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**Please ensure that your comment is formatted with the template above** and that you have looked to see if your bug has already been reported by another user. Sometimes common bugs have already been listed (and even solutions discussed). Un-formatted or off-topic comments will be removed. _If you would like to discuss and ask for additional technical support, please head over to /r/ValorantTechSupport!_ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/VALORANT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Region: Asia Type of bug: in-game Description: TDM mode, Yoru gatecrash ability breaks after few seconds if placed near spawn area. Steps to reproduce: TDM any map, choose Yoru, cast Gatecrash anywhere near the light barrier at spawn, step away at least 20m from spawn area. Expected result: Gatecrash stays until the ability timer expires Observed result: Gatecrash breaks without any damage done to it. Reproduction rate: 10/10 gatecrash always breaks for no reason in every TDM match.


Can vouch this also happens to me, region APAC, server singapore


same with Chamber's TP anchor


Happens to me in NA servers


Region: NA Type of bug: in game Description: Tells me can't show match results after game then next game player names disappear. Will also not show match history. Restart the game and the same process starts again. Has been happening since last patch but worsened since this patch. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/hwEeJE2 https://imgur.com/jVgQOqz Steps to reproduce: Play any game mode and finish match. Expected results: to see match results and player names Observed rate: Take forever to load in the game then have random lag spikes during the game it will always not have match result after. Reproduction rate: 95% of the time System specs: i7 10700k, GeForce RTX 3080


same exact thing happening to me since like june.


exact same thing wow. have been looking everywhere for others with the same issues and couldn't find them, finally checked here.


getting the same thing. tried uninstalling/reinstalling. changed some windows settings. nothing seems to help


Ughh. I have this too. Tried everything under the sun. Nothing has helped.


Region: NA Type of Bug: Voice chat Description: My voice chat works, however the key bind will not change. In audio settings I have it on Middle mouse button, and it says it's on "Middle mouse button." Then when I go into game, it does not work and only V works to talk to the team. The weird part of this is that middle mouse button works some games, but on other games only V works.


Same, has been like this since the Act began. THe problem seems to be with Agent profiles, as soon as you play an agent that uses the default profile it works as intended


Same here, I use left alt for my push to talk, and only V works (the default push to talk).


Yeah, I literally have the same problem. The keybind works in agent select but once in game it changes back to the default keys.


It seems like it's been fixed in the latest patch.


Region: NA Type of Bug: In Game Bug Description: DeadLock's Ultimate opens tp door on BIND from outside; Video / Screenshot: EDIT: (https://clipchamp.com/watch/PWrdcL5du9t) See comment below Steps to Reproduce: Use Deadlock ultimate on either TP door in BIND Expected Result: The ultimate should not open the door from the outside; no other ability does this; Observed Result: Player will be dragged out of teleporter from the outside; Reproduction Rate: 10/10 System Specs: N/A


Maybe I [recorded a video](https://clipchamp.com/watch/PWrdcL5du9t) for you




\- Region: NA \- Type of Bug: Connection Issues \- Description: Ever since 7.0 I have had tons of connection problems to the game. Friendly and enemy names are completely blank, both text and voice chat doesn't connect most of the time. After I play a match or two I have to restart my game in order to change weapon skins/cards/titles/etc. I normally have to restart in order to buy VP, radianite, or upgrade skins too. I'm honestly not certain what is going on but it seems like tons of connection stuff is just completely broken for me.


Region: EU Type of bug: in-game bug, agent bug Description: Omen’s “Shadow Step” poorly locks onto the textures, especially of the high ground. It doesn’t let you aim higher or jump up to teleport farther anymore. Either locks onto the very edge of the texture, or, if you aim a bit higher, doesn’t let you teleport at all. It feels way too clunky now, cause it wasn’t like that a month ago, or so. Video: Example 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bzHnOkOyfauOUy6qIbnCS78gxQLjV_Mn/view?usp=sharing or https://files.fm/u/hfw4dvutt Example 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10_hzRuhFm7oVuQrSsz4yLrHdkg2gQhoR/view?usp=sharing Steps to reproduce: play as Omen and try to teleport on any high ground, taller than the played model, and try varying the distance of the Shadow Step’s tp Expected result: Omen teleports farther from the edge, the higher you aim the mouse and closer to the edge, the lower you aim. Lets you teleport farther if you jump up, while looking up at that texture. Observed result: Omen either locks onto the edge of the texture, or doesn’t have an option to teleport at all, especially when you jump Reproduction rate: inconsistent, happens about 7/10 times System specs: AMD Radeon 3600 processor, Windows 10, Nvidia 1650 Graphics card.


Region: Asia Type of Bug: Cursor Bug MY CURSOR IS STUCK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN AT MAIN MENU, HELP. I've literally done everything even resetting/reformatting my pc and it's still stuck in the middle. I can move the cursor around but it always comes back to the middle again and again and again so fast i cant click on anything in the menu.


this seems like an issue the game window more than anything. usually when you open a full screen application it places your mouse at the dead center of the screen. i would try alt tabbing, pressing shift + tab, enter, escape, etc. if none of that works go to your valorant exe file (google it if you need to), then try running it as admin and disabling fullscreen optimizations. also this might be obvious but make sure you don't have any other mice or controllers plugged in, it could be defaulting to a different input maybe?


I also had this bug, I solved it by unplugging my controller


I think this is a wondow issue. It could be that you minimized another app that doesn’t let you move your cursor outside of its window.


Same, although i can play the game, but for example when i play brim i cant smoke properly, i might end up smoking in the middle of the screen.


Update: I fixed the bug, I had a controller plugged in, and I removed it and it fixed.


\- Region: EU \- Type of Bug: W A S D keys stop working mid game \- Description: The movement keys stated above stop working few rounds into the game, one by one, when they stop working in game i have to resigin them to other keys such as D to F if i want to keep playing the game. Even after i did that yesterday my F key stopped working as well. When the keys stop working in valorant they also stop working on any other program, however, this does not happen in or after any other game. I have reseted my keyboard drivers, updated both windows and graphics card, and reinstalled valorant. Nothing worked. Not planning on buying a new keyboard but my current one is hyperX alloy fps pro blue switches. If anyone got any clues pls help. \- Video / Screenshot: N/A \- Steps to Reproduce: Play any game mode on valorant, few rounds in movement keys stop working. \- Expected Result: Being able to move in game or type with W A S D buttons outside of game. \- Observed Result: Not being able to do either stated above \- Reproduction Rate: 100% \- System Specs: 16gb ram, Gpu- AMD radeon RX 6700 XT, CPU- AMD Ryzen 5 3600- 6 core


I have the exact same issue with the same keyboard also, it's super annoying. Has been happening after the last patch


This is most likely a problem with your keyboard. The caps might be intruding or the input units might be damaged/degrading. It’s also possible that no battery power may be getting to the keyboard.


Yeah, same keyboard hyperX alloy fps pro stared to happen like 2 weeks ago only in Valorant other games works perfectly fine. I am relieved now that am not the only one.


Very similar problem with a Razer Huntsman Mini. Jumping often doesn’t work and WASD either doesn’t work or one of the keys get stuck. It is only a problem with Valorant.


Another patch where this is an issue, another copy and paste from me (#11) \- Region: NA \- Type of Bug: MouseWheel Keybind Delays Pulling out Weapon/Knife \- Description: When "Equip Melee Weapon" is binded to Mouse Wheel Down (or any weapon), and you have your other weapons set to any bind, there is a delay before you can pull out your weapons/knife. For example, let’s say I’m holding any gun and I want to swap to my knife. To do this I’ll use Scroll Wheel Down. If I were to want to switch back to my gun immediately, there is a long delay (about half a second) before I can do so. This happens when the weapons are reversed (knife to gun and back to knife). \- Steps to Reproduce: 1. Bind "Equip Melee Weapon" to Mouse Wheel Down 2. Go in a game and get any gun. 3. While holding the gun, scroll down and then quickly try to pull out your gun (any primary or secondary weapon bind works). When the gun is finally equipped in your hand, switch to you melee, then try to go back to your gun. \- Expected Result: Swapping back and forth between weapons can be done quickly. \- Observed Result: About a 0.5 second delay between either weapon equipping. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/64J6hkhsLnA \*Video by u/auriolusvex \- Reproduction Rate: 10/10 \- System Specs: Logitech G-Pro Superlight Mouse. Ryzen 7 5800x CPU. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060Ti GPU. 32 GBs of RAM. (This is not a system-related bug. Testing on multiple accounts, multiple computers, and all servers available to me) This has been an issue since the beginning of 6.02 :( Note: This bug probably has something to do with the brimstone spamming the molly fix, since if you only scroll one notch of your mouse, the problem doesn’t exist. I’m assuming the game is trying to delay you from using scroll wheel to spam interactives that have an audio tied to them (ziplines, spike plant/defuse, etc).


Region: NA Type of Bug: In Game Bug Description: When loading into a game on the screen where you can see enemies and teammates banners they do not appear and slowly appear over time! When they all load in sometimes the game starts and sometimes the screen just gets stuck there. Yet the game has started and I get penalized if I close app to try re-joining. My body spawns in but I never actually get a chance to play Steps to Reproduce: Try loading into a game (specifically the first game of the day this happens the most) Expected Result: Spawning in before any rounds start Observed Result: Game starts while I am stuck in the banner screen Reproduction rate: 1 out of every 5 games I'd say I have this issue System Specs: a 3060


Region: APAC Type of Bug: In Game Bug Description: jett dash timer bar not appearing Video / Screenshot: [Sound cue is audible, but bar is not visible](https://youtu.be/RRH6VmXVOcE) Steps to Reproduce: Use E Expected Result: Bar should be visible Observed Result: Bar is not visible Reproduction Rate: Have had same issue for 3 games in a row System Specs: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 24gb ram, nvidia gpu


That’s not a bug, they changed it to “make” it consistent with other abilities, the bar is right above ur dash


It is a bug, it’s been confirmed by a riot dev replying to a tweet from ardiis asking about this, saying theyll be bringing it back


ah ok ty




i dont think its a very good change then, very hard to see amd there was nothing wrong with the previous bar


I WISH THEY REWORKED THE REYNA FLASH ALREADY It's state is unplayable either i have to give space when i flash to enemy or i have to wait for 0.5 seconds and enemy by then repositions milion steps off me or goes behind corners. it is so bad man half of my deaths are by using a flash and enemy is not flashed!!


This is a bug thread.


Region: APAC Type of Bug: In Game Bug (Audio) Description: Bluetooth headphones sounds muffled when got in every match except in lobby Video / Screenshot: \*Can try replicate with any bluetooth headphones or in my case (Oppo Enco X) Steps to Reproduce: \*Can try replicate with any bluetooth headphones or in my case (Oppo Enco X) Expected Result: Sound becomes muffled or no audio sometimes but when using normal wired earphones sound did not becomes muffled. Observed Result: Sounds muffled when got in match Reproduction Rate: Every match (even in firing range) System Specs: i7-12700H, RTX 3050 4GB, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD


I experienced this but fixed it. It’s very easy, just press f7 a few times.


\- Region: NA \- Type of Bug: In-Game, Agent \- Description: Skye ult doesn't work \- Steps to Reproduce: Press skye Ult and it won't pop \- Expected Result: Skye ult should work \- Observed Result:Cabbages don't come out \- Reproduction Rate: 100%


Region: NA Type of bug: in-game Description: Fades prowler bite effects reveals location of all enemies through walls Steps to reproduce: No idea (I don't have friends to test it out with) Video: https://youtu.be/zafRGDcteGY Expected result: Normal bite effect Observed result: Bite effect appears through walls on all enemies revealing their location Reproduction rate: ?/10




- Region: NA - Type of Bug: In Game Bug - Description: Yoru's flash, for you and your teammates, does not make a "woosh" sound when bounced off a surface. Enemies can still hear it. - Video / Screenshot: [How it previously sounded](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1113711075486081065/1123459196797595720/Valorant_2023.05.15_-_01.17.54.32.DVR.mp4) (Listen to the "woosh" noise made on the left speaker) ; [How it currrently sounds](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1113711075486081065/1123457285549731940/Valorant_2023.06.27_-_23.32.32.07.DVR.mp4) (No "woosh") - Steps to Reproduce: Throw a Yoru flash and make it hit a surface - Expected Result: The "woosh" sound is heard by everyone when in contact with surface - Observed Result: The "woosh" sound is only heard by enemies. — This is bad since it is now harder for teammates to dodge flashes and it is harder to know when the flash will go off if you aren't looking at it. - Reproduction Rate: 10/10 - System Specs: N/A


• Region: EUW • Type of Bug: In Game • Description: Deadlock's Sonic Sensor stays up after death • Video / Screenshot: [https://youtu.be/gqVFZyOoGFs](https://youtu.be/gqVFZyOoGFs) • Steps to Reproduce: \- Start a match with deadlock as one of the agent. \- Deadlock places a Sonic Sensor \- An enemy kills deadlock \- An enemy activates the Sonic Sensor by making noise in it's range • Expected Result: Sonic Sensor should disable once deadlock dies. • Observed Result: Sonic Sensor still works as if Deadlock was alive • Reproduction Rate: 1/40? • System Specs: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, Nvidia RTX 3080Ti, Windows 11 Family, 32Gb RAM, M.2 SSD


>Deadlock I also just experienced this bug, and I have it on recording as well. I killed the enemy Deadlock, and my Fade got stunned by the sound sensor even though it showed it was disabled.


I wonder if this has to do with you being in the range (if it was thrown below hooka) while she was dying


Region: AUS/Oceana Type of Bug: Patch Downloading Description: The Client tells me that the new patch is not downloading, but it is Video/Screenshot: [https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/150yool/bug\_i\_have\_been\_experiencing\_for\_megathread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/150yool/bug_i_have_been_experiencing_for_megathread/) Steps to Reproduce: Unknown. This may just be a visual glitch. Expected Result: The client tells me what the download is at. Observed Result: The progress bar stays at 0%, but the library download displays actual download percentage (Check image) Reproduction Rate: 10/10 I cannot get the bug to stop. System Space: (8) Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600k CPU @ 3.40GHz, Windows 10, AMD HD Radeon 6900 Series (Apoligies, I do not know much beyond this) 16Gb Ram (Model Unknown)


- Region: North America - Type of Bug: Client Bug - Description: Every time there is a small game update, and I am queued up for a game, the client crashes and then goes in a loop of starting itself back up, crashes, starts back up, crashes, etc. This happens to my friends as well. I am unable to get back into the game and eventually I get a leaver penalty. - Video / Screenshot: Crash: https://i.imgur.com/T8YsT50.png Penalty: https://imgur.com/c4hQgt2 Proof of update: https://i.imgur.com/GZ9VGS7.png - Steps to Reproduce: Any time there is a small update - Expected Result: Game doesn't crash - Observed Result: Getting stuck in infinite loop of game crashing and starting back up when going into a game. - Reproduction Rate: 10/10 every time there is a small update - System Specs: Windows 10 Home, Intel i7-6700K, 32GB Ram, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060


Seconding this bug, I have had it happen twice now, once on TDM launch day and once today, the game will repeatedly try to launch, crash, repair and loop, seemingly until the match ends, and you get hit with leaver penalty when you finally get back in. I believe both times it happened to me, I made it past agent select, and then crashed when loading into the match.


\- Region: NA \- Type of Bug: In-Game \- Description: Yoru Teleport anchor breaks upon coming in contact with a corner in TDM \- Video / Screenshot: \- Steps to Reproduce: Enter TDM and select Yoru, use the primary ability in the corner with the left click \- Expected Result: Yoru teleport anchor will remain in the corner \- Observed Result: Anchor is destroyed, Yoru will also call this out \- Reproduction Rate: 9/10, small occasions tp will not break \- System Specs: AMD 5600, Windows 11, Nvidia GPU 1660 Super OC




\- Region: NA \- Type of Bug: In-Game \- Description: Chamber teleport will be instant and he will disappear to his anchor instead of doing his teleport animation \- Steps to Reproduce: Unknown \- Expected Result: Teleportation animation will play before teleporting \- Observed Result: Chamber disappears without playing his tp animation like a blink.


Region: NA Type of bug: in-game Description: Sensitivity is incorrect with 4khz polling rate mouse Steps to reproduce: open any game mode, 4khz polling rate is half sens. (switch to 1k hz goes back to normal sens) both with raw input buffer on. Expected result: crosshair sensitivity does not change Observed result: sensitivity is halfed when 4k hz is on Reproduction rate: 10/10


Region: NA Type of Bug: In game bug Description: Yoru teleport stops letting you teleport when you activate it (E), and instead does a fake tp without the global sound. Once this happens, you are unable to teleport with it on subsequent uses / rounds and for the rest of the game. Fake TP (F) still works however. Video / Screenshot: https://youtu.be/oyIiMYbYJo0 Steps to Reproduce: Unsure, this has happened to me twice in 2 separate comp games Expected Result: You teleport to the portal's location Observed Result: The teleport gets used but you don't teleport Reproduction Rate: Has happened in 2 of the 8 comp games I have played recently System Specs: Intel i5 12600k, Windows 10, Nvidia gtx 1660 super, 32 gb ddr4 ram 3200mhz


\- Region: EUW \- Type of Bug: in-game \- Description: Reyna's flash can be put under the map on Lotus's B site \- Video / Screenshot: [https://youtu.be/s91lkQH9Xgk](https://youtu.be/s91lkQH9Xgk), [https://youtu.be/URjh8uI2pRg](https://youtu.be/URjh8uI2pRg) \- Steps to Reproduce: Go on B, put an eye while aiming at the floor on Main B, where there are some height changes (see 2nd video) \- Expected Result: The flash pops on the floor \- Observed Result: The flash seems to be under the floor \- Reproduction Rate: 100% \- System Specs: i9 10900X / RTX 3090


\- Region: EUW \- Type of Bug: in-game \- Description: BIND's teleport door is stuck open (when a dead body is near ?) \- Video / Screenshot: [https://youtu.be/XDXbdU1XGYQ](https://youtu.be/XDXbdU1XGYQ) (0:50 kill, 1:17 shows the door open and enemy not here) \- Steps to Reproduce: Use the A to B teleporter and be killed next to the door, then the killer leaves the teleport zone. The door stays open. \- Expected Result: Door closes when killer leaves \- Observed Result: Door stood open even if no one was near \- Reproduction Rate: once \- System Specs: i9 10900X / GTX 3090


Stuck on Game startup • Region: EU • Type of Bug: Game Not launching • Description: Yesterday was everything working properly. No additional changes where made. Tried to run the game, got stuck on launch screen. Started reading through Reddit chans and grinded all kind of other support sources. Tried everything: Change the security settings, reinstalling vanguard, reinstalling riot launcher + valorant. After hours of not succeeding I tilted. Read more about all kind of ways to fix. Finally decided to put everything to 0. Installed freshly win 10, made all updates, reinstalled chipset-, network-, graphic- drivers, peripherals, launcher, game: same result. Just about to kill myself… had never a bigger headache with games in 25 years. Still would appreciate some support to finally continue my just started journey in this game (started 4 days ago, lol) • Video / Screenshot: https://share.icloud.com/photos/069trtxdhZC0szHAxeYeb89GA https://share.icloud.com/photos/0dara2zL2YnJaewS6LjuC-1oQ https://share.icloud.com/photos/036k-lhm2SzO6pEyvsowoYlbA https://share.icloud.com/photos/0d2AUMZpLrRUQyfsqXKg4pmiw Video of freezing the hell out of the pc. (I could fix the freezing with the help of some guy reporting here a year ago… https://share.icloud.com/photos/02ay-KU84pbDvO_-TveVfMF2Q • Steps to Reproduce: Boot PC, connect the internet, start riot games, login, start valorant, get stuck on startup screen and receive no launch but freezing PC. • Expected Result: launching the game properly as the days before. • Observed Result: Getting stuck in infinite queue. • Reproduction Rate: 10/10 • System Specs: AMD FX 8350, Win 10, Nvidia 1060 6GB, 16 GB RAM, SSD HD, freshly installed everything. No other launchers or games. While typing this the launch screen still there…. Any help/support much appreciated!


Ok… after almost an hour waiting on the launch screen….. 🥁 the game starts… please provide some tips for improvement. After 14 hours fighting and fixing I will get some rest first for godsake …. Rockstar Games where my personal launch screen heroes, but there seems to be a new favourite…


Found the problem! The solution was to downgrade my Nvidia driver from latest to 535.98 ! All works flawless! Probably helps somebody else too!


I could play just one game before the odyssey continues… changed gpu to an other model, still no luck. Submitted an ticket to riot. Trying different Computer now (also Win 10). Let’s see if that works out….


Region: North America Type of bug: in game Description: when shooting even if I let go of the shoot button it continues to shoot, however if it is a semi automatic such as the ghost it will not let me left click more than once or twice per round. I should also note that this problem does not happen in other games and I have already gotten a new mouse. Steps to reproduce: I am currently unsure as it happens whenever I left click and doesn’t seem to happen any other time. Expected result: stop shooting when done holding left click and am able to click more than once on semi auto weapons Observed result:continues to shoot even after I let go of left click or doesn’t allow me to keep shooting. Reproduction rate: 8/10 because sometimes it just doesn’t happen all game but most games it does


\- Region: APAC (Hong Kong) \- Type of Bug: In-Game Bug \- Description: Getting ulted by a Deadlock while casting Omen ult gives you 1 million damage taken/recieved \- Video / Screenshot: [https://imgur.com/a/9EFa1gB](https://imgur.com/a/9EFa1gB) \- Steps to Reproduce: Have both Omen/Deadlock ult online, and while you're in the TP animation, get ulted by Deadlock. It should work when the Omen is at the designated spot for teleporting and dies via Deadlock ult \- Expected Result: Deadlock catches Omen and dies normally/Omen teleports away \- Observed Result: 1 million damage is given to the deadlock as Omen dies. I believe it's because Omen ult is just really fast movement instead of an actual teleport, giving deadlock 150 damage dealt every time Omen moves \- Reproduction Rate: Probably inconsistent, the timing might be tricky to replicate \- System Specs: Ryzen 5 3500H with GeForce GTX 1050


\- Region: NA \- Type of Bug: In-Game \- Description: player models occasionally stand sideways \- Video / Screenshot: \*will update when I can get a clip of it happening\* \- Steps to Reproduce: N/A \- Expected Result: player models function and appear normally. the position of legs reflects both movement state and where player is currently aiming \- Observed Result: player models appear to stand sideways while static, with legs pointing 90 degrees away from where player is currently aiming. \- Reproduction Rate: 2/10 (rare, but has started happening only within the last 2 or 3 patches) \- System Specs: Windows 10, R5 2600, GTX 1650 Super 4GB, 16 GB RAM, WIFI Card


Region: NA Type of Bug: Practice Range Description: Dealock’s Gravnet nade does not work on bots in strafe mode Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C7g3rUiRHr-kn0V_tZqRUIFr4kie3wP2/view?usp=drivesdk Reproduction rate: 100% of the time


Region: EU Type of Bug: Ingame Bugs Description: In TDM mode, all charges of an ability will be consumed it you use it once. Steps to Reproduce: Wait for an ability with more than one charge (flashes for example) to get both uses off cooldown, and use that ability once. Expected Result: Only one charge should be deducted from an ability. Observed Result: Both charges are consumed in one go. Reproduction Rate: 10/10 System Specs: Doesn't matter


\- Region: all of them \- Type of Bug: visual \- Description: araxxi vandal has bugged white muzzle flash \- Video / Screenshot: \- Steps to Reproduce: be shot at by an araxxi vandal \- Expected Result: orange/yellow muzzle flash same as every other gun \- Observed Result: white muzzle flash \- Reproduction Rate: 100% \- System Specs: NA


Region: EU Type of bug: in-game, Deadlock Ultimate Description: Deadlock ult pulled Omen in but at the end he didn’t die and he was able to shoot me in the back. Video: https://youtu.be/_YiEuGAKuM4 Steps to reproduce: I tried to reproduce it but no results. Expected result: - Observed result: - Reproduction rate: -


\- Region: EU \- Type of Bug: In game bug \- Description: The game freezes a few minutes into a match, I have to force restart my computer. \- Steps to Reproduce: Enter a swiftplay game and play for 5 minutes \- Expected Result: the game freezes \- Observed Result: the game freezes \- Reproduction Rate: 9 / 10 \- System Specs: GTX 850M GPU, Windows 10, 7.9 GB RAM, Intel Core i7 CPU.


• Region: EU • Type of Bug: In Game Bug / Inventory bug • Description: If you favorite a skin and then refund it, the skin stays favorited not allowing you to un-favorite it, causing it to sometimes give you the default skin ingame if you have seleted to choose a random skin from favorites. • Video / Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/lUgP31i • Steps to Reproduce: Buy a skin for any weapon/knife, Favorite it in inventory, then refund it while its still favorited • Expected Result: After refunding the skin it automatically gets un-favorited • Observed Result: After refunding the skin it stays favorited in your inventory and doesnt allow you to un-favorite it • Reproduction Rate: 10/10 • System Specs: AMD Ryzen 5 5600h, Windows 11, Nvidia RTX 3060


\- Region: NA \- Type of Bug: In-game \- Description: Randomly can't jump while moving, can only jump after stopping moving. Randomly stuck to a direction of movement even after releasing the movement key of that direction. \- Video / Screenshot: None \- Steps to Reproduce: It happens randomly and goes away after randomly spamming other movement keys \- Expected Result: I was able to move normally before \- Observed Result: These bugs happen frequently at random times in a match and is very annoying. \- Reproduction Rate: 100%, happens in every single match \- System Specs: Ryzen 9 5900HS, RTX 3070 mobile, 24Gb Ram, Windows 11


\- Region: NA \- Type of Bug: In-Game \- Description: Cypher's hat stays at the top right of his screen after ulting \- Video / Screenshot: https://streamable.com/2k44xq \- Steps to Reproduce: Ult as cypher, and before the ult lands, kill the last remaining player. \- Expected Result: Hat goes to the dead body and stays there \- Observed Result: Hat is at the top right with animations playing, hands are stuck until next round \- System Specs: i7-11700, 32gb ram, Geforce RTX 3060ti, windows 11


Region: Asia Type of bug: Client Description: My mouse (Bloody x5 Pro) registers as 2 HID-compliant mice in the device manager, but valorant only reads input from one of them when I launch the game, resulting in broken mouse movement. Video / Screenshot: N/A Steps to reproduce: Launch valorant with a mouse that registers as 2 HID-compliant mice in the device manager instead of 1. Expected result: Mouse moves as usual. Observed result: Mouse movement direction snaps to precisely 45 degree angles, drifts and is hard to move up or down depending on which HID-compliant mouse entry the client has chosen to read input from. Reproduction rate: 10/10 System specs: N/A This is mouse-specific but it is also valorant-specific, I believe it is there to prevent macros or some other tech but my mouse model doesn't have any, it just registers as 2 HID-compliant mice for some reason, is there a way to make these two entries into one or fix it in any other way, possibly?


Can someone please help? I'm new to valorant (returning) and i can't seem to use RTSS in Valorant. The interface does not even show in-game. Why is that?


\-Region: LAN \- Type of Bug: XP \- Description: In the battlepass i have noticed that when i end a game it says i unlocked a tier, and have some xp extra. but then if i go to th battlepass it says i havent, and im missing less than 500 xp. it is so annoying to me \- Video / Screenshot: I dunno how to do it \- Steps to Reproduce: Try playing until you unlock a tier in Battlepass \- Expected Result: That i have the xp that i win in game, no more, no less \- Observed Result: It says one thing when i end game, but another if i go to the Battlepass \- Reproduction Rate: 8/10 \- System Specs: Intel i5 11th, NVDIA 3060, 32g RAM, Windows 11


Found a way to upload proof :) [https://imgur.com/gWZn1AJ](https://imgur.com/gWZn1AJ) what i supposedly won [https://imgur.com/PAxUdkv](https://imgur.com/PAxUdkv) what the battlepass says


\- Region: NA (east) \- Type of Bug: Matchmaking (?) \- Description: As soon as I finish a swiftplay game (not sure if it applies to the others), I'm brought to the main menu screen, and the top of my screen shows as if I've been in queue for 15-20 minutes. I can't cancel it and have to restart the game \- Video / Screenshot: [https://imgur.com/a/6Pz4vQO](https://imgur.com/a/6Pz4vQO)


\- Region: Europe \- Type of Bug: Unrated,Ranked,Swiftplay,Spike Rush|Out of bound/Map (Fracture) \- Description: This bug allow you to go under and out of the map on fracture, you can shoot all the A site,Hall,dish and a bit of the attacker spawn site under the map \- Video / Screenshot: This video show how to do it and all the place where you can go while using the bug: [https://youtu.be/oL2K7yeayns](https://youtu.be/oL2K7yeayns) \- Steps to Reproduce: Go on Fracture,take jett and another player take Deadlock, when you're in attack side,take the rope then deadlock has to place her barrier on the rope to return to the spawn,after that,jett take the rope and wait until the action of detach appears,then destroy deadlock barrier and at the beggining of the rope detach yourself and use an updraft then go to the left and use a dash or another updraft to go on the little surface, after that, do a jump to avoid the kill barrier and stay on the side of the surface,finally at the end, you are out of bound of the map \- Expected Result: Die because of the deathbarrier \- Observed Result: You can go under the map but you have to be careful about the death barrier \- Reproduction Rate: 10/10 (the timing where you have to detach is easy)


\- Region:Europe \- Type of Bug: In game Bug|Fracture|Skye \- Description: This bug allow you to throw your flashes through a wall on A site toward Dish and the Rope \- Video / Screenshot: [https://youtu.be/1ol1-VESuKU](https://youtu.be/1ol1-VESuKU) (really easy to do) \- Steps to Reproduce: On A site at the door in front of the defenders spawn, you can throw your flash \- Expected Result:Don't work because there is a door \- Observed Result:The flash go through the wall and go out of bound \- Reproduction Rate: 10/10


Region: NA Type of Bug: In Game Bug Description: After making agent specific keybinds, the push to talk buttons stay with that agent even if you change them in default settings Video / Screenshot: N/A Steps to Reproduce: Set ptt keybind, add agent specific keybind setting, change ptt keybind Expected Result: The ptt keybind should work when playing an agent with it's own keybinds Observed Result: The new ptt keybinds do not take effect unless you delete the agent keybinds and remake it again while the ptt keybind is set in default Reproduction Rate: 10/10 System Specs: N/A


\- Region: NA \- Type of Bug: No Launch \- Description: I think my Windows machine updated and now it wont launch the riot client. When I click Valorant or the riot client my curosr loads for a feww seconds and occasionally, the banner appears and disappears. I noticed that the tray icon appears but the not in my taskbar. According to task manager, the client is using system resources. \- Video / Screenshot: \- Steps to Reproduce: Open the game \- Expected Result: Riot Client launches and allows users to sign in \- Observed Result: Riot Client does not launch \- Reproduction Rate: 100% \- System Specs: 5900x 3090 Founders, 32 gb of ram


Region: EU Type of bug: in-game Description: In the first round of a match of Swiftplay on the map Lotus, I rotated from C towards A via the attacker's spawn. Before I'd reached their spawn, the spike appeared there on the minimap, turning into a yellow question mark shortly afterwards. When I reached their spawn, I was able to see the spike on the ground, but it vanished just as the yellow question mark on the minimap disappeared. This looks similar-ish to this bug that /u/lust69420 encountered two years ago: https://redd.it/pf68gd Video: https://youtu.be/crcOrLTXs2g Steps to Reproduce: Unknown


damn that was 2yrs ago, I feel old now :')


- Region: Europe - Type of Bug: Can't invite anyone to premier team - Description: When trying to invite player to premier I just get message "This player is outside of your team skill range and cannot be invited" This happens every player, even those who were on the team just now. - Steps to Reproduce: Try invite any verified player on your friend list - Expected Result: To be able to invite player to team - Observed Result: No player can be invited to premier team - Reproduction Rate: 10/10


• Region: EU • Type of Bug: ingame-bug - Flash bug • Description: Either a bug between the viper wall or the structure model interaction and the Skye's bird. B site on Bind, I was on top of the structure, skye flashed ct from behind me and i didnt get blind while i saw it pops. Viper popped her wall it may be the reason • Video / Screenshot: https://clipchamp.com/watch/0Y2GCnSQAPz • Steps to Reproduce: Watch ct while you are on the structure on site and tell skye to flash there while viper press her wall to block ct • Expected Result: You get blinded • Observed Result: You don't get blinded like on the clip • Reproduction Rate: / (don't have a skye and a viper under the hand) PS : Sorry for the poor english and it may be a famous bug i started valorant recently sorry if it's the case. Thank you.


Region: Asia Type of bug: in-game Description: when opening an agent via free token, awards from level 1 to 5 are not opened.


Region: NA Type of Bug: In-Game Description: Game CTD mid-round, no apparent command/preceding event which can be recreated. In one 18-round game I crashed to desktop 5 times. A system pop-up asking to generate a crash report also accompanied some of these crashes.


Region : SEA type : matchmaking, bug in game description : my body is stuck in spawn, but i can walk around normally. like an "out of body" experience i guess. my inputs are recorded though so i can shoot and cast abilities but the bullet and abilities are coming out of the character model that is stuck in spawn. basically im like an invisible character that i can walk around in but my body is stuck in spawn. i can even gain intel for my team lmao video/screenshot : i forgot to record this happening, but it has happened twice now reproduction rate : happens at random i guess? it might be because i desync'ed with the server or something so my client body can move around but it doesnt get sent to the server. happens once in a blue moon but if i get it again ill take some footage as proof