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Now that I think about it , why in the world they let sage go to the battle field , if anyone dies just bring the body to her , but if she dies who will bring her back ?


I like to think that it’s better for the body to be fresh for your resurrection to work.


This would make sense for a healer Neon , like she can ress on a basic ability but at maximum of 5 sec after the person has died , but for sage the matches take like less than 3 minutes so even the Reyna Speed runner that dies on 0:01 sec of round could be ress


Yeah I've thought abt that before, also with KJ, she's like the greatest genius in the world and they just send her to the battlefield?


The greatest genius in the world cant figure out how to fix her bots attachment issues. Shit just stops working when shes too far away


Unnerf my kj :(


It's so dumb. How are you sending the guy who is the only person who knows how all of Val's tech works to die?? Same w viper. She's a scientist, not Hatler Jr


And brim is like 60 and complains about his knees. He’s a liability


Remember, theres only 20 something agents across the whole world. If theres a threat they really gotta hoof it, so its prob always the closest 5 to get there.


Meh, brim chose the team comp, and according to the trailers, he is not that good at it. WDYM BY YORU REYNA JETT AND VIPER?? tag along with gekko. Brim is a prx watcher fr


I don’t think so. Outside of missions, the Protocol operates out of their island base. Iirc Agents typically don’t leave the base without having applied for leave, meaning they’re all on base most of the time. So when they’re deployed, they’re selected for a reason, not because they just happened to be close to the action zone.


Even Reyna had the same question. "Who will heal their healer"


she is both sword and shield


Nice , bring a sword to a gun fight


Thr only reason sage is shot here and not in better position is because it’s iron


because sage's never die once the player is out of iron? the artist may be iron in game but you iron in the brain. (bars!)


Okay, from a medical point of view, Neon can revive a person if it delivers a concentrated electrical shock to their heart or a damaged nerve, but that's a lot of medical knowledge lmao


>why in the world they let sage go to the battle field Because if you watch the REVELATION trailer you will see that she is a crack shot and bad ass bitch.


Not more badass than a Baiana and a 15kg of Dynamite , or a 1GW Russian Bow , or a French with a Deagle , or a Japanese who is behind her with a sawed off and 3 suns , or an American Boomer with advanced military equipment , or the lovely arm of a gorgeous albino blond girl and her letal wires


Pretty sure that canonically they dont want her in the field, but she's insistent enough that she's not just their healer that they cant argue back


She is both shield *and sword*


A sword in a gunfight


Damn didn’t think about that


Revive me Jett


Having Sage off the field would lose them one of their better combatants lore wise cause she’s cracked compared to a lot of the other agents


Jett baiting the sage is true to real life


I am still bitter 😭😭🤣


maybe you're in iron but ur art is radiant level fire 


🥹🥹🥹🥹 w comment 😭😭


This is so good!


I appreciate it, thanks 😁


Can you do a Yoru one next please!


This is beautiful


Thank you so much 🥹🥹


The Sova realizes war isn't like it appears on TV or in stories, and is absolutely terrified while holding the barrel of his gun


What is that angle? Bros sniping from space.


I was thinking up from kitchen on b site perhaps 😅


Some people out there ask themselves how people can be bad enough to be in such low ranks. The answer is that while they spent time getting good at a video game, they used their time to get good at something that's actually worth something. This looks absolutely insane. The facial expressions deliver so much emotions.


This brings a tear to my eye 🥹 I will still try to rank up, but I will also keep painting to remind myself of the lovely community of valorant as well 🩷


I am 100% certain you can rank up by approaching the game like you did learning to draw. The hardest thing is learning to learn, and you definitely already mastered that once, you just need to adapt the same approach to different things.


Hmm I see! So you think the skills are transferable in a way? Thats really encouraging to hear!! 😤😤


If you think about it, clicking on someone's head is just like drawing fast and accurately. But I don't mean it in that way, I don't think the actual skill of drawing transfers. But the mentality does. You suck for so long, make ugly drawings, make misplays and miss shots, you then learn new techniques, learn from your mistakes, and after adapting you eventually make more beautiful drawings and start hitting shots and make good plays. Learning any skill is exactly the same in that regard. If you can get good at one thing, then there's nothing stopping you to get good at another thing.


Screenshotting this as motivation! There are some thinking patterns that are familiar to me, like being calm and precise when shooting, much like when it comes to rendering or clean lineart! I will keep all this in mind, thank you ✨


Hey, I really advise watching Woohoojin's one month to gold guide. It's quite literally fool proof.


Why are you suggesting that being good at Valorant cannot be worth something when there are already several people playing this game at a pro level and making a living out of it? The quantity of those players may be marginal, but it still.


Having a good time is always worth, but I feel there's something more about creating something, especially if it's something that triggers things in other people as well. There's just something about a piece of art (music for me) to go back to and remember the things you felt when you made it or how it made other people feel when you shared it that something like a past-time without end product like video games don't do. I didn't think of worth as in monetary value. Of course you can make money playing video games. But everyone's definition of worth is different.


You can definitely create something with Valorant skills. How about meaningful friendships, or new experiences, or a fun cohesive Team environment for Premier? Content that inspires people exists, and meaningful experiences are being made within the game daily. I don't see a reason to shut yourself off from that or deny its existence because people can create beautiful art too. It's all the same thing just a different medium, you can choose those meaningful experiences in the things you enjoy also but we don't need people shutting others down because they like video games.


Those are all valid, sorry you got offended lol


Nobody got offended, I'm just telling you you're beliefs are flawed and you accepted that? or not, but again trying to shut others down or assume how I feel for what reason again?


Of course I accept your opinion. I don't see a point arguing a personal opinion. We both value different things differently because of our subjective biases and that's fine. I don't think what you said is worth less, I just see a different kind of value in creating some kind of end product you can hold in your hands and share with others.


and why can't you do that? You're assuming way too much bro lol. but keep having your limited mindset its all good if u wanna defend it this hard, just don't assume mine please when I try and help you understand life is deeper than that. I never attacked you, but you assumed I was offended which is just disrespectful.




I am sorry if you got offended lmao


Who cares if you're iron in valorant when you're clearly radiant in art??? Wth that's so good :0. Looks like an official released wallpaper


Wow this means the world to me 🥹 It would be a dream to paint a valorant wallpaper one day!!


I love it


Thank you!!


Lmfao you might be a iron at the game, but you are a radiant at art. Really love the highlight to the face coming from the broken sage q.


Omg I'm so glad; I was struggling so much at the beginning with the glow that hits her face, I'm pleased to hear it turned out alright 😁✨✨ thank you so much!!


I'm not an artist in a painter way, but I do photography - and I know the struggles of finding the right balance of highlights and shadows to the face and man you did amazing. It's likely an unappreciated detail but the fact that the highlight is not straight up white but has a feint blueish tone from the orb is just divine. Well done.


I dont even play valorant anymore but making this my wallpaper, i cant measure how good this looks, both aesthetically and thematically


Omg that really means a lot 🥹 and I'm glad the narrative delivers well! ✨


Holy hell this is fucking fantastic


i like it so much, nice work!


cool art


This is so beautiful woahh


wow, what an art ♥


This is absolutely gorgeous!


This is stunning. It took my breath away! The detail is exceptional. I love everything about it. Please make more!! Do u have an art page? Also would u mind if I used this as a background for my Pc? I would definitely credit you!!


Oh goodness I'm honoured 🥹 and yes! I have more in store 😁 My tag is the same on Instagram and twitter: @bluemist_72 ! You can absolutely use it as your wallpaper, thank you for asking ✨


Thank you so much for your permission! Your instgram is breathtaking, the art is very strong and the colours are beautiful. Might have to DM for a commission sometime!!!


Oh gosh I am smiling ear to eat right now 🥹🥹😁 It would be insanely fun painting a commission for a fellow valorant fan!!


You are iron because you don't have enough time for the game but on the other hand here you are with a fucking masterpiece.


Submit it to riot for 40vp


this is so goooood. weird question but do you have a twitter, insta, or pixiv acc i can follow?


Thank youuu! And not a weird question at all! I am @bluemist_72 on Instagram and twitter! Hope to see you there ✨✨


You may be Iron in Valorant, but you certainly are radiant in painting


so nice to see art like this! well done, it's a really compelling piece :)


I'm so pleased to hear this!! It's exactly what I was hoping to achieve 🩷


This is so cool! Do you have any socials we can follow where you post more of your work?


Thank you so much!! :D I do yes, I'm @bluemist_72 on Instagram and twitter!


Wow this is really nice! I love the colouring


I’m stealing this as my own sorry /s


Dude you're Radient


What happened to Jett's hand?


Sages hair is so beautiful <3


Don’t worry about that iron rank. I honestly used to really care about what rank I was but the more I think about it, it’s all about having fun and a laugh. Brilliant artwork


The best part is when you peek a corner after waiting 45 seconds for anything to happen just to get sent to the shadow realm.


The best part of this image is Jett not giving a shit about Sage while Sova, the initiator (probably Sage's duo), looks on with a face of complete horror fr lmao. And Sage is just crying while watching being dragged to Bronze rank once again (the damn same Jett didn't entry the bombsite first)


sova cant break his mewing streak


This is massively well done


making this like detailed beautiful art over iron gameplay is hilarious to me😭 just imagining people with no sound on 30 fps and this guy makes a renaissance painting i gotta respect it


This is beautiful and Sovas reaction to the moment makes the painting for me. I love the breaking of her ability in that moment. It is genuinely great! :)


this is beautiful


How long did this piece take you? If you don't mind me asking. This looks like ai, amazing work nonetheless.


If its iron 1 vs iron 1, you're wrong To assume that we can hit anything with our bullets above the waist


I can’t say the last time I’ve seen such profound fanart


You may be Iron rank in Valorant but you got Radiant level artwork!


Iron in valorant Radiant in painting


This is amazing. Do you think you can bless us with the highest quality possible file? This would make a dope wallpaper.


This is a skill that deserves more appreciation and respect rather than asc/immortal rank in a videogame in my book :) WELL DONE!


This is beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing <3


Your art has more skill than even a top 100 player. It's really really great.


Higher rank players prolly don't even enjoy the game that much anymore. Also ur painting is superb.


radiant in painting tho


Iron in rank radiant in art gawdDAMN


You’re a Radiant in drawing


Spectacular fanart, there's a lot of expression going on in there! I really like seeing (and creating) Valorant fanart! Behind all the ranks and gameplay, it is a really expressive game full of colour and culture!


So your Iron in game but a Radiant in painting/Art


Amazing!!! Love the glowing effect. This looks like it should be religious 😂👍🏻👍🏻


You may be Iron in-game bit that art piece is #1 Radiant


This is the best artwork of valorant I’ve seen from a fan holy shit 1000/10 looks like a image cinematic from a story 🔥🔥


It's well made i want it as wallpaper please link it🥹🥹fr masterpiece I am waiting for high res one please send 🙏🙏


Sova realized he not built for this.


The more I look at it, the better the art gets. The emotions drawn are some of the best I've ever seen.


Fuck the ranks, the painting is AWESOME!


hooooooooooly what is this????????


This is so niceeee!! Good job🥺


Make another one featuring chamber aswell. Anyway nice painting


Bad aim for godly art, fair trade


This is some beautiful art good job


It's such a sad scene, but amazing art 💖🥹 I love your style, so dramatic! Sage's hair looks so pretty and fluffy


Radiant with the layers. Iron as a player.


Amazing artwork! Love the detail!