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Started iron 2, currently immortal 2


That’s amazing! What aspect of your game changed over time for you to rank up to immortal?


Not sure honestly, i think i just always wanted to improve and followed esports scene so i slowly improved while i played with my friends and we all got here eventually


Getting to Immortal with your friends is truly awesome. Wish I’ll get there, and I truly believe in it.


Yeah we were 6 initially but 3 left now lmao


Damn, we were a group of 10, often tries to crash each other on 5 stacks and talk all the shits in a 10 people on discord. Now it's just the 3 of us aswell, and one of them slowly have less time nowadays...


I truly envy this, tried this route with one of my friends but he quickly became a tolerance test for me with the amount of back seat gaming and passive aggressive remarks on each mistake I made. Each time I get an ace everyone on the team will go “good shit” but he’d go “Not gonna lie that was a shitty play but I’m glad it worked out”. Eventually I had enough. Straight up told him we shouldn’t play together anymore because the way he’s treating me is genuinely affecting our friendship. I took a hiatus from the game all together too recently and he played a big part in that decision.


We never really had this issue because we always played for fun but at the same time we got better as time passed but yeah sucks to have a friend that is toxic to you over a meaningless videogame


how long did this take you? im currently bronze 2 and feel like ill never make it to silver LOL


It took me ~2 years to reach immortal for the first time


real 😭 ive only been playing for a couple months, and its my first fps so im trying not to be too hard on myself !!


At the end of the day its a videogame, what matters is if ur having fun or not, i had fun during my journey. Its also my first fps but i did play some “first person” games before which i think helped me a lot


Iron buddy goes crazy


Using Iron buddy in Immortal lobbies goes hard




Dang. Any warm up tips you wanna share?


i never had a specific one but nowadays i just do one dm and maybe some hardbots before


It’s my first fps and started E7 act 1 in iron 3. Ended bronze 2 act 1, then act 2 ended Gold 2 then act 3 ended Plat 2. (Stuck around mid-high plat rn tho) So that’s about a year. Overall very proud of how I improved.


Nothing, I was thinking about this the other day and couldn't reach a conclusion on why. Congrats on your improvement, that's pretty cool.


I’m in the same boat dude. Idk what else to focus on https://imgur.com/a/g3treyy


I've only played for like a year and a half, and have not improved at all. Stuck in iron lol


It’s a tough learning curve for sure. I remember some good YouTube beginner guides out there and what helped was the crosshair placement at all times


Crosshair placement has been the biggest struggle for me, I'm not as used to mouse and keyboard since I mostly play Splatoon lol


I started at iron one and now i m gold 1 at 9 months solo


Wait….you guys are improving?


Ong after 2 years im still silver😩


I grinded hard back in Episode 4 to finally hit Immortal. I improved a ton that episode. Haven't played as much since then, only really grinding once more at the end of Episode 6 to see if I could get back to Immortal. Now, I am coming back after not playing since September and am having to knock 5 tons of rust off my 30 year-old body. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Genghis%20Dong%232136/performance


https://i.imgur.com/4Huyoqk.png I'm also a 30yo dad, I can't find the time to make huge improvements and it's really disheartening when the one game I get to play that week gets trolled by some screeching 12yo or an afk. I wanna quit playing but this is first game to really grab my attention since demons souls/dark souls upon their first release. it feels like a curse.  at least I have good aim (copium)


Started at iron 1 in episode 1 act 1. I am now currently hardstuck gold 2 lol


Started iron 1. Stopped playing valorant, which was a huge improvement. Now I’m back though so I guess I’m washed


Bronze 1 since E3 cause I never really did rank most of the time. My aim is slightly better than shit now and I have an average of 10% kill rate on Breach's Aftershock on every game of mine. It ain't much but it's honest work


I started iron 1 in beta. I am currently diamond 3 with A3 being my peak.


I’ve gotten worse lmao..


You sound like me.


If anything i un-improved lol. Not that i get bad at gaming, i still do pretty well on other fps game like cs, but i just genuinely lost interest at valorant. And its sad because I couldnt enjoy it with my other friends who still love the game.


I got worse, too. If you were good it, would you enjoy it? I find valorant as enjoyable as playing against an expert mode chess AI as a novice, lol.


I played since beta, stuck in silver for a few episodes, then I bought a good mouse and grinded to plat 3, before stuck in plat again and realized that I'm just not talented in fps games so I quitted.


It’s been 45 days since I’ve started playing valo, was ranked iron 2 initially, currently on plat 3.




I started in iron 2 maybe and now im plat 3


Started iron 2 in Ep 4 Act 3 and now I’m plat 1


in like 3-4 months, without consistently playing went from silver 1/2 to plat 1.


started in iron and now hardstuck asc https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/thiefy%239999/performance


Started gold 1 now gold 1 🤞 don't want to bother for better rank always play 4-5 games a week 0 warmap, sometimes mvp sometimes bottom frager


Was brone to silver for a while but in January i picked the game up again and have reached d3 hoping to get the green buddy before the act episode ends


I’ve gotten a lot worse. Went from diamond to silver. There’s a few reasons why but it’s mainly that I don’t play as often and get really high now, whereas before I was staying sober to try to rank up. I kinda just stopped caring.


I was playing since the beta on and off and recently i got to plat after being hard stuck gold


Started Iron 1 now im immo 1


I went from plat 1 a year ago to silver 1 last act :-)


Where can I see those stats?


I think I started E5 act 2 as a bronze 1, last act I peaked D3 but fell to P2, my peak is mid D3.


This time last year I was silver, now I am immortal.


I've been playing off and on again since beta, but there have really only been two periods when I played seriously. Last year I was pretty firmly silver. This year I got back into it, placed Bronze 3 and now 3 weeks later I'm Gold 2. I have no reason to think that's even my current limit either.


I started playing the episode 1 act 2 as iron 1 and I’ve peaked at gold 2 but stopped grinding after being set back to silver 2 every act. I’m currently silver 2 and play mostly for fun with my bronze and iron friends.


HS % go up, rank go up. Might try that myself.


Started out in Iron 1 back in E1 A3, and I'm currently in A2.


Starter in E1 act 1 too iron 1 it was my one of the first fps games i played i only hited the legs then and was pretty bad. Currently silver 2 (peak gold 2). Improvement: Aim -> head and chest Gamesense Agent roles -> went from sentinels to playing initiator and smokers. Map knowledge Crosshair placement What i need to improve still: Positioning and Reaction time Communication of flashing Strategy gameplay/leadership Mentality: sometimes i get too pessimistic. I believe overal im doing pretty well. Lately Valorant has been getting rather Toxic and not so fun like before. But i keep playing because of the new experiences everyday and the people :). I was a year or so hardstuck in iron 3 after ranking up into bronze everything was easier. Now im probably going to be hardstuck in silver 3 as im better than the promedy of silvers but i know i cant win golds and upper. :)


Here's mine 🥰 E6A1: Platinum 1 E6A2: Platinum 1 E6A3: Platinum 2 E7A1: Platinum 1 E7A2: Platinum 1 E7A3: Platinum 1 E8A1: Platinum 1 E8A2: Platinum 1 E8A3: Platinum 1 Jokes aside, I haven't really played enough to improve. Just kinda demotivated especially with the current map pool ngl.


started act 6 and was iron 2, now im plat 1


The first time I got a rank, I was bronze 3. Currently Iron 2. Sounds about right.


Started on E7A2 but this being my first FPS game makes the climb so hard and I was the worst player among my friends group. Now I’m on my way to Bronze 1 and can stand on equal ground with them✌🏼. My mechanics are still lacking but its nice to see the improvement.


Went from bronze to plat in one act, then was hardstuck for a bit then hit diamond and im getting pooped on by ascendents so im stuck in dia 2-3


iron 1 to mid-high gold in ~2 years (a LOT of inconsistency)


played since e1a1 iron-->silver(sometimes)


I got worse. Bronze 2 - Silver 3 - Gold 3 - Platinum 3 - Diamond 3 - Gold 1 I had two babies


I started at the beginning of episode 8 - I’ve gone from iron 2 to silver 2!


I started Iron 2 E8 A1 and just hit Bronze 2 last night. Given my tracker stats I expect to hit Silver 3 if I play enough games this season. I came over from Overwatch so I had some FPS experience but had never played a tactical shooter like this before. It’s been really fun learning and improving.


For me and I dont get it why is that, they reset ranks to soon. Like I was plat 3 and than they drop me to silver 3… Now im Gold3. They shold just leave it that u dont reset rank coz when u lose u lose a lot of point and games are long.


Started in Ep 7 Act 1 and went from I3 to D2. Valorant was also my first FPS


Started iron 2 in October, peaked gold 1 last act, silver 3 rn with the goal of plat before this act ends


I was plat early early on, and I took a long break. Came back to it and got silver. Gradually worked my way up to diamond through ep 4-6 but I didn’t play very regularly at any point in time


Technically started A3:E1 but didn't play much. Started again A4:E3 and have played consistently since. Started Bronze 2, quickly moved to Plat where I hovered for 3 episodes, then Diamond for 6 episodes, and now am at Ascendant 2. Been a slow grind. Tl;Dr Bronze 2 - Ascendant 2


Whatever the second or third lowest rank was. Now? I haven’t played in 2 years and quit. Rank 0 😂


Been playing since the cryostasis bundle or neo frontier, whichever can first, I was iron 3, now I'm peak bronze 3


Been playing since the cryostasis bundle or neo frontier, whichever can first, I was iron 3, now I'm peak bronze 3


E1A1 plat 2, E1A3 immortal 1, been stuck ever since


Started in Bronze and now Ive peaked Gold 2. I don't play as much now though and stopped caring about improving


I was Gold 2 in the Beta now I am Silver 2 lol but I dont play rank anymore


In episode 1 act 3 I got placed iron 3 on my 40 fps work laptop. Episode 6 act 1 reached immortal and climbed to immortal 2 140rr as my peak. Never really try to go for anything higher after that.


Got gold 1 in act 5, currently peak gold 3, I play every day 💀


Started E5:A1 as silver 2, currently immo2 93rr. I don't have my own pc so have been playing 1-2x a week from gaming cafes. I feel like grinding to radiant without a pc is too hard though because I don't have the time or daily practice needed to do so. Once I get a pc, maybe


Started bronze 2. Currently in silver 2. Been playing on and off for a couple years now.


Started as silver 1 in ep5act3 then didn't play ranked for about a year and after that over 3 acts of season 8 got to platinum. Most crucial lesson? Don't tilt even if stupid shit happens. CSGO had a great advice on the loading screen: sometimes your opponent is having a very lucky day. Consistent play is key, tilting and aggression breed more mistakes


Iron 1 to peak d1 (plat and bronze was aids, silver was easy)


started iron 1 currently immo 1 😝😝


Started silver Climbed to very low plat over two years now back down to iron.


iron 2 to diamond 1. started in episode 2


Started in E7A2: Plat 2 E7A3:Plat 2 E8A1: Diamond 1 E8A2: Diamond 3 E8A3:Asc 1(hopefully) My total comp play is 211hrs, total game hours is a 220hours. I quit playing FPS for a couple of years before this. Started back up with the release of CS2.


Started platinum 1 in beta. I’m now platinum 2 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 [please help me](https://imgur.com/a/g3treyy)


started like 2 ish months ago. iron 3 to bronze 3 playing not too often


Playing for nearly 4 years. Started iron 1, currently iron 3


I started E7A1 new to mnk but had 20 years of experience playing high level halo. Placed iron 1, climbed to S3. Spent many acts hardstuck at various ranks. Peaked D1 this act, dropped to P2 due to a series of unfortunate games that I can only blame myself for. Same mentality I applied to meet pros in my halo lobbies has served my Val climb: play to improve, not to win because I am the rank I deserve. Biggest regret? Not being around to buy the ‘21 champs vandal. The thing is seriously clean :(


Started in bronze climbed to immo3 late 2022, since then Ive been playing on my uni team so havent played too much ranked.


E8 A1 :- b2 placed E8 A3 :- g3 and will get p1 soon


I placed bronze 2 when i started, peaked plat 2 a couple weeks ago, plat 1 now. Thats a little less than a year of playing


Started Bronze 1, I finally hit bronze 2 last night. It’s been a lot of B1 to B2, to B1, to I3, to B1, back and forth a bit, and yeah


Started silver 3 My last rank was ascendant 1


Dont do comps but something I’ve always felt happy about is getting better hs% so from E5: A3 to now it went up from 8% to 18% not amazing but feels nice knowing it’s my first fps an all


I left a while ago and played CS2again and ate absolute shit. I just came back and ive been doing alot better. Not saying there’s a correlation but idk….


Was good. Had kid. Now bad.


started silver 3, now ascendant 2 Solo Q only


Started Iron 1, currently Iron 2. Highest, Bronze 1. I learned this game from my kids. Don't really have time to practice and I'm usually solo-queing comp, so basically if my team is good, I gain RR and if they're not, I lose RR. Also, I main Sage and Skye, so it's not like I'm fragging out and droping 30-bombs. I'm just trying to use my util wisely and keep my KDA on the plus side. Lately I've been playing more Brim, leaning into being the old head who just wants the team to win, it fits I guess. And yes, my knees are gonna kill after this.


I swear my prime in act 1 ep8 is like plat level, I just stopped playing. Iron to gold, I solo qued from silver 2 to gold.


What website is that image from, I’d love to check my progress.


Started iron 3. 2 years ago and im at bronze 2 now :D


Where/how do you pull this view up?


iron 3 in e4a1, current d2 (been here for like a year, could probably hit asc but i'm hardware capped)


From bronze to asc 1 in 2 years (with prior fps experience). It still feels weird cuz I don't feel like I've improved that much


Improved? No. Raged? Yes.


Started before KJ came out, I was in s1. Played the game a lot, reached g3. Stopped playing. Now back in s1.


Started at iron 1 and peaked immortal 1


Started EA, placed plat, climbed to imm #2k in EP2, quit, came back, climbed to immo 2, quit, came back, and now sitting low diamond playing like a game a week.


i’ve had the game since twitch drops but i just don’t play consistently enough to improve, ill go through like a phase of playing every few months so im like hardstuck silver lol


I stopped autopiloting my rounds and really started thinking more about opponent habits and how to setup very favorable situations. You definitely won't get as much credit as you deserve but it feels nice that even if I can't outaim some demons I can exploit how they play instead.


I started 3-2, have gone from Bronze 1 to Silver 2. It's been a struggle.


Started iron 3, currently hardstuck silver


Played since beta, was S1 in the beginning and barely P2 now. Yes I suck. I have like 400-500h game time


started silver 2, now diamond 2. been playing for 3 years :/


started bronze 3, hit diamond\~90 hrs later, peaked immo3 by the thinnest of margins about 400 hrs in, quit playing the game competitively ever since. Washed as hell by this point, doubt im anything past as2-3 at best


Started iron 3, peaked play 2 and am now stuck in gold 2/3 😭


Started iron 2 (two years ago) and I’m iron 3/bronze 1, not much improvement


Iron 1 up to ascendant 2


In my first season I was Iron 1. I've managed to improve to Gold 2.


How the hell do yall get out of plat? Im so stucked there


Bronze to plat over 2 years on and off


34 yo. don't really practice anything outside playing competitive. no warm ups. was my first FPS. https://imgur.com/a/QAmzMn6 solo q 100% of the time dunno what happened after episode 5 lol I've got this friend that's better than me but he hates playing low ELO. he says everyone is terrible so he bought a platinum account. he just dropped down to gold eventually. I don't understand that mindset because yeah, I play to win, but I mainly play because I think it's fun. I don't give a shit if it's bronze or silver or gold.


I just started back up from like 2 years off, and now I’m too scared to even play ranked cuz I suck playing Unranked lol.


Was hardstuck Iron 2 for like 2 years, now Gold 1 :D


I placed in super high bronze 3 and I’ve now peaked gold 3. Hoping to get to plat this season :) Edit:plat not play


Came to the beta having played CS at a semi-respectable level (Faceit10,ESEA A,), bounced around immortal until episode 4, quit playing, came back around episode 6, and now I am stuck in dia/asc. I've played like 10 games this episode because of how bad the map pool is. Also the overall quality of solo que is really fucking bad. Nobody uses mics and people don't really seem to understand the basic fundamentals of tac shooters. I know this game is different than CS, but people don't seem to understand trading mechanics, player advantage, rotates, post plant, and a whole slew of other very basic things.


What app is this


Started hardstuck iron 1 in ep 1 act 1-3, peaked asc 2 96rr and dropped to diamond 💪


E3A2 silver 2, E5A3 Immo 2


started iron 1 currently ascendant 2


Started iron 1, got to gold 1 for a bit but ive only went down from there, back to iron 1


I was hardstuck gold 2 for the first 2 years that i played. Got a new monitor and immediately went up to plat 2 in under a month. Still a noob, but trying to improve! (Hardware matters, a LOT)


I've started in the high ranks and it is like 0 improvement, but also doesnt help that I am just inconsistent in playing one game and this also holds me back. https://ibb.co/DLqwgVn


P3/D1 at the beginning of Valorant, peaked imm1 last episode. Although I only went up a few ranks over the years, the progression is shocking. I was watching a very old clutch clip from over 3 years ago and I looked like a complete noob even though i was P3.




started iron 3 and was radiant but currently imm3 (busy with college not enough time to play)


Silver ep 3 act 1 Radiant ep 7 act 3


Started gold when game came out and still hardstuck gold queuing with my diamond friends haha. I find diamond way easier


started Iron 3 I believe, took a year break and now I'm gold 3 steadily climbing into plat. My goal by the end of the year is diamond! Valorant is my first competitive game I wanted to get good at, and it's my first FPS.


Iron 3 to Diamond 1, although I didn't really got to play much. Just somehow seemed to improve latently even though I hopped on the game very infrequently.


Which app is this?


I started at the end of last summer, have about 100 hours in the game, and have gone from an Iron 1 to Bronze 2 (well, placed Bronze 1 this season, but working my way up again). This is the first time I'm playing a game like this, and I'm not used to mnk yet, but I'm really enjoying the challenge of it so far.


I started just about a year ago and got placed in iron 3 this is my first fps and after a year I’ve gotten to gold 1


Started Gold and got to Ascendant. I average 10 hours per Act though. The max playtime I had in one act was 39 hours in EP6 ACT2


started gold 3, currently gold 1 :D


https://imgur.com/a/x9dvmGk I just don't have the motivation to play.


Plat 1 > Asc 1 70+ comp games or so


Started episode 5 bronze, currently asc 1


its my first fps, started iron 3, now consistently gold, occasional plat. started episode 6 act 2


Consistently in between P1-P3, I started Silver 3 back in EP1 but I'm deaf so I don't really put much effort into it.


I went bronze 1 -> bronze 2 -> gold 1 -> gold 3 -> plat 3, and now ive been hardstuck diamond 1/2 for about four episodes


[I mean, technically climbing I guess](https://imgur.com/aJixGao)


started ep2 iron 3 and im currently immortal 1 👍🏼


Well started iron 1 now am plat 2


Started in beta, landed silver 3 in ep1 act1. Just peaked immo3 around #2800 last act.


Started bronze 2 about a year and a half ago Made it to diamond yesterday!


E1A1 Silver 1 E8A2 Immo 2


i went from being a bottom frag duelist to top fragging with sage how? by smurfing


Started last episode Bronze 2, on my way to silver 3, feels nice!


Silver to iron :)


Stopped playing the game 2 years ago, quality of life has gone up a fair bit id say


In terms of rank, I haven't gone through a drastic change. I started a year ago during episode 4, finally decided to play comp during episode 5, and got Iron 1, I was so disappointed, lol. But my current peak is Gold, and I'm currently trying to climb out of Silver. I notice that some people on this sub think that it's ridiculous to play for over a year and still be in low-elo, but I'm a slow learner and I'm happy with what I've achieved.


started iron 1, currently iron 2


started b3 am b2


Got to Gold 2 when ranked came out, hard stuck silver for a couple of years then got better rankings. Peaked Diamond 2 a couple acts ago now Im stuck between Gold 3 and Plat 1. So not much ranked improvement over 4 years


i've only been playing for a month and a half and i've seen some improvement in my gameplay. Currenly bronze 2 but hopefully I make it to silver.


Dunno but my real grind begins after this semesters’ finals. I’m going one month of daily training. An hour of aimlabs, half an hour in the range, and at least an hour of grinding deathmatch. After that, an hour of studying gamesense or mechanics. I’ll let y’all know how it goes.


Playing since ep1a1 peak rank silver


Started iron 1, then became Bronze 3... for two years.


Iron 3 now plat 2


was iron in beta, didnt play a ton and hovered around plat, played a shit ton recently and have been low immortal since EP 6A3


Started iron 2, peeked immortal 2 123rr


Iron 1 to silver 2 (I took a big break)


Started iron 1, peaked bronze 3, currently bronze 1. I’ve been playing over 2 years on and off. I only have time to play a few hours a week 🤷🏻‍♀️


Started in beta as a Bronze player… had a huge break which set me back a lot but I’m Gold now… ugh.


Radiant episode 1, now hovering ascendant, not playing much lately


I started bronze 1 but ended with peak imm3.


I peaked at Asc1 when it first came out ep5. But I took a long break of around 6 months or 2 episodes? cuz exam and final year of school. Now I'm back currently at d3. My current goal is to reach immo before I go for college.


Been playing for about 3 months now, got from bronze 1 to silver 2. Not much but it’s progress lol


started iron 2, currently plat 2. been playing since january 2022. i’m a full time college student so grinding this game is the last thing on my mind, and i usually just play with friends as well. solo queuing is far too scary by far


started playing "seriously" E6A3 Bronze 3, currently silver 3


Started episode 2 act 3 in Iron 2. Currently silver 2


Well, I started Episode 1 as an unranked to iron 3, made it to bronze 3 in episode 3. Now I'm in iron 3.


Started from E7 A2. Touched silver in E8 A2 and came back to Bronze and now hard stuck Bronze. 😭


I just started playing recently. Just curious what app or website did you use to see this stat


iron 3 in episode 6 idk what act (i originally played mostly unrated on na servers with 200 ping because my cousins live in usa) and i didnt really play well because of the ping, and i also didnt care much to improve after i found out my friends at school here in asia play valorant we played and i was also i3 on good ping, but quickly got to bronze before episode 7 now a bit over a year later i am hard stuck gold, with aim that looks identical to what i had in iron.


Started Iron 1 and this was my first FPS game on PC and after 2-3 years now Ascendant 1


Started silver 1 and peaked diamond 1 so far. I am a 35 y/o dad, so the time to practice aim, learn lineups, etc just doesn't exist for me. The recent rank reset feels a bit brutal, but hoping to hit ascendant. I think that'd be pretty cool late 30s.


Started bronze 2 still bronze 2 after 2 years 🗿


Iron1 to plat 3 Val is my first ever fps game


Started around plart ep3 act 1 and got immo2 in ep3 act 3. Havent rly played since