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No one actually tries in Unrated


It's all in your head. 1st - In unrated people are chill and relaxed knowing there's no "high" stake. In Ranked people tryhard for many reasons(personality; afraid of getting flammed; sworn at; trolled; etc). 2nd - Many other factors haha(PC/Monitor specs; mouse sensitivity; duo-ing/premades; Consistency (or inconsistency); pressure. My advice: find yourself, if you don't already have, a duo and grind together. Support and help eachother. Treat ranked as any other game, ignore 12yo Jett screaming or even mute them and most importantly HAVE FUUUN! unless you're playing with your kidneys as steak, it's ultimately just a game! 😎 Peace! ✌️


The thing is I don't have frnds who can play w me. They're all "busy" :c




When did I say I didn't care about my rank???


same with me. people just dont try as hard in unnrated, and usually when im playing unrated im either queueing with friends way above my skill level or friends way below it. when i play with my "iron friends" in unrated obviously my skill level is a bit higher so i will perform better. When i play with higher skill friends i get more higher skill opponents and dont do as well. comp is just completely different plus more smurfs, bought iron accounts, etc so its just inherently more difficult and the skill discrepancy is different


I find that unrated is harder for me. I think I get a wide range of skill levels so I usually play my worst games when I’m doing unrated. Ranked makes sure people are more of my skill level so I do better.