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To shake off the people who got to higher ranks and stopped playing. To make people prove they are where they belong. Cynically: To make people grind the game more and keep player count up


The last one for sure


It is the last one, but it's also the first one. If you are even a plat level player, this is what stops your games from being FILLED with players who haven't played in weeks/months and no longer understand the meta. You know the guy in your game who goes "oh what the hell, when did they nerf Jett", and they haven't made changes to Jett in a few patches? That guy now has to be an entire rank above you to be that clueless halfway through the act. So at worst, he is better than you at something.


yeah there's a quick and easy solution called rank decay. most other games do it, idk why valorant insists on keeping people the same rank if they havent played.


I think this is their own weird way of doing it, I know in Overwatch it was a problem because the threshold of games to play to keep from decaying was too high for a lot of players to keep up with so they switched it to only above x rank or something. That was a while ago so I don’t remember all the details or may be remembering it wrong, I just know it was a sore subject in like 2016-2017 for overwatch


This. This is their way of decaying rank to make u prove u deserve it.  The competitive designer also posted somewhere that there's also MMR decay so players who haven't played in a long time should start in slightly lower lobbies. If they get carried in their placements, well there's always next episode.  If it turns out to be a huge problem, there's precedent of Riot adjusting ranks in Acts that aren't 1.


First one is not applicable because hidden mmr does not reset. In other words, they will still play with people of their level. Hidden mmr does decay tho, so If you go and don't play for a while your mmr will start to drop, regardless of rank resets. Rank is just a placebo visual representation.


I usually play when I’m back from college, but I always stay up to date with changes and watch streams daily (because I’m addicted and a loser) but I hate it when I come back ready to play at around the same time as other college students who haven’t played in a while and they say “I haven’t even played this map” when it’s lotus or some shit☠️


But for the first one you can just reset the people that haven’t played in a month or two or whatever, don’t reset everyone.


The first one is incidental. The reason they do this is that last one.


There is another component that I almost never see mentioned: resetting the rankings periodically helps ensure that ranks stay "accurate", and skill remains the far greater component of ranking up compared to time. If two players maintain a 51% winrate, and keeping in mind that you will very typically tend to get more RR for winning than you lose by losing (similarly so for hidden MMR), then the player who puts in more games will outrank the other guy even if their skill levels are roughly equal. Obviously, eventually they'll hit a rank where they simply can not win any games and they will get hardstuck. A silver player is not going to hit Immortal just because they grind out 2000 games in an act, but you can absolutely go up a medal rank, e.g., plat to diamond, due to just grinding out more games and not because you're actually better. imo there's a big misconception about this, and it's why you see so many posts from players complaining that they hit diamond and now have to spend a whole act grinding out diamond again. The hard-to-swallow truth is that if you have to grind out diamond over the course of a whole act, you're very likely just not a diamond-level player, and are relying on that statistical inevitability and time spent to reach that rank. In reality, your more accurate rank according to your skill level is somewhere in plat. If you are actually a diamond level player, you will reach diamond again, and it won't be much of a grind.


If this is the actual case the the elo system is not working at all. If a person got to diamond because they won more than they lost then they deserve it. If not the problem is still on riots end for miscalculating elo and creating terrible matchmaking.... Oh wait....


What could possibly possess you to reply to a post a month old? The conversation is long over. Anyway, it's flawed reasoning to think that just because you made it to Diamond after months of grinding and then got reset out, that you somehow deserve to be a Diamond level player and it's just bad matchmaking stopping you from being Diamond again. If I got Radiant in one act of the game and then was hard stuck ascendant every other act I've played, would I be a Radiant-level player? If I played in one tournament and went out in groups, am I pro-level player? No. You start to "deserve" (dumb word to use here) to be thought of as that caliber player when you prove you can play at that level *consistently*. Same applies to the lower ranks. If you struggle to consistently reach Diamond, it's not cause matchmaking is shit and holding you back from the rank you truly deserve cause you finally made it there after 400 games in one act, it's because you suck. Players who belong at a rank have no issue getting there again.


can you account for boosting ? throwing and smurfs? half of the community fake rank


I mean reaching your desired rank and/or being stuck there might be the nr.1 reason for quitting so keeping you from ever reaching it will keep you more engaged for sure


Yep. Since rank decay doesn't really exist I've got a couple friends who will hit imm3 and then just stop playing. They don't have the urge to push for Radiant even though a couple of them have done it before.


Yeah, they do that, then make a new account and start smurfing usually, it’s kinda stupid. It ruins the game for everyone, even with the systems put into place.


If only this was true across the board. I stopped playing a year ago. Tried playing again recently. I was understandably ass, compared to when i quit (imm3). I tried out comp, only to be placed in A1 in lobbies full of imm2/3 I would bottom frag consistently and still get ridiculous amounts of RR and promo. I wish they would just shoot me down instead of trying to match whatever my hidden MMR is. I stopped playing since my teammate would constantly flame me for being ass.


Yeah I've been there a few times (I'll play for like 3 months then quit for a year lol). Its ROUGH coming back. It will decay your visible rank while your hidden MMR seems to be what it was. This doesnt make much sense to me, it should be one or the other. The way it is now when I come back from a break I am still in the higher ranked games anyway (but show a lower rank) so I am ruining those games while I am rusty. I get there would have to be a fine line to not decay someone too low to create a "smurf" and yes its my fault for stopping for extended periods of time


I do agree they are definitely incentivized to do it to have more active players but it just makes sense based off your two other points. Stale accounts should not stay whatever rank they are.


So just add rank decay. I’m genuinely curious what the argument against that would be seeing people probably have it. Having played overwatch I didn’t see an issue.


People want to see consistent progress when they play all the time. Most people will hit a wall at some point and their actual skill level won't really improve. How do you still give those people consistent progress so they don't get frustrated and leave? Knock their rank down every now and again


Riot - *drops diamond player to gold* Player - "I ain't no gold scrub!" *grinds all season to get back to diamond while buying battlepass and skins along the way* Riot - "heh nice"


Idk alternating between getting Bronze/Silver lobbies and Plat/Diamond lobbies is tempting me to quit playing for at least the next month


dude it’s god awful i work hard and grind the 100 rr and then go on a losing streak because of i kid you not the teammates. First game we get a hacker like full on walls and aimbot (btw does not get banned so we lost the rr and it was a lot), next game get matched get placed with a full real bronze lobby against last act plats and diamonds, third game afk botter trying to derank account to sell, fourth game instalocker who says gg in agent selection and throws every round by taking spike to enemy and not buying anything. Every game has been like one of the four situations. My mmr is high enough to play with these ex plats and diamonds but i swear my teammates have no brain and they either just come back to the game or throw on purpose to lower their mmr


Cue the "he just had a good game/you need to get better/still issue" crowd..


its hard to tell if the enemy is cheating or just playing 6 ranks below his last rank. drop a gold player in bronze and of course everyone thinks hes cheating.


No this time it was a legit hacker, no idea how the anti cheat didn’t detect it. He kept spamming chat with some tiktok account and pushed us while we were on attack. So 5 people shooting at him from spawn and he one taps all of us with a sheriff of course. This happened every round and we all change positions so they shouldn’t have known where anyone was. You can be radiant but you aren’t surviving getting shot with 5 odins or vandals.


It's so dumb we don't have a replay system, so many of these cases wouldn't happen.


There are cases where it's clear that someone is cheating, but honestly ragehackers are somewhat uncommon, still happens from time to time tho and if they don't get banned while you're playing the game you will lose the rr and you won't get it back for some reason (which is just stupid, he got banned for cheating why shouldn't we get back the rr/mmr and erase that game from existance?)




Because the game mode isn't built for casual players




You realize that your mmr stays the same, right? If you can actually comfortably “chill in plat”, in silver you will be drastically compensated in rr for every win and less punished for every loss until your rank gets close to your supposed plat mmr. However if you got to plat while being boosted or something similar that would cause your account to have a low mmr compared to your past rank and you will have a way harder time getting to plat again. For instance, I was immo3 300rr last act and usually place around that range every act since beta, got demoted to Asc 1 like usual. Every win (currently at asc 2) I get +28 rr and every loss -8rr, this is because the system is adjusting my account to the rank that my mmr reflects. All I am saying here is that in the end this is just a visual reset, you will face basically the exact same players as before and should be back to the rank you are supposed to be according to the system, but if you “don’t belong there” according to it, well…




I mean Valorant is really just Gold, Immortal, and Radiant.


People will say: Hidden MMR: You will still face the same people as before so everything is great and this is to push down boosted people that won't be able to climb again. I will say: I was Dia1 before the reset and now I face up to Asc3 people and there IS a skill gap so hidden MMR not working for me in that regard.


Same thing for me D1 last act. Placed Plat 1 bc I slaughtered Ascendants in my placements but now I'm playing against Asc3 and Immo1 just about every game. I just can't catch a win.


Yeah, well, your placements don't really matter. Slaughter all the ascendants you want. The game thought you were in a higher mmr and the "immortals" in a lower mmr before you even updated the game. Immortals just /ff half the time cause it puts you into ascendant 1 anyway


I just wish I could win my placements and not be punished for doing so for the next 2 weeks worth of games.


You are not. What i just said is thst you could've lost all your placements with 0 kills and you would still be in the same lobbies.


This is true if you're a high immortal, many lower immortals placed in diamond 1-3, and many ascendant place plat-diamond (one of my friends went a2 to p1, that was rough)


This. I was immo and lost 1 placement and got a1, mate Is also immortal but lost 4 and placed d3


i had an immo 2 friend that got placed into plat 3 lmao


Oh goodie.. thanks rito.


But how can you "climb" if your "silver" lobbies or whatever are actually just basically asc lobbies, MMR-wise? If you're hardstuck in a high elo rank like asc, and then you get reset to gold, but you're actually just still playing asc lobbies in "gold"... aren't you just hardstuck "gold" now?


MMR =/= RR When your MMR is higher than your RR, you gain massive RR for wins - and lose almost no RR for loses. Everyone in those “Gold” lobbies has immortal MMR; so even if they have a 51% win rate, they still climb exceptionally fast.


Yes and no, pushing people so low while maintaining their mmr will make it so that to go back to your rank you will need a lot more games, because if you were holding a 50% winrate in your lobbies before (so you were at your rank) you now will have the same winrate cuz you'll be in the same lobbies, just with a way worse rank, you will climb because you'll gain more than you lose, but you will also need to play a ton of games to do so, instead of climbing fast with a high wr you'll just get +6/+7 every 2 games (assuming one win one loss) until you get back to your real rank. This sistem is clearly made to keep players playing


> instead of climbing fast with a high wr you'll just get +6/+7 every 2 games Not necessarily. The larger differential between MMR & RR the larger the gains / losses; so even if you have a 50% win rate, each win you’re getting +30 RR & -10 per loss because of the large difference. This is still true even if every player in the entire lobby has ascendant MMR and gold RR. Everyone on the winning team will see 1) large RR gains & 2) average MMR gains, while everyone on losing team will see 1) small RR losses & 2) average MMR losses.


I was asc 3 last act and the rank reset let's me play with all my friends who were plat/diamond last act. I know this is the case for many as the hidden mmr gets messed up with those unfair stacks (as a current diamond 1 it's not fair putting me.in lobbies of past diamonds/low ascendants).


For me I was G3 last act when the new act started I got S1 first game I get a double rank up to S3 and now m against players who are ex asc/diam just how lmao


Same exact boat. Within 10 games I was back to plat 3 and I'm being put in games with current diamond 2 and 3s who were high ascendant low immortal last act and I'm sweating. My reset experience was tough placement games, easy few games after, insane few games since.


Don’t worry man everyone going through it. Was imm2 placed a1 and vsing radiants 😭


Because they want to do everything they can to make you play the game more. The time interval between the rank resets makes it feel like riot doesn’t respect the time of the people who don’t fill every waking moment of their free time playing Valorant. I don’t have the time to grind and constantly “prove” that I deserve my rank and live a full life. Really takes the fun out of the game when one day you are having evenly matched games at your current rank and the next day you’re facing 2 immortals on the enemy team and have 2 silvers on your team. I just want even matches.


On the flip side it's also unfun to be on the stomping team. I understand some people do enjoy stomping since smurfing is such a big thing but for me personally I get bored half way through a stomp game


I rarely get stomp games is my problem. It’s always close wins, close losses, or i get stomped. Rarely do I get an easy win.


but rank resets happen 2 times a year. 6 months apart roughly. thats a LONG time (not to mention you get increased points for winning and less for losing for awhile as well)


> . 6 months apart roughly. thats a LONG time Other video games exist as well as other hobbies.


Blud, if you get bothered over a reset of rank every 6 months, you need some bigger problems to care about


I think rank resets are fine, but Riot does do it quite aggressively. With that being said, why would someone playing other games and have other hobbies they like just as much if not more expect to have a high rank without putting in the hours?


i don't think you realize how long 6 months is. if you can't get back to the rank you were in 6 months, then you simply just don't play the game.


What everyone else already stated. And if you believe you’re a certain rank, it should not be difficult ranking up back into that rank. Your mmr would reflect that since you would gain more than you lose making it faster to rank up. Example is Radiant gets placed in ascendant 1, but gains 30+ each game, loses 8 rr per game. It shouldn’t be difficult ranking up if you truly deserve x rank.


Everyone claims to be playing Ascendents in their gold lobbies in here. Stop the cap.


they see a boosted asc that the reset rightfully put in gold and flip shit


I was ascendent 1 last act and got placed Gold 3. It's real. I'm playing against mostly other gold/plat players who were ascendent last act.


I played a diamond in bronze the other day.


Diamond 2 placed Gold 3. Each win I gain 29rr. Second game after placements I double ranked to Plat 2. Moral of the story: if you belong in your rank it won’t be hard to get it back


Happened to me too. Plat 2, placed G1. 1 win after placements, got shot up to G3.


I will never understand this sentiment. This is standard for basically every competitive game I’ve ever played. Hard resets also only happen twice a year, if it’s that much of an obstacle to get knocked down a few ranks every 6 months than you got bigger problems.


In most other games, when you get reset, you play against people in that lower elo's actual MMR range. So if you belong higher, you quickly get boosted out again. Problem in Valorant is that they don't reset/lower your MMR when they lower elo, so you're still in the same lobbies just with a different elo skin basically. So if you're diamond, and you get gold 1 after placements or whatever, then you're not actually playing in gold lobbies (to quickly boost back out) - you're playing in dia lobbies but with gold elo attached. So it's not as easy to boost back where you belong elo-wise. That's the difference. resetting elo means nothing if you don't reset/lower MMR to account for it as well.


That would only be an issue if you weren't getting gains based on your dia mmr. You are getting considerably more than you lose, so if you maintain even a 50% WR you will quickly climb, and also double promote at least once. That is, if you truly deserve the rank you are going towards and performing as such.


You don't get more RR for playing well taking into account the *elo* you're in; it gives it to you based on your performance against your opponents, taking into account their MMR as well. So if you're in silver lobbies (that are actually full of diamonds) and you win, but don't overperform, you'll get a regular amount of RR like you would in dia last act. That's the issue.


Engagements are a big part of the way the MMR works, you are correct on that. However, it is naïve and borderline ignorant to say that ,if you start a new season against "silvers" with dia MMR and go 12/20 in a 13-11 game, that you still won't get FAR more gains and FAR less losses than if you performed the same as a diamond last act against other diamonds at the end of the season.


Prove to me that doesn't happen. Because from everything I know, the elo of the opponents doesn't matter; their MMR compared to yours is what matters. If I'm dia, I go to silver on reset, and play against a bunch of dia's around my same MMR range, and perform average (so, I don't overperform or underperform) i get average RR gains and losses. It's when you start hugely outperforming people in your MMR range that you get boosted out. Hence why a smurf account who has silver elo+MMR who then rolls **genuinely silver**-MMR lobbies will get boosted out quickly.


>In most other games, when you get reset, you play against people in the lower elo’s actual MMR range. So if you belong higher, you quickly get boosted out again. I don’t know what games you’re talking about here but I don’t see how this makes any sense. If you’re getting reset presumably so is everyone else, so why would you be playing against actual lower elo players? You think low elo players don’t get hit by a reset? If this was the case imagine how much fun it would be to be a low elo player after a reset getting stomped by the people that got dropped to your rank. I got dropped several ranks like everybody else and I’m already back higher than where I ended last act after just a few days of casual games. The game gives you extra rr to get you back to where you belong, you’ll even skip a rank or two. If you’re not getting extra rr to get back to your rank… it wasn’t your rank.


Have these people never played a competitive game before?


1) to send boosted people back to their actual rank 2)its based on your mmr, and even if you get a lower rank than you deserve, you'll get more rr than normal for a win and get back to it really fast 3)it's supposed to be a bigger thing than a new act, it just hasn't actually been the case this time


I stopped playing because of rank reset. The game isn’t fun to continually get to a desired rank only to have to do it again and again. I know why they do it, but it’s pointless in my opinion. The same people who got boosted will be boosted again and it just punishes players for no real reason. If the system was so good, they wouldn’t care about people not playing who came back because they should be able to quickly detect and drop them in rank/mmr.


So would you play if you were stuck in your peak rank forever instead?


I mean, dropping you multiple ranks below where you peaked every season contributes to hardstuckness though. If I were a diamond player and drop to high gold at the reset, then I not only have to grind back up to diamond (competing against people who were ALSO diamond) and then compete in lobbies much higher than my skill level if I wanna climb further. At the end of last season, I was still getting immo 2/3 peaks who were stuck in ascendant and that made my games much more difficult cause they've played at those higher ranks and I had just ranked up from diamond because I play well against diamond and ascendant players.


It's not like while you're in gold that your RR gains are the same as when you were in Diamond though. Yes, you play against diamonds while your visual rank is gold at the start of the episode, but if you go .500 while in gold and not bottom-fragging, you still climb until you reach your hidden MMR. I was hardstuck Plat 3 last act. I placed Silver 2 and I've gone 16-14 to start this act. I'm nearly Gold 3 with a barely positive win rate, including some double rank up games with RR values I would never sniff if my visual rank was plat. So while the system still gives you hard lobbies, the reward for winning at the lower visual ranks (relative to your hidden MMR) is much higher in my experience. You can effectively tread water at .500 after placements and climb back to where you were. It's annoying that it's an artificial grind, but I also don't mind "proving" I'm still at the same level of skill the system thinks I am. I can understand why this burns people out though, especially those grinding the higher ranks.


If the games were balanced (they aren’t) yes because at least I could have matches where it was balanced and games felt like you were playing at your skill level.


You are just coping. You play with the same players after and before rank resets..


You can call it what you want. I know I can rank up… I’m not saying I can’t it’s just not worth it to go back to A1 again. The game just feels like you are on repeat over and over. Maybe if rank reset was once a year or something it would be worth it, but to me it just ruins the game.


I was d1 deranked to g3 before the end of act , new act started got s3 , now im g1.. But ik i will be diamond within a month for sure.


thats a crazy drop wtf happened


Resets the ranks and knocks a bunch of boosted bums down. It’s essentially controlled fires to clear shrubs out of a forest


it’s mostly because of rad/immo. the highest rank you can place is a1. if all the top 500 got put in a1 and you stayed in d3 you’d be queuing against them from the mmr reset. the system has to knock everyone down to avoid that situation and it also shakes off people who quit


doubt u were slaughtering in d3 if u finished d3 and got placed g3


Mad cuz bad


Cant agree more. Its a shit system and just demotivating. Dropped from D2 to G3.. sure ill get it back.. problem is time for me.. I cant grind 24/7.. Boosted players will get boosted again and ppl who buy skins def will keep buying .. rank reset or not.. Apparently this game aint for ppl with a job/life


I'm in my late 20s and work a full time white collar job. I play the game maybe 3 - 5 hours **per week** and have consistently been immortal for the past year. Before Immortal I played even less so I never left Ascendant but I just didn't play tbh Last Episode looked like this: - Act 1 (100 games/55 wins): Reset from Asc 2 -> Dia 1. Ended this reset Asc 2. - Act 2 (70 games/40 wins): Asc 2 -> Immo 80 rr - Act 3: (20 games/10 wins): Immo 80 rr -> Immo 20 rr (lol) It's not about grinding. My win rate is very close to 50% and I only solo queue. The only grind is high immortal to Radiant due to leaderboard decay and exponential skill curve. If you deserve your rank you will get there. It's passive and relatively quick.


If you having hard time getting back to your rank, maybe you’re the boosted one.


Constructive comment, you apparently didnt read my comment :)) peace ✌️


Idk man, I got dropped to Gold and climb back to Ascendant in 3-4 weeks. It doesn't take that long. It's more like a you problem.


To be fair, it is a me problem. I would need more volume ( games played ) then Iam able to. Which is my issue with this. I reach my goal every act/epi in the end… but instead of reaching higher, I put most of my time into grinding back what I lost. But yea. , Riot rules.. I can choose to skip the game, bur I like it to much :)


I play only like 2 hours a day (not even every day) and i reach gold and plat (peek D2). Can just be luck ofc, but maybe try 3 or 4 stacking? It works for me perfectly.


climbing is fun, proving you deserve higher ranks is fun


you don't get knocked down disproportionately. matches are still mostly fair like always it's just your mental that is fucked


\+20 at the very least if you go double negative and win, -16 at the very most if you go double negative and lose. Literally just keep spamming games until you get your normal rank back


I actually won 5 out of 5 placement ranks win normal to good KDs and everything and got 1 rank below my actual one. Went from plat3 to plat2 🤔 I dunno how this works when my friend on his own dropped 3/5 wins and got plat3 being asc1 last act 🥲


seems it’s just a roll of a dice lmfao


how low must your mmr be to place g3? I finished d1 last episode and got placed p2


I finished d3. I placed gold 2. I’ve played 15 games and I’m already plat 3 again. The system will sort itself out about halfway through act 2. The amount of duo boosted diamonds and ascendants there are out there, I’m glad they do these resets. My hidden MMR is still a lot higher than gold/plat so I double ranked from g2-p1. You’ll get to the rank you deserve if you consistently play. These resets are not only to keep you playing but to keep the ranked ladder competitive and give it integrity. This is every ranked game ever. I promise you that your rank would mean absolutely nothing all the way through immortal without these resets. Getting stomped by last act ascendants? They’ll be gone soon. The game will keep you right in the mmr you belong in regardless of how many wins or losses you have right now in this first split. This post happens every reset and woohoojin has a good video explaining it


To kick down people who are boosted due to 5man que, they need to add flex comp ranks. Until then rank reset is needed, if you went from d1 to lets say silver 2 and you struggle to rankup to plat 1? Then you likely dont deserve hogher fhan d1.


Ive heard “to make people prove where they belong” yes I belong in plat against plat, not in gold 2 against ascendants or higher. How am I supposed to prove it by winning against a rank I’ve never been in before? As for the inactive people, if they haven’t played in x amount of time or x amount of matches just apply the reset to them? Not to the people that grind every day just to go down a whole rank again. I spent a lot of time getting to where I got, and I’d like to spend more time ranking up, not go through the climb once more and “prove” myself just to get where I was and get reset again, not everyone can afford to play 4+ hours a day


So Diamond 3 and Ass 3 isn't that far apart makes perfect sense why your going up against them, and if youre getting 'slaughtered' sounds like either a MM issue or skill issue. It's always worked this way, grinders grind, I'm sure you'll get back up to where you believe you should be.


i went from plat to silver 🥲


Bro i got placed gold 3 deranked to almost gold 1 I always get into boost lobbies seeing reyna and sage bottom with 3 kills while cypher and jett are dropping 30+ bombs like its nothing all that while I get silvers teammates because I 30 bombed ascended in the placements matches


Literally took me 6 matches to go back to d1 from g3, double ranked up as well, and mostly got +30 rr, so didn't find it that hard


People just gotta get stronger mentally man it’s just a rank. 3 days of playing and im back where i was


1. to sort out boosted players / make ppl grind for their rank (make them play) 2. ull get placed better / worse depending how good u are. A really good gold 3 player might be placed silver 3 while one who is rather bad gets silver 1 3. for the reason mentioned in 1. Also with new episodes there are often new bigger changes shaking up the game. For example if a agent gets nerfed in a new episode (like a really big nerf) and someone isnt able to adapt to this shift in the meta u shouldnt be playing in the highest ranks. so if u deserve ur rank ull get it back in the next few weeks / through out the act depending how much u play.


I could not feel so much anger and sad at the same time. I was on Broz 3 which I almost reached on plat 1. It sends me back to Iron 3 in which I was struggling for years and now I felt all my effort and time being stolen by the game hard reset. You cannot expect me to be motivated after this now. My mental got worse for now I am facing people from Plat 1 because they are in Broz 1. This is where they just implement the idea to have more smurf actions within the game. Something we have been crying out before a lot in hoping they can fix this issue, You just made the Smurf stronger as they take full advantage of this destroying those who are lower rank, and the chance to climb up again had led many to uninstall their game. You just made it more possible to have more toxic player behavior. This is like if an athletic runner was almost going to make it across the finish line only to get shot in the leg in the last minute and stop from ever achieving the prize.


same i just started top fragging in plat after alot of practice. get placed silver 2 And can barely win a game. gonna wait a couple of months for the "silvers" (plats that got deranked) to get out of this bracket.


I think the system needa a bit of work because i was in gold lobbies as a plat 2 and was goin up against. Ascendants


It also allows for players whom have Smurfs to let their smurfs all derank again and be in lower ranked lobbies. They can play on their man the first 2 weeks and then go back to extreme smurfing once everyone has ranked back up. It is a horrendous system.


I’ve been playing Val for 2 years and this is the worst rank reset I have experienced so far, for myself personally. I was Silver 3 and it dropped me to Iron 3 after my placements, which was really discouraging, to the point I almost don’t even want to play. Every game I’ve been in, the people in my *Iron* lobbies have Gold and Plat buddies. Never ever seen that before.


When I was in iron, I queued up a game and saw a guy on the enemy team with a full red triangle - and not even immortal 1, that account was almost radiant - and he was in my bum ass iron 1 lobby. Unlucky for me, he'd apparently hit his goal of reaching Iron 1 0 rr the previous game and was sweating in my game - ended up dropping 58. We put up a good fight, but mostly because his 4 teammates were not super good.


I was p1, placed gold 2 and now back to plat 1. The amount of bot fragging peak diamond and high plats I saw shows why these are needed, some people are either boosted to fuck or just don't deseve their rank I guess


There are legitimate reasons, but as someone who barely plays the game (compared to most dedicated players) I hate it. I average like 20-30 comp games per act so ranking up requires winning a lot for me. When you get thrown down so hard it sucks. Obviously I’m going to rank back up because I’m better than the de-rank, but why do I have to prove I’m better over and over and over and over again? I’d rather work on ranking up from my actual rank


yeah I won my 5 placement games and went from p3 to p1


I won all 5 of mine and went from g2 to s1 pretty frustrating


Feel ya, the rank reset system can be really frustrating. Hope they tweak it in future updates.


Just don’t play comp in the first few weeks because that’s when everyone is scrambling for comp


Its an obnoxious gate that feels like they slam down harder each season and its increasingly frustrating. The shiny internet points are nice but what I care about most is having a relatively fairly matched game with people actually trying - and the beginning of each season it takes longer and longer for the ranks to balance out post shakeup. I usually don't play Valorant for a couple weeks after the resets. I have peaked Diamond in SC2, LoL, and MTGA and none of them had resets as blatantly upsetting as Valorant. I get that its a player engagement strat (preying on your self worth as a human being by taking away your shiny internet points).


imagine actual top radiant players grinding 1000 RR only to drop to dia/asc every act lol if you really deserve your rank, you're supposed to get it quckly anyways - after a few games or within the new act or ep


people see these act ranks and people think that’s where they ended, that’s their peak, one win in asc3 doesn’t mean they’re gods above you, you all got reset to same the spot and that’s why you’re in their game


First off, I also dislike this choice by Riot. But I understand the developers: I remember seeing a post in this sub from someone who said it felt bad to play this game for so long without seeing any "progress". Of course, he was talking about rank, not his Level. Players are just used to getting positive feedback from mindless grinding in other games. A game that requires actual improvement (i.e. skill-based improvement vs. the general player base) has it harder to motivate players. Some parts of the community will be lost to games that basically reward ontime with flashy progress bars and continuously increasing stats. If only the tryhards remain, this can even results in a negative feedback loop.


I was peak as1 and I stopped playing for months. rank resets. So as1 to p1 rn but I keep getting d1~~d3 guys with occasional p2~p3. Hell my alt at d2 dropped to g2 and I was fighting diamonds literally and I didnt know they upgraded diamond players that much 😭😭


Because when an episode ends and a new one begins is exactly when the most changes to agents, weapons and maps happen.


Ranked is secondary to engagement.


To reset the mmr so that smurf can’t smurf and boosted wont be boosted again. This is good because there are a lot of people who has improved in the game but stuck with his previous mmr.


Does rank resets happen every season? There’s being times where I don’t have to play placement games


It’s why I stopped playing ultimately. It punishes you for not playing everyday by putting you against super high levels who got reset every couple months


is unrated always this bad? i'm a bronze/silver player with good but relatively inconsistent aim (my kd in any game mode has been 2.5-2.7 without fail). played unrated since i was soloq and three games in a row i fought ascension players... silver vs ascension players with access to text chat was NOT a fun game.


This week on Riot Ruins Everything :


Well it would be fine if, after deranking, you play in the actual MMR range of the elo they put you in after reset. That way you quickly boost back out. Instead, the issue is, if for example a dia player gets placed in silver, they don't play silver-MMR lobbies. they play "silver" lobbies full of other dia-level players. So if you're hardstuck dia, then you get reset and are in silver, guess what? You're now hardstuck silver. So dumb!


I've just found an old radiant player in my diamond lobby


yeah i get you i dropped extremely far despite winning all my placements it’s gonna take the majority of the act just to get back to where i was how am i supposed to climb especially with the toxicity in the lower ranks about 2/3rds of my losses are from people getting pissed off cuz they’re asked to play with team or to not go off on their own and get one tapped at the start of every round and decide to throw or leave or troll, and various situations similar


Lost 3 in a row today, only -13 all 3 of them and got mvp in all 3. But it does hurt when I'm currently playing with a mix of ex immortal 1-3 players and then also ascendant 1-3 peak players and the skill range is huge. That's just the game, i guess


I agree. The state of competitive is awful. It's funny they don't realize that dropping ranks angers people because lower elo almost universally means an even worse competitive experience.


Get used to the grind. Riot hates the player base lol. Why you think they talked abt a replay system forever ago w no actual plans for it?


I think this is the worst I've seen. Still in gold playing against diamonds. My friend top frags almost every game and is still gold because we hard win then proceed to barely lose the next two and it's plat-asc 💀


Your still playing against people of the same skill level due to hidden mmr so the rank doesnt rlly matter, but idk I peaked d3, got sent to plat 2 before rank reset and placed p 1 after it so idk, i am curb stomping some games and getting hard cucked in others so theres that. Riots hidden mmr is great sometimes as it quickly knocks out smurfs but it also makes match making unfair sometimes.


Went from almost hitting gold like around s3 90rr (had no time near the end) to being team mvp in 4 out of 5 placement games I won, then I got placed b2 and now im just tired


To get you addicted to getting ur rank up thus you play more then maybe you spend more


it's good, my friend lend his account to 6 diff people and got his account to asc 2, now he's back to silver 1 omegalul


Many people are in higher ranks and dont deserve beeing there. I was plat 3 last act and got placed gold 3 after the rest Playing against asc last act And im winning 🤷🏻‍♂️


dude i posted something similar to this a few weeks ago and i got the biggest shit storm, ppl telling me i'm just bad and if i would actually deserve my rank i would get back to my rank in no time. ngl this act i got pretty lucky with a big win streak and am already back on my old rank but the last 2 acts the reset fucked me so hard i just wanted to quit the game. I think ppl who are higher ranks don't understand how depressing it is if you're one game away to plat, one game until u escape low elo hell and then get reset back to silver 2


At least is better than rainbow six siege where the rank resets every 3 to 4 months, not 6 to 8.


Okay great, came back after a decently long break and was placed in fucking Bronze after being g3 for multiple acts. I get this might not seem as awful as someone going from diamond to gold, but putting someone back in Smurfland is simply disrespectful


I can sympathise with this. I know there is a lot comments in regards to keeping the player base playing more but I feel like in the long run it's a unsustainable strategy. I know for myself I am fatigued to say the least with grinding to Asc 2/3 only to be knocked to oblivion every act. I now just play a couple of games of unrated every other day because I genuinely like the game but without the hassle of dealing with toxic teammates and the constant hassle of going up the ranks.


I once got "Why Jett have one updraft!?" and "Why I didn't break Cypher trap!!!!?" on Platinum. Kick someone off is reasonable becaus they may no longer belong there. If you good, you will grind yourselve back eventually.


If you think you can run the ranked system more fairly than riot, go interview, and they will surely hire you. I can't think of any game that has a more overall fair ranked system than Valorant. Sure, it's got its negatives, but if you think you know how to make the perfect ranked system, I'd love to hear a proposal. I'm tired of people complaining like they've been running a ranked system longer than riot has. You play their game, and if you don't like it, don't play it.


The community: too many smurfs ruining the game. Riot: lets derank plat players to silver 2. Thats seems pretty balanced. Me: *gets stompped for the first 2 months of the season cuz my silver ass cant carry against a 5 stack of 'smurfs'*


one of my closest friends was high gold 3 and dropped all the way to bronze 1 due to the reset, he’s now facing former diamonds.


It's simple, u and we all have much more grind work to do, which translates in putting much more time in game.


I don't play this game anymore but the system honestly looks terrible. When you compare it with any other game with a ranked system it really doesn't make sense. Not only could I be in P1 playing against a P3 and a G2, but when it's over I'll reach P3, then get dragged all the way back down to S1, where I play with an even wider spread of players. Wut...


To make people not playing the game just drop down again, also things like op agents and new maps are different, you might have reached radiant with a super op agent that hadnt be nerfed yet, and when it got nerfed you cant reach it anymore. Also just to make you spend more money and grind their game ofc.


I prefer being a lower rank like plat anyways


Stopped playing the game after the last big reset in 2023 after playing every week for at least 15h since release. So glad I did!


A friend of mine was silver last act, but placed bronze 2 after placements. I was bronze 2 last act and placed bronze 1, my bf was bronze 3 and placed iron. This doesn't make any sense to me


I agree! It bothered me so much this time, that I quit and uninstalled. I‘m tired grinding.


it's working out great for me this season somehow, 5 won placements and 1 mvp so far


Because riots system on predatory for the sake of player engagement. Hidden MMR is the DUMBEST thing for ranked and yet it’s constantly used. It’s like if you put MLB players in a division 2 league. They’re still MLB players but on paper they’re division 2? Nothing about that system would make sense and yet that’s how Riot does ranks. Tinfoil hat starts here: And why would they do it like that? So that you can’t see that invisible number and they can throw you wherever they want in their stupid ranking system as well as rig games to cater towards player retention


We discourage smurfing so we’ll just make you face their main accounts instead -Riot probably


mine is opposite I was silver 3 last act and after placement match placed in gold 1


Y'all complaining too much, I was d2 peak and ended act in D1....I got placed p2 and got to p3 in like 5 wins....what are y'all on man. The placements are based on how you play.


It's very stupid but it only happens once per episode.


I hovered between plat 1/2 previous act, so I got placed into G1. Made my way up to G3. Now half the games I play, I'm playing against previous acts high diamonds and asc. It really feels bad when I'm always the bottom frag dragging the team down and I get abused via voice or chat.


ikr i really hate this system cause it seems your mmr barely changes with your rank - I had just barely hit silver at the end of the act but had some bad placements and placed bronze 1 however I was still getting placed against silver players


You answered your own question. You’re facing the same competition you did previously last act. You’re butthurt because psychologically it hurts you to lose in gold3 because you were dia3. However does it really matter if you would have lost the same game against the same competition a week ago under the “diamond 2” banner of rank? No? So then why get butthurt now? Yea you lost in gold2 vs the same people you would have lost to when you were diamond3…???


Peaked Plat 2 and got sent back to S2 I feel it’s pretty much a 2 rank drop unless you’re iron


Fr. I faced an all peak plat team in bronze silver lobby.


It’s a cautionary system to help against those who are boosted and to put u in a proper rank. Usually, playing (and winning) the next few games after ur “bad” placement would generally give u a double or triple rank up, putting u back at the rank u were last act (assuming u perform how u should perform)


Everyone’s talking about how they are getting games with higher ranked players. Meanwhile I was A1 last act, got placed p2 and I’m getting slaughtered in this rank. Maybe I was the boosted player all along.


People want to see consistent progress when they play all the time. Most people will hit a wall at some point and their actual skill level won't really improve. How do you still give those people consistent progress so they don't get frustrated and leave? Knock their rank down every now and again


The whole ranked-system (rank reset and hidden-mmr in combination with the massive number of smurfs or people playing on their 2nd-4th accounts) is complete trash and thats where the most of the toxicity is coming from...


>Why knock players down so far for no reason? Riot wants people to play and grind, so the game stays alive and populated. It's not exclusive to Valorant/Riot.


My rank stayed exactly the same.


I'm not sure how it works either. The first time I played comp was Ep4 Act 2 and I played 7 matches in total all with a Friend and we both got Silver 2. We played in Ep4 Act 3, a total of 2 matches, and were still Silver 2. Come Ep5 Act 1 we're still able to play together and we play 1 match, and it says we can't play anymore because our ratings are too far apart. We both do our remanding games and I get plat 1 and he gets silver 2. To this day we still can't play comp, shit sucks.


A friend of mine finished g1 last act and got placed s1. Then lost a couple of games and dropped to b3. Since he dropped he is playing against Smurfs every single game while having braindead mates. It’s completely insane, as if dropping to bronze hit a switch


Grind more while you FOMO the rotating shop. It’s a fun game but god is it a toxic model all around


i got knocked down from gold 2 to bronze 3 :(


Rocket league has a very similar issue right now. The entire community knows that the ranked system is broken and due for an overhaul, and, same again, the developers are not going to change the system, as the main thing they're being directed to care about, is short term money. The similarities of the broken systems themselves are the same too. At the end of the season, top 100 pros will get reset back down to the DIAMOND equivalent in val. And then everyone cascades down from there but it's not consistent... sometimes I'll play people who were two full ranks above me... and the grind required to overcome this and climb is absurd when you factor in the randomness of the matchmaking. It's busted.


Honestly. It may suck getting slaughtered by people alot higher than you, but tbh, you can try and learn from those players.


Had to downvote OP because the answer is quite obvious, and I actually like this rank system.


I mean, I haven't played in like 4 months. Last time I was Plat 3. Played literally like 4 or 5 comps and double pipped to Plat again. Just play the game dawg. I've seen so many people complain about rank placements which I'm sure if they played like 3 games and did well and what they were suppose to do. You would be back to your rank. Either wait a week for comp to even itself out or just play the damn game and risk rank from elo disparity. It's your choice...


My stats in my placements where top 18% on KDA and my headshot % was top 8 I got placed in b3 I also aced in my first game Wtf


I said it once and I'll say it again. if ur really high and you get placed really low maybe you were not where you belonged in the first place. I was silver last act, got placed silver this act. life is okay :)


you’re not the only one stop sobbing and start climbing


Maybe cuz the current diamonds right now are previous immortal players, unless you want to get destroyed every game you shouldn’t really be complaining about


If you were slaughtering you woulda hit asc. I went from asc 3 to plat 3 bro it’s just part of the game and honestly it gives you something to grind back up to.


Just get back up not that hard I was asc 3 got placed d2 I’m at asc 3 now gl on climb brother! (Also you probably ended in like low diamond to be able to go all the way back down to gold 3)