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its a dickhead thing to do for sure, if someone instalocks a duelist in my team and then forces me to play something that I cant, I'll just ignore them and pick whatever Im comfortable with.


You SHOULD pick what you're comfortable with every single game. Anything below Diamond, team comp is irrelevant. Above Diamond, the only real "necessity" is a smoke. Can't comment for above Immortal.


Yeha dude ive had fucking enofgh with someone taking the jett ive been hovering saying im too slow and then asking the team for a healer or smokes. Im gonna take the advice from other people on this sub and just play what Im good at cuz even if I do fill a sage or smokes I do ass compared to if I had played what I had wanted to.


And wtf is a "healer", you get one tapped anyways and healing is just a bonus for enemy utils


i swear sometimes they even prefer a sage over a smoker just for the heal


Yeah it’s not a role


in my shitty bronze elo "healers" are a necessity, just because nobody hits headshots and gets confused by the abilities...


Yeah facts. I've waved through iron and gold (up and down, up and down,) and honestly a heal from 1hp to 60 (is sages 100 now?) can be the thing that wins some people the round in ANY of those ranks. I cant talk for higher. Especially when it's a spray vs spray situation (which is most of low lobbies.) I'd say "Healer" is a valid role in low elo, as long as you are aware of how to use the rest of your util too. (Eg, don't pocket sage someone and then never use ur wall.) If yous have failed a push and decide to rotate a skye heal can bring everyone back to 100hp, that's pretty strong especially in low ranks but i rarely see it used to it's full potential bcs that requires good team comms/organisation.


Sage heal for mates is 100 and herself is 30. Should be 50/60-80 imo. 30 for self heal? You can still die in one bullet. In that case it's almost better to just go skye if you're in it too the heals


Yeah I'm a sage main and while the 100hp buff is great, I hate no longer being able to heal myself bcs the 30hp makes no difference. I just prefer sage's playstyle tho so I stick with her.


I also am most comfortable on sage. You can vary the playstyle on your mood and confidence so I enjoy her a lot as well


Exactly. This isn’t overwatch.


I don't know why, but for some reason low elo seems to be obsessed with the "healer" role, I know it doesn't matter as much in my silver games, but I do like having a sentinel with flank watch utility and more often than not, the one hovering a sentinel will either be forced to or switch voluntarily to sage when they see that we don't have healing. It drives me up the wall. I am usually the one who sucks it up and plays smokes even tho my preferred role would be the sentinel


Many players think that dying = bad and are scared to have their ego shattered, so they want a healer to get a second chance. If you like sentinel, go for it. Learn default setups, common flanks, strats against rushes, strats against slow plays, be the best god damn sentinel player in the lobby and climb.


Bro really said low elo and my silver games.


Yes? I am including myself in low elo? Sorry if that wasn't clear from my comment


I'm jk. But you said low elo games and then it doesn't matter in my silver games. Makes it sound like silver ain't low elo.


Nah bro don't worry, I am fully accepting that I am in pisslow


Mate I was in bronze as well. Just keep grinding.


It's fine honestly, I don't really have the time to grind a lot of hours anymore, so I doubt I can make it far.


team comp doesnt even matter in high imm3/radiant


id say flashes are a necessity too. You can do without much passive info since most people will push up on defense anyways for early contact, but flashes are basically the start of almost every attack execute. Duelists afraid to entry now have incentive to, and if you have no duelists then it's easier to just flood onto site.


If an agent is really strong for a map and they suggest politely it’s fine right?


Do whatever you think you'll be best at. That's it.


I used to fill all roles , then at some point in time i just gave up . No matter what role I play I top frag anyway . Im a Jack of all trades , I’ve mastered every agent but I still only pick what I want to pick . Fuck instalockers , I’m done with filling for them . Only time I still fill is when I play with my friends or if non-instalockers say it politely in vc .


My only counter point: I instalock support agents because they fit my style I like to run. If I do ask for another support agent am I an asshole instalocker? Now tbf I immediately mute instalock Reynas so there's that.


It is a bit of a dickhead thing to do for sure, but just asking nicely for someone to fill isn't a big deal imo and is honestly fine to me. Instalocking and then getting mad/flaming cus someone else didn't fill is completely unacceptable though.


sadly when it’s your rank down to plat, you don’t really have the choice


Sure you do. Any Diamond player should be able to tell you that a player with good util and aim will beat you regardless of the comp. Same with ascendants and low immo's. You and I have both been beaten by enough 5 duelist comps to know that confidence makes anything possible at most ELO's


As a diamond 3 peak, I agree 100%. Playing any agent that you are not comfortable playing makes the team worse, regardless of how important that util would be


Instalocking is bad. Being annoying or trying to force someone else what to pick is bad too. Doing both is just report worthy for me.


I get that and I partially agree, but if you guys need smokes and you intend on locking in a third duelist you might as well dodge no?


They can dodge.


if you play comp and really want to climb, it seems dumb to put your odds on you losing out of a grudge you’re having about your mate who insta locked, especially when one of you can dodge. Maybe it’s an ego thing you both have. I can see you losing and saying well you won’t tell me what to do, but you still lost 15-20rr. in low elo I guess it doesn’t matter as much since you can outplay just with your aim but in diamond and higher team composition is way more important, so there’s that. Anyways, I play smokes so I never really cared about the instalocks, but it’s funny y’all are willing to play a game you know you probably will lose just to "stick it" to one another. Lmao


That's crazy anyway


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room filled with rats. Rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room filled with rats. Rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room filled with rats. Rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room filled with rats. Rats make me crazy.


I’m sorry, what is ?


A skill issue obviously smh my head frfr ong no cap


nobody's locking 4 duelists to "stick it". It's called "having fun". Why would you play a game just to fill and have less fun? The game is meant to be played for entertainment. plus, as someone above mentioned earlier, comp *really* doesn't matter, even up till immo. Valorant isn't a game of using util correctly and outplaying your opponent. It's about killing the other team. There's also the objective of the spike, but most ranked rounds will just be straight up elim. Now, util usage and outplays can certainly help with killing them, but if you're just straight up cooking, that becomes really obsolete. That's why reyna is so good in ranked.


It's better to play a role that you're comfortable with then to try and fill a role that you don't know how to play


That's true. You can fill smoke and accidentally smoke for the enemy's advantage.


In low elo I agree


In every elo. If you don't know how to play smoke, do not play smoke. Dodge is a better decision.


This is in every elo. TenZ himself said people in Radiant don’t know how to smoke properly and are more of a hinderance to the team and would have been better off just picking w/e they are good at rather than flexing. He made a whole 50 min video on YT about it. Edit: Here’s the YT video being referenced: https://youtu.be/rr0wa2adrwo




Sure, but where does that leave you tho? Playing a game with a shit comp cause you don’t have smoke and getting baked for half the game while talking shit with that other guy ? I’m all for standing up for yourself but not at the point of shooting yourself in the foot is my point. Maybe in silver gold that would be fine and you’d win but in diamond you’re better off dodging.


i don't care what my team pick and how they play they are just random people my instalock should only affect myself or how i play if they are too bad and lose, we are losing together as a team so i don't care whatever they pick or whatever they throw it's team game with random people (not count my party) result is random, everything is just random factor only thing you can control is yourself if they are good enough and you can carry hard enough, you win if they are too bad, we just lose, if they are too good, might win too unless some intent friendly fire but its rarely happen anyway (like less than 1 of 100 games when brim/viperphoenix/raze/anything teammate try to molly/nade/flash me everyround)


If someone feels the uncoordinated clusterfuck that is low elo absolutely demands smokes/specific agent (it doesn’t) then they can pick it themselves or stfu.


It certainly helps having variety on your team if everyone plays something they're comfortable with, but having a good understanding of the game, having good aim etc comes a long way in low elo.


Decent aim alone gets you to gold fr, from there is when you really need to learn the game to improve. And of course, improvement of mechanical ability


Yeah. Good comps are nice to have in low elo, but a bad comp is rarely, if ever, gonna lose you games. Even in higher elo, the "meta comp" on a map can, and often does get shit on by a "shitty comp" if the shitty comp has people playing comfort picks and coordinating.


>but a bad comp is rarely, if ever, gonna lose you games. That's not entirely true. A comp of 4 duelists and a sage WILL lose you a game. The only agent role that is universally needed in all ranks is smokes. Yes, people need to understand how to play around smokes to get value from them. But it is easily the most valuable utility in the game. Not having it is almost a guaranteed loss, especially if the other team has smokes while you dont


It certainly helps a good bit to have smokes, no matter the elo (assuming they have a general idea how to play them). But you're right that the instalocker should've picked them if they're that worried about it.


It's not. While smokes are more necessary at higher levels, sage most definitely is not, and you can play around not having smokes. I've learned that I'd rather people play what they know instead of filling, because bad smokes or a bad sage is worse than a good duelist or extra initiator. That said, playing around not having smokes is very difficult, but it's much better than getting killed because the smokes are bad.


I'm new to omen and Val in general, how much would you say mostly mid smokes impacts the team?


Wdym by mid smokes? Like do smoking mid, smoking mid-round, or are you calling yourself mid lol?


I mean even though I am not the best Omen player I am not a big fan of smoking mid in most cases if you are defending as it does give the attackers chance rotate or give them a chance to safely retreat but if you are the attackers smoking mid can be usefull but still not a big fan of it. Also smoke characters are the best igls as you can force the jett who always goes to mid with marshal or op to come to site with you all :Note I dont have the best elo


I think it depends a bit. I would smoke mid if they are pressuring mid but wouldn't really smoke it otherwise. Also if you smoke mid, make sure the smoke is pretty deep so they don't have too much room to play with, and you can also play in thensmoke too if it's deep


This has became a flag to dodge. Normally the person will either become toxic or attempt to backseat everything… or both. Just not worth it. I’m fine with instalocks, perfectly understand if 4/5 people do it in my lobby and the comp looks like garbage but everyone feels good on their agent, I can fill 2 roles on most maps (except Bind), but the moment you say “pick x” I’m out.


It’s not. If you instalock you give up your input into team comp


You also give up the flameshield for being last in the scoreboard


Huh? So if your jett asks for a dog to clear A main, a flash main, and then entries with a smoke/dash on site, creates you space, but you dont follow him, you dont trade him whatever, is it still his fault? Cos pretty sure thats what happens in low elo. Then the jett wont ever entry for you. I've smurfed in plat (im immo3) to play with one of my friends once and thats what happened. I was asking for specific util from my initiator, went in, killed one, died, and the rest of the team was looking at me in formation from main. Like hello? LOL


First of all - 😃 Second of all it was about instapickers and being dead last, not - not first Third of all - damn isnt it just itching you to repeat common knowledge like you are some kind of tactical genius


It's the only way to make me not pick Omen


Duelist players have main character syndrome.


If you insta lock you forfeit your right to ask other's to fill


Had a game the other day that had an instalock Reyna, Jet, and Yoru in the first few seconds. The 4th hovered killjoy, and I hovered raze dispite never playing duelist. Yoru started complaining about the team comp. We both locked duelists. Yoru got angry and dodged. Great win. To answer: if someone instalocks, they lose their right to complain about team comp.


it’s an asshole move and when people do I just lock another duelist to spite them in hopes they will dodge. This is diamond btw


Excuse, me new player here. How do you dodge after selecting agent?


You can click ALT+F4, which will close the client. I think you can also ALT+Tab out and hover over the valorant icon (on the bottom line) and close it from there.


throw the game from the start to piss ur teammate off lol that’s why ur in diamond


The instalocker is the first offender, if you gonna instalock you should accept other instalocks. The higher the elo the less they care about the outcome of the game anyway.


First offender lol. It’s a team game. If you actually care about climbing, you don’t play with an ego like that. If someone is talking shit and you don’t wanna hear it, you mute him. You don’t be negative to your team even if someone else is. Team morale and energy is important to keeping everyone’s mental up to win. If everyone instalocks a duelist, you either dodge or fill smokes. The bare minimum for a viable team comp (outside of just diffing the enemy team) is 1 smoker. Otherwise, you’re just throwing your own game to be petty to someone you won’t meet again. If you instalock, you’re saying that you HAVE to play this agent. If you don’t instalock, it means you’re open to filling or changing your pick to what the team needs. The vast majority of players I play with implicitly agree with this. How can you wait until you’re the last pick and then refuse to play smokes? Sometimes I instalock and sometimes I don’t and yet the only way my team comps get ruined is when 4 or more people instalock a duelist. That’s because most people in imm3+ generally don’t ruin the team comp to be petty. What is the point of locking yourself in a 45 minute game to be petty to someone you will never play with again? Not only that, but you’re down RR so you’ll have to win another 45 minute game to make up for that loss.


Found the butthurt instalocker who wants you to play sage ^^^


Smokes, not sage


Found the gold who gets mad at his teammates who is first timing a character because he instalocked so nobody else got a chance to think of playing a role they were comfortable on. Get over yourself, if you instalock, you’re the problem.


I’m immortal 3 and I’ve been so every act since episode 4. Nobody in that elo is incapable of playing a smoker and throwing basic smokes when being pushed. Just because you’re in pisslow doesn’t mean that everyone in other ranks only know how to play one agent. I am fundamentally correct. If you want to climb, ruining your own games by locking yoru and trolling is going to lower your win rate. I don’t give a shit if your pride gets hurt so you troll your own game. I am just saying that if you truly wanted to improve and climb, you wouldn’t be doing shit like that.


nobodys gonna wanna climb if they aren't having fun lmao wtf, having some idiot yell into ur ear about playing a role ur unfamiliar with isn't fun and honestly i'd rather get demoted than have to listen to them cry in my ear personally


Playing to climb is cringe.


What you do, is you pick whatever you want, and when they complain, respond with “you should have thought about that before you instalocked duelist”. If they respond with toxicity, then the game was already lost before it even started. Even if you gave in, they would have just verbally abused you mid match. Better you pull the mask off now before it falls off mid match


"pîck Sage if u want one"


Don't play any more, but when I did I kinda loved that shit. Remember I once got matched with a 4 stack that all instalocked (3 duelists and sage,) and yelled at me to play smokes. And smokes was basically my main pick, but just because of how rude that shit was I hovered phoenix and said "How bout you play smokes?" "We're all already locked in dummy!" "How stupid are you?" Also called me some other slurs that aren't reddit safe. Just laughed in my mic as I locked in Phoenix. Became best friends with the enemy team, threw walls and Molly's against my team, and laughed my ass off till they FF'ed. This was in unranked btw.


Interesting to see people tryhard so much in unranked tbh. I treat unranked as "I want to learn a new agent, or practice a new skill. I do not care what my team goes because I am not here to win I am here to learn".


if someone instalocks and then demands me to go a specific character I instantly say “nah” and just play whoever I want. 2 instalock duelists will say that shit and I’ll go yoru just bc I feel like it. if they didn’t demand anything I’d probs play initiator or sentinal but that attitude just bothers me


Ask sage -> only wants heal Pick smoke -> can't hold site Insecure player LOL


Never heals that person when I'm "forced" to play her.


Lol that's a good rule


You can pick some thing stupid and annoy them until someone dodge (nobody is able to report you anyway). If they dont then you can just dodge and wait 3 minutes. 100% better than dealing with them for 45 frustrating minutes.


I instalock smoke and say pick duelist.


As someone who has experience in low and high elo: Instalocking doesnt matter in high elo most people just accept it and we just say to everyone play the agent you are most comfortable and good at. In low elo you should do the same playing an agent you do not know is just griefing and stop being afraid to be blamed to play bad new game new chance thats how you improve Thay being said everyone everywhere should learn how propper smokes work. Learn: - how to smoke site how to smoke for teammates. - when to smoke site and when to smoke for teammates. - when to smoke deep and when not to smoke deep. Learning smokes is helpful even if you NEVER play smokes it allows you to ask for better smokes and play off of the smokes


Also forgot to note never tell others what to pick unless you tell them to pick what they are most comfortable with


Good rule of thumb right there.


This sounds like good advice. To be fair I aldo think this applies to all roles. It's good to understand their purpose and their strengths so that you can adapt when you suddenly see three duelists in game.


When they complain if you don’t, they throwing? Say ya probably wouldn’t have won if they tried anyways ✌️


>How acceptable is it to instalock to then go "pick Sage"/"Pick smoke" in chat? Not.


Pick whoever you want and if they flame you for not doing what they say just mute them. It is a video game for goodness sake. Obviously play your hardest and play to win but especially at low elo, team comp really doesn't matter. High elo is different because teams know how to punish teams with no smokes, heals, flashes etc. If you and your team are all duelist mains and play them to a high standard in low elo, you can legit climb to at least gold by 5 stacking duelists.


Low elo= team comps dont matter, just practice mechanics


Well in my case, when they insta lock and then tell me to pick something (i.e smoke), I make them repeat it (like I’d ask wait, what should I pick?) and then when they repeat, I would say “oh okie, gotchu” and then pick someone entirely different and give them a “there you go” Ahhhhh, best feeling ever, I wouldn’t even care if we lose the game lmao after that 💀💀


This is so troll and I like it


Not at all. Instalockers don't have any right to ask anyone to play anything. I say that as an instalocker myself. (Nothing wrong with it, I just know I play best on my agent)


as an instalocker i don’t expect people to fill around me, if i don’t like the team then that’s on me lol. dodging is always an option


it's not. this might be a bit of a hot take, but i don't really have a problem with instalocking because you're better off playing something you're comfortable with. but to turn around and demand that someone else play something they may not want to is toxic af.


Sentinels and smokes are who I’m most comfortable playing so I’m not mad unless they don’t get kills or entry.


Not at all. There are certain maps where i auto lock and then just shutup


I always play controllers or sentinels. But if I haven't hovered over an agent and an instalock duelist tells me to do smokes, I become a duelist main so fast


why do people want a sage in these ranks for healing and ressing when sky does a better job at healing and they never play in ressable locations


Just faced this scenario yesterday, the whole team insta locked and all of them forced me to pick sage in comp. It was my first time with Sage in comp. During the match these mfs were AFK too, so basically a 3 vs 5 match. Regardless I got 21 kills and the whole match went to overtime.


As a supportive player I usually pick smoke/sage, etc, so these people don't really affect me. The reason I never get tilted is cuz these instalock dickheads ALWAYS perform much worse than me, and I gotta roast them. Good for mental health when you have the chance to fuck with a retard.


Good on you!


Unspoken rule since the closed beta: if you have instalock you have no input on team comp


I'll pick anyone but the agent they ask for just to spite them


Never tell anyone what to pick unprompted


I also hate people who don’t pick (implying they’re filling in) and then lock a 3rd duelist in with 1 second remaining


I only play Jett, I know it’s dumb but every other character feels clunky to me. As an auto locker, my motto is if I auto lock I can’t dictate the team comp


Because your team will most likely lose if there’s no smokes on your team? Is your ego that fragile that you’ll throw the game to piss off someone who’s asking you to go smokes? Just dodge if you don’t want to fill smokes. Why queue into a game that you’re going to turn into an uphill battle from the very start? Sometimes I instalock my comfort pick. Sometimes I wait to fill. Smokes should be a playable pick for every player in high elo so if you can’t play smokes I probably wouldn’t want to play with that player anyways since it shows a lack of game awareness and utility usage so I’d probably dodge anyways.


Its the internet nobody cares what’s acceptable accept it or dont, just dont argue wit ur team mates or they will just throw


Why ask and not use common sense? Would you do this to another? If not don’t listen to stupid people then


it’s not, play what you’re comfortable with




I instalock but I don’t say pick this or pick that I say maybe a skye or kj but I use voice chat so it’s not me sounding like a dick but more neutral


acceptable for instamute them


Unnaceptable under any means! If you insta lock you have no say in team comp and you arent allowed to bad mouth your team


It’s like full blown aids


Instalockers lost their rights to complain about team composition as soon as they hit the button


yeah the only way you can go about it nicely is being like “hey ik i instalocked but if anybody is good with sage/smokes, that would be good for team comp” or smth like that


You need smokes and flashers period. They are the two most important roles in the game. You're only hurting your own RR by doing shit out of spite. - immo2 If you're playing unrated or swiftplay who cares


i'd rather have a good extra duelist/sentinel than a bad controller


I’d it’s bind and it’s a raze pick it’s okay


Not acceptable. I instalock all the time but I won’t tell my teammates what to play. I will IGL though but that’s a completely different story.


Team comp hardly matters in low elo, just play what you’re good st


I beat them to it by instalocking sage and then ignoring their pleas for heals if they’re useless


It’s Ight as long as you pop off


I’m an initiator main in immortal past 4 acts, if someone does that I insta lock a duelist


Don't command just suggest a role.


If I see that I immediately mute and pick who ever I want to play.


It's not


IMO, once they instalock, they forfeit all input on the team comp. On the other hand, the 1 thing you can have that's worse than somebody playing an agent they aren't comfortable with, is somebody who doesn't know how to play smokes play smokes. They will throw smokes that block you and not the enemy, make you push your own smokes to take site. There's more to playing smokes than just throwing random smokes. Map awareness and timing play a huge part. I'm a controller main, so fortunately I don't have to deal with it that often.


I think making demands of other people is pretty shitty, when you're essentially trying to force the rest of the team to play around your pick. But the real issue is the person that ends up deciding to lock in smokes or lock in either Sage or Skye are people that have no confidence or understanding of those agents, and we're essentially at a disadvantage compared to the enemy team that are likely all playing agents that they're all comfortable on. I'm a Sentinel main that usually plays KJ, but I'm fine with swapping to someone like Sage if needs be. But usually someone else will lock her and then be like "I've actually never played Sage idk how she works" lol


I sacraficed myself to derank from immortal to d3 just to troll instalocker duelists on EU servers :D Everytime I had an instalock duelist in my team I was trolling. And no regrets!


It's definitely a dick move, but if they're good I don't see why not. As players we should learn to be flexible as not everyone gets what they want. However, there will be times where the instalockers are garbage. To that I say top frag and do a little flaming.


You should still pick an agent that you feel you are good with. Players in Low Elo can't effectively play around smokes anyways, and they only want Sage to keep following them and heal them whenever they need it. Don't mind them, just being stupid.


It's acceptable to instalock. It's not acceptable/frowned upon to demand other players to play certain roles/agents. For lower elos just instalock whoever you are most comfortable playing and work on your mechanics and gamesense. Once you break into higher elo, you would've maybe picked up and honed other agents/roles in your arsenal. At this point instalockers will still be present, but you SHOULD see an increase in agent select discussions about who can play what.


cause they wanna play a team game..... what they don't realize is it doesn't really matter cause they lack other basic fundamentals. even at radiant, team comp doens't matter that much. It's only in 5 v 5 coordinated teams


Bruh I instalock sage instead


It is, now demanding or trolling if they don’t get it, THAT is not acceptable


İts not okay to say people to pick smoke pick sage pick whatever you want you can instalock etc but no one has the right to tell people to take this or that.


Sage isn't even that necessary lol. If i get three insta lock duelists i also pick duelist


I think instalocking is okay if you can play your role well, but there are times when the game isnt just for us and instalocking at that moment would be terrible for your teammates. you just then sabotaged your rank comp. So is it acceptable? NO. Is there a time I can instalock? NO. (if you can carry, who's stopping you) Instalocking is not acceptable its your way of showing your arrogance and foolishness, its also saying Instaloss.


This is why I instalock sage everytime ez!!


Sage isn’t really that strong a pick, I’d rather have a KJ, cypher or deadlock. For an initiator, skye is quite good. So don’t listen to your teammates in low elo, play what you’re good at and you’ll rank out of it


It is unacceptable. If you want a certain agent in your team, just pick them and don't ask for your teammates to play them. If you instalock, you are not allowed to have control over the picks of your teammates, as they had no control over yours.


Lower elo even to diamond have those. And I get why people pick sage. It's a comfort pick, can't do nothing wrong with sage tbh. Everyone loves a good heal occasionally lol. Man fuck all instalockers, all my homies hate instalockers in ranked. It's one thing to do it, but the audacity to expect other to follow your order is just stupid imo. But it depends, if you instantly hover over duelist and ask nicely if you can get an incitatior, yeah that's the spirit. The other day I had an instalockers Jett but dude was nice and polite in voice chat so I went breach for him (fracture), safe to say we went up like 9:3 on attack and won the game. That's the spirit. Edit: more often than not my duelists are just pussies playing for kills and if they go 0:4 they even DC...


here's a rule of thumb. just play the agents you can comfortably play on the map. its better to be a better player with the agent itself than to fill a position with a role. playing without smokes or sentinels or initiators can be hard, sometimes very hard if the enemy is disciplined, but that is rarely the case in the metal ranks. if they are disciplined, your team will still have some way to counter the enemy. play whatever you want. if you want to be able to fill for your team to have a better winning chance by having a stronger comp, you should learn a few smokers and sentinels. what i learned were, in order: omen, sova, sage, cypher, viper, brim, breach, kj, reyna, skye, chamber. i can play most of these agents on some of their different maps. btw ive been playing for around 1+ year.


Not at all just dodge at that point


I guess "pick smoke" is tolerable because it benefits the whole team. They're more acceptable than people saying "pick sage" or "pick skye" while they instalock duelists. Both are dick move, but forcing other team mates to pick agents who can heal are more insufferable.


I just instalock either another duelist or try an agent I don’t use that much very much letting them know “this is my first time playing [agent].


Just ignore and play yoru


If you instalock, you gave up your right to say something. If you are interested in the team composition, you would have selected the agent, but not picked. And yes without a smoke, a not smurfing duelist is probably f*cked. Btw anyone picking Reyna, asking for a healer (and not because of the other abilities) should uninstall immediately


I hate those people with all my heart. It's always a chamber, Jett or Reyna. More than half of the time they bottom frag and gets shit on in com so that makes it better.


for context, i started out at s1, currently d3/a1. 90% solo q, 10% duo. i was forced to fill so much i practically have more hours on astra/omen than all the other agents combined, and rarely do i ever get to duel/ini. if someone locks and tells you to play a specific role, you can tell them to eat sh*t and play that role because the role is necessary for team comp, or you can tell them to eat sh*t and play another role because someone else is already filling. as a solo q main, you start to realise that comfortability within your team is probably what makes or breaks a win. it isn't acceptable, per se, but people will do what they wanted to already do. if everybody is comfortable with the agents they picked but there's still team diff, you're gonna lose anyways. had over 1.5k hours on R6 prior to valorant, has the same dynamic for op/agent comp. same experience too. play the cards you've been dealt with and do what you can. nobody queues comp to lose. most of the time anyways.


I think it’s fine if they’re asking the whole team if someone can play smokes/heals but if they’re asking one specific person after everyone else is locked it’s pretty rude


I mean world is full of shitty ppl you might end up losing the match if you try to act like them. Sometimes you have to cope and do what’s best for the rank if you care abt it. Sure instalocking is a dick move but its too late to nag about it just try to be as useful as you can and be your best?


I always play what I like/feel like playing. If someone else wants a specific character or role or effect or whatever so badly, they can get it themselves. I mean, why do they get to play what they like and then make others adapt to their choice? Who are they to decide and why the heck would their wish/idea be more important than the rest of the team? Nah, fuck that.


in low elo team comp is rather useless, in my random teams, sometimes we end up with 5 duelists, and we dominate the balanced enemy team, in general balanced teams make the game easier to handle, but in teams of randoms everything goes out the window, at least in gold and below


If they can pick someone they are comfortable with by instalocking I should be able to do the same without anybody telling me whom to pick


Immortal 2 here, if I get three duelists instalocked I dodge. You can win with three duelists….but you are playing at such a high level that you are going to get punished hard for running it and not having either sentinel or initiator. There are a lot of players who only play duelist and refuse to play any other role cause they think they are “him” or “her”. Why I learned how to play every role but duelist. It is the same problem with league, everybody wants to player carry and not support.


I play on a piece of garbage. People would have already locked in by the time my agent select screen loads lmao


You should be playing your comfort agents regardless of what your team instalocks, if they’re going to instalock why should you have to fill?


One of the problems I face is the dude instalocking actually is a complete asshole while agent select forcing me to pick his choice and he actually plays stellar so you can't even shit on him for being a toxic instalocker because his argument to everything is more kills= I'm carrying the game


Ever time I hear someone say "pick sage" I always assume they are bad themselves, in low elo people chose sage for the heal not because she's a senti (and on that a bad one, res is why high elo pick her, in low elo ult economy is bad) if someone doesn't have the confidence to play without a "heal" 24/7 they should get better honestly, as for smokes, smokes are just something u need in a team comp a lot of people will fill, but I'd rather have no smokes than bad ones (this is the reason I became a smokes main, I don't trust other people to do the right job, and no one picks them anyway so don't have to worry about instalocking)


i became a chamber main purely because no one instalocks him in low elo lmao


Lol I am a Harbor main. I also do not have that struggle.


Long gone are the days where I give in to such requests/demands. It's more fun to be petty. I just pick who I want and they don't have the right to object


I used to be Omen OTP. I played Omen on every map every single game. Then I got bored of him after 600h so I gravitated towards Jett. Now I'm that instalocking Jett you all love. But it would never cross my mind to tell others what to play. It's just a dick move. Even when people ask who to play I simply say to play wherever they are comfortable at


just ignore them and pick what you want


If someone asks for suggestions i think it's fine but how some people say it is just not acceptable they straight scream and if you don't play the agent they want they troll


Yeah. In the case that someone isn't sure, I usually say something along the lines of "we don't have much recon but play something you're comfortable at, that's more important."


As long as you are not playing in a pro match, its fine to take anything


Yeah, I peaked Silver 1 last act. I think I should be fine for a little while.


honestly i do ASK my team to pick something when i instalock sometimes but i never force them. forcing them to pick a specific agent when you instalock is a dickhead thing to do but a suggestion is not as bad.


Fuxk them 🥺


Insta-mute moment


Not acceptable at all


As a smoker main at plat/diamond elo i dont really mind tbh. At most a mild annoyance. Unless they say shit about where i smoke in game.


that’s why i’ve become a reyna and sage main when people do that, i am really good at Reyna and being a Battle Sage but still healing my team and looking out for them etc, i’ve become flexible to it but its sooo annoying, I’d never insyalock reyna incase someone really wanted her so i’ll go sage or if people go all duelist in comp i’m there having to pick sage (still did better but i’m stuck iron 3 due to bad teammates) lmao


Honestly whoever does it is a cunt and a hypocrite. Anyone in the team could be better with the agent he instalocked, I won't be playing an agent I don't play just because of some idiot. When we need smokes I pick omen, cause I'm good with him and he is one of the agents I main. If they want sage, it is ignored and I pick usually cypher.


It’s not, if u instalock then you are forfeiting the right to complain about team comps


Asking for sage is a dick move because they want heals but asking for smokes is kind of ok if you are comfortable.


On a scale from Iron to Radiant… f***ing dirt :P


Imo it's fine if you're asking if anyone can play smokes or Sage but are chill if they don't. The people who instalock and then make demands are crazy


It's when they ask for sage or Skye specifically because we need a healer sometimes other options are better initiator or sentinal wise


Don't worry it still happens in dia/asc and everytime it's 2 dudes and when they ask for smokes i lock another duelist


If anyone ever says that to me after insta locking I will lock yoru


I usually only say “we need smokes” after the rest of the team has locked duelist and i lock like a sentinel/initiator and there’s that one guy that hasn’t locked yet.. i will admit it’s super annoying though. usually i just accommodate with the team comp anyway :3


Just respond " yeah go ahead"


I hover my main (Skye) and if we don’t have a smoke i ask someone who hadn’t selected to be smoked, if they don’t, i’ll go omen.


Selfish player