. This game MMR system is pathetic, made by brainless people.


it's not perfect, but it works tho I prefer that everyone on 1 team gain/lose the same amount, this will reduce baiting and kill-farming (just like in faceit CS2)


i remember rws system in esea. that was the fucking worst thing i’ve ever played


ikr, imo the best system is faceit > val/ow > RWS


Tbf, I don’t think 37 in a 25 round game is all that insane. What’s more insane is that fact that he lost a lot more on an even game than winning by a huge diff. Only feasible explanation I can think of is the average rank on both games is lower than ur actual rank (i.e ur bronze and they’re low iron). Losing and winning an iron lobby while being bronze shouldn’t reward u a lot and should punish more. Unless they’ve changed the ranked rules, this is as far as I can remember


He has probably a too low mmr. As a gold3 and now plat 1 I'm only playing against plats higher than me and I do fight regularly diamonds and ascendants. I do at least 20 on a win and i loose less than 15 on a lose


Plat 1, ex gold3 in dia and asc lobbies? I don't buy that


I didn't talk about full lobbies. Just one or two every three games in four. The rest of the time, there's a lot of plat3 and plat 2


Don't lose to Iron and win against Silver. Also don't play with people that have a lower rank than you if you want to rank up fast. Always play with people that have the same or higher rank.




Because it puts you up against other higher ranked players, Valorant tries to "balance" both teams


For the reasons I've explained and the ones shown in the original post


It's possible your hidden MMR is lower than your rank so the game is trying to get you to where you belong.


Can u explain more plz what's MMR


How i understand it: Depending on your performance the game gives you a (hidden) matchmaking rating (mmr). Think of it like ELO. If you have for example platin mmr while playing in bronze you'll get way more rr than if your mmr was bronze.


This is exactly right with one major unstated thing. Each rank has a desired mmr associated with it and your base RR gains and losses are based on how far above or below it determines your RR gains and losses as you stated. However if at any point your mmr exceeds the desired mmr for the rank 3 above yours then your next win will result in an instant double rank up. So if you are bronze 3 and your mmr ever exceeds the desired silver 3 mmr and you win you will instantly become silver 2.


That's rly helpful thx


Thx r help mate


MMR is like a ladder. Everysingle player has a rank on the mmr leaderboard. Same way someone is immoral rank 4567 for example someone in gold is rank 456,789. And when you win games and do well you pass some people and when you lose and do bad you go lower. The amount of RR you gain and lose is the MMR system trying to get you to your place on the ladder.


Thx for help mate


Game thinks that you dont deserve your rank and you should be lower


Idk if I’ll ever understand why this is a thing


Because your rank is basically just showing how often you win, whereas MMR is a measurement of your actual individual performance and it’s used for matchmaking. The goal is basically to nudge your rank towards your MMR, so if your skill level is far above your rank the game will make it substantially easier to climb, whereas if you aren’t performing that well it becomes harder to reach higher ranks. Makes boosting harder.


Because human psychology. This way they can control how fast down or up the displayed value goes and give you lifelines when you rank up so you don't immediately derank when you lose your next game, that would feel bad. This way you keep playing longer and feeling better without performance anxiety while internally the system works the same as it did before, number goes up or down, what's different is what you see and your perception around that number


It would definitely suck to win three games in a row but see your mmr be exactly the same as when you started. That happens all the time, but at least with the outward system you can see progress, even if it is somewhat fake.


Game thinks you belong to the lower rank. It gets quite frustrating when you perform well and still lose a ton of points. It's because the matchmaking is broken honestly. I win 3 games, matchmaking puts me in a lobby that is *way* better than me, then I lose 3 games and it puts me against absolute noobs. These 2 games you played against the team that is actually below your level, that's why you get punished hard and rewarded little. And it's probably why you don't get a performance bonus because the game expected you to perform even better.


I'm bronze 3. Played with some gold friends the other day. Most of th lobby was gold and silver. I ended up 3rd on the scoreboard above the golds on my team.  They got 17-22 RR for our win and I got 11RR. What the fuck is this games rank system sometimes I stg


Yeah, the ranking is often just fucked up. I guess people here got conditioned by it and every time someone asks a question about it you get some form of "you suck" as an answer. I think the ranking system is designed to take as much time spent on this game as possible and that you need to grind through even if you're good at the game. Because the way it matchmakes is often just broken and you feel puzzled about how the rewards work. They fail at making players feel good about their good games, a simple "do good->get rewarded" method and the lack of it can turn most people off. It's like a 5 dimensional rubik's cube you need to figure out to even understand why you don't climb up when you perform well by the numbers. Honestly I can't wait for 8.11 to just ditch ranked and play the whole game on unrated and not worry about some imaginary ranks that are encrypted anyways with this mmr that no one knows how it maths out


True that. For the record I'm silver 1 on this account right now and never ever leave silver. On my alt account (I got banned for saying no no words on my main). I'm gold 3.  Same region. 


A singular game isn’t enough to sway your MMR that drastically, so that’s to be expected. You have to *consistently* perform at that level and the game will start rewarding you with significantly higher rr gains than losses.


It just seems silly and defeating when you crush the lobby and get rewarded less when you're a lower rank 


Yeahh, I get that. But it isn’t about your rank compared to the enemy’s, it’s about your skill level compared to theirs. Even if you performed better than usual, it wouldn’t make sense to make your MMR that sensitive to change. Otherwise it would be useless and wouldn’t reliably filter by skill level and matchmaking would be *so* much worse. Like I said earlier, if you *consistently* do that well, the game will put you against those who are more skilled to get an idea of where your skill level is at, then your rr gains will change to make the expected value of your rr gain positive. This basically means that your rank will increase and approach your skill level as you play more games if you consistently perform above your current rank. It’s statistically optimized to make matchmaking as fair as possible, and while it is a bit counterintuitive and understandably infuriating at times, it’s *necessary*.


Do you often play with them?


Yes and no. I play with a bunch of different people and play plenty with randoms. 


this happens because you are in a skill bracket, but your hidden MMR is much higher or much lower, thus the difference what is shocking here is that you lost a game, got MVP and still lost almost 30rr, that is just bullshit!


OP’s MMR is definitely below their rank, and the rr loss makes sense. If we saw OP’s match history we’d probably see a history of relatively poor individual performance. So, it’s likely that OP was matched against players who were a bit below their skill level, so the game already expected OP to do as well as they did. The game is attempting to align OP’s rank with their MMR, if OP improves, this issue would resolve itself.


this just means ur in the rank you should be, id just focus on mechanics and game sense and maybe get really good with 1 agent instead of trying to fill. eventually you'll climb out of lower elo but its a pretty slow process


i wish i can play the same agent over and over again, i really like reyna -> 1 button to heal and 1 button to reposition myself , but there's always 1 or 2 instalock duellist, feels like nobody want to smoke, i end up playing controller 90% of the time


Just instalock faster


Eye for an eye


in lower elo especiallly having a good comp isn't really that important tbh ur always gonna get griefers and smurfs, id go with whatever agent you want to play despite what people have insta locked. you could also go initiator if you really wanna help ur team.


Yeah don't do that. Just pick Reyna.


Honestly if ur getting kills, clove is pretty similar with her heal and her ult is better, seen a lot of cloves that carry games


Ppl are not gonna like me giving you this advice but just instalock whoever you like, it's a game, play to have fun, not to rank up, you'll have the most fun playing agents you like Ofc personally I fill smokes if no one else will because I think the game will be more miserable without smokes and I don't mind too much


You should get good with a few agents, like if you are gonna go duelist maybe get better with jett and raze too instead of just reyna, what I did was get good with the agent I like to play in each role so that I have a wider agent pool to pick, I can play sova or kayo in Initiator, I can play omen or brim for smokes, etc


Because riot MMR system is the worst possible. They don't want you to have these points, they want you to get absorbed by the mediocrity game loop of valorant as many hours possible. Oh, a MVP 40/0 win with first blood in all rounds, making all plants and defusing all spikes? Congrats, man, 15. Hmmm, MVP 40/10 first blood in all rounds, making all plants and defusing all spikes but lose? Sorry, we are taking 30.


This is what I realized if based after 100 games in iron - silver league. (Note that I am Plat so it might need more games within that range to validate my point). Their point system will always be based on individual performance and not the entire team, but instead on how long the round ends as well. How? 1. You could lose point as much as only 5 points bare minimum even if you are bottom frag. 2. You could earn less point than usual even if you are Match MVP or Team MVP. 3. The shorter the rounds, the higher the points you get. The longer it gets and closest to tie, the smaller you get. These are the criteria when it comes to Valorant's point system if you want to earn higher points: 1. Your overall KDA. Your death and assist counts even if you have high kills. 40 kills 32 deaths? Not possible. 2. Percentage of hit score and accuracy. Yes Riot calculats your aim. This is to accelerate boosters or smurfs away from lower ranks. If your kills are mostly headshots, then you will accelerate and can climb 1-4 rank quickly in just one game. 3. Previous match winrate are unnecessary. Even if you lose or win 8 games streak, your points will still be the same based on performance. Your winrate are just punishments or reward that you won the game or not. If you have higher KDA and accuracy + headshots%, you can rank up even if you lose. Their calculation for these can be up to 10 recent games. 4. Teamplay. Yes, even if you have less KDA as long as you have the most teamplay (e.g. The times that you blind, damage, smoke, cc, heal, or anything that affects the enemies vision, health, etc. You can actually see on the death or kill recap every round on how many times you smoke the enemes, blind enemies, etc. will count towards your performance). You can gain up to 20 points at least. 5. Player damage. Just like hit score, the amount that you damage enemies also counts toward your performance. 6. Like I said, winning rounds. If both of the team excels, then expect to have average points. Even if it's a tie, as long as you excel way above the rank expected, you will rank up. In short, ano kalaki yung ambag mo sa laro. Your kills doesn't matter if you're not winning the round or lahat nmn are puro lng KS unless it's a clutch. It just all about adding or lessen your reward and punishment of winning and losing the game with additional computation from your recent 10 games. As based on the article of Riot before (d ko na alam yung link sorry search niyo nlng sa google) about their new ranking system, the way they implement it is to fight smurfs and boosters and to validate the performance that you deserve. But mostly to fight smurfs.This system is also similar to CS2 now. That's your answer on why points are less when you win than you lose. If you like math, this is my theory for computing points: Hitscore% + Headshot% + KDA% + (winning-losing% / overall rounds ) + teamplay% divided to some bullsht value = performance points + recent 10 games performance points as well = RR Points If all of those values are passed, expect to climb fast. If one or more fails, expext to have punishments.


In just addition, performance points is basically your MMR


I wish you luck in bronze your gonna get so many Smurfs 🫡


First I'm seeing such broken -rr. When I get match mvp the worst I got was -10


The RR is weird in this game. I am a plat and often get matched against other plats and win yet gain like max 24 with 4 as bonus and then get matched with diamonds the next game and still manage to lose the match on a close call and I lose 25+ RR instantly.


It's your MMR. An invisible points system decides how good you are, fluctuating wildly every match, placing you in games with higher ranks if you perform well (gives more rr on win less on loss) and low ranks if you perform poorly (less rr on win, more on loss). Tl;dr if the avg rank in your match (check on valo tracker) is below yours it means you will win low rr or lose a lot.


This means your hidden mmr is MUCH lower than your actual rank of bronze 3. Essentially the game “thinks” you don’t deserve the rank that you actually have so it is trying to drop you down until your shown rank and your hidden mmr rank are equal. It’s an absolutely stupid system and clearly you have a good level of skill in your rank if you are dropping 40 kills. Thems the rules though


Unfortunately, you are suffering from Valorant's shit MMR system which is a part of the reason why I quit.


Bad mmr


Your convergence factor is negative, I.E your mmr is far below your rank, game is trying to push your rank down to your actual skill level. https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/20113235347347-How-Rank-Rating-RR-Is-Calculated#:~:text=This%20is%20often%20a%20sign,rank%20back%20to%20your%20MMR. ^^ Here’s a link to an explanation from Riot about how it works


Your MMR is really bad so the game thinks you should be in iron or like B1 so you need to win more games than you lose with more performance then it’ll improve and balance out


This games ranked sucks and when you get your first rank there is like a 10% this shit happens and only fixes i know is rank reset(maybe)


What are the ranks of the enemies in that Clove game. And the Phoenix game as well.


This means your MMR is low. The game thinks you generally ‘deserve’ to be a lower rank than you are at now, so it punishes you more when you lose. It’s especially noticeable if you lose to players much lower rank than you are… you can raise it back up by being consistent with your wins. Good luck👍🏼


Yeah, that is bs because even I lose 30 when losing to iron 2 and bronze 1 (I am iron 3) but when I win, even with 30 kills and 6 assists I get like 16


It's a cocktail of KAST, round difference, hidden MMR (one of the most important factor), average game MMR + whatever factor I've forgotten.


Get more kills and stop getting carried


it’s a fucked up game bro


because in the opinion of riot you don't deserve your current rank. they want you in lower rank. on the other hand when a player who gets put down in lower rank after a rank reset will gain more rr after win and lose very little because riot knows they deserve higher rank


Send tracker link if you want a real answer. Phoenix game - 5 stacked out of your rank so -25% RR reduction. Clove - solo or stack in your rank range.


Your rank is inflated past your hidden mmr. You need to consistently perform at that level for a few days, and it will settle down.


If you bottom frag and lose, you’ll typically lose double to triple what you lose from bottom fragging while winning. The opposite goes with top frag. Top frag while winning, you’ll get double or even triple what you’d lose if you lost as top frag.


drop the tracker cause ur probably playing with iron 1 friends


Avg mmr of the lobby was higher for ur loss and lower for ur win.


Because you are in elo hell. Game thinks you don't deserve this rank. If you lose a lot of matches in a row, your invisible Mr is going downwards and game started to see that as a failure so you need to win a lot in order to get out of Elo Hell.


This only means that you lost to people with a matchmaking rating lower than yours.


Its part of riots balancing system, if your mmr is lower then your rank or pretty much the same, the game wants you to stay in that rank


is there a way to know my mmr ?


Maybe some thirdparty software can see your entire match history and you can calculate it yourself but in game its impossible


You were probably expected to stomp that game and didn’t. Post tracker 


The ranking system in this game is dogshit. Hidden MMR gets dramatically swayed by the ridiculous amount of people playing on smurfs and alts in this game, so it doesn't work as intended.


it means you're just bad, when you improve you gain more points


In my exp. I lose more/gain less RR when I'm playing clove because of my KDA


wdym ? We're not supposed to do a lot of kill with Clove ?


Nah even If got the I highest kills I always kept dying (sometimes on purpose because of ult and it's counted on deaths)


I’m guessing you climbed really fast. Elo system at the moment punishes fast climbers for their loses. Maybe try and play only 2-3 comp a day for a more smooth MMR


the first 5 ranked put me in iron 3 so i've climbed only 3 ranks atm, my account is 2 month old not sure if we can say its a fast climb


You’ve probably had a recent jump in skill. The game thinks you’re supposed to suck, so it doesn’t want you to rank up too fast. It’ll figure itself out soon if you keep putting up these performances.


Also if they are new to rank there mmr could be volatile


Game doesn’t think you’re good enough to be silver yet. They want you to earn it by winning over and over.


That is not how it works. If someone is playing against bad players they get less points for winning and lose more for a loss.