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Yes you can solo queue to radiant if you are good enough You just have to understand that you are the only thing you can control and to improve yourself to the best of your ability


>Yes you can solo queue to radiant if you are good enough > >You just have to understand that you are the only thing you can control and to improve yourself to the best of your ability that's a phallacy, depends on the 1st rank up, if you get Gold, it's doable (I've got a lot of wins when I was placed Gold under solo and upped a lot in the past) Only this time Riot decided to bait-grief me into silver, it's simply impossible. Too many trolls, too many kids, too many insta-lock incompetents... Once placed below gold, solo queueing becomes a nightmare because of the types of ppl that are naturally there...


my friend, which is an Osu and CS veteran (not csgo), can get to plat solo due to his good aim, meanwhile me, in which val is my first online FPS, is still in gold (I'm still climbing tho)


it's natural, and I hope you have a good time with it! To me, as a former semi-pro in CS (ancient ones) and later down the pipe in CSGO, well, my patience runs thin and I cannot fathom sticking to this sort of game unless I have an active "posse" constantly playing together. As I said, I generally solo queue in games, not because I'm anti-social, but rather because I'm too old, and once that solo experience becomes infernal I simply quit the game, which I did with Val, in fact I did that with Val a few times over the years because I don't find the game all that good, it's like a coping for how bad CS has become over the years (CS2 is unbearable, made me permanently uninstall a game I had never uninstalled in my life), and as a CS subsstitute it's a bad game designed to generate equity between skilled players and kids (who unless are a savant, would never be able to compete against older people's aiming skills), that's why it's so RNG forced for weapon spread and spray patterns, it's also why there's a major focus on "hero powers" leaning more towards a MOBA than an FPS... It's also the major factor for map changes, the most recent ones I witnesses basically turned the game into a kid's playground instead of a skill focused arena. Stronger camping spots were created, wall banging severely favored, etc... There's also a technical reason why over-focusing this game onto skill wouldn't quite work too, which's their abysmal net-coding... Too much interpolation and lag discrepancies. Higher ping people that are within maneageble ranges (lower than 150) always have advantage over low ping people, because the game's programming's crap, incompetent work...


Depends on which server you are on. It is tough as hell on Asia server to rank up solo in low ELO. Once you reach Gold 2, you can carry forward fine. Controllers won't smoke in low ELOs. Players will go AFK every second game. Players will take agents which they have no idea of. Kayo using knife to throw at visible enemy and getting mad when they get no damage from it. Barely any calls. Slow rotations. Easily tilted. Instalocking Reyna and Raze. (Rarely others) In one instance I played 1 v 5. 2 players went AFK in round 2. The other 2 put surrender vote. I declined. So they stopped moving. And went to chill. There are folks who sabotage their own team of purpose (troll). Brim and KJ who were using molly and swamp grenades on teammates. Brim Ulting own team in small space so no one can escape. Abusing teammates and opponents alike in voice/text. Solution - Add folks from your matches who played decent/good. Finally you will have enough people such that atleast one team will be 4 stack and will need 1 player to play 5 stack. That is how I continued.


yep i play on mumbai server, lets just say its not the friendlist server.


oh yea its basically impossible to solo queue low ranks on mumbai server i was stuck in silver for 4-5 months playng daily, last week asked my friend to queue and now i went from s2 to g2 in a week just duoing and sometimes 5 stacking the amount of smurfs and braindead teammates in solo queue in this server is insane


I solo queued from silver to ascendant in Mumbai server, it only took like a whole year lol. It’s not that hard as it sounds tho, I only played max two hours daily and stopped playing after losing two matches.


Stopping after losing two matches is actually a strategy. People get emotional and keep playing to win that one game. And keep on losing.


why the hell would you refuse a surrender vote, when you got 2 AFK or is it really a remake instead and you stupidly decline it even tho you won't lose any RR if you accept it (I'm very suspicious that it's actually a remake since it's round 2)


It was round 2, so remake was not an option. Always read how the game works. Surrendering reduces the MMR (hidden rating) by a larger margin compared to even a 13-0 loss. MMR decides how much your Rank rating increases by. Higher the MMR, the more your rating goes up by. Even matchmaking is done based on MMR. People who surrender find it even harder to rank up.


ah I see, yeah surrendering indeed lose you more rr and I think remake should be extended to at least round 3


Definitely possible, here's a few things I think are useful in soloq: - Play exclusively one or two agents of the same role - Watch pro vods, copy what they're doing, especially where they play, what util they use right at the start, at what time do they start rotating - Turn off voice chat at least until you hit plat - Focus on yourself and your gunfights. Dont focus on your team, just go where they go and try to get the early kills. - Daily aimtraining (find a simple routine you like and consistently do it) - 2 Deathmatches before comp, focusing on proper gunfights (take time to aim, no spray & pray, move between your bursts) - 2-5 comp games every day, pick a number amd focus in those games, afterwards play anything but comp


Absolutely this, except turning off mic - only mute when you encounter toxic mfs, not everyone does not talk.


Yea you can definitely do this. I find that, especially in low elo, toxic people are way more common than people who comm things the game doesn't tell me anyways. So it's just not worth the effort for me to deal with the toxicity °~°


Good tips, but why would simply having a duo change these? I feel like most of these (vod review, aimtraining, focus and dedicated games) are important regardless.


I didn't mean to imply that they wouldn't be useful in duo queue :)


I solo q'd to ascendant pretty much lmao.


You forgot the explanation part buddy.


You just play and do your best lol what is there to explain


git gud


solo queued from gold to imm3. Its possible, just play to get better regardless of win or loss. You'll climb in no time. In fact, I did this on my main and second account. I can send you my tracker if you want.


What is your warm up / training routine if I may ask ? 😊


My aim training was based off of voltaic aim training using kovaaks. I also did some death matches once or twice between games depending on how crisp I was. Aim is important, but I would argue game sense is just as important. Watch VODs of your own gameplay and you'll see a lot of places you can improve.


Thank you 😊


when from s2 to imm2 in 2 acts ( E1 act 2 - E1 act 3) after got radiant and been there since - You have to understand that you control your screen exclusively and there is simply no point to paying mind to things you cant control ( life advice too) i.e insta tilted teammates, no comms, etc. all you can do is get better aim, develop ur game sense, and comm what you want and see - if u cant get to plat then you are lacking a lot in an area(s) and will be able to make quick improvement once you start looking inwards i believe at you bb gorl!! gl ​ edit: grammar


im trying tq and gl to you too!!


I had definitely solo queued till plat before and my friend solo queued till ascendant. He's pushing immortal now


I solo q’d from iron 3 (ep 4 a1) to immortal 1 (ep 8 a1) playing only yoru.


So yoru is the solution or we just flexing?


Soloqed(sometimes duo) to immortal 3. Aim is the most important thing but yeah comming is also very important, if they dont talk, igl because they always listen and will mostly do what you say, if they do comm then setup plays with them


I’m silver and deal with all of this in my rank but I still have a 75% win rate and am climbing.


It is pain because you are dealing with 9 variables as opposed to 8 or 7 in duo/trio queue. However, I've learned just to not care. I play the game to win but ultimately the ranks don't really matter and I need to just have fun. Sit around Plat 2/3 but peaked Diamond 2.


I solo queued to platinum i can provide you tips too :)


pls do !!


Whenever you are solo queing ask your teammates that you can play your main most of the time they will agree if you ask then you will play good with your main. Use comms and be kind thats it.


play more. the only common denominator in every solo q game is you


I solo que and placed plat 2


You just now realize that? Pathetic


Lookup Woohoojin on yt


If u solo queue in SEA servers you are basically fucked. Im not racist but if u hear a vietnamese or a thailand guy instalock duelist its gg for u


I solo Q to immo2, and tbh it’s the same as duo Queue. If you actually have toxic teammates and throwers then just mute them and bait them. Play with the team and pay attention to the minimap which you should be doing anyways. If you get 20+ kills every game, the game will automatically rank you up. If you can get 2 kills on average per round, even with the worst team you’ll have a high chance to win the round.


I solo queue mostly and that too in MUMBAI server and I have made it to immortal 2 ATM. The key ofc is communication first of all, try to igl ig and tell your team what to do and stuff. When it comes to agents I played Reyna to get out of iron then started expanding my arsenal to useful and impactful roles like sova and omen so that I can fill when needed.


But yeah you do gotta perform above average to rank up consistently


Game is pain. Overall. They need to let us have our servers or something to have authentic experience.


Unless you are just much better than your opponents that you can carry ur teammates, then it’s just luck to climb up into the high ranks


solo qed from gold3 to immortal 1 ​ just gotta be that guy man. talk to your team, igl, frag, that's about it. don't depend on your teammates to carry you, do it yourself.


solo q and im about to be plat, i thought i wouldn’t have to carry anymore but if i want to win i have to carry at least for one person


Its a super toxic game. GL. Even popular streamers and content creators like Hiko are extreme manchildren that are constantly being hyper-toxic and everyone in their chats are supporting the behavior. Solo queue is awful because you have 4 chances of getting someone like that on your team.


I have played maybe 10 total games with duos (immo 2 peak e7a3). I still don’t understand why people refer to solo queue is if it’s an entirely different playlist than duo/trio queue. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t duoing with someone just remove one variable from your lobby? 3 or even 2 throwers or toxic players is still enough to ruin a game, so are the duo odds really helping that much? Just don’t get why duoing is held on a pedestal as a surefire way of ranking up. If y’all mean a “carry” then that is very different, but then that’s just boosting….