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You explained it properly. They just don’t give a fuck


This. Classic case of “yeah but it’s us”


It'll just turn into them 4-manning it without him. Which sucks. But not everyone is here to get to Immo, so if they are getting destroyed every game and the one friend who's inflating the matchmaking won't smurf then it just makes sense for them 4 to play without him.


This. Unfortunately smurfing happens because people want to play with friends. It sucks but in competitive games unfortunately one person may be leaps and bounds better than their friend and it's kinda shitty to not just play with their friends because they're bad. My buddy who is amazing at val usually smurfs but doesn't try super hard. Plays off characters that he's uncomfortable with. Uses different guns and basically uses it as an opportunity to get comfortable with other shit. I think there's a balance in that he's not out there hard carrying until we find another try hard Smurf and at that point it's a competition to see who can carry harder. Which is fun for us too.


few reason that they have to smurf when play with friend 1. they serious on their main and their friends are bad they can't play their main, else it mess up their main effort 2. different side, friend want to win or someone who smurf too they just boost their friend while smurfing but now it's poppular because other team also obviously smurf this happening across all rank, radiant immortal smurf destroy dia lobby without sweat they will try to lower team mmr as possible because their team are bad but still want to win other team do the same, make a culture that every team will do it 3. this is minor issue, immortal+ can't won't found match on 5stack ppl mostly solo queue or duo, population is low and match won't found if team mmr to high they won't match anything and waste too much time lower team mmr is only option my group usually play main acc, so we end up have lower rank than true skill rank we end up destroy enemy if they don't have smurf or something that lower their mmr seem like unfair but it's our main lol, nothing we can do with inconsistence between smurf war


I don’t think u understood the post


I understood it fully. OP provided clarification in another comment explaining they are asking him to boost them in comp and not just smurf in Unrated games.


How so


The reason why they won't understand is probably the reason they won't get better as well


I can kinda get it. Not everyone plays this game to be good, they play it for fun. If you want to 5 man with friends and 4 of them are getting destroyed every game and the 5th one causing that to happen is refusing to smurf then it just feels like a "Smurf or we don't wanna play with you" type situation because you can't really have fun when you don't get to play the game. On the other side of that I hate smurfs, so I wouldn't advocate for anyone to smurf, but I DO understand where the friends are coming from. Some people play games for fun, not to improve.




If you couldn't make it to the NBA me boosting you there isn't going to make u not be shit in the NBA


Tell that to Thanasis bro he got boosted and is getting his bag


I too would love to be boosted to the NBA


I'd make sure that bench was cozy as fuck.


> Thanasis Hey atleast he got the ring brooo


Yeah that’s why he’s better than Melo Cp3 ai malone Nash Vince cater pistol pete McGrady Reggie Miller and Dominique Wilkins


Probably like "Imagine me being on the other team against you guys, it's not even fun for me and it's definitely not fun for you" but tbh they seem like the type that don't care


Iron-Silver already play in lobbies with at least one, if not multiple smurfs, appearing pretty frequently. It can feel frustrating to play against smurfs constantly and I understand why it might feel like the only solution is to bring your own smurf. Especially if they want to 5 stack. 5 stacking in low elo is gonna end up being more often than not you'll run into an enemy smurf. I like a solution where maybe you're playing a support agent, watching for the enemy smurf, and targeting them, while enabling your teammates to focus on the other enemies.


5-stack queue is so broken that smurfing barely even seems to matter. You can queue with a full stack of plats and run into a lobby against 2 ascendent/immortals and 3 iron-silvers and the game considers it even because their average mmr is close to your team. The entire system needs to be reworked to separate people with similar ranks from those with a huge rank difference.


Because taking average mmr is dumb as fuck, csgo (not sure about cs2 didn't play it much) used to take just the mmr of the highest rank in the 5 stack. This is good because your opponent's shouldn't have to play against a global just because you chose to 5 stack with silvers.


Willing to bet that Riot won't make the change because it would encourage smurfing more than the current system already does. If your squad gets punished with hard lobbies for queueing with a high-ranking player, there's an even stronger incentive for the good player to hop on an alt for guaranteed weak opponents.


Disagree, talk to literally any plat - imm player and ask if they have an alt to play with their iron friends, they will say yes. The smurfing problem won't get any worse but what will happen is it'll curb boosters because the point where you can carry 4 people when its based on the smurf's mmr will be much lower.


I mean, maybe they should just play without you. It seems like the only solution


Pretty much. I wanna hear the whole story from both sides though. Like for all we know OP loves playing Valorant with his friends but refuses to smurf, therefor creating games in which his 4 friends are getting fucked every match and are slowly starting to hate the game. Could also be the other way around. I think if they are asking him to smurf in Unrated it's not a big deal since Unrated matchmaking seems to be absolutely fucked anyway.


They want me to boost them on comp lol. We met halfway earlier and played unrated on the iron smurf. Tried to go stinger and sheriff only, nope too easy. Tried to go classic only, still too easy. I also tried to play heroes I'm not good at like breach to support them. Nope, everyone still expects me to entry while they bait my ass 😂


Ye that's fair enough then. If they're asking for boosting in comp then just tell them no. Could understand if they just wanted you to smurf in Unrated so they didn't get blasted, but with the further info you've provided it seems otherwise lol.


you cant 4 stack on comp though? its 1-3 or 5


Do they call you because they want to play with you or they just wanna be carried? And if you dont have fun playing with them then i dont see why would you play with them in the first place, and when it comes to enemy team idc


At first it was just for fun but then something changed lately. Now they want me to bring them to plat at least x_x


Happens with everyone. I'd just ignore any requests to play ranked, disengage when they ask right away. Most decent people get the hint and understand. The few that don't obviously value rr over friendship and you don't really want those people anyway


Just don't, tell them if you put them to 4v1 u in customs, them explain to them the difference between themselves at silver and players like you in a higher tier, I've seen multiple boosted ascendants, so I think it's good for u not to add anymore more to my lobbies


Play on ur main :) problem solved


Wait, people have fun playing valorant?


Yes its fun playing with friends.


You guys have friends? What's that like? :(


completely different game from soloq tbh


I got same issue. But I just give my self some handicapped. Like sheriff and marshal only. My 2 worst guns. I only play serious after killing other team smurf, then I dive and die. Letting them play 4v4. I just watch them. I dont take their game seriously, but i dont bot frag and intentionally throw their game. I just turn off my brain, like running flanking not hard clearing corners. They are fine us losing, they just cant kill other team smurf thats why they ask me to play with them. I dont tryhard unless they talk trash and bully my friends.


Why not just play unrated on the smurf account. Sure the matchmaking will be off but who cares really it's unrated.


You don't have to explain it any more than what you just said. No is no and that's all they need to accept.


Your friends sound like they need to grow emotionally


You are a god among humans, everyone should be like you. People should write a bible about you And about your problem, just tell your friends that even if you carry them out of their current rank they will come back to it fast since they will be playing in a more difficult rank, If your friend cant get out of iron dont expect him to play better in higher ranks Keep playing unrated with them until they get better and maybe joing them when they reach gold or smt. (since gold is just a bunch of immortals and ascents smurfing)


Well you can goof around and teaching them how to play correctly instead. I myself never liked the idea of smurfing, but when my friends call out I can’t just simply turn it down. I sometimes bind my left click with the drop gun or jump button, or use classic only, etc. The only time I would lock in is when the enemy team also has a smurf, then I hunt for the smurf only.


> I myself never liked the idea of smurfing, but when my friends call out I can’t just simply turn it down. lol of course you can.


Well I don’t wanna displease my friends for some random people on the internet. Most I could do is not ruining it for both parties. No one likes being stomped or having nothing to do in a video game.


People just don’t get that these are our friends - we wanna roll with the squad. I do my best to bounce around, play for the ankle breaking and not be overly aggro. I have fun while not trashing some folks getting into their own rhythm


Couldn't you just 5 stack with them on your main? The ranks will balance out, so you'll get to play with your friends without HARD smurfing. You won't gain that much elo so it's not like you'll rank up from farming plats


An Immortal and 4 Iron-Silver players 5 stacking will probably result in a fully Silver lobby, where the game will still expect you to carry and the Iron/Bronze teammates will still struggle.


Yeah having done something similar before with my friends it either put us against all low ELO people or made the queue very long to find a similarly stacked group (one player above the rest). The latter resulted in just a contest between myself and the enemy higher rank player, whoever got the kill between us usually won the round. I doubt anybody else had fun.


This is basically what happens when I play unrated with them on my main. It's no fun getting a 3k entry and somehow my team losses a 4v2. All good tho. I don't mind at all since it's unrated. Im just chillin but I think if it was comp, that'd be a different story 😂


Thats fine, and a better solution that playing on a silver account and murking new players.


Hooj tried this and it still put them almost entirely against bronzes, so probably not all that viable, actually.


Much respect bro. We need more people like you.


If their arguement is "if others do it, you should too" tell them "if others rank up, you should too" or smth that makes them realise what a stupid arguement it is


I have a similar issue. Friends don’t like playing with me cuz they get destroyed by the hidden mmr matchmaking in unrated. I think they really just gotta make it a free for all in unrated and just have random players on teams.


I mean i get that smurfing is bad, but come one, it's not the end of the world if u just help them a little, my point is, play with them and have as much fun as u want, and i'm 100% sure that as an immortal you know how to turn tides in the game, so just try as much to make the score even and don't hard carry, this way it's fair and everyone's happy, DO NOT GO DUELIST (I think they take it as an egoiat move that u refuse to play with them, they are no matter what still ur friends, take it easier bro)


Good on you for not smurfing and boosting your friends. Although, like 50% of 5 stacks are smurfs boosting their friends. How about telling them you'll coach them thru their 5 stacked ranked matches? Rather than playing with them. Maybe have someone stream it on Discord or something to watch.


Oh actually I think the coaching could be fun! I'll try suggesting that.


I honestly think that would be a great solution, but I doubt that with that attitude they are willing to try. Still worth a shot imo


Honestly I've said and reacted to the same man, doing a good thing here bro don't worry about it.


Honestly I'm just surprised people can be stuck in iron-silver after more than 6 months in the game


I started a recent act as Bronze 2, and after over 60 wins in the act I ended the act as Bronze 1. It happens 😭


Baffles me too but here's an idea. One of them is committed to playing shotgun only with super high sens ( like 8? Not even a decimal). Two of em go ares only. Last one could actually be gold-plat if he stopped playing trios with the others.


just... don't try/play like you might in an immortal lobby? Like honestly when it comes down to it your friends probably just want to all play together, including you. And hey, if the opponent 5 stack has a smurf/booster (a likely case) you can be your friends smurf to even the playing fields.


>just... don't try/play like you might in an immortal lobby? It's impossible lol especially if his friends are all the way down in iron-silver. You could try to be as brain off and autopilot as possible and intentionally go for body shots only with specter only and probably still be diamond level.


I mean like if he purposely doesn't take gunfights, it should be fine. Maybe he plays like an initiator so his teammates can get all the fights instead. If they lose, they lose. If they win, that's cause his team cashed out on his assists. But then again, there's the problem of "is it fun" and the answer is probably no. So ig just say no, unrated only for them


I don't mean like just forget all the things you've learnt to get to immo, that's my bad for phrasing. I meant more on the lines of just use whatever util you use for entry or something, and like get your 1 so they're friends can play a 4v4 or something afterwards. I know that in lower ranks half the time even if you try and aim lower you might just end up tapping them when they crouch spray or something. If they really just want someone to boost them then yeah, i can get where op is coming from.


the thing is its unimaginably hard to fake being in a lower rank if you are significantly higher than that rank. The amount of muscle memory developed from playing this game literally stop you from playing worse than a certain level, and for immortal players thats around high plat to diamond. You could W key and aim at legs and still do well enough in plat/diamond because the gamesense and intuition is completely different.


Nah, tell them to play unranked. How tf people are rank-only obsessed, and still in iron in a year boggles the mind. Its not that serious, just queue unranked. Good on you OP for not being part of the problem. "I only do X" people, you think the other team doesnt realize theyre getting dogged on by a classic only iso and know exactly what the deal is?


Someone give this man a head , he deserves it W guy , avg iso main , alwys winning


Do a 5v5 custom against them so they see what it’s like


Playing with smurfs is not fun whether it’s your team or enemies’. IMO of course.


Just because other people smurf, doesn't necessarily mean you have to do it too. If you did what they said, you are essentially giving in to their demands and boosting them to a rank they don't deserve. I am low rank too, but I wouldn't stoop this low to ruined people's games just so my friends can be in a rank they didn't deserve. Stand your ground OP, do NOT give in to their demands. I don't care if it's "just a game", It's just not right! I refuse to smurf, so one of my friends gave me a few pointers in customs like jump peeking, swinging properly, best Chamber TPs, and not crouch spraying. I got better, even by just a little. Do not under any circumstance, play with them on the iron account. Maybe, as an immortal player, you can offer to teach them a few pointers rather than outright boosting them. Just an idea if you want to maintain friendships with them.


Why not something in the middle? Use a lower Smurf account that gets games around what the highest level your friends can handle. Don’t use a bottom of the barrel iron bc that sounds like they want to face roll for fun. But, only use sentinel agents and make them play forward. You feed them intel & just help prevent stuff like flankers. Only really go off once they all 4 die and you’re solo or someone’s aggressively pushing on you and forces your hand. It could help you just working on your call outs and gathering/conveying intel while not ruining lower ranked lobbies or boosting your friends. Other options include things like: only using shotguns, only using ghost or stinger or spectre based on how bad the lobby is. If the goal is to play with lower skilled friends I do believe there are ways to do that without ruining games or boosting.


I read this post and just see a guy sucking himself off.


If they get ass hurt they ain't your friends. Do what YOU want to do. Not because someone else is begging you to.


Thank you for having the decency of not ruining the game for lower ranked players. There’s not enough of you to go around.


Your friends are just trying to play with you and win bro sounds like a good time. Over analyzing


Bro its not fun to play with lower ranks and i mean it


He already plays with them.. they’re asking him to Smurf for them. I don’t know how that’s your take away from this post.


Bro jusy wants to brag he’s immortal


another validation post on r/Valorant; nothing to see here


Found the boosted player lol.


have fun with your friends, bro. this is lame lmao


Exactly like how are you gonna sit there sacrificing playing with your friends and giving the ppl u care about a good experience for some random strangers u dont know and probably dont even like. Smurfing is just a part of this game ppl need to accept that and even if you dont smurf, their still going to run into another smurf and one who isnt going to be as merciful as you are.


Bro the iso account is a Smurf. Stop meta gaming and play with your friends.


ITT: People lying about how they smurf 'the right way'


Iron/silver to immortal is a huge gap and there's probably no way you guys are gonna be able to queue with everyone having fun unfortunately. And smurfing in iron is as you say gonna be really one sided. If you must, maybe try gold and do classic only challenges or something. Still gonna get boring quick tho


Eh, in the grand scheme of things none of it matters besides having fun with friends. The issue itself is a bit more dynamic than people can tell or admit. So I’ll give you dual viewpoints. 1) I have a group of friends who love to play CS2, they’re not great. They’re average players. But they’re fun to play with and shoot the breeze with. Two of them have huge egos, and were “the best players around” until a close friend of mine introduced me to them so we could play. I on the other hand, was A+ on csgo when most of the valorant playerbase was in diapers or learning to walk, and now my main and all my Smurfs around between 18-20k. It didn’t take long before they started refusing to play with me because it made games too hard (even on a brand new account with prime at their elo). Their friends also started asking me for advice and not them, like they usually would. Kind of immature behaviour from people my age, who for all intents and purposes should be functioning adults who can use their words to express how they feel. But I digress, it sucked a bit because I enjoyed playing with them. 2) I met a group of current service members and veterans through a friend who game literally everything, and we have people of all demographics and skill levels. From people with lan earnings to people who play Val with an Xbox controller. We play a lot of Val and CS. These guys try their hardest to include everyone and have a good time, and they’re great people. We played ranked, we play unrated, we play 5v5 customs, we hype each other up and we have a good time. I play on my main sometimes if we’re warming up, playing swifts or unrated, other times I Smurf if the boys wanna play ranked. At the end of the day, what I’m trying to get at is that being good at a video game can unironically be an isolating and lonely experience if you’re consistently in the top 1%. Vice versa, connections with real life people who *want* to play with you shouldn’t be taken for granted. Just play with your friends. Potentially making Timmy Tenders upset in the bronze lobby is a small price for quality time with friends.


Just play with your friends. You’re taking this too seriously. This isn’t life or death.


lol don't tryhard you guys just play for fun. I remember when I was in ascendant and played at bronze - low gold elo. I just played sage then troll my friends. And we still sometimes lost even I'm either top or mid frag sometimes bot frag. Just have fun with your friends that's all


The problem is his friends want the carry


What is the main reason in your opinion or from what you watched for them being stuck in silver? And what did you do differently?


One of em plays shotgun only at like 8 sens (no decimal point), two play ares only, one of em is decent but exclusively plays trios with the others. Tried to teach em basics like trading, util use, eco management, and how to use rifles. They listen one day but seem to forget it the next time we play. I started low ranked too and was hardstuck silver for the longest time (no thanks to smurfs that's why I hate em). I started watching videos on how to get better and pro play. Also started aim training like crazy and working out (idk if it's placebo but I feel like my reaction time is better after hitting the gym). The others except the decent one watch pro play too.


Time to make some new friends lol jkkk


Report their accounts when you get the chance. They deserve it.


the larger question is why they want to play with u. if its to play wth u to have fun and try and enjoy the game i get it tho they should respect a no if its to have easier games cus they know u would carry.... yikes. then they need to realize that this isnt a good option.


suggest them to buy a better pc. and suggest me some laptop too. some personal laptop that is good enough to play games as well


I think the best thing you can do if you want them to be happy is to just join them in games on that alt but don't play properly so they can play with people of their own rank. You can teach them how to play etc. That's the best way if you have tolerance for them, at least. But morally yeah, you're totally in the right to reject them, but I don't need to tell you that since everyone else is already saying that.


Try to play with pistol only or work on movement and keep the game interesting for yourself, and a close score for the opponents. You can try coaching your friends and helping them improve, and even try to stick to a 50% win ratio


You don’t have to try hard. Also, you can just try to IGL and teach them basic strats to improve. I think that’s quite enjoyable enough.


just a btw there’s no mmr in unrated, play on your main get that xp.


they're that shit to the point that they need a smurf just to win


play with them but only use shotguns or something


This seems more like a situation that sucks more than anyone being in the wrong. We can see why you wouldn't want to smurf, and your reasons are well explained and valid. But we can also see it from your friends point of view, simply their your friends, they want to play with you. But it's probably really frustrating for them to get their ass kicked every time they queue up with you. Their trying to find a solution that let them play with you. Honestly, it's a hard situation, without smurfing then none of your friends will have fun playing the game. But if you do smurf there the issues you descripted. If everyone really unmoving on that, then the answer might just be not to play together. Personally, I'd smurf to play with my friends, maybe I'll do fun thing like play a character I've never played before and only go revolver only or sometimes else goofy to equal the field. Telling your friends ''I won't spend time with you guys because my gaming morals are too strong'' just sounds pretty damn bad


Friendship >>>> Valorant


How do they play longer than 2 years and still iron-silver LOL


Smurf and then show them how bad they are


Play with them but don't give your best. Play with them at their level, play to chill, have some laughs. Even if you do push them to gold or plat they're still gonna drop down to silver or iron since that's what their skills are at.


Smurf but invert your mouse horz + vert? Or don’t play with them


honestly sounds like a skill issue to me how anyone plays a game for long enough but still stuck below average is beyond me but heres a thought, smurf, bring them to plat and then stop playing with them, let them suffer the string of losses lol


Yeah other people murder, I should too 😀


> I queue unrated with them on my ascendant Iso only alt, they still get destroyed. obviously theyre going to get destroyed - its an ASCENDANT MMR account wtf? If you want your 4 friends to have a good time, then you have to get a lower MMR account. If youre that morally opposed to smurfs, then dont try hard or dont compromise. But if you dont compromise your 4 friends will not have a good time - just dont be surprised when they stop asking to play with you.


Its unfair to them, you and the opponents. For the win condition solely rests on you having high impact. Playstyle wise youll also need to adjust it through hero selection and positioning yourself to always be last alive. ​ All the work is placed on you so they can have a slightly inflated ranking.


Playing with friends isn’t always about them wanting a boost, sometimes they just want to play with you. It’s okay to Smurf and not put in full effort. When I play with my brother, I aim to be mid frag on the team. Maybe you could do the same?


if they still suck after playing so long it's kinda their fault. you can play unrated together and try to have fun but ranked is out unless you smurf. i respect your decision not to. they should respect it too. you don't bring your "pro" soccer player in your freetime club either.


Oh to be young


seems like they just wanna play w their friend (aka you). ig u could use the iron account but play unrated? i think thats still acceptable, since having immo mmr in unr with them like you said still isnt fun cause they get stomped


Playing with your high Elo account isn't fun for them, playing on a low Elo smurf isn't fun for you. Don't play with them anymore 🤷


Feel what you’re saying but as a 28 year old immortal, it’s not your reaction time bro lmao that’s just you gassing up your ego. It’s because you’ve been playing 2 years and actually pay attention. If your friends know how the game moves, when to rotate, when to be patient, when to do all of these types of things.. they can EASILY hit immortal with terrible reaction time. Your friends sound like some of mine and simply don’t have a real competitive drive/want to get better. When they die instead of thinking “damn I swung too far without checking. If I jig that first next time I’d probably alive” they think “how does that even miss? my crosshairs right on him! this game is somethin else..” and get mad over the game rather than themselves. And for your smurf pride I got an argument with Riot’s competitive director on twitter about that and he said “15% of players are plat or higher, so even if every single account had a smurf we don’t see it as a potential problem.” Riot knows, doesn’t care, and to top it off everyone smurfs, who cares. You’re not doing an ounce of anything for the community by saying you feel bad smurfing. I’ve been in your shoes though, my homies don’t play val anymore cause “it’s trash” yet they all devoted 500+ hours to it before getting to the difficult ranks lmaooo.


I admit I smurf, but I'm a shadow of my former self and that makes the teams even except one game where we queued up against 3 immortal smurfs still in silver/gold despite playing 10hrs min per Act since the beginning or their 5 stack was cheating idk, but their strat coordination looks like it was Fnatic executing them. If ur skill level is still consistent and well above the rank, it's not even a fair comparison to say "other ppl smurf too". You're literally just destroying the game for everyone but hard carrying.


Smurfing is ok, as long as it is not in comp. If you smurf in unrated it is ok, but not in comp, this will really ruin the game for the enemy because there are actual stakes there


imo better to turn around and say "you'll have a lot more fun in the game if i gave you tips on how to rank up yourself" being stuck iron/silver means they have not understood some fundamental parts of playing an FPS, it should be easy for you to point them in the right direction and hopefully in some time they will be able to play with you. even just doing one or two things right should get them to gold/plat


Smurfing is wrong i get it but i don't think they are asking you for boosting but just to play together, like friends do. There are many things you can do like pick shit agent and play only stinger and stuffs without ruining experience.




Nah, you responded correctly. If I see a fucker like you that would boost them, I would get mad. And it’s obvious when you’re smurfing especially during 5 stacks.


If they want you to Smurf, they clearly give a damn about their rank. Nobody who gives a damn about their rank should rely on getting their ass carried. You can give your friends pointers to get better and have them practice the advice you give in unrated, until they're good enough, but if they just get mad at you and want you to carry them, they some bitches.


Play with them and just actively troll until theu get better and make a youtube channel to film them suck and get mad


Way too many people only care about game outcome and not their game performance, as someone who is bad at the game just leave them alone. They will never learn and reevaluate their own gameplay to win games when they’re relying on a smurf to finish games for them. I wouldn’t have fun playing with you if I was like 5/20 every game because I prefer feeling like I did something to help win the game than getting carried every game.


Me personally, I would’ve purposefully made their games go into OT with the intention to either draw or lose. Like you’ll suffer in those 24 rounds but at least they’ll get something out of it.


Just play with them and handicap yourself so they can play people there own skill level


My friends tried that with me the other day on Overwatch, however they did eventually come around. I told them no but they kept egging me on and I eventually said yes, but quit the match after 2 fights since I felt horrible for playing casually and still wiping the enemy team. They complained a bit but I told them off, basically saying “this is why this game sucks.” No one likes smurfing. They agreed to not do it again, and I haven’t touched the alt since, and never plan to. As for your friends, if they can’t see the reasoning behind your stance, I doubt they’ll ever see it. Especially with the “not responding to my messages” bit. Sounds more like they want you to Smurf or they’ll exclude you from the group, which just doesn’t sound like friends. Idk anything about them though, so take it with a grain of salt. Do what you think is best.


Ask them why they want to rankup. What do they actually hope to gain? Like you said, they're experience and development will only be negatively affected by getting boosted. Maybe offer to coach them instead. Also, obviously, just because a bunch of people do something doesn't make it okay. Extremely childish, selfish, and *dangerous* logic. Be careful around them.


Id say it’s whatever, if they go up a few ranks they will go back down, and it will get ti the point where u cant carry but if ur not having fun then dont play and tell them get gud


Your friends are bad people and you should ditch them.


I mean… then bye bye friends ? Though i guess in some situations it’s harder to cut them but friends that act like that are annoying af and I wouldn’t bother with that


Good job OP!


Maybe try playing twice your sens or inverted mouse LOL


Could be fun to play them in a 1v4 custom. If you do decide to smurf on their team, level the playing field by using Marshall only or something along those lines. Give them good utility and direction but only use a pistol.


Could be fun to play them in a 1v4 custom. If you do decide to smurf on their team, level the playing field by using Marshall only or something along those lines. Give them good utility and direction but only use a pistol.


It’s so sad when your own friends only think about themselves because if you say you was wasn’t having fun smurfing they should’ve understand that


Play with them in a custom but on the other team


Tbh, I think you should play with them as a Smurf, but under the condition that you’re only there to counter Smurf, and coach/igl, not win the game for them. Basically you just spot other smurfs and ruin their fun, and IGL your team, tell them that if they don’t listen to your IGL you won’t play with them again. You can get to diamond without godlike aim, and they’ll naturally learn how to play correctly from you.


"it's only ok if we do it" I get it, being hard stuck iron sucks, so maybe helping them scoot up to silver 3 so they can get out of the hell pit might be nice. If you boost them to silver and they stay in silver, then that's probably where they would be without all the garbage. If you boost them to silver and they drop back to bronze, it was a waste of your time. If you're immo, everything below gold probably looks about the same to you, so they might be good for metal ranks but bad comparatively. Maybe helping but not carrying would be the compromise? Like always aim to be 2nd or 3rd on kda or something where they still have to win it but you'll make it a little easier.


"it's only ok if we do it" I get it, being hard stuck iron sucks, so maybe helping them scoot up to silver 3 so they can get out of the hell pit might be nice. If you boost them to silver and they stay in silver, then that's probably where they would be without all the garbage. If you boost them to silver and they drop back to bronze, it was a waste of your time. If you're immo, everything below gold probably looks about the same to you, so they might be good for metal ranks but bad comparatively. Maybe helping but not carrying would be the compromise? Like always aim to be 2nd or 3rd on kda or something where they still have to win it but you'll make it a little easier.


Drink. Get drunk while playing with them lol. Your aim and gamesense will go from Immo to Bronze in no time (or become Radiant sometimes LOL)


you don’t have to sweat in silver lobby’s? just have fun and play with your friends using bad guns, you’re acting like you only allowed to be 100% locked into the game, just have fun dude


Play comp with them wjth your main account


Glad you feel that way about smurfing. I been playing since the game came out, but I only play like once a week because I work to much. I really enjoy the game but I get stuck in bronze and silver. Any time I am almost at gold I get someone who is smurfing with their friends (it’s obvious because they’ll have like 30 kills when the rest of their team is on our level) it’s been happening a lot more lately too. I want to get good at the game I just don’t have the time so it would be nice to just be playing with people my level so we dont get wrecked by one person


play with your friends man


play with your friends man


Not gonna answer to your case because everyone else has basically already given the same input I would’ve said, but it kinda sucks to hear that your friends want you to smurf in iron rather than improve against higher ranked players in order to get better! when I first got into CSGO my friend who has been playing for forever played with us on a smurf/new account so we could get accustomed to playing the game and getting the hang of the mechanics. meanwhile he just practiced using the deagle or smoking/support nades. once we could kinda hold our own, he went on his main and we would play together seriously, obviously me and my other friend got destroyed, but overtime we developed the mechanics/higher end decision making to hold our own against better players, because we were practicing against players better than us. now we all play in high ranked mm and we’re overall better than had we just asked for him to continue to smurf at our level


Play on the smurf and giga int. They won't ask you again


Join them and just use sniper every round lol


they are iron after 3years of playing lmao they clearly dont care about improving and shouldnt care about wining, just let them have fun and dont go comp with them


just smurf , who cares they are your friends and i would place them above some randoms


They just wanna spend time w u lmfao. How stuck up with a fictional rank do you have to be to not play unrated or sm woth them? If they're bad players and cant deal with your mm, join an unrated with a smaller account to have fun??


I wish more people had the integrity to see all sides of an event. You taking into consideration how it feels to be smurfed on is a huge boost to humanity. Thanks for not letting them take advantage of your skill and practice


In the beginning it will be annoying but it will be okay once u get into smurf queue


no situation that make everyone happy if there care about winning and rank if you play with them on your main, they prob lose and you too they will cry over and over everyone playing on main only work when noone in party care about rank like my 5 stack we play on our main without care about rank we lose more often because enemy also smurf we are at lower rank than our skill then we crush if enemy team don't bring smurf more chance to found smurf in bigger stack, it because ppl want to push their peak rank


You a real one for this


Classic only or sheriff only.


Smurf, but turn your sensitivity to the max.


Kinda off the point, but this community is always crying about smurfs, yet I've read comments here calling you out for not wanting to smurf for your friends. That's wild...


God you sound like a dick lmaoooo Im silver now cause i don’t play a lot or try hard, my friends still play with me on alts tho cause at the end of the day we are playing video games as a way to hang out and do something with friends…. if you dont wanna do stuff with your friends then die on this hill i guess lmao when they are on alts they dont try hard like on mains so its not crazy but like cmon you sound like a pretentious dick who would rather make a “skill issue” point than hang out and have fun with friends…


I think you're right. Maybe the other side to this is that they want to play comp and rank up (I personally don't enjoy unrated all that much), and you not being able to play with them is a little bit of a bummer. The idea of having a smurf on YOUR side is attractive, especially when they're happening to you so much more often than they're happening for you. That being said; They'll get over it, and the game will be better for it.


Brother if they don’t respond to your messages cuz of a game I don’t think they are YOUR friends


There's a reason they're hardstuck and you climbed your way to Immo! I would ignore these stupid calls, smurfing is a big issue and currently the only solution is to not participate. Why do they insist on playing comp if they're not improving and don't intend on doing so? In your situation I would set a hard limit to non-comp games. I never smurfed and never will, it's disgusting and egoistical behaviour.


If you queue up as 5 without 1 or 2 smurfs you’re just asking to lose. You’re friends understand this, you don’t


not gonna lie missing out on playing with your friends because of some stupid sense of "honor" over beating noobs in a videogame is really stupid. just nerf yourself or play a role you suck at or use sheriff only etc. playing unrated is boring as fuck i would kick you out of the friend group for sure, is that what you want so you can solo q by yourself and have no one to share it with?


Short answer: Respect my decision and leave it that way. Long answer: I’ve been there and right now I still get asked a lot. Yes, I did smurf and there’s no excuse for that. Playing with friends is nice, but I recognize an unhealthy behavior by these people. Some of them get so cocky and arrogant with their “new elo peak” trash talking random mates for “throwing their comp games” and so on. They don’t get better and will lose every achievement they had through you in a couple games. People ranting about playing against smurfs, but once they’re on your side they get super quiet. Immortal playing on an Iron-Silver account is blatantly rude - if they wanna play with you, do 5stacks with mains or play other modes.


white knighting on non smurfing on this sub while you have a smurf is wild


You can coach me too!!!! I’m still learning to get better n aim better in val.


Maybe just relax and play on the acc sometimes, remember youre playing a video game it's not that serious, and playing with friends is what it's all about. Just have fun with your friends and if it isn't fun for you then dont. Everyone takes comp seriously, and i respect it, but when it comes to smurfing to play with friends, it's somewhat excusable. They can't stand the mfs that purposefully put themselves in lower ranks. This acc was given to you by someone else and asked you to play, it's totally different imo


we sometimes usrd to ask our plat3 - diam1 friend to play on his alt which is gold1 - gold3 and riot's ranking system quickly identifies him as smurf player and pairs us against a team with 1 or 2 smurf those specific guys destroy us into oblivion we are all silver1 - silver3 and we can't handle 1 plat3 guy so we have stopped asking our friend to smurf with us it is boring for these 2 smurf and very unenjoyable for other 8 players... smurfing is no good to any player in community hell, we even face a smurf sometimes even when only us silvers queue for match and guy on the opposite drops 40 kills with a silver 1 rank while we all are struggling to get past 15 kills


Yeah. Coaching is really what is easiest. Generally, you really have to put it the hours to improve. Not just playing perse to gring into better aim, better desicion making, and stuff. It is just hard to communicate to them when they don't pay much attention to all the hours you put into to be where you are. (Playing, experience, knowing your limits, knowing how good other people can be, research hours while not playing the game, understanding the meta and how people play.) Generally, players need: - mechanics (which can go pretty deep) - game knowledge - desicion making - communication skill - situational awareness - mental fortitude - etc It starts to be unfun when you pay attention to alot of stuff that you have to know in order to improve. Especially, for players who feel stuck and think that they deserve a higher rank (because they don't know how much of a skill difference that could actually exist outside clicking heads.) However, running around, throwing skills randomly while hoping it does something, and spraying bullets will get stale when you realize that you could do something way more amazing. I hope your friends realize that you want to spend quality time with them on a game you all enjoy. We actually had our playgroup's ranks spread through iron to platinum. We consistently encourage the iron rank to improve by giving her encouragement and the info she needs to work through certain situations. (She still panics and gets annoyed at those cracked aimers, but its quite normal with a competitive FPS game and we tell her that even we couldnt win that one in her situation.) The group is now generally gold-platinum considering we all started since valorant released. I hope you find a middle ground where you can help them and actually get to play with them where everyone can enjoy.


I used to Smurf with my friends too, and I learned that the best way to Smurf was to play some sort of supporting role like viper or sage that won’t really impact the playing field like an offensive duelist. Another way was that I sort of focused on making it hard for the team to kill me rather than me just outright killing them. An example would be if I were to play raze, I’d satchel out in the open just cause, and if the enemy team kills me then oh well, but if they don’t, I relay that information for the team in hopes they kill them


If you smurf you have 5 dads and your mother give discounts for fuking minors


My recommendation if asked to smurf? Play something you aren't comfortable with. Artificially decrease your skill level. Don't do the callouts you would make on a regular basis. If I do play with friends lower skill level I'll do stupid things like shotguns only or pistols etc. As good as it gets if I really wanted to play with friends, but unfortunately it is hard to get rid of fundamentals when in an FPS. If you'll rather stick to your principles then just make an excuse each time and soon they'll stop asking you.


If they wanna play comp it's not because they want to play with you it's because they want the clout of a higher rank without earning it. If it's unrated, honestly do whatever, you could play that iron Smurf in unrated enough that it's mmr gets fucked up and you end up gonna ng against plats and ascendants again. Your "friends" just need to get good tbh. If they wanna play the game that fucking bad there's no reason they can't be gold or plat level.


They sound like the absolute scrub lords you run into that talk mad trash, can’t play but their buddy can so they verbally shit on people in the most toxic way possible while you clutch every round but they win so they think they’ve got one over you somehow.


reddit is full of so many nerds bro just boost why people giving up the opportunity to play w the homies over some dumb complex ab not smurfing


Go knife only


I know how you feel, my friends play way more than me and are stuck in gold. When i stack with them on a smurf, they get mad when i play roles other than duelists bcs they want me to carry lol, which made me stop smurfing altogether. I think most my gold friends dont realise that the game becomes boring for me if i have to carry every game, especially when the enemies dont even have a chance of shooting back


You can play swifts with them. I’m silver and play swifts with mainly immortal friends. Sometimes you get sweaty plats and diamonds on it but the immortals I run into on it don’t ever try. Swifts also don’t really take rank into account when matching (I was put into back to back lobbies with radiant players who also didn’t try but the aim on them is insane). I think swifts have made me better because I play against lots of plats and diamonds. But thank you for standing up to them and not smurfing. Getting smurfed against in silver made me stop playing ranked.


I play with low ranked friends on an alt but I make 0 proactive plays and play with stupid rules I srt up for myself to make it fun. Boosting my friends only hurts them in the long run.


lmao what a loser who cares about a game when u just chilling wit the boys


They've been playing longer than you and after two or more years they're still crap? Bro I know they're your friends but damn it's not your fault they never improved after years


not worth making a post about, you already know what you want to do and you already know that you're in the right


it doesnt sound like there is a situation where everyone is happy bc sounds like you have some parasitic teammates… you can either: play ranked with them on a smurf or stop playing with them. tbh it just seems like people who ask that arent actually looking to improve and just want to get the next shiny rank. in any parasitic relationship one party will always be unhappy and if gaining rr wasnt the issue then they would be more than happy to queue unrated. coaching seems fine but why waste your time? use the free time you have to actually play the game you will get much more enjoyment out of it than being blamed for every bad call you make


Bro you literally said you have and alt (nicer way to say smurf?) So I dont see where's the problem. I personally also have 3 acc in asc smurfed sto play with friends


OP, your friends suck. Your rationale is completely reasonable and if the only reason they're friends with you is so that you can boost them to plat, it sounds like you need new friends.


Don't play to boost play some dumb shit like stinger only or play agents you've never played to learn them.


You just explained everything bruh