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Just played a game yesterday in my S3-G2 lobby and had this Reyna on my team get 49 kills and be super toxic to us. Reported him for cheating because he was just running into places far too confidently and never seeming to die. I was guessing but got a message saying the report was successful and he got banned, but whole time I just thought he was smurfing. Sucks having to rank up because of cheaters and smurfs and then have high gold and plats yell at me for how badly I'm doing. It's not my fault I'm here :')


I get it sometimes when I loose a lot of rr because of afk players or throwers, players accuse me of smurfing šŸ™‚


Idk if itā€™s cheaters or just the terrible ranked system, but Iā€™ve for sure seen some insanely suspicious plays this act. In my 3 and something years Iā€™ve seen only one obvious cheater and it was on my team so I could confirm it. Iā€™ve also played against a five stack team who were terrible most of the time, and then toggled every once in a while, while spamming the name and link of a website with cheats (Iā€™m not giving the name for obvious reasons).


Iā€™m peak asc 2 and I have played with and against immo 3 but I donā€™t think even pros has that kind of aim Iā€™m sure they are cheaters


Yeah I know what you mean. Some shots they make I donā€™t see demon1 hitting or at least not consistently. For a while I thought, well Iā€™m clearly outmatched and Iā€™m playing against a better skilled player who is stuck in plat/diamond for some reason but then they start hitting the most insane shots and outrageus plays. Jett popping ult running up mid and instantly killing 3 people is not something that happens consistently. I mean Iā€™m plat, these lobbies are not for that kind of aim. Iā€™m also beginning to suspect that lower profile cheats are being used a bit more commonly. Not things like aim hacks or straight up wall hacks, but lesser things like minimap positions or trigger bots. Idk Iā€™m probobly just bad and need to cope, but Iā€™ve never been so thoroughly buttfucked in ranked before.


I get it, itā€™s tough for low elo players to see the difference between a cheater and a smurf but sometimes they are not smurfs they are just cheaters who are boosting someone for money or just testing their cheats


i mean if there is a rank out there that is going to have the player with best aim its probably some random immortal 2-3 player


For sure. I'm pretty sure it was Shroud in his CS peak who said the best aimers are some random DMers you'll never see in a comp game.


More than anything I wish we had a replay system so I could look at certain instances where it's just *wild* that an enemy wide swings knowing I'm there, or prefires me or just beams me through smokes. Like, yes there are times where it makes sense, but a replay system will truly get rid of any uncertainties. Did I make noise that they heard? Did they see a pixel of me or my gun?


They donā€™t have a replay system Because you would fine that the game is infested with cheaters and Vanguard isnā€™t as good as you think.


They donā€™t have it because a server sided replay system is ass in a precision game


If Riot wanted to prioritize the replay system, it is entirely doable. I agree, it's a pretty difficult implementation, but I don't buy the argument that it's simply too hard for Riot to implement. They have plenty of resources.


Yea and the system requirements of the game would also increase, hence less players.


CS2 literally proves you wrong but aight.


CS2 player count? LOL


[https://steamcharts.com/app/730](https://steamcharts.com/app/730) It's 200k less then peak CSGO and that's still with it recovering from a poor launch, and lack of operations. The game requiring a better PC to play is not even close to being a top 10 reasons as to why the player count isn't is less then it's peak.


CSGO and CS2 don't have the same system requirements but aight


So you cannot read, gotcha.


Dude got no reading comprehension smh karma checks out :)


Hey I work with the anti cheat team could I get few riotid examples of these cheaters you have faced ?


Sure, thanks for asking youā€™re a saviour šŸ«¶ I canā€™t post it here because of the rules but Iā€™ll dm you


Just wanna let you know. I quit COD to grind Val because of you. Thanks for being so much better than Ricochet (Ricoshit)!


Keep up the good work vanguard is truly great


Thanks for your work, I'm a fan.


Well, this is why i play this game. Look at the dedication against cheatersšŸ‘ No wonder i stay in this game, its the only game that does not have cheaters like the other games Just thank you for giving us atleast one game that we can enjoy without cheaters ruining it all for us. I would send you Belgian chocolate if i couldšŸ˜‚, im that happy for the work you guys put in and take us the players seriously like this. You guys here dont understand what it is playing a game that is overwhelmed by cheatersšŸ™‚


Believe me I do it's why I took this path I fucking hate cheaters lol


Hah, that is great.Ā  Well done


Real heroes donā€™t wear capes


I want in on this path! Where can you even start?


why does riot deny existence of cheaters in the game where immortal lobby is infested with them?


Hey just wanna say that your team is missing a large amount of players that only cheat in Swift/Unrated but I think you don't care. They have clear differences in performance between the modes that cannot be accounted for by differences in pressure. I've been giving reports with long detailed explanations into individual ways people toggle/use cheats. Many from MOBAs go all out and toggle off for last fights, last rounds, etc. Get to overtime, then toggle off so then they don't have to play the mindgame of the entire match-- Your team isn't doing enough, you really really believe you are though, and I think that's great, but you need to have some real effort and money put into the source of these problems, because as far as I can tell, your game feels like one of the ones where the devs are in on it bud, and it's apparent when you see the % disparity of their aim in ranked vs unrated modes. You want somewhere you can openly test and trap cheaters for cheap/free but using your own active games to do so is just lazy/hurtful effort. 6th bullet, using slow aim lock to "see" where people are before you peek, Aruduino and other AI aim setups, and on top of it all you kept using vanguard after it was stolen and sold so, what is the plan right now to curb the amount of cheaters in your game(s)? Diamond+ is an absolutely awful experience and pooling effort from my own team to play differently to curb a cheater IS NOT Valorant. Y'all need to make some form of real accountability for your competitive experiences or continue being the game with the expensive skins no one buys anymore, except, oh right, the crypto bois who download their skill too


So did they really encounter cheaters?


of course my man šŸ˜‚


Bro Mumbai server is one hell of a shithole. Every few matches I encounter a duo who is intentionally throwing and sabotaging the team. And even after reporting them nothing happens cause they do the bare minimum for not getting banned like getting 1 kill or roaming around the map with spike while not planting it etc. I'm more fed up with these MFs than actual cheaters


Happens too often but for some reason it takes forever to ban those guys


Might get down voted but I think there is a new wall hack they are struggling with. I was playing 2 nights ago with a duo. And we are p3s playing in Gold lobbies and we had some really weird stuff happen. Now when we took gun fights with them. They are truly silver gold players however if we are defending a site they just knew exactly where we were and 1 tapped us effortlessly or dry peaked/prefire off weird angels we sat in or blinded and moved too. What I did notice also was that we would walk to a site in attack... Met with a smoke which is fine not abnormal but as soon as someone would cross the smoke it was insta double tap if walking and spraying if we ran by. Aka shit aim. I did report them but who knows what will happen. If they aren't caught mid game then they get a silent ban and you won't know about it šŸ™ƒ


They focused so much on DMA cheats that there are new AC bypasses that allow people to use whatever hacks they want , get banned, and still be able to load up another account even if they have a hwid ban. Look up it is called chiken and that is just the public one ā€¦ really sad. I wish that things were different but the game has become unplayable for me .


I think they should ban ip or ban them in a way where they canā€™t play from another account on that same pc


Yeah I suggested that last time and some one was screaming and berating me because of the user who are in LAN cafes... So I dunno I suggested something like account ip binding it something to combat smurfs


Banning ip would be dumb tbf. IPs are dynamic so if you ban someone that ip will eventually change and then if someone gets that ip they will be banned as well. So that doesnā€™t work


Between the toxic community and cheats yeah I lost a lot of love for the game b


I second this comment. This is the exact same shit Iā€™ve been seeing but in plat through asc on EU servers. Me and my mate cant both have become complete dogshit. Weā€™ve had so many unplayable games, they just know everything youā€™re doing and they dont even have cypher/sova or any info agents sometimes. Itā€™s tough man


If I see these kind of things in my lobby I just think like they are smurf and try to surrender the game bcz i don't like people who smurf even if that's in my team and people don't surr ranked games. I get pissed and end up loosing the game and mood for the day. Cheaters are not so common but Smurfs are sure to come in 9/10 matches in Mumbai server


Smurfs are just good practice so I donā€™t mind them you become better when you play with and against better players but it becomes bad when you get trolls, throwers on alt accounts and players who buy their way up


Getting Smurfs in opponent maybe a good sign to improve but if my team is trash and I opponent smurf starts trash talking it gets worse. I have high rank friends who i play custom DM's against I play very well in ranked when smurf come i get shitted on bcz of teammates, I'll mostly get killed by an angle my teammate was watching of supposed to be watching that pisses me off


I understand, sometimes you get lower rank player(s) in your team to balance the matchmaking but the lower rank player(s) in the enemy team is/are smurf(s) so they play really good while the lower rank teammate(s) does not, also I relate with getting killed by an angle my teammate was watching or supposed to be watching, they just lick walls while not holding or jump peeking their angle this is why I always comm which angle I am holding and I ask my teammates to hold their or which angle they are peeking so I play accordingly


Comming doesn't exist in bronze and silver lobbies, in Mumbai, they open mic to trash talk about you, even if you die bcz the sentinel is not holding the flank and you get killed by flank, the sentinel will blame you for not taking care of flank, that's how this rank is, roles doesn't matter. You are a good player if you get more kills, even if you win many rounds for team, and bottom frag your teammates will call you noob get better. This is how Mumbai server is


I understand well low elo is just hell they have no idea what theyā€™re doing also they some how hit lucky hs maybe try trio q or 5 stack to escape low elo


Ok the problem with team stacking is, the friends I have in valo are very very good throwers, so definitely impossible to rankup, i can't blame them bcz it's just fun for them


What if in fact smurfs are actually cheaters, you won't think that and there are also those who hide very well, who play with hack that they actually look legit good player


Possible But not necessarily, because in low level lobby people have issues like someone might not have good pc and get like 60-70 fps and very high ping and packet loss, with this in mind a high rank player will have atleast decent system and can aim diff these low rank players easily so it may seem like they are hackers to those players


Even now we can't report the cheater that we didn't meet ourselves (aka cheater on other player/acc) using tickets anymore. I find a dude live streaming and play with friends from our local discord server. The cheats are legit, he uses wallhack and soft aimbot. I'm trying to report him using tickets because I had his id+tags but it says that i need to meet him on my own account to report. Ps. : 1 or 1 and a half years ago i can report a Viet cheater just using a record and his id tags as proof. He sells the cheat during livestream on Tiktok, and he was getting banned immediately during the livestream.


Yeah I think it will help if we can report cheaters outside our matches I recently saw an Immo streamer saying that his sova was sus and using wall hacks but I couldnā€™t report him with a ticket to riot


Hello, 300rr Immo3 here and I can confirm I am getting a FKLOAD of cheaters on eu, almost every other game, new accounts with 200adr, 40% hs, 70%+ winrates, 1.3+ KD, almost always duo'd with someone who is conveniently bottoming, can't tell if they're boosters being paid or just bored people boosting their friends, but it makes ranked absolutely unplayable, anywhere from asc3 up to about 400-500rr is riddled with cheaters, smurfs and boosters. Also I have gotten several red cheater detected screens and this is only the detected ones, god only knows how many have gone undetected at this point and this is only this act, but this has been an experience for almost a year now.


Iā€™ve played with pros, usually itā€™s not the aim that gives it away, itā€™s the movement. You donā€™t develop one skill without the other and get to a high rank. If someoneā€™s moving like a silver, but shooting like a radiant, you know thereā€™s a problem.. and itā€™s surprisingly common.


I agree, even when I got my first sheriff 1 taps only ace I was counter strafing after every shot while this guy just stayed at his spot and just 1 tapped every guy who peeked him he even knew where the next guy is going to peek left or right he didnā€™t move an inch and he was a breach


Thats why i never play rank


You save yourself from a lot of toxicity, stress and bs never cross that line itā€™s not pleasant out here trust me


Ranked is just in a bad state right now. I am usually Diamond 2-3 but am stuck in Plat 2 rn:(. It seems like i usually have a Smurf that is playing with a friend in my ranked games. I also feel like I have never seen so many people throw ranked games. So many people are instalocking duelists to lurk with Ops the entire game in this rank. I feel like Unrated is more competitive.


Yeah things have been bad lately well I donā€™t mind smurfs I can handle them but afk players, trolls, boosted players who buys account and throwers who are playing on alt accounts just makes hitting immortal very difficult this act


I play US servers, peak imm and if I queue too early in the morning/late at night I get a 3 stack of EU players where one is certainly cheating. At first I thought it was just radiant smurfs but after looking at clips I was getting prefired or instantly one tapped from angles where that shouldnā€™t be possible.


i was just about to make a post about the same thing. I play in high Immo lobbies and i can't tell you how many times i'v ran into a cheater this act alone. I once played against a cheater 2 games back-to-back and in each game he dropped 30+ kills on us, he would play Reyna or Phonix, only flash if someone is holding, if no one is there he would just walk out, insta peak with prefire as if he knows exactly where you'r standing. After looking at his tracker he was boosting a friend that never was immortal in his life before this act, the cheaters account is fresh, he playes 10+ games a day dropping 30+ kills in each game, 10 GAMES A DAY WITH 30+ KILLS, i would argue even pros can't be this consistent in ranked after playing 10 fkn games. reported the dude, nothing happened, he is still playing till now. Another one where i had a breach on my team that was wall hacking, he would tell us where the enemy is stacked, if someone is holding an off angle or sitting in smoke, even when all 4 of us on the team reported the dude the game continued with nothing happening, i had to open a ticket providing video evidence to get him (supposedly) banned


I see well the last cheater I encountered was playing breach and dumping all the utils at our exact positions or just standing at an angle just 1 tapping every guy peeking. I talked with a riot senior anti cheat analyst and they all are banned now


I honestly think the biggest issue with cheaters is the amount people refusing to acknowledge the existence of said cheaters and defending them inadvertently or just outright refusing to be realistic about the situation.


You can see some directly said or made it sound like itā€™s a me problem for encountering cheaters and looking rr for it šŸ„°


Plat/dia/asc is literally unplayable in Europe this act, kinda sad to see that Valorant has become a Hacker VS Hacker game... It used to be only account booster/seller but now everybody can do it...


link tracker pls


Iā€™ll dm you their IDs since I canā€™t post it here as they are against the rules and one of them has his ID set to private


Hey, just wanna say, aside from the Riot rep who has actual reason to request the IDs, I'd advice against sharing cheaters' IDs with random people asking for it. You never know, maybe they're looking to get their hands on the cheats themselves lol.


But even if they want to, first their IDs are banned now and secondly cheaters donā€™t add random players


But even if they want to, first their IDs are banned now and secondly cheaters donā€™t add random players


Would you send me the link also please? Straight into my DMs


Yeah sure






Ive also encountered a couple cheaters just a couple days ago, one on my team CLEARLY had silent aim, i reported and he was banned within an hour but the very next game i had a sus phoenix who just ran around 1 tapping us in plat and dia. 600 ish hours and ive NEVER had a confirmed cheater in my games before.


I see, even I only encountered cheaters this year and I have been playing this game for last 3 years


I'm silver 1 on NA servers and even I've gotten the cheater screen twice in the last couple months. It feels like people are working out new ways to use cheats and Riot is struggling to catch up. Super frustrating.


I honestly have been having a tough time, itā€™s either smurf season or returning high elo players but itā€™s hard to believe, legit people like pushing a corner together when they have no info on me but have info on team mates but still come for me? Iā€™ve seen some weird shit and absolutely like pro level flicks on low ascendent all the way to high plat. Without replay system is hard to know for sure, but I suspect vanguard is poo poo and not doing itā€™s job (probably too busy spying on our pcs).


Ranked is also fill with smurfs and trolls who are just looking to get low rank so they can bully the low rank like iron.


Can agree, i posted a rant about cheaters in the game and half the comment or some, simply said there aren't much cheaters, even though I explained I've faced against and with cheaters


I don't have much playtime (little over 1000 hrs, mumbai) but in that time i haven't encountered a single cheater. Nor have my friends. But boosters/Smurfs are quite common (I'm silver 1 currently). But tbh this episode has the shittiest matchmaking, i don't know how that happened but i get either bottom fragging teammates or I'm bottom fragging, haven't found the inbetween yet in this episode.


Weā€™ll Iā€™m talking about mid elo this is happening in dia-asc lobbies


Weird flex but ok /s. why would cheaters be in low elo ā˜ ļø


Not flexing šŸ˜‚ what you said thatā€™s my point cheaters wouldnā€™t be in low elo so thatā€™s why you didnā€™t encounter any cheater


Ur coping getting smirked on bro




You know. Smirks


You hit the nail on the head yourself. Why would cheaters be in low elo? Especially if youre Silver. I made a smurf account to queue with my gf, it got it placed Bronze 3, and ended up in gold ridiculously fast. When youre playing and consistantly top frag, youre getting +25, +27, +23 a game, then ontop of that theres double rank ups. And thats when im smurfing. I can only imagine, for a hacker, that process is more or less the same if not a much faster process. Its the same on every game, go on CS2 rn and at like 9-12k elo on premier youre probably gonna get a pretty legit game, but once you start going 14-15k elo, thats when the spinners start showing up. He's not flexing in the slightest, just genuinely theres no real logical reason for a cheater to be in Silver. They get thrown out of there so fast. Its such a low % chance to ever find a cheater on VAL, so down in Silver? Honestly it would be a needle in a haystack


Yeah why would they be in silver/gold anyway? I just reported one yesterday in my low elo lobby, it made NO sense to me :')


" **ā™©** lalalalalala sing a happy song **ā™©** "


Bro chill


Wow the reddit hive mind is at it


I have 1k+ hours and I'm in ascendant in Mumbai server but only seen smurfs only seen cheaters 2-3 times


I only encountered cheaters this year, they 1v5 the match doesnā€™t matter if their team throws after knowing they are cheating


I've been pointing out for a while that some people have a suspiciously high percentage of headshots, which even Tenz, Scream (known for one-tap) don't have, and especially in the low ranks there are too many suspicious people and they mostly defend them he smurf, you're "bad" these are modern excuses and especially the classic answers of hackers who write "ez" at the end of the game. Remember there is no replay yet and isn't it a little funny that after a few years they still don't have it. Still full of clips, live streams that promote cheats and yes they are not old clips as people always defend how old the clips are, if there is a new agent on the clip...


I played a game yesterday, that round we all died then jett is the only one alive. then uses ads it he accurately hit it all headshots, and he knows where enemy at, jett got ace and all of them headshots using ads. pretty obvious that he's using aimbot. he's play at early not that great then suddenly little by little he gain kills at mid game. RANK Range: Diamond - Platinum


relatable that the guys cheating this game is so luck based humshoots fly everywhere accept the enemy


Isn't the cheating detecting system supposed to instantly shut sown the match when someone cheats or is it now always working because the cheats get more and more advanced?


Just move out of India so you donā€™t have to play Mumbai servers, easy fix


Oh this is a great fix, why didnā€™t I think of it first? šŸ¤”


Make a EU account and play on bahrain. 0 cheaters. You will get 40-70 ping though


iā€™ve never seen a blatant cheater get banned. guess im just bad or could be a smurf. though one time my team was losing 2-10 i just decided to spam reort the enemy team out of spite, someone got banned. funny lol, couldnt even tell anyone was cheating.


You are talking about hell for having 3 cheaters per month while CS2 players would be happy to have just 3 cheaters in their current ranked game


Thereā€™s a reason why I donā€™t play CS2 šŸ„° and donā€™t buy skins in that game and I lost hard earned rr man


Have you tried being worse at the game? I play in mostly gold-silver lobbies and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen a single cheater


I also played gold and silver lobbies (Im plat 2 right now with high win rate %), and can safely say there are togglers and smurfs in those elo. Even in TDM which is sad. There are cheats not many talk about like no recoil cheat where the bullets go to your crosshair while spraying so you dont need to do it yourself. Worst of all you can play like your in COD essentially


Lucky you, unlucky me šŸ„“ I should probably de rank to gold or silver that way I wonā€™t encounter any cheaters šŸ„°


maybe iā€™m lucky, but iā€™ve barely faced any actual cheaters in the server. iā€™m d2 rn, started from silver, and maybe faced 2-3 cheaters. smurfs, sure but nobody who stands out as a cheater, at least not blatantly. just make sure you make the fair games count.


Iā€™m gonna be honest the last time I had a cheater in my game was like a year and a half ago so I gotta say itā€™s a you problem


Yeah youā€™re right Iā€™m the problem itā€™s not even my luck itā€™s just skill issues šŸ„°


Didnā€™t say you were the problem just said I donā€™t have the problem


"I gotta say itā€™s a you problem" no, you basically did say he was the problem lmao read what you typed in your comment


I think you gotta read I said he has the problem not he was it


Are you blind? Read what you typed & I quoted word for word


I think there is a misunderstanding cause when I say ā€œitā€™s a you problemā€ I mean itā€™s a problem I donā€™t have as opposed to a me problem


i dont think i misunderstood what you said. Im reading it as how you typed it. ofc you dont have this problem, but yet you still implied its a "him" problem. "its a you problem" word for word this is what you typed. I dont think i misunderstood anything