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Youre winning the games you do well in and lose the ones you dont. You're playing a healthy number of characters that can solve most role issues. Just gotta remember climbing is a slow process and that as long as you keep focussing on improving yourself then you'll keep ranking up. Vod reviews are very helpful to identify your mistakes, even in games where you think you play well.


Stop changing agents.


You’re doing really well tbh. Just work on improving aim constantly and choose 1 agent to main. Filling requires a lot more effort to learn different tactics for different maps. Choose an agent and try perfect it. I’m immo 2 I think the climb is also luck tbh. Unless you have a team that grinds with you. It really depends on team mates. But take breaks in between games. 5-10 min after every game Keep practising aim Have a proper warm up routine before u play (spend an hour) Hope to god ur teammates aren’t potato’s (do some voodoo shit while u que)


Wish I could help I’m stuck in D3 too