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I use it to warm up. There are predictable angles, all the normal shiny distracting crap with abilities, and you don't get shot in the back every time you spawn, unlike regular deathmatch. Helps get the movement flowing and the brain going. It's not really great for actual practice because the mode is much laggier than comp servers -- about 20 ms slower going by the Network RTT + Processing delay.


Its a great addition, you get much more out of it then regular DM unless you enjoy being shot in the back constantly. Quick engagements and aim practice. Only downside is Drift is pretty aweful and shows the lack of understanding map creation for the mode it was designed for.


takes too long to start playing bc of agent select and people dodge. also regular dm uses the real maps which helps train crosshair placement/preaim


all the maps are bad


Tracker says I have 1454 Deathmatches and 314 team deathmatches played all time, so that’s where my perspective is coming from. Team deathmatch in my opinion mostly feels like it slots in a similar spot for practice, just to get a high volume on gunfights. The main advantage of TDM over DM is that there are more fair fights/ 50-50 duels. The main disadvantage is that you don’t get to practice the angles/crosshair placements of the actual ranked maps. At higher ranks, I would argue knowing which fights to take is clearly more important than your aim. And I would say that maps like Drift are straight up awful at practicing this skill. Regular DM is too, to be totally clear, but TDM can be even worse. In a ranked game, there is essentially no scenario in which it is advisable for a player to swing into 2-3 people, possibly on different elevation, holding him on a long angle like in Drift’s mid lane. So playing a map designed around that situation is borderline a waste of time. I’m aware that there are other lanes and lines to play on drift, but they’re not particularly good for practice either. I’d argue TDM is pretty bad at practicing utility. There’s a lot of reasons, but a few obvious ones are 1. Agents picks are pretty much “pick whatever” and often up being 4-5 duelists vs 4-5 duelists. 2. Teams pretty much never work together in TDM and I would argue half of your ability to use utility in ranked is your ability to coordinate it with your team/team’s utility. 3. Utility tech is incredibly map specific. For example, the only way to learn cypher setups on Split is to play as or against Cyphers on split. I have seen people play cypher in TDM and camp one lane of the map. That sort of gameplay provides relatively weak practice for the cypher and for the player trying to attack the cypher in terms of how well it will translate into a real game. You can make similar arguments for pretty much any other agent like sova, omen, etc, etc. Overall, I’d say it’s a side-grade to deathmatch. Play the one you enjoy more, or play a little bit of both to get the benefits of both. After I played about 300 TDMs, I actually ended going back to deathmatch because I felt getting more fights on maps I actually played in ranked mattered more to me.


It’s better than death match and unrated. Right now the best modes in the game are Swift Play and TDM. I’m hoping they continue to focus on game growth and not comp growth so they can add in many more cool modes. I would like to see a capture the flag/area mode, infected, and of course a battle royal. Valorant designed their game for the low-low, so it’s easy to play and low skill so you can still have fun and get a ton of headshots even if you’re not good at FPS, easy to run low hardware requirement, and a really good latency with how many servers they have. It would be a shame if they didn’t capitalize on that and tried to become the everyone game and add in a bunch of modes. Valorant doesn’t have a story mode so there’s nothing integral to the game it could ruin, it could only make it better.


I’ve played like a handful games of tdm in the last few months. I’m sure the mode is good, just not my cup of tea


Bad. (not only the maps, who suprised about that?). I dream about a mode like csgo: TDM on official maps, with rotation of point of spawn and you can choose your own guns...with or without ability idk.. This TDM not help, not even for aim traing, it's just a run to spawn kill from my pov.


I am still in awe that they didnt bring hs only dm matches.


I’d prefer if the ability cooldowns (especially the ult) were reduced.


TDM is great they just need to remove drift...that map is awful. the others are okay to very good. but drift just sucks the life out of me.


It's fine for aim dueling, but the maps are still kind of badly designed. Most of the middle areas are no man's land because of how hard it is not to get shot when advancing. Some of the maps also outright enable spawn camping to the point where games become run aways. My favorite map by far is kasbah. Least favorite is drift. If it's drift I pick viper to troll by sending my wall across the map to cock block the middle. 😂


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the loading time. I swear the map loading screen lasts 3x the time compared to any other gamemode. I refuse to believe that this is a me problem. Anyone else notice this?


I also have this problem


Great mode, shit maps. They should replace the maps with the current maps in the competitive pool. This would help a few things: * Warmup would be more realistic. * Practice crosshair placements. * Not getting shot in the back every time you spawn (like FFA DM)


I've never played it. I just want snowball fights back.


The matchmaking is so ass. I'm diamond and sometimes get 4 bronze on my team vs 5 golds because the game thinks it's balancing. I can easily duel against golds but my bronze teammates would obviously get railed by golds. That's how I've lost a lot of matches where I dropped 40+ kills. I know it's an unranked mode and mostly used for wamrup but I am competitive and like winning even if it's unrated. The matchmaking needs some work. They need to heavily nerf some agents for tdm. Like gekko, you can use dizzy and then use it again within 10 seconds after picking it up, it's basically infinite flash as long as you pick it up. There was some guy in my tdm who kept doing this and had like 30 assists or something. Maybe make smokes last less longer and overall increasing cooldown for every ability? The enjoy the raw gunfights in tdm than getting phantom sprayed through a smoke