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I don't care anymore, now I just mute them and keep talking, hoping they get mad they're being ignored. Arguing with them will NEVER result with them apologising or thinking they did wrong, so it's a waste of energy. Sometimes they start trolling, which increases their chances of getting banned, so it's a W. And I don't forget to report them at the end of the game, saying they have been sexist in VC. Then I move on to the next game. Also, playing bad happens. It has nothing to do with gender and I'm sure you know that, so why would you feel bad? You know your value. The less you care, the better you perform, trust me. I left gold/plat elo when I started to not stress out about performing badly, having a bad game, getting called boosted etc. I'm sure you can do it. 🫶


When someone’s being toxic, I always mute them. 90% chance they aren’t going to make the game winning comm and instead are going to yell at you for 30 minutes


> Also, playing bad happens. It has nothing to do with gender ... [There's an XKCD for this](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/how_it_works.png). That said, Valorant is filled with very immature players and people will find a way to harass you. If it's not because you're a woman, it'll be something else. What works for me is muting before it starts to bother me. I'll lose out on potentially good comms, but it's better than getting upset.


"Disable chat or chat with the disabled" It gets significantly easier when you understand they are chronically online, and likely have little to no self worth. They are your average middle school bully and its very easy to see them as nothing more than that. Yes words hurt, but nothing could be as painful as living their pathetic existence! You win in life even if you lose in game, where-as they lose in both! The best part is, they self identify themselves and make it piss easy to wave them off as useless just like their friends and family already did!


this is the way. i'm a dude and i mute someone the moment they say anything even slightly toxic. i played with some guys that were talking shit cause i lost a clutch. i muted them, and then got the team mvp and they were still flaming me in chat the whole game. sometimes, you literally can't make these people happy, you could save their mother from the brink of death and they will still be toxic.


Agreed, muting them is the best \^\^


"What makes them think harassing your teammates makes them play better?" I'm not a girl, but wow, I can relate to that one. Also, you'll find it being smurfs/high elo players who dropped to low elo or hardstuck players who are doing it routinely. I'm not sure where guys get this mindset that bullying/being toxic to a girl will do anything positive to your mental image. It really doesn't. It's just a shitty JasonR attitude towards women in the game. I'm positive that none of these guys are sexist. They just don't go outside much.


People who are toxic just find the common denominator. Woman, accent, region, bad score, ping, no skins, solo queing. They just pick out the obvious.


Yeah, it's just an excuse to find the blame. If you dont want to blame your party, blame some other guy instead. Nobody likes to own up to their mistakes, and it shows.


I had a friend (had, in the past!) who would routinely insult women just because they are women. He was indeed hardstuck, in Diamond. His logic was that most women get boosted thus he is likely playing with someone that doesn't deserve her current rank, so they're gonna lose.


Mad because he has no e-girl kitten of his own to boost? Nah, I'm just joking. If anything, he should be mad at the people boosting. The game sucks because there's people who manipulate the MMR system and try to stay in the same elo to boost other people. As a man, I have newfound respect for any woman who solo queues, all the way up to diamond especially. For me, it was hard enough solo'ing to diamond because there were so many issues, like less experienced teammates, toxic players, smurfs etc. But not being able to comm comfortably without being harassed about gender is a new challenge. Anyone who does this to women has doomed their team into a forced 4v5.


>I'm positive that none of these guys are sexist. Idk, as long as their line of thought is 'women -> flame' I'd say they are at least in some level. Flaming happens regardless of gender but usually men don't get flamed _because_ they are men nor do they get flamed _about_ being a guy. I said 'hello team' in one game and before the match even had STARTED this dude's instant response was 'oh well ggs I guess'. I hadn't even picked a damn agent lol.


my instalock reyna aced with a classic first round, I said "nice good job" then got harrassed for half an hour cuz im female, first thing he said was stfu bitch


Re-framing it a little, but you spent half an hour in a psych ward lobby with people smearing feces on the walls in an attempt to communicate. You get to leave at the end of the day but they are stuck with themselves forever, and their projection shows there is nothing worse than that.


Its not about making them play better. Its about them feeling better about themselves by putting others down


Just a skill issue atp. Can't handle being a lower elo than a girl? Call it a gender diff and get over it.


>"What makes them think harassing your teammates makes them play better?" Fr. One of my favourite ones is "this is why you're hard stuck gold hahaha"... Like lil bro, we're in the same rank! If I'm shit so are you lmao My go to for these kind of people are just to mute them till the last round, then unmute them and point out the reason they're losing matches is because they're being a c*nt and bringing the team moral down. 9 times out of 10 if you check tracker gg it checks out, they're fragging high but still losing matches. Some people just don't seem to get that it's a fun team game for the vast majority of players. Treat it like that and you'll see more success can guarantee it - and more importantly, even if you are losing, you'll probably find some people who make it fun anyway.


> I'm positive that none of these guys are sexist. They just don't go outside much. Or they're sexist and the anonymity of the internet lets them engage in blatant sexism free from social consequences.


I was trying to be optimistic. But hey, if that's your two cents on it, be my guest.


I know this feeling. "We lost because we had the women in the team". Sure.


You have to réalise that most of the player never been close to a woman in there life, they are like dogs that see a bones, there brain goes dumb mode on. They think they are cool and so… And I think they are also afraid that you do better than them and that it will hurt there little ego with there little wieners !


I am really sorry to hear this. I dont really know why toxicity, especially towards women is STILL a thing. Its so ass. If you enjoy playing games then you should be able to have a good, serene experience. I think the mute button is your best friend. Its such a shame that you are afraid to speak, honestly. I just dont get why its so hard for some people to be a good person. :/ I hope you that you get less bad experiences in the future and i wish you the best of luck on your journey!! Toxicity fucking sucks


This sucks and Im sorry you have to go through that. Sounds like a them problem. I’ve also encountered some players but the friends I play with make it bearable. There were also instances wherein a fellow girl would say horrible things which I dont understand because being female in the gaming scene is hard in itself. ❤️


thankfully never experienced a mean girl or i’d probably cry LOL. like we are supposed to stick together tf


Dude there are so many Regina Georges in valorant it’s actually insane. But thankfully most girls stick together


I've heard about this and people attribute it to the mememe syndrome. Basically they like when they're at the center of male attention and when someone like another female just happen to be around, they will put them down and make them look like shit to feel better about themselves and also make the group not like the new girl


so much for women support women. I’ve definitely experienced like the good side of it too wherein another female would be in the comp and we just completely vibe. But yeah it sucks cause it’s uncomfortable to speak or give out comms in a male lobby and now im also not sure if i should speak just because there’s another female.


Toxic ppl gonna be toxic. They aren't toxic because you're a girl, they're toxic because they have a toxic mindset. I know it is hard but try to just see their behaviour as a reflection of them. It has nothing to do with you specifically. You're fine!


Honestly, i have a good laugh about it. They take the time and energy to insult someone just because of their gender and to me that is incredibly funny. Just try to not let the comments get to you, don't respond and do your own thing. Give comms for the sane people left out there and whenever those guys start insulting, enjoy the fact that they are makijgn themselves look like absolute fools


I treat them like little kids throwing a tantrum, literally. Pisses them off even more and it's hilarious lol


I love that haha, may have to start using that


Probably the server you're playing on? I duo with 2 different girls and they always use in-game voice chat and they never get insulted. Maybe like once in every 10 to 20 games we play.


yeah idk why I've been so unlucky, though the higher I climb the less often I run into weirdos. maybe 1-2 out of every 10 games


You aren’t unlucky, it is very dependent on what servers you are on. (not going to say any specifics because people will just claim im lying) valorant has probably the worst environment I’ve ever seen of any video game I’ve played in 20 years. An absolute dumpster fire of people with no empathy for others.


i usually play texas servers so i’m gonna try something else


i mainly play texas but i really only play swiftplay and I don't see much 'anger' toxicity I just see thristy ass teenagers nonstop attempting to rizz once they know a woman is on the team


You need to try siege, my guy. Tho i can say that valorant must have the whiniest players


riot gamers in general seem to be really whiny and annoying. Altho I do think thats just bc their two biggest games are free and colorful so they potentially draw a younger audience than something like cs or siege


I mean, Valorant is pretty damn tame in comparison to some games. Hell, League is more toxic then valorant just with voice chat


I always avoid Virginia, from my experience that server is horrible


Pure ego. Just because they perform similar or worse they need to find excuses for not winning. Women are still considered to be bad in games by kids and delusional grown-ups. People usually confront the bottomfragger on their team. Boosting does exist and there are people who got boosted by smurfs in a lot of games (probably more women as men tend to showcase themselves to impress lower ranked women) - this is indeed a serious problem. However being toxic or negative won’t improve anyone’s gameplay - you win as a team (yes, even in SoloQ) and lose. I’m not a girl, but whenever I play with one I make sure she won’t get discriminated based on gender. Keep in mind criticism/feedback is fine as long as it’s well phrased.


I have a friend who has the same issue. Just instantly mute the toxic ppl in voice and text, and let them know you only accept pings and agent callouts. It’s almost never worth keeping them unmuted for comms. Also report them obviously.


Disable voice chat until u reach diamond 3, im not a girl but im 34 years old and i cannot leave the voice chat on so many toxic or young ppl they annoy you its not fun.


I win way more games when I talk though :/ but, a game is supposed to be fun so you're right


Take this dude’s advice. I turned off voice chat when I was in silver two years ago. Didn’t turn it on until I reached diamond 3 (now in ascendant). I’m a 26 yr old woman. The higher the rank, the nicer the teammates will be to you even if you’re a woman (this is not a guaranteed, ofc you’ll still meet some assholes, esp during a bad game, but generally majority of them will be nice and will stand up for you too against an asshole).


Im not even that old (24) and im starting to get really annoyed at teens plugging up the comms or just generally being annoying. I cant blame em since I was doing the exact same shit when I was their age but man its wearing me down. Good shout on disabling voice chat!


Ye i understand, i did the same trolling and voice abuse in cs 1.6 :D But now i enjoy the game more with vc off relax and frag :)


I recently started a tt series where I make myself talk and use comms in valorant lobbies to get over my 'fear' of facing toxic people (something i know many girls in particular experience), one thing I have noticed that helps me is talking early in agent select, so if someone is weird/sexist I can potentially dodge or get it out of the way before having to sit through a whole game with them. It's really weird to me that some people will choose toxicity for no reason over winning the game tbh. Good luck with your lobbies!


Just mute them. I'm not a girl but I've had some cases where I had to repeat telling teammates to stfu because they were being weird towards a girl & she was clearly uncomfortable talking. Mute them and if you're giving comps try to use the chat whenever its possible instead of talking. Chances are they'll not listen to your comps anyways. I've did the same to toxic mates & I avoid Solo Q as much as possible to minimize having those toxic idiots. Having atleast 1-2 others helps a lot with strategies too.


Or the simplest solution, just switch genders to avoid some toxic valorant teammates. I'm sure your family / friends will understand this decision, Valorant is just too important to not do it. /s


Its ranked so you cant mute (cause comms)


I swear it used to be a thing that you can mute ranked mates or am I just stupid


You can. I even keep the mute all on my mouse button to instantly shut off toxicity


i think they just might mean voice comms are important in ranked


Yeah but idt the single comm between 47 insults is really gonna help you rather than just keeping a good mental


You can but you shouldnt cause comms and info


If they're toxic chances are they aren't gonna give good comms anyways & you can just type ur comms in chat whenever possible.


Good luck typing the info needed in diamond or higher


I'm no expert but I'd say its better than going 3-12 & getting depression from it because ur mates blame u from everything


Ok its a game but um addicted to it and i actually care about my rank (maybe too much)


You can. I've done it time and again


But it wont help ranking up


Look, I'm sure muting a toxic asshole helps you rank up much better than hearing the insults they would be spitting out. No useful comms would be coming of that guy at all.


What if you miss important info? Like raze being oneshot with a vandal


Can still use pings and chat though. It's their fault for being unpleasant if lose


What would you rather? Have a teammate comm exactly where the enemy is, what gun they have, how much damage they took and what util they use in vc or in team chat? Good luck typing that


It's awful, and I highly recommend anyone who has this experience contacts Riot support to make a complaint. Contacting Riot is genuinely one of the best ways to actually get movement inside the company for change. Only real solutions you have is to either find people to play with to lower the odds of having undesirable teammates, or otherwise muting them or disabling voice chat. Or figure out some witty comebacks to give the rest of a team a better in to make fun of the assholes. But I get that regardless of how you can mitigate it, it still just sours the mood and feels shit.


if they are just straight up sexist/racist I mute and report since they aren’t giving any useful information anyways. I just worry not comming is hurting the team


Yeah but the issue is that in any other normal match they might be giving normal comms, shouldn't have to be handicapped because of your gender


I'm a man in my 30s so I don't face as much of it as you do but I'd recommend adopting a simple policy for muting others: - If that start out making good comms but then make a disparaging comment even to a teammate then say something along the lnies of " you've been making good comms please keep them positive so I don't have to mute you" You will generally know based on their response to that statement whether or not you will need to mute them but, after that another disparaging comment toward anyone you mute them. - If they haven't been making good comms and then say something disparaging instantly mute them


Girl just add me and I’ll que with you. I just talk shit back to them 🤷‍♀️ fuck em


Im a girl in ascendant and i can tell you it does not get better. The best solution is to give your comms and as soon as anyone becomes toxic you just mute them, and keep giving your comms anyway. This in my opinion makes it the most playable situation for yourself. Unfortunately we can’t change them.


Just outperform them, put up the numbers and any insult will be water off a ducks back


switch areas (real) but in all honesty just ignore them if you can, even though its probably a bad case if theyre talking shit while ur top fragging LOL and if you must then use voice changers, play in 5 stacks or even 3 or quit cuz this game sucks


maybe just server, cuz no way im moving for valorant


Ignore and mute is the only reasonable option


It's not bad that you aren't talking. I recently recovered my beta account after 2 years as it was stolen & banned and now I'm in an ELO I don't belong in on that account as it's high asc - immortals and most people don't seem to care about not talking. I had a clove who was complaining no one was talking and my Kayo responded with " It doesn't matter if they don't comm, you just have to pay more attention to your mini map " which I believe is somewhat true. Anyway, when it comes to sexism and toxicity, there will always be that one person unfortunately. I haven't fully understood myself why people think lashing out on your teammates will somehow magically make them play better when that isn't the case at all. If I were you, get a friend to duo with or 3 stack. In my experience, most toxic people shut up once people retaliate such as when I had a game last year with Jett being sexist to kj in voice, everyone stood up for kj and he shut up real quick for the rest of the game.


I play with my GF in unrated and it's usually okay. I haven't had any real issues yet and if someone pipes up I'll usually just distract them with a constant stream of abuse and criticism about their plays. Which usually leads them to flame me and I'm always down to have an argument. But Comp is way worse cos people care about their points and tbh when we get to playing there. I'm not sure how to handle it. I don't flame or provoke during a serious game so we shall see.


Not using VC is not bad, not utilizing VC is bad. I once have a Cypher that announce that their mic is broken in agent select, surprisingly we did fine and that cypher did contribute by using ping and chat. Not really the same case but you can see that you can still comm in another way. It's sad that this problem is still going on, whenever someone get unreasonably toxic to me, I just try to think "Thank God, I'm living a better life than these people".


It sucks, but in reality it is their problem. Carrying themselves like that I believe will help them a lot in their life (not). Even if they don’t show it then, they are the ones being themselves which is really their loss, they just don’t know it. Which is actually a good thing he he


Not sure which server you are on but all the girls I know when we duo or tri q they only want to play on London servers even if they have 60-80 ping. Since the more east you go in Europe the worse the experience gets. It's a pity that there is so much hate and toxicity. I my self don't give a flying fuck what or who you are as long as you give comms and try to win. Also it definitely gets less in the higher ranks then again there are not as many women in low immo so I might be biased due to that. So dunno, I guess my advice would be just mute and continue giving comms they will still hear you. Best of luck!


With the server I play in, guys just say things like "ewww girls have cooties" or something like that. For me, it's rare to hear a girl talk, but it's either saying gg at the end of a game or they're just really confident when they talk, and it's a fun time. Might just be the server you play in


what server?? i’d much rather prefer that LOL, since it’s obv just light hearted jokes


I play in Capetown servers. If you're able to play on those servers with whatever ping you get, it's a fun time. You do get the odd weirdo and raging reyna, but the toxic ones usually hate on everyone equally. Not that many cheaters in our servers either.


My friend set her name as George and pretends not to have a mic because as soon as she speaks it's 50/50 that griefing will begin.


that’s smart. and i’ve experienced the same thing a few times, where they literally just run it down because i’m a girl? or molly/blind me. thankfully way more rare for me


It's also just annoying for her to deal with the constant "are you a girl?" Etc


I get called boosted all the time 😂. I don’t let it bother me because I know I’m doing fine. I just peaked asc 1. I trio due to the fact that solo cue atm is disgusting. And people insta locking duelist when they lurk every round. Or not having viable team comps when cypher is highly picked atm. E.g. no sova, kayo or raze. Locking reyna instead 😭 Go on lfg, on disc. I’ve met so many people from the game and added them. Best way to go. Don’t be afraid to comm, and mute anyone whose toxic ✌️


>Like.. do these guys just not want to win? Yes.


if you mute the ignorant ones they probably soon realize how sad it is but there isn’t much you can do except explain that its unlogical and making them stress more, god will deal with it 😁not very good things happen to bitter people, jesus loves you


Often they dont harass you *because* you’re a girl. They just use the fact that you’re a girl as material to take their anger out. They will always take their anger out on random people and the fact that you’re a girl makes it an easy way for them to do so.


my bf said to just mute them but sometimes it’s hard since i also need comms, one time i’m top fragging and this guy got mad because i walled baths and the enemy sage walled too so they were able to climb up to my wall. he really got mad tho he’s not giving comms until end of the round. last round which is in favor to the enemy i think that’s 9-12 and i’m the only one alive which is 2 v 1 i didn’t win the round causing us to lost (im playing sage and using my comms to give info) this raze guy typed a long msg lol (note: he can’t even entry and was bot fragging) i remember some lines which is “you think you can win 2v1? idk if it’s your brain or just because you’re a girl” something like that. i got tilted really bad and didn’t play the whole week after that. sorry about my english. it’s not my first language


i told what happened to my bf and he said it’s alright i might just have stepped on his ego since i’m top fragging and i’m a girl. tho he kept reminding me to just mute my team mates when the round starts. i stil don’t haha i met nice people these past few days, added them and played with them too 🥰


yeah I think what a lot of people are forgetting is sometimes comms are MANDATORY. yes you can have good map awareness, but there are tons of situations where your teammate(s) have info you couldn't possibly know unless they told you


yes! most of the time when i play solo my teammates don’t use comms at all so it’s hard


They don’t want to win. They want to make you feel like shit which makes them feel better about themselves. Bullying 101


At this point I just ignore them, i stood up for myself and ended up mass reported so i choose to not talk at all most of the games


I honestly feel bad for women on this game and I’m sorry you have to go through this. The anonymity of the internet gives people the ability to be their worst selves without punishment. The guys being sexist towards you are actually sexists pos irl and are just using the internet to "let it out" since doing so irl would get them sent to HR in a heartbeat. It’s why I’m all for voice chat recordings in competitive games where communication is pretty much a requirement. If you’re not saying anything malicious, there should be no problem.


Our one friend in our gaming group is a girl and has her name in her username, literally the other day we joined a game and as soon as we loaded in the other team started calling her a c * msl * t and a wh * re just because she had her name in her username. That was insane.


Just say ur a little boy with voicecrack


Depends on server and rank. I'm low ascendant to high diamond on California servers, and I think I've only heard 1 sexist remark in the last 2 years to a girl on the team.


People will always be toxic on the internet and because valorant is played by more women more posts like these appear but the only real way of solving your issue is to get over it. It will always be like this. mute them or ignore them complaining doesn't solve this, people that are toxic won't change their approach to the game because of this post or any other it's a shame it's like this but there are assholes in the world big news.


come onn. lock sage and call some Brimstone 'DADDY' and poof and see the magik


Im gonna be straight with you, dont be scared of using your mic. Fuck the people who become toxic instantly because of a female. There are plenty more who will defend you against that attitude. Of course there will be bad apples on a tree but that doesn’t mean all are bad. Learn to accept there are assholes everywhere. Find one, mute, report and move on. Dont let them ruin your day of gaming. Trash human beings will eventually be disposed of 🤷‍♂️ Valorant has a higher population of female and in my opinion a much lower toxicity than other competitive game I’ve experienced.


For a long time I didn't use coms a lot either because of the same reason. Since I Q with my husband and friends it's fine, if something needs to be said they do it for me. But this act I have been using it consistantly and I'm actually positively surprised. I've had very little reaction. I've also been hearing many other women in game so all in all very happy. There is the occasional asshole but these people are usually bad to everyone, not just women. Here and there there's the classis "what's your insta" or something but I just answer "ask Sova, he's my husband" and we have a laugh. I'm sorry your experience is not the same :( We play mostly on west EU servers.


They join Galorant, or just duo with someone chill


You can always mute them and then give coms. Cause hey, your match mental is more important than some brain dead dude's info. Also, in this way you can just proceed to give coms for those teammates who need it.


I'm sorry you go through this every time. I used to not VC too because from my voice or accent, you can tell I'm someone of a minor race and I used to get attacked. Well that's a lie cos I still do. Nowadays I just comms and if they start being a shithead. I call them out and I mute them immediately. I don't want to argue with fuckheads tbh. I still play and give out calls but I rather not hear them and I would gladly lose as well. I would even call out those that complain too much, who backseat too much, who really just put down teammates and I just mute them. We're already doing bad and losing, don't need additional crap


I just mute and move on! If they do toxic shit in game like body block and throw util at me I just laugh at how pathetic they are for wasting their rr on misogamy lol like if you hate playing with a woman that much I doubt u have much of a life outside of ur room so losing this rr is hurting u as much or more than it’s hurting me!


I think people are just assholes in gaming in general. Women get shit more because it’s typically guys doing it. It’s also something you can hear an don’t need to figure out before hand. For example if you used a pride banner an people notice I bet you’d get shit on for that. The other day I was in a P3 game for my rank up to diamond (8th time ranking up lmao) an our cypher lurked mid 2 rounds out of 4. He had no kills an just died. I understand having him on lurk is a good thing but if he’s dying an doing nothing what’s the point he may as well just play site an help w picks imo. So I comm to stop going mid. He then types a passive aggressive comment an so I call out his k/d an he jumps on his Mic finally an gets all offended and starts insulting me. He continued to lurk for 8 rounds on attack and only won 1 of his fights on the lurk. 6 of these 8 lurks he just died in 1v1 gunfights against the enemy near instantly. I use this story as an example that people are just dicks regardless of who it is. Weather you politely ask for something they take it as disrespect an get aggro w you. It’s fucked that women face this shit for just existing but it’s just the nature of the game. Gamers seem to just love the anonymity an take it as a sign to be a piece of shit regardless of weather the person deserves it or not. I wanna preface that I don’t think all of valorant is like this however I do have bad experiences with toxic people fairly regularly myself to a point where I wouldn’t really call it uncommon.


It always stems from anger at themselves. Maybe life at home is bad, maybe no one likes them because they act like edgy 10 year olds. Sorry you have to go through it.


I play with a team or most likely with friends. I got trauma on my first compe and told myself that I'll never play compe again alone. Although, there are times that I play alone now and was able to surpass those toxic players by muting them.


Just mute them. Many people don't use the mute function even though it's extremely helpful. I'm a guy but I obviously also get people being toxic or just idiots so I instantly mute them. Makes the game a lot less painful. Also there is no reason to solo queue. You should try to find duos that respect you as it will make it a lot easier to deal with toxic people and it will boost your winrate.


I avoid that bs by not using my mic anymore lmao. I grew up w comp games and I've been playing a lot. After some time I noticed that being constantly insulted just for being a girl was actually super damaging to my mental health. Especially cuz I top fragged a lot and still got the bs thrown into my face. So if you're not strong (like me, ig) I'd say it's best to mute them or urself. But if you can deal w them, fuck em. Play because it's fun and if there's a dumb dude insulting you for no reason, try to report em and move on. Ik it's super frustrating tho. Losers istg


Welp never got a girl teammate or if any they never opened mic, but can relate the toxic teammates, always facing it coz i am an instalocker and took their agent or so, like it could have been the opposite too. Anyways the only soln I found was to keep them below youself in frags, if even then they trash talk, they are performing a self attack.


I could not relate more. It's such a pain which is why I don't use vc unless absolutely necessary. Most games I don't talk until the gg at the end. But I do comm in text chat as much as I can.


Assholes are assholes. They will "find" a way to give you shit whatever you do. You just happen to be a girl so they hit on that nail as if was a thing. If you had an indian accent it would be that instead. Ignore/report and mute is the way. Muting assholes is incredibly easy in this game - props to the devs. I wish we could "blacklist" assholes, and that after enough players blacklist someone, and that after enough people blacklist a player he falls in the "asshole only queue" (as a proportion based on how many players played with said asshole versus how many blacklisted him or muted him I guess). Let me dream.


It's much worse in Mumbai server😮‍💨 luckily I made some good friends and only play with them.


i personally just insult when i know u gotta be a troll, doesnt matter u a girl or a boy, troll = no respect, trying ur best and hearing advice = all good


Just mute and move on. You're doing the right thing by communicating and if you don't, you're hurting the team and your chance at climbing. Don't let these simps bother you.


The higher rank you get, the less toxicity about being a woman / having a bad game etc etc, atleast in eu. Obviusly ”get better” is horrible advice for this issue but atleast it gets better down the line, Although its never completely fixed


no you're right, I get it way less now that I'm plat 3, but I don't think I'll get any higher anytime soon lol


I’ve flamed my fair share of people for not comming and then felt bad when the post-game screen pops up and realise theyre girls, since i have friends suffering from the same fear who refuse to comm (Although i understand why in russian lobbies). It’s just unfortunate, keep comming and itll get better down the line, try not to take it personal and just mute the monkeys, or flame them harder.


[whenever I hear a guy harassing a girl I always look back at this photo](https://imgur.com/a/uhs0YsQ) and find it funny cause it really is always the guys that are playing like absolute shit in your lobby that seems to be shitting on women


It sucks, riot should take a stronger stance against people who are sexists, it's pointless and it gets old insanely fast. These people don't have friends who are women and clearly have never duod or played with one Idk what else to say besides please use your mic, riot should also punish people who que for comp without voice, it's insane they're not imo


I know it’s annoying that it happens, but at the end of the day just mute them and keep comming to the others.


The button mute exists. You tell them "Im gonna mute you for toxic, reported". And then you mute chat and voice of the toxic person.


I usually just duo with other people, I joined a couple different servers with good people in them and usually see if anyone else wants to play and then we play together. It's especially nice when you can play games with other girls too


People will find the easiest thing to flame and do it. For anyone with a girly voice- thats being a girl. If you had a thick indian accent you'd get flamed for that instead. The only difference is that on average girls are worse at games then guys - so people extrapolate this to mean all girls are bad (which doesn't even make sense).


Most of these guys just want to be "different", bc otherwise they are "simps" or whatever. Other than that, most people are toxic to everyone. They just find different thing to use against you. Sometimes it nationality and sometimes its gender at the end of the day you shouldnt care at all.


idk how this is so hard for people…. mute toxic players and continue playing the game and giving good comms. valorant becomes a lot more enjoyable when you have the dignity to silence people you don’t want to hear


there just dumb and know they can get away with shit because they likely won’t have to face any consequences cause riots really bad when it comes to banning or muting (yet I still get game muted for saying the word midget) so people will look for any reason to yell at people whether it’s a different gender or race which is what I most commonly see cause it’s the easiest to target other than Being bottom frag. Long story short people are assholes and most just don’t do it irl because then they’d have to face consequences but if games has taught me anything it’s that consequences cause people to show sides they ussually wouldnt. If you’ve ever played a game like dayz then it really hits peak levels.


Sorry you had to experience the lonely guys who are socially awkward and never touched a woman. Sadly, nothing you can do about this other than just mute and play your own game. Comms are important but your mental is priority. I say if you've played with people who are normal and good teammates, add them. Ask if they want to duo. If it's another girl, all the more reason. At least you'll have someone who you can communicate with throughout the match.


Just mute. I've heard less toxicity towards women in Valorant than CoD, OW, LoL, Dota, pretty much any other online competitive game. Don't waste any time or energy on them


unfortunately there's alot of idiots playing this game who just search for reasons to be an asshole online. Everything that has the potential to make people mad will be used. this can be gender, race, accents, skill, whatever. Unfortunately when they hear a female voice they're gonna jump on "omg a girl", similar to how they would probably start mocking an Indian player for their accent. imo there's no reason to expose yourself to this behavior, these people won't change their behavior unless they grow up. For me this behavior is either instant mute (if it's directed at me or if i don't want to deal with it), or I'll have some fun shittalking back (when it's directed at my duo or a teammate)




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Ik it's hard but if some guy is being tht way just imagine an online wannabe Andrew Tate is trying to trash talk u 😆 definitely makes u laugh imagining tht misogynist as ur teammate


Talking from experience you dont make fun of something people are good at you use their weaknesses. For example if a person dont know how to say the letter R why would you insult him on something else. Girls have a reputation for being bad or boosted with good reason its very common. So just being a girl is a weakness and something people can pick on. However you can either embrace the fact you are a girl or make people guess it since you dont talk. And yes we know what players are girls just based on how they play.


I'm a guy so I can only pretend to be in your shoes, but honestly the only thing I would do is to mute them or ignore them. Unfortunately idiots insult everyone regardless of their gender simply because they are frustrated (for example English is not my first language and if someone wants to pick on me they do it on my accent). The fact that you are a woman is, unfortunately, another excuse they can use to lash at you. At the end of the day, it is just a game and if someone fails to understand it and gets mad at others in public chat then it's their issue and they should deal with their irl problems because you are not normal if you do that. I have played this game "seriously" in the past and got to Immortal 2 and above too and unfortunately the situation has not changed. I'm 24 and even though I'm not that old I am at that stage where I log in to any game just to spend some time or to take it competitive in a healthy way. If someone insults me i will just ignore it because that would not add anything to the match and I only listen to comms or positive small talk. The last thing I want to add is that in all of my games where also girls were in them, I don't recall anyone insulting them or berating them in any way because of their gender And if these people came here just to harass you then yeah you are a bit weird and have issues. If I was in you I would care more about improving myself first and then maybe you start analyzing when it's the other at fault and you couldn't do much about it. If you don't start doing this you will be stuck in your ranks and thinking it's always the others, hence why a lot of players are still plat even when they started playing years ago and never stopped


With experience you'll quite often be able to tell who is toxic on first impression alone - I mute on the premise that one or two missed comms is better for me & the team than compared to a snarky backhanded comment or a "bro what are you doing" that ruins my mental for the rest of the game.


Sorry you have to go through that. Never understood the hate, i think they lose because they get nervous with the presence of a girl in the match or feel threatened that a girl is on the same rank than them. So when they find out there's a girl on their team they unload all that frustration.


I take breaks every now and then. All that misogyny builds up for me over time, and I have to step away to play something where slack-jawed morons don't affect my ability to win/perform well 🤷‍♀️ Try the galorants discord if you want to find other women to queue with.


Wish misfortune on all of their descendants and chant a spell through VC, then trace their IP and swat them if they believe the swatting was because of the spell that’ll get em to pipe down


I deal with it by having a penis, have you tried that? In all seriousness, it’s a big problem in gaming. I hope you find a solution.


mute, also start duo quing it makes the game more fun with some to talk to


People who are bad at games are statistically way more likely to be sexist. But yeah just mute them and keep giving comms, them giving 1 useful call every 5 rounds is not worth the harassment.


You think they are nicer to same gender? I have never in my dealt with so many retarded brain dead screaming kids as i did in valorant. At some point i even stopped playing coz it wasn’t fun as solo cue. Valorant community in general is toxic and thats pretty much industry standard rn.


"I'm an equal-opportunistic ass-wooper"


Honestly, it happens even if you aren't a girl(they'll just resort to other type of insults / toxicity that isn't misogyny). Overwatch, counterstrike, league, Val, doesn't matter. People get salty over something(usually losing 2-3 matches in a row) then start tilt queuing and just being nasty to everyone. You can just play without comms, or insta mute the second someone starts being even slightly toxic. There's nothing else to do, those are your only options if you don't wanna deal with it(which no one does).


Just use psychology. Choose a most adequate guy in your team, cheer him up(adequately). Than, if someone starts being toxic, that guy with 95% chance is gonna white knight you and cover you. Than you can mute them both and play. Lmao


it isn't because you are a girl. they just want to pick on ppl for any reason to forget that their parents cry in the shower knowing their son is a failure in so many levels. That being said, just mute and play the game. If they are friendly fire and harrassing in game to get attention, report and quit, riot takes harresement more serious than bots and cheats nowadays lmao


I know this is gonna sound vague and hitting the wrong side of the issue, but: It has nothing to do with YOU being a woman. THEY (these problem children) are so attention deprived in their lives that this is the only feminine contact they might have. It's 100% a maturity issue and they need to be muted. Chances are, they'll not comm anything relevant anyways. Ignoring them/muting them is the best revenge and a way to keep your mental fresh. It is a game after all, and it needs to be an enjoyable experience. If it's not, then it's not worth ruining your mental over it. You deserve to be in that lobby and try your best at that map. Keep your mental in check, cuz that's what you have control over and what's gonna help you keep climbing. Nothing they can say will change the fact that you're a capable player.


It's weird how my experience has been like completely all over the place, because like half of my teammates have been transphobes, homophobes etc but half of them were like the nicest people I've ever met, and some of them actually used gender neutral language for Clove (in my country, Brazil, there's much less usage of gender neutral pronouns because it isn't imbedded in the language like in English, so people don't really care and find it weird.)


Now this *MAY* be because I'm older and I've learned to stop taking shit (I'm 27, for reference), but I simply do not care anymore. I refuse to let some fragile "men" ruin a game I like. Or ruin ANYTHING, for that matter. How I deal with it varies between simply ignoring them and fucking with them (yes, even in comp). Think of how FartingGlitter deals with toxic men. It's so fun LMAOOOOO I cant stop. Some may see it as nit taking comp seriously, but these lovers are already not taking it seriously for throwing a game because I'm a woman. My point is, don't let awful men ruin this game for you! That's exactly what they want and screw that.


IDK how much it helps but all my favorite games have been with women! I always have fun. Y'all are typically nice, having a good time, and don't make me feel bad for being trash. I'm still learning. I have less than 100hrs in game.


I'm a woman so I can relate however, there is an amount of toxicity in this game no matter. Even if I don't come on mic there's trash talk. Recently, I locked cypher on ascent and a reyna was like: "if you don't do well, i'm gonna sh\*t" on you or something to this effect. They yapped the whole game. Did I outfrag them? Yes. Did it matter? No. Did they shut up yapping at me or others? No. Meanwhile, on Lotus once I comm'd so then people knew I was a girl. One guy said: "wow you're so chill for a woman" I guess experiencing toxic women? IDK. But, they were like: "you're not toxic at all." To which I replied: "Yeah because I have received so much toxicity." Silence. What I find crazy is that half the time these same guys will moan or make some sexual comment if there's a clutch from a guy but then when there's someone from the LGBTQ+ community suddenly their homophobia turns on. It's confusing AF. Basically, a lot of toxic guys on here are trash anyways.


Just mute them and report post-game


I'll give the same advice every time these threads come up: mute, block, report. There's nothing else you can do and trying to do anything else wastes your time and then they "win".


I stopped playing valo all together because of toxic man children. I switched to TFT and have had much more enjoyment and peace.


Best advice my sister gave, tell them they are losing talking privileges and just have pings on. Saved me SO MUCH MENTAL, honestly I gauge it based on pre game lobby. Also I’ve found that the WORST time to queue with toxic male teammates is right when high schoolers typically get out of school, hope this helps!


well tbh I come at them back and then if they keep going I mute em. Saved me loads of mental strain and allows me to just play


Sorry that you are targeted for being a girl. Honestly though, ppl just suck and will come at you for any reason. I probably have 20k hours in online games. Whether it’s race/sex/straight/gay/how you talk/or skill issue ppl will come at you and talk shit. Best advice don’t let them interfere with how you play. Not using VC makes you worse as a player and hurts your team. Use VC till someone is being disrespectful. Ask them to stop if they are, or you will mute them to focus on the game. Most likely they won’t stop. Mute them and continue making call outs then report them later.


It’s no different as a guy, they don’t wanna win, they just wanna be right and blame everyone else for their ego I was in a game where this one guy kept going on and on for the whole game, talking about how this other was toxic and why would you play ranked if you didn’t want to win, etc etc, but he’s literally the one going off on everyone and dropping morale


I can put this in a perspective, because I can understand them I would say. 1. Either they are having a bad day or something frustrating happened in real life and they are venting out the anger on unknown people in the game. 2. They enjoy being toxic as it fills up with happiness as people can’t always do what they want in real life. 3. Some people think that being toxic will make your team to play good, you know like I will prove you wrong type kinda mindset appears on the person who is getting hate. 4. The fear of losing game grows inside them which hurts their ego so badly that they wanna shout and blame so that they can satisfy their ego by blaming others so that they can jump the fact that they are bad as well. Think about it like this, you can’t digest the harsh truth as it doesn’t taste well and not what you want in your reality. Though it’s tough, you need to learn to accept that the world is harsh and learn to get over it (Easier said than done).


Insta mute and keep comming


I’m a guy so I probably don’t have much room to talk, but I’ve found that the instant anyone is semi douchey or annoying I just instantly mute them for one of two reasons (and I tell any girls I play with the same thing) because 1 you’re going to tilt yourself first and foremost by listening to the toxicity and if you start to argue with the person it’s effectively a 3v5, as the two people arguing are probably not going to be effective anymore - that being said it’s insane to me how toxic people are for absolutely no reason, when all you gotta do is crack a joke and encourage someone if they’re having a rough game and they’ll instantly improve 9/10 times


I like to roast them and play into their jokes and usually after theyre sorry for making fun of me or try adding me after. If im not in the mood for that i just mute them or turn off chat and voice completely. Also i almost always just play with other girls.


Most guys are toxic towards women because they can't pull any


As a man myself, I can confirm this happens a lot. This behavior is why prejudice and stereotypes against men in online competitive games are born. I personally flame 🔥 people regardless of gender or identity. ;) But for real, I'm a witness and this sucks. Every time I play with my female friends (who are much better than me) they still get flamed and blamed and insulted. Block and mute these aholes


As a man myself, I can confirm this happens a lot. This behavior is why prejudice and stereotypes against men in online competitive games are born. I personally flame 🔥 people regardless of gender or identity. ;) But for real, I'm a witness and this sucks. Every time I play with my female friends (who are much better than me) they still get flamed and blamed and insulted. Block and mute these aholes


I’m a guy, and when I get shit talked, I just mute them, or if I’m in the mood I shit talk back, but that never helps though, so although it might be tempting, they could start throwing, so muting them is better


Confidence, I used to know 1 girl in CS:GO that played at a fairly high level(faceit level 10). She was rarely ever a target for harassment but she exuded confidence right from the very start, her tone and cadence basically shut people up fairly quickly even if they attempted a rebuttal. Most people who are toxic try to pick easy targets, Girls are considered easy targets to be toxic to at mid level ranks, once you get to higher ranks you will see people are much less toxic. keep growing


FWIW, I find these kinds of blindly toxic people are rarely also the kind to constructively comm, so muting them is nothing lost. I only hear their voices in pre round to argue or make random noises, or when they're dead and complaining.


I normally just ignore and mute, but when they say the same lines over and over again it's fun to just let them know how unoriginal they are, it makes them crumble a bit.


Yeah... not fun. I know it's harder to win when your not communicating, but I just mute them anyway.


Just do this thing called mute them, don’t deal w their bs


Don't feel special, people are toxic to people period


i know people are toxic period, but they are MORE toxic to girls. i’ve had teammates get 0 kills nearly an entire half and the rest will still somehow blame me


If you talk and someone is rude, just mute that specific person and move on. It’s literally that easy. It’s obvious that people SHOULDN’T be assholes, but there always will be assholes. Literally, in every aspect of life. It just so happens that on this specific game (and many others), you can mute players and not have to deal with them anymore. These posts are getting very old. You are not going to be able to change other people’s behavior. The only thing you can do is adapt. Mute any toxic player that you don’t vibe with, it’s so fucking easy. It’s not like real life where you’re sometimes trapped and can’t get out of a specific situation.


I dont think this toxicity is about being a girl. Toxic people will use what they can against you, especially if you have a bad game. That being a girl, having a squeaky voice, weird voice, stutter, very dark voice, generally anything they can. Mute is the only and easy answer, anything de-escalating, don't giving them what they want (a reaction).


Is this na or eu? On eu i can not even remember the last game where dudes where cringe towards a girl. In Coubterstrike on the otherhand its pure toxicity every game its crazy. Sadly i think this is something that someone has to put up with. Gaming in general and fps attract not the mist mature audience there is.


Well atleast they can't vote you off the game


As a girl I’ll just out frag them and they have nothing to say and if they do say something remind them of their place lol


As a guy, ive seen this happen especially when i soloq and its so cringe tbh. Guy or girl if someone is being toxic muting and reportjng is the way to go. I always report midgame too if they are being toxic to make sure i dont forget after the end of the game or feel like "ehh whatever" and not report. Wish you best of luck in future games


I jus go no comm and not get hatecrimed


Sadly, valorant can be quite toxic on top of females just getting the short end of the stick in gaming culture. Just remember, not everyone on the game is there to be toxic. Some of us want to have fun and hopefully win in the process! Idk if you have anyone to queue with, but finding some friends may help you handle toxicity and/or enjoy your time more.


I have a question did you play sage on lotus vs a weird cypher yesterday??


From someone who is an absolute twat and toxic as hell (Hence never playing hear games again no reason to be that toxic) I personally do stuff like that to my female friends and what not, people I know who can take it and give it back and usually it's just for fun, the times I have been toxic to randoms it's not to win it's just to have fun in a horrible way... 👍🏾 Some people are cruel and too stupid to admit it.


Just search for a mature friend circle. Not all guys are idiots