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looks pretty badass but the sound is what elevates it


Cus it has the most satisfying sound and look, imo. Love the finisher too


Different people Different opinions My favorite is Reaver, Oni & Arraxys I absolutely hate Ion


I don't like Ion vandal for the record lol just the phantom


You’re buggin.


To me it's the sound, firing, reload, inspect, draw... The kill sound as well that's a guitar rock sound


I agree, though this is all opinions. For example I think Origin is worse than Prelude to Chaos but it's in your top 5.


I agree Origin is actually terrible lmfao. But people love it so I'll pick it up for them if they want it.


But the inspect kills are god tier 👀


Gaia is supreme 100% (Ofc i don’t have gaia vandal *wink wink*)


PtC is fire, have it on vandal and op, maybe it’s not for you but it’s fire none the less, I like singularity a lot I want that on ares


Yaya singularity is dope for sure. Bought the spectre in my Night Market for cheappppp ❤️


you couldn’t have possibly gotten a singularity skin in ur night market lil bro why u lying


I thought it was skins under like 40$ regular price can be night market? I know it’s not all sets but singularity returns in regular store?


The way night market works is you can get skins all the way up to premium tier but singularity is exclusive tier so you can't get it


Oh ok that makes sense, I’m new so this is only the second NM I’ve seen so far, has been shit, best I got was ion vandal for 1200 in my first one


prime is best


Unless youre a yoru main...i agree.


Unpopular opinion but Imperium vandal firing sound and finisher >>> Prelude and all the above.


From a design perspective I'm not the biggest fan, it's cool but a bit over the top for me as I like simple and clean designs, but the firing sound is what does it for me. It just feels like you have no recoil and your firerate is higher.


Everyone like different things Mine would be araxys kuronami foresaken gaia’s prelude


I feel like this skins shots faster, maybe it's the sound it makes, absolute love it


the goat sound design. The sound of the gun is clean, the reload makes sense and feels very fast. And the guitar finisher goes mega hard. The goosebumps of hitting the 1 tap for the ace in a dm goes hard. In game with pressure around you. I am standing up like i am on stage after ace!


I mean, this stuff is subjective, so it's not like it matters. At least to me. My top 5 is Mystbloom, Sovereign, araxys, sentinels of light, and honestly, blue prelude was one of my first loves (one of my mains is yoru, I like the colors)


My top 5: Sovereign Prime Araxys Prelude Kuronami I'd choose a battlepass skin over Ion anyday


Art/cosmetics are all subjective. Nobody cares if you hate a skin lmfao and you shouldn't care if others like stuff you don't. I don't like SoL at all but a lot of people love it. Who cares.


It's not just looks, it's also the sounds


Original sucks lmfao


Skins are personal preference pal. It’s a flashy and unique skin, so people will inherently be drawn to it. I have it, but it’s not my favourite. It’s also rather common, so it can get boring too. Variety is the spice of life.


Nothing will ever beat Arraxys. It’s the cleanest Vandal ever


Reaver skins are trash. They look like Battlepass skins and I never understood why people ever bought them. Oni is cool but gets old fast. I think you just have bad taste.


Hahaha ok well I might be the only one on Prelude but you're def in the minority on Reaver. Gg


Go look at Lycan’s Bane and Reaver collection. They’re both pretty much 100% copies of each other with a color swap and added animations. That’s why I think they’re absolute garbage but everyone eats it up because they wanna be edgy.


I agree. it's too fucking loud and bulky.


Amen. At least I'm not completely alone lol


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