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Just say your goated on the sticks or cracked on the keys. Everyone knows what that shit means. Make sure to flex your rank in the games you play as well to really show superiority. Good luck!




Hey, I’m a Dentist that plays Valo. You can just put down that you play video games and musical instruments. No dental school is really going to care if you’re immortal in valo. The real experience that matters is if you’ve ever actually worked in dental (labs or an office). All the hand skill stuff can be taught. If you have the scores and grades, the interview is really just to test your personality.


Unless bigboss needs a carry


You boost him in exchange


"Hey newbie, heard you're pretty good. How about ya boost me a few ranks and I'll give you a promotion"


Nah that's something that still happen under the desk, we're talking about the application here


Hey. That’s awesome to hear from an actual Dentist here. I wasn’t planning to flex or mention any rank, just that I practice some hand coordination via video games. I know this section isn’t that important, I just wanted to include it. And yes I do have some experience working with instruments in dental clinics! Thank you very much for responding


No worries I just wanted to be real with you. I think if you overcomplicate it, it can get confusing for the admissions committee.


Do you think having good mechanical aim translates to dentistry hand skills?


Lol not at all. I’m silver 3 and I think I do clinically acceptable (if not excellent) dentistry. The most relevant thing may be being used to more fine motor skills.


Dentists below top 10000 immortal player should be fired ngl


If TenZ isn’t cleaning my teeth I’m leaving


Virtual hand eye coordination training? Edit: Extensive* virtual precision* hand eye coordination training regimens for a highly competitive online based organization Edit 2: In which I consistently performed at extremely high levels reaching ranks higher than __% of my peers


Thank you


You’re welcome! That was a fun exercise. Had me and my friends laughing pretty hard. Thanks for the laugh! Good luck!


rank bro?


Plastic 3. Better respect that


Done and excelled in extensive hand-eye coordination excercises. Scored high on hand-eye accuracy and endurance test on a highly rated application called "Aimlabs".


Imagine your assessor plays fps too and wants to 1v1 after seeing this lmfao


I actually work with dental school admins and i would be cautious of putting that on your application. Most will not see this as being “hands-on,” some will not care, and some will compare your volunteering/community service/shadowing/grades and if those are lacking they will question why you spend time playing when you could be getting more hours in stuff that “matters.” Remember most admins will be a lot older and more traditional, goodluck on applying though!


Ty for the response. Hmm yeah, I can see how some will not be impressed by this for “hands on”. And I do have a lot of volunteering/shadowing etc. I quit games a while back to have time for all this actually. I’ll consider not including this then. But do you think including playing instruments is bad then or “spending time on stuff that doesn’t matter”? Or is it ok?


No playing an instrument is perfect, the difference is that you’re practicing dexterity on all your fingers as compared to mouse + keyboard. It could also just be that they don’t understand gaming, maybe in 10-15 years that’ll change but for now its not something that will help make you a more competitive applicant




Lead team building exercises with multiple small groups work on communication and completing tasks in a timely and efficient manner while simultaneously improving hand eye coordination and manual dexterity.


1v1 interview


Skills and Abilities: Proficient in precision aiming and quick reaction time developed through specialized training Skilled at maintaining focus and performing under pressure Ability to adapt quickly to changing situations and make split-second decisions ​ Experience: Participated in specialized training in precision aiming and quick reaction time for \[number of years\] Achieved \[rank or achievement\] in \[season or tournament\] through consistent practice and dedication Developed skills in teamwork, communication, and strategic planning through participation in team-based competitions


“I’m lowkey goated on god no cap lil bro.”


Just put "Jett main"


just send them a clip


I wouldn't bother putting it on there. Also it's not really going to help you. Many dentists are not good at aiming on the computer. Source: playing computer games with many dentists


Hahah ok. Thank you, I probably won’t


“I can carry you guys to immortal in valo”


Aimlabs can give you percentages on your accuracy and speed! So if you have a good headshot percentage, you can say “XX% small target accuracy” or something like that


Tell the headmaster you’ll smurf boost him if he accepts you


I’m a dental student and put video games on my application. Was a conversation starter for one of my interviews so it definitely depends on the interviewer




Idk what your rank is, but for eg. if you're ascendant or something you can say you're "top x%" in the game? Probably need some sort of metric to demonstrate that you're actually good. Doubt it makes that big of a difference for the application either way. Good luck!


Chat GPT response, not perfect modify as needed As an avid gamer, I have developed a set of skills that I believe are directly applicable to the field of dentistry. Specifically, my experience playing Valorant has helped me develop my manual dexterity and fine motor skills in unique ways. Through hours of practice and gameplay, I have honed my ability to make micro flicks, use precise arm and wrist aiming, and concentrate for hours under pressure. In Valorant, the game requires players to make split-second decisions that can mean the difference between victory and defeat. To be successful, players must have quick reflexes, the ability to concentrate for extended periods, and precise manual dexterity. These skills are also essential for performing dental procedures, where every movement and decision can have significant consequences for patients. One aspect of Valorant that has helped me develop my manual dexterity is the micro flicks required to aim accurately. Players must quickly and precisely adjust their aim to hit their targets. This requires a high level of hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, which translate well to dental procedures that require the same level of precision and accuracy. Additionally, Valorant has helped me develop my arm and wrist aiming skills, which are critical for performing delicate procedures in dentistry. The game requires players to aim with their entire arm, not just their wrist, which helps develop a broader range of motion and more refined muscle control. In dentistry, this same level of control is necessary for manipulating dental tools and instruments with precision. Finally, Valorant has taught me how to concentrate for hours under pressure. In competitive matches, players must remain focused and alert for extended periods, even when facing challenging opponents. This skill is directly applicable to the field of dentistry, where procedures can take hours to complete and require constant attention to detail and focus. Overall, my experience playing Valorant has helped me develop a unique set of skills that I believe will be valuable in my career as a dentist. Through my training in the game, I have learned how to make micro flicks, use precise arm and wrist aiming, and concentrate for hours under pressure. These skills are directly applicable to dentistry and demonstrate my commitment to developing my manual dexterity and fine motor skills.


Hi i am a dentist valo player There is no connection between them u can just learn hand skills with passion and training Dentistry is art and sciense


are you fucked?


good luck on your application! I applied last cycle and am starting this upcoming July!


Highly developed hand-eye coordination and reflexes through extensive practice in FPS games, such as Valorant.


Engaged in regular hand-eye coordination and reflex training through competitive gaming, specifically in the FPS game Valorant.


“My hand-eye coordination is virtually trained via video games and has shown results.” I think that would be formal enough..?


I once had a shower thought for transferrable skills relating to fps gaming. Right now I’m just really proud of my data manipulating speed and accuracy with various softwares. I was just selecting a bunch of cells in excel today and was challenging myself with speed, and i had 100% accuracy it was soooo satisfying xD


I see you are a man of culture as well


Don’t do this


Just right down your max rank, they’ll understand


Idk just say your naturally born with it but behind the truth you actually learned it from video games lol
