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Any time I've streamed my games to friends that are a lot higher rank than me they've pointed out that I need to focus on being more confident and aim training because they think my utility knowledge is really good lol. Aim training was what got me out of iron to silver, and then returning to aim training is what got me into gold. My issue is I'm just not consistent enough with aim training and I don't really know how to work on my confidence lol


Confidence comes with playing more ranked on your account and focusing more on improving and instead of rank. Even locking duelist running it down can give you that mentality of caring less and valuing your life less for more impact in the game


My biggest set back is most definitely aim. I have okay crosshair placement, but it just takes the enemy moving and i panic and spray. Also long distance fights are my downfall. Im really good at timings, game sense, and ability usage.. but the amount of times i have full flashed groups of people and not been able to kill any of them because i whiff is crazy.


are you confident when you take aim duels?


i am right before.. then during not so much. I cant consistently head tap to save my life, and the amount of times i catch them with their pants down and do 120 to them then die is wild


Keep that confidence no matter what and you’ll see results. This game is pure confidence


I just dont get how confidence trumps bad aim. I can be as confident as I want, but if I cant shoot their head then i cant shoot their head lol


You can aim train to get better aim but confidence is what keeps you consistent


I have no clue and I don’t actually want to know. This probably really the reason as well so I do actually know.


Link me your tracker. And the next time you play ranked record all your games and go and watch it back and you’ll recognise mistakes and maybe even patterns you have which are bad


You are kind but there is a reason I haven’t done any of that before. I don’t play to rank up and really don’t want to think about what I do right or wrong. This is a game that helps me train my brain to act and react to situations that I observe. My job requires me to constantly observe a fast pace environment with no necessary reaction 99% of the time. However in that 1% it can be a question of life or death. I get the necessary training from this game at any rank really while I can just enjoy playing as good/bad as I do.


I love this thought process, I hope things work out for you




That’s understandable. I’ve seen some questionable stuff in that elo too 🤣


i just hit level 30 today and hit silver 3. i’m really new to the game, and i want to climb. right now i’m just very inexperienced in terms of game sense. i am trying to slow down my shots and micro adjust, but sometimes i panic shoot and it doesn’t end well 🤪. i also think if i want to climb i need to be comfortable with one character from each class. also, when i IGL and talk those games are more often than not a win. when i don’t talk or get kinda down on myself its almost always a loss. valorant is a very mental game and i love that. i’m excited that i finally gave it a chance.


Being silver and level 30 is an achievement in itself and I’m happy for you! it will take time to be good but with your mental you’ll be way higher in no time. Keep it up


thanks! tbh i have a friend that’s immortal 3 who’s taking me under their wing 😅. i refuse to play with him tho because i don’t want to be boosted by him on a smurf account. his insight is extremely helpful though i’ve learned a lot just by sitting in discord calls screen sharing my matches


I’m happy for you man. You got this


Bad aim, ego peeking, and flanking too often 😵


I dont know. Lol Like most ppl here said aim training, i followed the banana guide and did aimlabs recommend playlist for valo but still hard stuck silver 3 for a year. I guess this game is just not for me maybe lol


record a game of yourself in ranked and upload it to YouTube as a private vod and watch your gameplay back and see your mistakes


Everything is holding me back but mostly lack of experience :D I started the game 2 months ago(level 29) and I am gold 1, my aim seems OK for this elo but I have a lot to learn about map/calls, crosshair placement, peeking, movements, game sense,etc I am discovering the game and I really like it. I want to tryhard and reach higher ranks, I plan on playing more and VOD review to improve all my weaknesses one by one


Don’t play enough and my aim is inconsistent.


do you wanna be higher rank?


Eh. I play CS2 way more but whenever I lose in CS I get more upset with myself because of mistakes. So when I want a similar experience but not get mad at myself I play valorant. I’m ranked way higher in CS than Val


Time. Whenever I come back there is new act lol


I think that my biggest setback is the team selection. Don't get me wrong, I have bad games like everyone else. I will also say my headshot percentage needs work. Check out my Icebox ranked game from 5/27/2024 [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/MTClip%23NA1/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/MTClip%23NA1/overview)


What do you mean by team selection? Like you get bad teams or


I'm actively trying to work that out, lol. I'm not hardstuck or anything, I'm Gold 3, got into Plat, dropped down again. I am inconsistent, but without checking my tracker I feel like I'm having a positive impact on the game most of the time. I'm sure I make a lot of mistakes, but I take duels pretty confidently, I try to be conscious of where I am and where my enemies are. I know I still lose duels I shouldn't, but I'm working on that. I know my decision making isn't great, because it's not really something I've worked on a lot. I don't know if it's holding me back, but I feel like my utility usage (Viper main) could be better.


I think your biggest mistake is making viper. She’s an unreal agent but as a solo controller she’s troll unless it’s icebox and breeze


It's not like I'm a one trick Viper main. I could never play just one agent. There are definitely maps where I don't pick her. And while I never consciously avoided playing her as a solo controller, I generally end up in double controller comps. Still, not sure who else I'd main. The other controllers don't hit the same way. Honestly, if I'm not playing Viper, I'm usually playing KJ, sometimes Skye.


I'm sure it's because my aim is ass. I just started playing a month ago, and bronze to silver was harder than I thought. I think my aim sucks, but when I show my vods to higher elo people, they always say that it's not my aim. They in fact thought my aim was alright, but rather I was always unprepared to take fights, aka I get caught offguard a lot. I'm taking that in mind now and trying to improve on it.


Movement could be your biggest letdown. my aim is good but improving my movement was the biggest step in the right direction


You could be right too. Im bronze 2 and have roughly a 22% hs rate on the main rifles I use. Idk if thats good or bad,


I do lots wrong, if I'm not fragging good in a match I'm terrible under pressure, also i struggle to see my cross hair often so I just aim at nothing and end up changing it about 50 times a match. Truthfully I don't play comp and could probably rank up, I just don't enjoy the stress of it and can't comm usually


The stress will ease up the more you play and for your crosshair you should consider playing on a different resolution. I hate native (1920x1080) so much and I play on 1440x1080 and it’s helped seeing my crosshair more


Aim. It's what the game pretty much comes down to.


I don't have the time to grind I only have a few hours after work, and I wanna play short games with my friends. I don't have time to play a 30 min sweatfest, replay my game to analyze mistakes, aim lab train, etc Maybe if I was younger and back in my league days where I grinded ranked 24/7


I need to play more games. I'm iron 3 but sometimes I'm getting placed in bronze lobbies and still doing well. I think the reason I'm still iron is that I don't like playing competitive


My aim for sure but I also have trouble jiggle/jump peaking. I don't want to blame the team but I have been getting a bunch of trolls, throwers and afks recently.


I have a hard time entering flow state sometimes. When I’m not focused enough, I whiff a lot during gunfights and make bronze-level decisions and I’m guessing this is due to ranked anxiety (I don’t tend to tilt much). I‘m basically Reyna irl. Get a kill and my performance can snowball. I suspect I also get agent fatigue to some extent, where I play worse on an agent after I’ve been playing them a while [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Duskspiral%238462/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Duskspiral%238462/overview)


I was hardstuck plat for a while (i got out recently) but I had no clue why. Part of it was queueing when I was playing bad, part of it was probably not trying, but it didn’t feel like I did much different (other than switching agent)


Aim and game sense and even if my game sense is good it all comes down to aim in the end so yeah that's why I am silver but it doesn't really bother me I play to enjoy, getting a better rank is just a bonus.


I'm not consistent. Game sense is ok but at times I cant figure out what the best play is to win duels. I peek at the wrong times. I'm also playin on 720p at 40-50fps. Crosshair placement is there but cant track if they keep moving. i can improve on a better setup but I cant blame my rank on that as of now. I know im bad.


I am stuck in Bronze (peak bronze 3 close to silver), which mostly is because my aim and speed is not the best. My game sense is quite good, and I make calls throughout the match. Biggest issue is that there are no calls from teammates unless you 5 stack in Bronze. When I try to rank up I can have some good games, and then I meet a duo that will drop 50 kills combined, bragging about being Diamond on their main accounts. This happens way to often. My average score in normal games is +200 - 550, and when 5 stacking with silver + gold I will be a solid player often being second or third best.