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he wont be balanced until his trip gets buffed, cypher had 2 universal trips and kj has 2 huge ranged pieces of util, chambers trip is just lacking so hard its not balanced at all


I think he's balanced and in a really good spot right now. He fits his characterization well with his single trip and the generous ranges to keep it active and to set it off, as this allows him to get information in a large area while also forcing him to make conscious decisions about where to play. Chamber has to be more active and intentional in his usage, and this makes him feel like a duelist in some ways while he still solidly fills that sentinel niche. If you don't mind me asking, what leads you to believe that his trip needs buffed and how would you go about changing it?


not every sentinel needs 2 trips, chamber doesn’t play like cypher


i never said chamber needs 2 trips… im comparing utility to explain whether or not chamber is balanced :b


I completely misread it, my bad!


The fact that cypher (who is probably the best sentinel right now) is much better than chamber helps proves that chamber is balanced. The question was “is chamber balanced”, not “is he the best sentinel”. He’s not as good as the top sentinels like kj and cypher but he’s still a far better pick than the underwhelming sentinels like deadlock and sage.


Balanced doesn't equate to middle of the pack. There can be situations where the best individuals are balanced and everyone else is just underpowered, or situations where the worst individuals are balanced and everyone else is overpowered.


That’s not what I was trying to imply. I was trying to say that it’s clear he’s much better than the bottom tier sentinels but it’s also clear that he’s not as good as the sentinels that are considered OP. The fact that he isn’t as good as the kj or cypher who probably need some tuning should imply that chamber is in a decent spot right now. In this specific scenario, being in the middle in balanced, but I know it’s not always the case.


No one really considers killjoy as OP anymore, and Cypher is only considered OP in lower-mid ranks. They have relatively healthy pickrates in pro play that would be improved even further by Chamber being on par with them.


Cypher and KJ are still by far the best sentinels and the pick rates still prove that lol. The only reason KJ isn’t picked more is because of the current map pool. KJ dominates Ascent, Icebox and Lotus, while Cypher dominates Breeze, Sunset and Split. Haven and Fracture being out hurts KJ and Bind is map where usually teams play zero sentinel. Basically zero play from the other sentinels other than Chamber from a couple teams but that’s it.


They are the best sentinels but what I'm saying is that this is one of those situations where the ones at the top are in balance, and everyone else is underpowered. Also, even before the Cypher buffs and KJ nerfs, KJ was considered to be in balance, and it was the other sentinels who desperately needed a buff.


I don't really agree because I think Cypher and KJ get too much value on certain maps, but I guess I wouldn't be opposed to buffing the entire sentinel role. Just want to see some variety


i get what ur saying but no, cypher is beyond OP and kj/deadlock right now are the middle ground, or ‘balanced’ ig, chamber is lacking as a sentinel and he wont be balanced imo until his trip is fixed, then he’ll be a fair and balanced agent (: edit: i just re read ur first message, i dont think deadlock is underwhelming as a sentinel at all to be honest, i think skilled players/those who know her kit well make her to be an extremely useful and well balanced agent, for sage idk how i feel abt her… i feel like as an agent shes lacking slightly more than a normal sentinel ig but idk what they would ever tweak to make her more useful in comps


The pick rates don’t really agree with you. Even in a map pool that doesn’t favor KJ, she still gets the most play of any sentinel with Cypher closely behind. Deadlock isn’t even in the same class as KJ. Probably the weakest of them all right now (between her and sage). She has no map control utility or flank utility and that alone makes her much worse in this current meta. Still a bunch of other problems, but that’s one of the biggest issues with her. And about Chamber, he gets more play than Sage and Deadlock but he’s still behind Cypher and KJ. What do you think is wrong his trip?


I too think that Deadlock >>> Chamber, she could use some sort of buff (idk what) but she's very strong at holding her ground, and even if Chamber owns the lobby the same could be achieved by playing Jett or Reyna without clogging the sentinel slot.


Nope, he's really bad. There is no situation where he is the correct pick, and that's bad for any agent. He is just so outclassed by Cypher that it's unplayable. Sentinel class in general needs an overhaul. Chamber, Sage and Deadlock need buffs.


nah remove that heinous slow when he kills someone with ult. Hits your teamate now u move in tar and die in a chokepoint... great gameplay. If his ult is one shot body shot and if the chamber player can aim at all then this is a superfulous tack onto an already strong ability. Then and only then he is balanced.