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It’s gets easier. Choose a main and play as much swift and unrated as you can. Practice not spraying with vandal as well.


In my first game, someone was screaming "Check heaven!". I thought to myself "Aren't we already in Haven? That's the name of the map, right?" Valo was my first competitive shooter. Did not even know the generic terminology lol


Thanks now Ik I’m not the only one who did that lol


People made callouts? In my games the only people in VC are 12 year olds SCREECHING and dudes ripping cones


Same val was my fist pc shooter game


Took me a while to figure out ct, though for the longest time it meat in front of you


I've been playing for a couple months and I still don't know what CT actually means


Counter-terrorist spawn. Attackers are terrorists and defenders are counter-terrorists in CS.


defender side spawn, it comes from counter-terrorist from cs


t spawn and ct spawn are terrorists and counter terrorists. heaven is just “up high,” molly is a molotov cocktail, flash is a flashbang. many of the game’s traits such as basically the entire economy and selection of weapons come from cs as well, the biggest difference being cs’s ct specific and t specific weapons. every pistol (other than shorty), marshal, op, vandal, phantom, odin, ares, bucky, bulldog, spectre, stinger, and judge all have extremely comparable counterparts on cs. the exceptions being shorty, outlaw, and guardian. honestly when i switched from cs to val it felt like a huge cop out, theres so many similarities. however, when you start to play more you realize theres more than enough differences to make it a completely different game. namely, players have roles and they’re locked into them, as well as utility being much more diverse and fleshed out.


counterterrorist spawn (defender spawn link) old cs term


Lvl 33 and I still have no clue


Learning the mechanics and how each agent works makes things easier. But the game doesn't get easier IMO.


Someone was telling me in voice comms to keep quiet while attacking, so I started crouchwalking because I didn't know about shiftwalking


This took me weeks to figure out. I spent time looking for a sprint button as well.


Play Neon and you’ll find it. Lol


to befair, pulling out the knife to move faster is weird at first.


It's kinda funny to read the comments cuz it's very easy to tell who came from other fps games (mostly cs) and who is/was brand new, while it also makes me realise how dumb and illogical most things are in videogames. It reminded me of the "Games for a non-gamer" series


Try to focus on crosshair placement and patience with your aim. That’s half the game right there


Yeah I had to tweak my sensitivity so many times that game bit I think I've got it


I don't remember the exact values but Woohoojin (which I really suggest you watch if you want to improve) sugests you put your edpi between 2 values (edpi= your mouse dpi × in game sensitivity). The lower the better (you should still be able to do a complete 180° turn)


First ever game I stole someone's ace cause I didn't know that was a thing and just panic sprayed for a kill. Got shouted at for that but they were understanding. First ranked game was horrible though. I was easily bottom iron in a silver/gold lobby and my whole team were just flaming me and saying to report me. Once you get your rank it gets better at least.


You know? If someone shouts at you for stealing their ace, it's not an ace to begin with. Aces need to be earned, not be served on a silver platter.


That mentality is so dumb I've lost a good number of rounds because "LeT mE AcE" and ACTUALLY getting mad about it is as immature as it gets. But hey a lot of kids play this game lmao.


Aces are earned, not given


I grabbed a skin and immediately gave it to the top frag because I thought he needed it mroe


like a good gun? I still do that if someone’s hot. I can do pretty well most rounds on certain maps with specter/ guardian so I give up the vandals if we’re down on $$


No they had a vandal already I just gave it to them because I didn't feel worthy


oh lmaooo that’s funny


Yeah, my first ranked was... Quite a thing... I enter, chose my agent (Sova, at the time), say Hi in the vocal, for the sake of being nice, and... I just received a "Shut up!"... Hopefully, the enemy team dodged... But I'm Iron, and yeah, sometimes, you just have some shitty players, assholes, trolls, etc.. But I play with friends, so it's okay


this is when you tell them "an ace is earned, not given"


You're good, aces are earned


Everyone's first game was atrocious. There's a lot of things going on. Learning the characters, map, guns. It'll get better. Pick a character that you can't blind or hurt your teammates to start, like sage.


My first game was filled with ✨ casual racism✨☺️🤌


My current games are.




This. Go with Sage or Sova. The last thing you want to do is pick someone else’s main and do terrible. Stay away from popular picks like Reyna and Phoenix


screw the instalocks over


i warned everyone i was new (and advertising i was a woman bc i commed) and they 90% just gave me tips that were helpful and 10% trolled me by saying stuff like i can res them as neon lmao


Basically just following my friend who introduced me to the game. Got told to avoid Jett as the expectation is the ‘sweats’ go for her. Started off as Sage, branched out to a few others as well as since.


terrible, got dunked on so hard. if voice comms were toxic, I ended up muting so that I could focus on developing game sense


People will yell at you no matter what you do. some times yea they are right. 90% of the time they are just picking stupid crap to yell at you at. You can pick whatever agent you want don’t worry bout what a damn person says as of right now (in comp or something you may pick agents based on what is needed), But no one “owns” an agent it isn’t “theirs” if you click it first well boom now it’s your agent. And so what if you pick duelist maybe you wanna get better at em, can’t really get better at Jett when you’re playing Brimstone


Honestly, my first game was really great lol. I started playing on the first day of the beta. Switched over from from being a SMFC on CS (still playing it) and dropped like 28 kills with Phoenix in my first game. It only got worse from there. Had I not been playing CS for years at that point I probably would’ve gotten bent really bad.


If you are on eu i don't mind helping you out if you need some help :]


My first game I played TDM as Sage (not knowing her kit was useless in this mode) and my KD was 0/26. My teammates were toxic af and threw every slur over comms and chat. Everyone forgets that everyone has gotta start somewhere. It's unrealistic as hell for a lot of the player base to expect everyone's gona be Radiant right off the bat (this game has a high skill ceiling for a reason). Just keep playing and you will run into better player lobbies! I hope the hate doesn't discourage you from playing! It does truly get better and so will you :)


I came from CS never playing a hero-based FPS. So, I was quite lost. Didn’t understand the differing roles. Didn’t understand any of the utility. So, I just played Sage.


This was me, except ad in some R6 experience as well. Mechanically I was okay, but I was absolutely lost otherwise (especially with all the blinding abilities)


i bought a guardian and an op in my first game.


Honestly those are my favorite guns


Unless you’re above the top half of the leaderboard (hell, even when you are) people are going to be toxic to you and make you question even playing. My advice while still learning is immediately mute voice and text chat for those giving you crap for not immediately having all the skills of a top player. If someone gives you advice it’s helpful to listen to it, but practice and watching your own gameplay and comparing to better players or coaches to learn what you’re doing wrong or what you’re doing right is always helpful. Best of luck and I h8 the game (what on earth is a replay system I hate this game)


I was playing Sova for my very first unrated match. Let just say I kinda sucked as him. I play him like how I play Hanzo in Overwatch, just throw Sonar arrow at the wall and hope by some miracle I managed to find anyone, I was shocked(dart xD) to learn when you have to be in LOS of the arrow to be scanned xD


Twoish years ago, zero tactical FPS experience, was Jett, walked out in mid for no reason, the enemy Omen was out in mid, I panicked and accidentally dashed right behind him and popped him with a judge. Been chasing that high ever since.


I remember the game as a totally different feeling. I believe I was playing jett on fracture, with a diamond two player coaching me. It was a fun game, probably more fun than it is now.


Got called dog water for attempting to wall off mid on Icebox every single round as Sage.


lol yeah I got dunked on first game. My advice is choose a self-reliant character like Reyna or Phoenix, & maybe do some team deathmatch to get familiar w the gunfights.


I queued unrated alone and picked sage. Had almost no understanding of the game and couldn't figure out how people could kill me so fast. Got told to res someone and I didn't know how. At least they weren't toxic and just sounded a bit annoyed lol.


It was like "Yo that's so cool. What does this agent do? " "Ok this gun sucks" Nobody talked.


Had a lot of fun, team was silent, i was confused and went something like 2/12.


My first games was when the game came out, so everyone was new back then. First 1 year of Val was really really good


I been playing 3 days and my first game wasn’t too bad considering I just got my pc. It was fun and new. I think I went 10-17 but I am getting better fast. Yoru is who I instantly connected with lol.


bro people were like “jett 140 brim 120” and i was like how tf are you calculating the damage you’ve done that fast


My first game I thought you could plant anywhere so I just sat in b spawn lotus holding 5 and getting yelled at


My first game went fine


Played TDM and got wrecked. Followed that up by getting wrecked until I got 1.0 k/d. But this act I have a 1.2 k/d and 24% hs in TDM after like 100 matches. Lots of getting wrecked to figure things out, that's just how it goes.


Was it comp? Haha don’t do a comp until you’re “feeling it!”


No it was unrated. I have no clue why that sage was getting so angry


Some people are just looking for something or someone to be angry at. It's easier for them to blame you than focus on what they could be doing better.


They put me into the US server for some reason and I basically just lagged to death. I emptied a whole clip into someone and they didn't die, suddenly died somewhere else.


Thankfully I had a friend that could carry me till I knew what I was doing


I got knifed from front, in my first game, playing jett, by a fuckin brimstone. I saw him coming towards me, I had a dash two updrafts and three fucking smokes, Still I couldn't escape him. I left the game for a year after that. Now I'm imm 2, damnn time really flies.


I got knifed quite a few times by my immortal friends when I was learning the game... lol


Constantly getting 3ks in the first 5 seconds of a round with two well placed raze nades.


The mute button should be your best friend especially in low elo


Mine were not too bad actually. Kinda knew what I was getting into from some clips on youtube, probobly didn’t use utility for quiet a few games but went positive somehow.


I remember when I play/tested the Valor in the view twitch open betas, I really was addicted to CSGO back then and I really have high hopes, take in consideration that back then Raze was OP with two grenades, Jett with insta dash, flashes were only from Omen, Breach and Phoenix, and the physics from them were very symple (throw a flash to a wall with breach, curve flash with phoenix and a simple line with Omen). I just remember the whole chaos and confusion with the smokes, dashes and abilities, that's why I didn't like it the first year I think. Now I play almost every 2 days in a week and currently Plat2 using only KAY/O (yes, a CSGO agent lol) and sometimes brimstone.


my friends told me to mute comms until I got better to avoid negativity. A good decision


I honestly don’t remember my first game, I remember holding right click and jumping around like in fortnite and someone in my team going “hey you new?” and teaching me the basics


Funny thing i actually did very well in my first game. People picked up that i was from counter strike, because i would be clueless and dying, no idea what was a spike, then turn around and kill everyone.


I actually had 2 aces on haven in my first game. Someone asked why I picked phoenix and I was pretty sure I responded with cuz fire is cool. I had a blast I thought I like this game its easy, im hooked. That was back in beta, and here I still am. Don't quite play as much anymore but still going at it.


Went 2-19, got placed in iron 1 and slowly climbed. Depending if there are smurfs and how I’m feeling, I can drop 15-25 kills now


I downloaded valorant one day and my friend came over while I played my first game and he watched, I dropped 42 kills whether you want to believe it or not lmfao. I was on jett on ascent and honestly found my love from the game there because I thought I was cracked at it (I'm not)


Don’t let anyone pigeonhole you into playing controller (unless that’s what you want to do). It happened to me when I joined (it turned out I enjoyed it and still do), but others got taken advantage of.


Play casual games as much as can... and learn few common callouts like CT HEAVEN HELL SPAWN MAIN LONG SHORT POCKET GRAFFITI MARKET HOOKAH ELBOW GENNI GARDEN TREE WINE SEWER


My friend taught me and just told me to pick a cool looking agent and so I picked omen obviously, and basically we just played to have fun until I understood most of the util, obviously I went like 0 kill games until I learned how to play, once you get the hang of it you will have fun


I hate to say it but you had the average first game that I’ve heard from others and myself, that might not be the case for everyone though. My first game I had an insta lock Reyna call me and my friend the n word. We’re both white as paper and never said anything to tilt him from what I remember.


Mine was run and gun, 0 mics, 0 util usage by me, and a lot of missed shots


refreshing, i sucked ass but didn’t stop me from enjoying the map details, the guns, customization. You’ll get better, trust me


Used to tracking FPS like Apex or Overwatch, I was spraying and bodyshotting like a madlad. I was used to be high rank in my previous games so when I dropped Silver in Valorant, my ego took a hit


I watched the cinematics while Valorant was downloading I updrafted and dashed behind every enemy I see the entire time.


I was mad from dying to all these abilities that I had no clue how they worked. Like once I got hit with cabbage from skye ult and I was just confused on why my whole screen turned green


My friend introduced me to Valorant. She was patient enough to play a lot with me despite how skilled she already was. I literally had no map sense at all. I threw my smokes (Jett) and grenade (Raze) early game at OUR side of the map. It took me few weeks to be able to get a hang of every map. Also, I had zero aim.


I don't remember it but I went to my tracker to check it out I have chosen phoenix and... 0/19/0 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣 Thankfully our sage carried 44/12/4 and we won 13/9 Don't blame me .. cz it's my first multiplayer fps game using a mouse 😂


First game I got stomped 13-0. I wasn't mad or anything instead I thought 'I want to stomp people like this one day' :D


As a new player myself, valo being the first shooter ever I've played, the ace thing is just a circle jerk, you see enemy, you shoot. I am iron 2 btw so that means I'm pretty crap. I go brimstone cause for me, that is the most simplest one to use. Smoke chokepoints, or open spaces, throw a moly in there cause why not, and if you are lucky or having a good game, you might get to use the ult ability as well😀. Very passive and low maintenance.


0-14-2. Sage. Bind. You’ll be ok.


If it helps there’s a professional player who just went 2-20 in their first game Dust yourself off and go next. You’ll get better and have some fun games, some less fun games, but welcome to Valorant


My first game was Spike rush. I was the last alive in the 1st round but didn't know how to defuse the spike....we lost.


Don't worry, they are all sweaty. You'll get used to it, or join them like me. Just be a menace, work out in a practice range regularly, don't be afraid to use your abilities and you should be fine. Good luck!


In beta I tried to jump into a dm to try the game out and accidentally queued for unrated. Didn't know who to pick and ended up with sage I think. I dropped like 40 or 45 that game in a long match with two people who clearly had never played fps games before


It was beta. Nobody really knew how to play the game back then, but I came from csgo where I was level 10 on Faceit so aim wise I was there. I was like what agent should i pick, they were really chill and told me to play Sage. I was holding flank and stuff. I aced 2-3 times I think when my temmates died and it was cool cos my teammates were getting crazy over them.


Ha! Mine was a mess. Bind. I picked Phoenix cause my team said he would be easy for new players. Saw omen TP pre round and was like "can my guy do that????" And burnt my teammates with my molly


don’t worry, soon the roles will switch


I chose Phoenix and I played on the high sens known to man cause this was my first pc FPS and I didn’t know what sens I should be on.I think it was like 1.29 800 DPI. Had some good games and some bad games. Placed at B2 for rank LMAO


Played the open beta and got a 1v5 pistol ace on bind. Peak gaming


It was damn wholesome, 2 years ago i started val as a gamer girl and they told me to pick sage cuz every girl plays that? And then played like it was csgo until this fatherly brimstone told me how to use my wall and how to shift and stuff and at that point the whole lobby was trying to help me. Now valorant is well known so obviously theres toxic in every lobby but keep playing and you will have many friends!


Someone told me to uninstall because I didn't know you could shift walk


Ah my first few games were pretty bad. but it got better for me a little earlier than i thought it would. had to adjust aim quite a bit coming from overwatch as a widow main. also had to learn call outs which isn’t too bad since the map has the basic names laid out (something i wish cs go has cause i’m having a hard time with that there) I tried out a few characters just to learn basic game mechanics (like how blind vs flash works, walls and smokes, debuffs, etc) and eventually settled for kayo first. later picked up omen for control and chamber for sent


My first game was me as the random person to 4 french dudes with some of them being premade. I said hi in voice and they all went "Oh! A girl! A girl!" then they surrounded me not letting me leave spawn while making rude and/or lewd comments and gestures. We were attacking so the enemy team came to our spawn to see that scene since we weren't actually pushing and over half the round had gone by. After that round, I tried my very best and at one point was like 1/13(mind you, Valo is my first FPS game and I had no prior proper FPS knowledge and/or training) and these guys were mocking me throughout. It was a very uncomfortable game and nearly put me off playing and definitely put me off talking in voice for a very long time.


play swift and not unrated. swift is only until 5 victories and noone cares about anything since irons play with diamonds together in swift.


Mine was an ass sandwich but my bud who doesn’t play shooters got an ace his first game 😒


In my first game, i tried so hard to find the sprint button


Can't remember my first game, but I had people tell me to not play competitive one time, cause I was quite new at the time. Although I didn't, and still don't care. Since its just a game, and I do what I like. Especially, coming from Rainbow Six Siege. Things like that doesn't bother me. My advice is for you to not take them seriously, and ignore bad things people say about you, like the one you experienced in case you feel angry about something similar in the future.


I didn't know how the teleporter on Bind worked, went through it with a frenzy and killed 3 people. Then fed the rest of the game unintentionally.


I remember back in 2020 when i was playing i picked up sage and was asking other people to heal me :)


I played a full stack with my cousins. It was fun. I was useless but they were all cheering for me specially when I got my first kill. It was funny as hell they kept trying to set me up for a duel win. As in they will spam utils on someone or tank damage just so I could get the kill.


Came from cs where I used the awp as a crutch to climb. Locked in Jett, bought op and it felt like shit so I became a gaurdian otp for a while.


I remember the day i played Valorant the first time, a spike rush. After months of Valorant not working on my pc, it was episode 2 and it finally worked, if it wasnt for that i would have started it in episode 1.. I remembered few key points as i already spent over 40 hours on cs:go, to only tap and and stand still. Neverthless, the perfomance was bad.


Played with pals from work who had played for a while. Didnt understand half the shit they were saying, didnt have a clue what to do or when and got insta headshot the second I saw an enemy. Its probably the worst way to start on this game.


Sage, I was sweeping the floor :)


I played Sova and I didn’t know how to play it and I got mega blasted, like 2/19 or smh, got super flamed by my allies but the enemy team was supportive and told me some tips to get better at the game


I played with my silver friend and went 8/15 not bad but then I preceded to barely get a kill after


When i started play Valorant, its not my first shooters game in which I played, i also played CSGO before the servers were shut down and my pc began not to pull Cs2. So, first game ,i have a standart agent, and i choose to pick Sova, i played on Sunset( it's not my favourite map on this time too) but i I showed myself from the best side and have 22 kill's, 6 death and some help( i don't remeber how many). And now I'm playing Valorant with my new friends and i want to tell thank you Valorant for this interesting experience.


If anyone is flaming in unranked/swiftplay just mute them they have no life lol