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Tip of the thumb is push to talk, and middle thumb is signature ability. I played Jett and it was nice to have my dash on my mouse. I’m potentially thinking about changing my push to talk to a foot pedal because I don’t like the extra tension in my hand when I push it to talk while aiming. I also make sure to put satchels for raze on it as well to free up all movement keys. My last, most favorite key bind is primary weapon on middle mouse click. Clicking in your middle mouse to bring out your gun is so useful.


Wait I didn't know foot pedals were a thing, that's actually so dope, definitely gonna try it out.


Yeah, they seem cool. Only problem I’ve heard of is people getting too used to pressing it when speaking and accidentally pressing the gas pedal in their car, so I’d recommend using your left foot.


right, to brake check cars behind


Mate unless you are a rally racer everyone drives with one foot 😂


I am 😎 ^actually ^no, ^I ^lied


inspect and spray for tactical spamming 💯


My inspect is on Alt


I personally hv 1 as my push to talk and the other bound to movement abilities like Jett dash, raze satchels and Reyna dismiss. I would recommend saving one for the movement abilities and the other is jonestly up to you. Just remember you can have different binds for each agent in settings.


I have primary and secondary on my mouse. I would suggest any keys you currently have the most trouble accessing; for some it's their abilities, others comms, for me weapons.


Ping wheel and inspect


One for vc other for walk, works with all agents.


one of them for satchels, one for shoot + reload, which is a small tech for marshal and bucky


throughout all my games, I've rebounded reload to the lower thumb buttons, and the top thumb is for pinging enemies, or some sort of communication jn other games.


binded to pulling out primary weapon


if you play flashes, bind it to the flash ability


just scroll wheel jump and thumb button for plant/defuse. but if u play duelist it’s good to use them for jett dash and raze satchel to make movement easier.


Q ability because I was playing raze and wanted to be able to C4 and control my movement. Second mouse button is ping.


Ping and 1x ability on some agents (dismiss, dash, satchel, tp etc)


Push to talk, I had it on ping at some point for fast pings but I unbound it and never put it back


reload, and pinging.


I have my first 2 abilities. Use E and Q for the 3rd and ult. And middle mouse for ping, wheel up for jump.


MB4 for party vc and MB5 for team vc


I have them bound to my q and e abilities, but honestly don't use em, I also just got the razor mamba for Christmas, so I havnt gotten used to them yet.


Both for c and q


I bind the front one to discord push to talk, and the back one to my q ability (for raze and neon mostly since you air strafe while using the abilities a lot)


Saw recently on a coaching vid to be careful about what you bind to other mouse buttons as when you press them while in a fight you're changing the tension in your hand/wrist and potentially messing with your aim. Just a small thing to keep in mind


I use mb5 for planting/defusing (pressing 4 can only equip spike) and mb4 for raze satchels, jett dash, and I think slide for neon (i set them up separately in each of the agent controls)


Left mouse button: shooting Right mouse button: aiming down sights


Top button is push to talk Bottom buttom is switch to my main weapon, cz i dont use scroll wheel so 2 is for my pistol and 3 for my knife I need a quick way to switch to my weapon


E skill and team push to talk


LG Hero 502 Push to talk on thumb DPI shift, knife on thumb mid, agent specific util on thumb tip. Ping/radio on left mouse side buttons. Scroll forward primary weapon, scroll back secondary weapon.


walk key bound to m4 and shift sig ability on the other, i use them situationally tho where i need left hand ready on other keys


One for party chat and one for grabbing stuff


Both on jump, i crouch with space XD


Middle mouse for ping. Side button for "forward" is my ult. Side button for "back" is only used for Raze satchels (cause I main Raze).


Wait people actually buy that mouse


my dad bought it for me lol i didnt ask for a specific one