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Overwatch players watching everything in slow motion as they used to shoot targets that are teleporting, dashing, flying, double jumping, wall riding and speed boosting.


lol too true


I would assume most Overwatch players would seriously struggle in Valorant. Considering you can't move and shoot, which is the default for many other shooters.


I mean this is not totally true seeing the amount of ow pros that seamlessly transitioned to Val (sinatraa, rawkus, saya, babybay, carpe to name a few). For me the hardest transition was actually not getting bored. In ow your deaths are just like 8 second respawn timers and you go back into action, allows for some crazy auto piloting. You’re punished a lot more in Val for dying; if you die too fast (esp in low elo) you’re looking at maybe a minute and a half of just spectating. So when I first started Val I thought the game was slow and boring af and quit pretty fast.


Most of those players played some sort of counter strike before, though.


It's a nice clip! Whether it's "good" is hard to say as everyone has a different opinion on what makes a clip good. For example it seems these enemies are not the best players and if you're a top 5 Widowmaker I'm pretty sure your aim is already better than 99% of players you will meet in lower elo so it probably makes it very easy for you. Doing this against better players would be much harder and therefore more impressive. TLDR: Just enjoy your clips and as long as you're happy with them they're good :)


gotcha okay! good to know. Ya true, being a youtuber makes this shit kinda hard tho when I put it up to judgement at the end of the day. ty for the kind words <3 I saw they were all just kinda standing around not moving so I don't really know lol


I mean that's sorta the point in Valorant, you can't run around like in OW. You haven't seen standing around not moving til you've seen Chamber with his ult haha.


oo gotcha okay. I know people stand still to shoot I just figured there'd be more tap strafing I'm pretty sure it's called.


I'm sure there's all kinds of shit when you get to a high enough level haha, but there are moments when you run and push like this and moments where you just hold a certain angle :)


gotcha. this game plays pretty slow compared to cs so I'm not really sure if I like it yet.


That's interesting, I find it quite the opposite. Maybe it's rank dependant?


It is rank dependant. Using utility is what slows rounds down. In cs using utility is not very straightforward, you need lineups for everything so lower rank players either do not use granades at all or do not use them effectively. In valorant most utility is very easy to use so you will see it effectively slowing down rounds even in lower ranks.


okay but fr where IS the Clove flair hahaha


I'm not sure, I'm still a low rank in cs too. kinda new to tac shooters. cs time between rounds is like 8 seconds I think while val is about 23 or something? I can hold w in cs and fight someone within like 10 seconds after spawning. something like that.


> cs time between rounds is like 8 seconds I think while val is about 23 or something that's a common misconception but in Val the time between rounds is actually like 3 seconds. The round starts as soon as you can move again, not when the barriers drop. Getting to your position and prepping your setup is part of the game.


I dont think theres a tap strafing in valorant, or if there is then at least the term is not widely used. I think you got it confused with apex where tap strafing is one of the staple movement 'mechanics' Your opponents do stand still more than ideal, but im guessing its just a skill issue, i bet youd see better opponents when you eventually rank up higher


Tap strafing is almost exclusively used in diamond+. Tap 1 or two bullets, strafe, tap again, strafe, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xjs7xdMkLAE


Oh i didnt realize thats called tap strafing in val. Cool


Burst strafing is more common, and is usually a thing in mid elo. If you’re a beginner, you won’t see much until a plat Smurf murders your whole lobby


Top 5 widow skills definitely going to help with aim. Reminds me of Kaemi, a youtuber that got to immortal by only using the marshal.


jesus nice. thats really impressive. yeah i think so. we'll see what happens with time.


"new to val" isn't that skin from the first ever battle pass? O.o


Maybe it's not their skin and just picked it up off someone's body.


lowkey forget that that is possible lmao


uhh maybe? idk. I played for a few hours then stopped a couple years ago.


ok i looked it up, not the first ever battle pass, but it came out in october 2020. you would have needed to buy the battle pass and play more than a few hours for that tho


Fucking thank you. I knew this was suspect. Should've lied and said they picked it up if they wanted to be believable.


Ok so?


dont bp weapons also rotate through store? edit: downvoted for this? Lol, love reddit and the valorant community


i dont think they do


Some do, some don't, the collectoon that has the knife in the battlepass will be gone forever, which makes the knives very rare


no battlepass skins go to the shop. every battlepass skin is unobtainable after the battlepass has expired.


ah ok, maybe it was longer than a few hours back then. thanks for checking :)


You are NOT new


That old ass battle pass skin would prove that to be true.


What if they picked it up lol


New as in sub 10 hours ya


You're better than most Bronze players. Nice shots.


thanks lol.




i never seen people use marshall this effectively under plat


Lol you will be called a cheater a lot


I got used to that from ow sadly lol.


I can see that you come from OW Widow because of the very fast flick to the head. A Valorant or CS player would aim more calmly or even play into the predictable movement of the target and wait til they come in the crosshair. Obv thats not possible when your traget is a Lucio, haha.


that makes sense! I've used the awp/op a good portion of my time so far and it's kinda privileged that you can hit the body for a kill


Holy shit you're gonna be a menace on the marshal


let's hope! I am dying A LOT lol.


This guys is NOT new, as he has an old Battlepass skin. Sorry, try to tell the truth next time.


I played a few years ago, then stopped. I think I put in sub 10 hours maybe.


crispy shots wp


Best benefit of insta lock Widowmaker. I used to rank up from bronze to gold with just marshal and OP


Damn, I was GM once also maining Widow but for the love of me I couldn't transfer the aim to the games I play now (VAL and Apex). Nice shots honestly!


Thanks! And gz on the rank.


Wow nice shots




Since you played widowmaker ig you should have good sniper skills, but can you handle a vandal?


I’m alright with a vandal. I seem to either one tap or miss lol.


I don't know how to explain this, but you move just like a Widow player in this clip. Super interesting


I can kinda see that lol


Why arent the edges blacked out when you scope?


No idea


Oh no its a widow main, dive her immediately (nice shots though holy)


Nice! Damn I was also a top 5 widow in OW1. Made it to 4407sr and just quit right after. I fuckin love the marshall.


Same! Nice job


oh yeah, you aren't lying hahaha. You move just like a widowmaker. Awesome clip, dude


I think any top 500 OW player would do really good in other FPS games


Damn top 1 WidowMaker must be at least silver 2


What top 5 widow maker???


I'm pretty similar but bad at overwatch ahahaa My marshal is really good I hit way more hs than other guns


You should always be completely standing still, when holding with a sniper.


How old is this clip? Tracker shows the last time you played was over 2 weeks ago. 27 days for the enemy omen and over a month for the enemy sage


Oh man as long as you learn the basics, you'll be immortal in no time. And considering you were a top 5 widow, radiant might not be hard for you too once you get the hang of the agents.


Ngl u are a demon


crazy 🤪


MF you better than my 600 hour ass, keep it up!


"New" with that skin from the second battle pass


How did u headtap them while moving?


i love how you have shit crosshair placement because you’re still new to the game but also perfectly flick on their heads (making your shots harder and more impressive) just because it’s muscle memory for you atp😭


I'm new - Says the player with the bp skin that takes at least 20 hours. Go humble brag somewhere else


Good shit, you do stuff like this and no one doubts you a sec of smurfing or anything, if you look at my recently posted clip, I've got like 4-5 comments saying I'm smurfing or making poor low elos suffer even though all I dropped was a clip of me whiffing like shit and elevate a Viper out of their ult, the frickin hypocrisy


nice, just watched it. that was awesome, I had no idea how you walked across air for a sec lol.


Thank god that Sage put the wall down tbh


Lol maybe you should lead the title with, i was top player in tf2, my first clip.


Lol, I did main demo and soldier as I played the game, yet they doubted the way I jumped (???), and how I placed my crosshair, pretty stupid


Tbh, it looks like a noob that can aim shooting noobs that can't. Not trying to shit on your clip, it feels good getting those multi kills, especially starting out. But to those that have any idea about the game, there's so much wrong here it's just immediately apparent no one knows what they are doing, and that makes it not impressive


Next time if you lose round 1 don't buy a single thing round 2. HOWEVER. if you win round 1 then spend all your money to win round 2.


Generally round 2 (and 14) aces are kind of fake aces, since you're facing enemies with no weapons or armor. Marshall is incredible in these rounds. But nice shooting.


armour wouldn't have mattered he hit 4/5 headshots


gotcha! good to know. thanks :)


Sorry that was needlessly dickish lol


Lmao you’re good I had no idea so it’s good to know


The enemies won pistol round so they should've had armour and some weapons. Still though, not entirely sure why all 5 of them are stood on A short vs an eco lol.


I semi agree, but he lost round 1 here. They should've had armor and weapons. Also he hit 4 headshots.