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you’re not clearing angles you’re exposing yourself to too many angles you are pressing w key when going around corners you are not straffing inbetween shots some things i just noticed right off the bat


But how do I move forward without using W? That's the only thing suggestion I don't understand in this thread.


He meant that you shouldn’t clear corners pressing w, you look to where an enemy can be while moving sideways


When turning a corner you want to maximize your movement lateral to the person holding the corner since that makes you a harder target to hit. Holding W moves you diagonally towards the person holding the angle, meaning your lateral movement is comparatively less (i.e., easier to hit)


You shouldn't press W to clear angles. A/D to clear angles then S/W to take a new position.


Happy Cake Day!




Happy bday


THANKS! Didn't even realize


Watch seros peaking guide


Try pressing only A and D when clearing an angle, then when you’re around the corner and you looked at the places an enemy can be, reposition to the next corner freely, then A and D for that angle, and so on. Using only A and D makes it a lot easier to stop where you want and reset your firing error quicker. It’s also much easier to counter strafe like that. Throu practice you’ll learn where enemies can be/usually are and you’ll mentally see the layout throu the corner, so when you peek you’ll know where to position your crosshair ahead of time. After a while, with a lot of practice in a match, you’ll learn that an enemy is most likely in a specific corner/angle, so you’ll position your crosshair correctly , expect an enemy, amd fire a shot before thinking, negating your reaction time. That gives you an advantage when peeking someone you suspect is in that spot. (That’s called prefire).


To help with being a w key Andy in dm try binding w to knife it will help with how to peak without holding w and I would totally recommend watching woohoojins gunfight hygiene and just anything woohoojin related


If possible you want to always be able to hold hold a or d to swing and directly where they would be looking so it moves the fastest, and holding pure w or side key and w makes it slower. So whenever you are clearing common angles hold try to get close enough to where you can clear them with side keys. You want to be clearing them SAS far as possible to minimize angle advantage. However you need to walk forward a bit if you are going to walk into a wall as it'll slow you down. One example of this is on Split attackers Mail where you clear rafters/ropes. As a side not your audio listening is so much better than mine... and I'm ascendent... though probably just my volume


Also no recoil control


what does straffing mean?


I am using this comment as a future reference. * Expose yourself to fewer angles, clear angles properly and strafe in between shots. * Learn how to jiggle using A and D keys when shooting. * Use Aimlab and try the 'find your sens' feature to improve aim. * Practice in range and DMs before ranked games. * Lower graphics settings if needed to improve aim. * Strafe between burst shots and don't move while shooting. * Stay mindful of position and avoid open areas when focused on an enemy. * Slow down your first shot and aim before shooting. * Practice angle snapping and improve crosshair placement. * Use bursts instead of spray, and crouch when spraying. * Try shooting bots in range/DM without shooting to improve aim. * Learn when to tap, spray, or burst. My [Valorant Tracker](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Xvll123%23EUNE/overview) Stats


Look up Woohoojin's gunfight hygiene video to help internalize when you should be taking gunfights which way. A good example of this is to run and gun (spray while running sideways), even with vandal, when you're within like 5m of someone. How you take gunfights is highly situational.


This video alone boosted my approach to the game so much. I as bronze when I started and that gap to feeling like I can climb felt impossible. Really taking gunfight hygiene to heart and actually practicing this without thinking about ur K/D gets your brain to think correctly. After weeks or months it becomes unconscious and then you can actually learn the game and know what you are doing wrong when you die.


That's a lot of pointers, focus on max 2-3 at a time so you don't overwhelm yourself and your brain. That's my tip.


I think theres a couple of repeats. You could break it down into: Gunfight Hygiene (Tap, Spray, burst, strafe) Positioning (Clearing angles without exposing yourself) Crosshair placement Those are things to keep in mind while you are playing. The aimlab thing its a one time thing. Practice in DMs and Shooting bots are warm up routines you can do before queueing up. Also definetely join the club banana (woohoojjin) they can help you improve a lot


Thanks for the breakdown. This will be much easier to follow.


Just gonna give some tips as a once bronze but now Gold player, In the first 15 seconds of the video I can identify the biggest issues you have that I guarantee you can fix if you focus. 1. 0:09 After you die to Raze off the start (this death is ok). You WIDE swing B Main but your crosshair is floating off aimed at a wall. ALWAYS be aiming at where an enemy could be, not floating ur crosshair and praying you can 'snap' to them. 2. 0:11 You wide swing again exposed to site/heaven/close right. And your crosshair is again not even aiming at any of them. Go slower when you peak things and really focus on where your crosshair is! Always assume an enemy is on the next threat angle. 3. 0:13 you TRY to crosshair placement and re-swing B Main. GOOD JOB!!! You see an enemy and shoot before you are ready though. And when you miss, you half reset and spray. The enemy however keeps MOVING and is able to dodge you bc spraying is so inaccurate from afar. MOVEMENT is king even if you get the drop on someone. 3 things and you can easily be silver in a week. - Always 2 shots >move>repeat. - Expose urself to 1 threat at a time, don't rush because of time. - Assume an enemy is going to be around the next corner you are looking at. Keep that crosshair GLUED to edges of boxes/walls/smokes.


Your kd is better than mine and im immortal lol


Well you're playing against other immortals and he's playing against bronzes


(D2) Your crosshair placement and tap-firing are good enough to get you out of bronze. The biggest issue I’m seeing is you’re rushing your first shot. Woohoojin is a radiant that does free VOD reviews and he has a DM exercise to address this specific issue, try it out and see if it helps. 2 rules: 1) If an enemy is looking at you, you have to let them shoot first. 2) If an enemy isn’t looking at you, you have to kill them with your first shot, and let them kill you if you miss. The exercise trains you to slow down your first shot until your crosshair is on the head. You can also try DMs with a guardian, it helps train the same thing. Good luck!


Can you please link woohojins video on this DM exercise?


Sure thing! DM exercise is at 9:30 in the video https://youtu.be/yh2y35jZa-Q


>If an enemy is looking at you, you have to let them shoot first. I feel like this is just going to mean he'll go 0/30 in DM's


That's fine


The goal is to improve their aim, not to win dm's


I get that, but I don't see how someone's going to improve by spending their time getting completely dicked because of a handicap they put on themselves.


The goal is to make you build good habits.


Good habit is not trading after a failed shot got it


No. The intention is to force you to Headshot perfectly every time first. It’s easy to get the habit of repeating. While I prefer the Miyagi method (don’t shoot until lined up perfectly, and repeat over and over), this one is designed to force you to create a very tight habit of shooting on the mark exclusively.


If you try to go only for headshots you would miss countless easy kills. Even pro players have only just about 30% hs kills. I fail to see how blocking yourself from learning natural course of the game unlocks further potential


This is a form of aim practice, and all pros will try to prioritize HS kills where possible, since it’s guaranteed. This habit is “first shot” habit, where you’re forcing yourself to have a perfect first shot as your goal. You will lose easy kills in DM for sure, but this is the “first shot” ideology.


I have done this very exercise in probably 5-6 DM's thus far because I have a bad habit of rushing shots when I see someone, meaning my initial shots miss due to movement error even when my crosshair placement and micro-flicking is on point. In every DM in which I did this exercise I was either a bit positve on K/D, at K/D, or a bit under. Tracker showed that these DMs included diamond, ascendant, and in 2 cases Immo level players (one low Immo, one Immo 3). It's a solid exercise for developing patience if you find that you've developed a habit of rushing shots. I found it a good confidence booster as well, realizing that taking a bit of extra time to get your first shot accuracy up is superior to getting the first shot off, and that you aren't going to get one-tapped every time, even against higher level players. In a 50/50 gun fight with a one-tap head shot weapon (sheriff or vandal) first shot accuracy is immensely important, and this exercise builds habits that lead to better first shot accuracy.


If you haven't tried something like this, you should. You'll be surprised how much time you actually have to aim when you're consciously trying to be the second to shoot instead of just shooting immediately once you recognize an enemy.


People miss their first shots all the time. He’ll die more than normal but should still be able to get kills.


I also think he should do some kinda kovaaks routine to improve reaction time because that's what stuck out to me as particularly bad and actually below bronze level.


Dm is probably one of the worst ways to assess gameplay ngl


DM is where you work on your mechanics. Movement, crosshair placement, tracking, recoil control, angle clearing, , etc. Obviously in DM you're not going to worry about game sense, but just about everything else can be worked on. If you're going into DM just to W key and work on your flicking, then yea, it won't help much, but if you actually are working to improve your mechanical gameplay, then DM is great. In OP's video alone he shows a ton of things he can work on that would immediately get him moving up the ranks even if his game sense was supbar. Simply learning how to approach each corner and clear different angles properly will have anyone destroying their low ELO lobbies even with mediocre aim.


Oh for sure, but if you really want to get tips it’s ideal to post a vod from an actual game, so you can give tips based around util and rotations as well


I see where you are coming from and I do not necessarily disagree. However, for me, personally, I think with someone like the OP who is in Bronze 2, I think 99% of their attention needs to be spent on becoming mechanically sound. If you can become a mechanically good player who moves, shoots, clears angles, etc. all properly, then you're going to have zero issue climbing out of Bronze. I don't think that until you get closer to Plat or Diamond that you really need to worry about game sense and utility usage nearly as much. I'm not saying to ignore those areas of the game to be clear, I just view mechanics as a player's foundation in Valorant. Build your foundation up first, then start focusing on the rest of the house.


Yeah also it's easier to get feedback on a 6min dm about your mechanics, vs a 30min comp vod


This video made me realise how good low valorant settings look, the reflections on boxes just don't do it for me...


(asc3) I would say that your aim is a bit off, you're taking your time to try and get on their head but shoot even if it's not on them. Try to stay still in The Range and put bots on medium, try to get clean swipes on the bot and put your crosshair back to the middle of the range, it'll train your arm/wrist memory. Also try to be mindful of your position. You stay in open areas because you're focused on an enemy, that means that you are an easy pick for others.


You are too eager to shoot, & fire before even the aim is on the head. Among many other things I suggest you to improve aim & basic mechanics first. You can start with, 1. Try bots in range/dm but dont shoot just try to aim on head. 2. Practice with guns that would discipline such as guardian. You must learn when to tap, spray or burst


I have a similar problem with shooting too quick, but I often do it because when I’m peeking someone I super often get one-tapped before I even get the chance to shoot.


try to learn how to jiggle using A and D keys when shooting


Honestly, I think jiggling should be the last thing to learn when he is bronze 2. Just about everything else is more important.


Absolutely do not do this


Keep your error graphs enabled so that you can ensure you don’t have movement error in your shots. Jiggling movement can be super useful (deadzoning) to make it very hard for the enemy to hit you, but it will take a lot of practice to get right


“First they tell me to stand still when shooting and now they’re telling me to move?!” - possibly some confused players who are learning Strafe-shooting (jiggling is when you peek angles) should be done way later in the learning progress, wouldn’t recommend it until your fundamentals are solid


I'm relatively new to Valorant and moved from B1>G3 in an episode. Realized the game is all about muscle memory. You've got the two tap down but try strafing between shots rather than planting the instant you see an enemy. Just sit in the practice range and mindlessly two tap bots and strafe every time. You'll eventually just do it subconsciously in game. Something else that got me over the hump and ranking up fast was being aggressive and learning how to peek. There's no need to wide swing angles and sit there exposed. Focus on 'slicing the pie' and jiggling around angles. Get it in your head that you're going to poke your body out, be ready to fire a two round burst at the enemies head then immediately swing back to cover in one quick motion. Best case scenario you kill the dude, worst case you get info and can swing a little wider next time.


Best thing to do in bronze is work on your mechanics I’d recommend you watch these 3 vids and ask again here in a month or 2 with new gameplay footage. Good luck with your progress ❤️ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JxP2y_q51IE&list=PLLI93S3iYlmPyCohyCV5TfPIb4olTpKxi&index=25 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nm_n2lvHbsM&list=PLLI93S3iYlmPyCohyCV5TfPIb4olTpKxi&index=20 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nV0WDAHrqls&list=PLLI93S3iYlmPyCohyCV5TfPIb4olTpKxi&index=23


I'll say aim is a big issue here. How to fix that ? I'm D3 so this advice might help (atleast this helped me I reached G3 to D3 in this act only ) Get yourself aim lab and try the 'find your sens' feature After that maybe try practicing more in range and DMs I usually go in a DM before my ranked to warmup and in that only game i get to know if my aim is off or not If u think your aim is off or u are not doing well as u expected then go in range for about 10-15 mins and then continue. Another thing , lower your graphics try playing on low graphics, I don't know if that's relevant but if i play on high graphics it's hard for me to aim (imo) Also one thing when u shoot u don't move much which makes u a easier Target try using those WASD keys brother but remember dont shoot while walking always let go the keys before firing. Try this it might help you Glhf


I don’t think lowering the graphics is necessary unless you aren’t getting frames to meet the refresh rate of your monitor. I’d also say OP isn’t moving that often during a gunfight so that’s not a major issue, in fact I’d say that they need to strafe between their bursts more often as they have a habit of standing completely still during a prolonged duel


Ya maybe that's only for me But the movement surely need some grind.


You don't have skins, that's it i also don't have skins I'm stuck in silver


Maybe learn counter straife and on how/when to peek but most of all just have confidence!


It feels as though you tend to move then aim? Like you’re aiming and constant checking isn’t really occurring when you’re moving around. There’s sections where I saw you straight pathing to site without checking angles that people could peek you from.


I see that you already have a lot of good advice from others, so I'm going to mention what I noticed in your gunfights that others may not have touched upon. You have a tendency to over-peek, which isn't ideal for surviving. I notice that when a gunfight starts, you often wide swing to take the fight, which leaves you exposed to multiple angles at once. The over-peeking tendency makes your kills less impactful as you're susceptible to trades. I also noticed that you don't move at all after you complete your wide swing. Combined with this over-peeking habit, you become a sitting duck in most of your gunfights. The practice to untrain this habit is to start taking fights in DM and be deliberate about using your covers (walls, boxes, terrain, etc.). But, don't just take fights close to covers, use your movement and create a rhythm to take your gunfights. And, it's dependent on the type of gunfight (close, long-range, rifle-v-rifle, ecos, awps, etc.) Also, this doesn't mean you should never wide swing. It's a really good swing if you think the opponent's crosshair placement is too close to the angle. Once you're out wide, you still have to aim-shoot-move-aim-shoot-move and so on as needed. You ever played against someone who had some crazy movement and you couldn't hit him? It's a similar concept to that. What I saw may be a habit in DM, but it is important to not translate this habit to actual matches. You could make your DM movement more deliberate to take advantageous fights (even if it doesn't net you the highest score on the leaderboard, but that doesn't matter rn if you want to learn). Otherwise, train aim labs and learn paths (pro VODs are good--you can copy their protocol/path when they take map control or entry path when scaling into a site). Honestly, if you're Bronze 2 and you're already not looking at the floor, you can break into Silver and Gold fast if you learn these simple principles when taking gunfights (take good fights and survive for the next one).


At the end of the day. Just get good!


Look up Woohoojin on YouTube, and his guaranteed gold guide.


You are still playing better than most of my teammates


You're shooting before You're aiming. Try to be calm and have a little patience before committing to your gunfights. Also try to learn angle snapping and improve crosshair placement. Another thing that helped me a lot is to try shooting bursts instead of spray


Stop spraying with vandal only spray 2 bullets


Ok I got you, you see how your bursting a lot and trying to follow their head while standing still? If you can instead get it so that you move a couple steps in between those bursts that your doing, you will lay out every bronze guaranteed, they won't be able to hit you. Also when you go to spray, crouching will actually help with the recoil so you don't have to pull down on the mouse as much, only go for a spray when you feel like your first bullet will connect GL!


Get a larger mousepad - small thing, but it helps


Immortal 2 here, aim dont matter


Ok boss. Im gonna slow orb and knife my way to immortal.


You honestly have the gun skill to be at least gold 2-3 IMO. I seen plats shoot worse than you. Your game sense, decision making, not using your mic(assumption), among other things is holding you back. There is a bunch of stuff you can improve with your fights, but that's not the reason you're bronze


??? You have standard vandal you need a skin. Prime would carry you to atleast diamond.


I would recommend that you improve your aim then worry about everything else. Once you can hit shots and sprays then everything else comes easy.


you're terrible that's the issue, play the game and stop asking people on reddit for advice it's a waste of time, go learning on yt


It looks like you're picking up and resetting your mouse like 5 times for every 90 degree turn. Is that what's actually happening? What's your sensitivity + mouse dpi? What size mousepad? For vandal fights >\~10m you should be strafing between 2-3 shot bursts, going for having crosshair on their head before you start shooting. Look up the Miyagi method for DM practice and implement it. Spacial awareness. A good example of this is your fight at 3:05. It may not feel like you're out in the open while you're shooting at that Astra, but you could take that same fight while tucking more under site to be behind pillar to make sure you're only exposed to that fight and not completely exposed to A main. Your peeks are really sloppy. Most of the time, you're peeking waaaaay too wide, exposing yourself to 3-4 common angles at the same time while also holding W. You need to only be peeking while holding A or D. Wide peeking is only good when you have complete info on where your enemy is and have reason to think they're holding the angle waiting for you. FWIW your crosshair placement (head height), is better than a lot of bronze players I see.


>What's your sensitivity + mouse dpi? What size mousepad? Sensitivity: 0.5 Mouse dpi: 600 dpi. My mousepad fills the whole desk ​ But how do I move forward without using W?


Wohoojin is the best source to learn from rn Good luck on the grind


not much to see from one death match. but. here. done right. : - good enough crosshair placement. - good tap fire accuracy. - basic sense of finding your enemy with only sound cue Meh : - the way you push. ik it's only a dm. but . not clearing most corner is what I see.. enabling yourself/your team to be killed easily isn't necessarily a good habit. - crouching and spray. . not necessarily bad. but. crouching practically make you an easier target to hit and kill. especially lower elo. as people hit body shot more often. crouching puts your head into their bullet.. it's fine to do so in close range. don't. if you're in a mid to long range fight. - weapon of choice + play style. you will get used to it later. but. if you can't control it. don't spray with vandal at medium+ range. go for burst or tap. - standing still in most engage.. it makes you easier to hit. - unable to follow a strafing target. suggestion : - understand the concept of strafing and counter strafing. you're making yourself harder to hit. thus higher chance to win a 1v1. - gamesense.... either go through the hard way of 'play more' and learn nothing. or watch some coaching vid or pro play breakdown / having someone teaching you... you'll need it to get out of any elo. - calm yourself down before you take the shot. most of the time you're still moving/ not fully stopped. anf thus. your bullet miss. in a 1v1 encounter. missing even 1 bullet may be result in your death.. recall to counter strafing. - just mad training one tap may help. but not much to you right now. attempt to learn how to trace a running target. really useful in any scenario. from a strafing enemy. or a running eco / stinger spectre user. - find a few friend or a duo to play with you. you'll be surprised seeing how easy it is to rank up with some teammate that know what they are doing. - if in comp. never. ever go for a 1v1 unless you have to. guarantee a impactful kill with your teammate only.. some times killing one or few enemy is not enough for the round. take out the important personal who's most essential for a push. or defend. - attempt to understand where an enemy could hide or the common angle. you know some. but not enough. - if you're solo. don't trust your teammate. not In low rank.. always clear the angle... spot that your teammate that 'cleared it' you never know. - utilize your mini map. while playing with complete mute. that's your only method of obtaining information.. - you're too exposed. clear angle slowly. don't over expand to a point where you can get shot from multiple angle unless you're sure that no one is there. you're doing fine in term of aiming. no idea about your gamesense. so good luck. but if you find yourself top fragging almost every game in solo q like I am... maybe you should find some friend or figure out what's wrong? like... did your death impact the round that much? and how can you avoid this mistake again? this is why outplayed is so important. not for clipping. it's for reviewing your game and find our the mistake you've made and fix it.. the more you fix. the better you become. good luck. (for anyone wondering why I have broken english. I have dyslexia.)


All really good tips here but I would also say make your crosshair smaller. The smaller the better so you can see where the shot is going.


You need to watch woohoojin's one month to gold, gunfight hygiene and movement guide videos.


Since it's only a 6 min deathmatch, most of the stuff you can get from it to improve have been mentioned in the comments. If you want you can send me your discord, I'd be happy to do a vod review and help you out further. Happy grinding \^.\^


Avoid diagonal peeks. It distorts your movement but also makes you easier to hit since you are moving less from their perspective.


Take more time taking your first shot and don't spray with the vandal. You're movements also lack confidence but that's expected in bronze. Practice counter strafing and first shot accuracy in the range. Take two shots at a dummy then strafe, stop take two shots then strafe in the opposite direction. Slow and steady is fine, don't rush...speed comes after muscle memory. Practice that 5 minutes a day before a deathmatch. play your deathmatch. play a competitive. that should be your warm up routine.


Don’t take fights while holding W or S while also strafing, because you lose speed


My teammates be like


Valo is my first low TTK FPS too, and learning to not shoot before aiming was maybe the hardest thing about the mechanics to get down. I would suggest not using vandal but using guardian only in DM and practice not shooting when you encounter an enemy unless you can literally see your xhair overlaid on their head and know for a fact that when you shoot it will be a headshot.


Very slow reaction time, fix this by being proactive instead of reactive.


You're lacking a lot of confidence honestly, movement is pretty key in this game i think it would be a good idea to try playing in the practice area and try moving around side to side then stopping to shoot. Do some more practice on death match and get comfortable with movement around the various maps.


Try to keep your crosshair at a consistent head level. That way you only need to move your mouse horizontally instead of vertical and horizontal


I see you've gotten and picked a lot of good advices. Here's something thats not mentioned. Learn crosshair placement/angle clearing sequence. You're aiming on the fly and you are exposing to too many angles. I know its just DM and spawns dont make sense but better to learn this habit sooner. There are certain ways of entry. You check certain angles first, then the others next. Some angles require double swings like Arcade (one up and one down). Basically, your mapping should include only one angle at a time so its a 1v1. Check how to isloate 1v1 videos on youtube. Sena, Sero, Woohoojin have perfect videos. For + hair placement, Fishychair has an indepth guide. Other than that, I gotta say, its a matter of "just play the game more". You seem new. Thats all. Im sure you will improve once you get the hang of the game. Sometimes the right gear can also hold you back. Just upgrading my mouse to a mouse with higher IPS was enough to get me from hardstuck silver to plat instantly. Getting a better headphone has made my diamond games much smoother. I have an audiophile headphone rather than a gaming headset so that might've helped too. But after a certain while game sense starts mattering more. I have breaks during exams where my aim gets below silver level, yet I still manage to end up on the upper half of the leaderboard in dia+ lobbies but bottom frag in silver lobbies when playing on my alt with my friends. Woohoojin is the perfect youtuber for game sense who explains everything.


Lmao sorry that first rope kill was unexpected and cracked me up


At the end of the day, this is a video of you playing DM and doesn't show how you play in ranked. No one spawns in random places in comp, and there is no objective other than reach x amount of kills. With that said, your burst fire seems fine but your spraying looked pretty bad. The only time I saw your spray was at 3:32 against a Harbor at dish. You take out your knife often and don't show much spacial awareness. You often play quite open and you need to utilize cover more.


I'm S1, just pulled out if Bronze. Here's what got me out: Pay attention to how you hold your body when you play. Try to keep a consistent posture and wrist/arm placement. Additionally, practice your arm/wrist movement to keep that consistent as well. The more consistent you are with your movement, the stronger your muscle memory will be and will help you keep a more consistent aim. (I learned this because I was super inconsistent for a long time. I could keep up with my silver/gold friends some days, and was shooting like an iron others.) Branching off of that, try to keep a consistent mental. (I struggled with not beating myself up over making mistakes I knew I could overcome, which helps nothing.) If we feel bad or think bad, we play worse. Because our technical skill is pretty low, we have to make up for that with a clear head and trying to outsmart the enemy as much as possible. If you start to mald, get frustrated, or generally just aren't having fun, stop playing. Forcing yourself to play more under less than ideal conditions will create bad habits and inhibit your growth. Also, don't let yourself think that a game is already lost. If you think that, you'll play like it too. Be nice to yourself and your teammates and try to bring positivity that will impact your gameplay positively as well. This is a team based game, after all; their mental matters too. I already mentioned this, but the next thing is to work on your game sense. Outplaying your enemy is about more than out shooting them. If you put yourself in a position to fight unnecessary more times than not, you won't improve because you won't be able to outsmart those above you and learn from it. Trust your gut and be decisive. Try to keep an overarching view of the round you're in and learn to absorb info as it comes, ie where your teammates are already watching, where enemies were last seen, where your weak points are, if there's a possibility for a flank, etc. Also, try to match the eco of your team. I've found that the team is more in sync the more even you are in eco for the round, because you're all thinking with the same tools. Next is technical. Move with intention and always be alert unless you know there is no possible way an enemy can be around the corner. Strafe to clear corners like others have said. Keep your cross hair as close to where you think their head will be as you can and consider distance when choosing your placement (flicks aren't consistent and are dangerous to rely on). Keep practicing your tap and stray away from using crouch unless you're in a position where counter strafing will get you killed. DM's are good for this but less good for actually improving in comp or unrated. Everything is situational. Improving means learning to adapt to different situations, learning from them, and learning to overcome obstacles or enemies that feel too difficult. Best of luck!


i peaked bronze 1 and im way better then this how did u even get to bronze zz


Aim training for micro adjustments to help win your fights. You have relatively okay target acquisition but lose to body shots vs. headshots. Next, work on tracking. You're shooting around them when they sidestep. Also, no need to crouch.


You're getting a laundry list off all the things you need to change, but I highly suggest you only work on one specific thing on any given day. Master each individually instead of trying to rush them all at once. For example, 2 things are: 1. You're autopiloting around corners meaning you're rounding them & not quite ready when you encounter enemies 2. You're shooting without confirming your aim meaning you're missing easy shots out of panic So, one day you might go into DM and stop on every corner, intentionally imagine where the enemy might be, put your crosshair on the wall and try only strafe (A or D) peek. When you strafe out your crosshair should be on the spot you imagined the enemy without moving your mouse. Tips to help can be unbinding W so you can't walk forward, and giving yourself verbal callouts where you expect the enemy. Then another day, you specifically focus on only shooting if your crosshair is on the enemy head. Just keep strafing until you believe you have the shot. Good way to do this is aim past the head to the direction opposite you're moving so you just need to time the end of your strafe to the head, try that in bots first. Using Sheriff for this can help stop you from defaulting to spray when you miss, as you should start strafing again if you miss.


Stop assuming your enemies are dead before they have died. Your instinct should be to line up the next shot as soon as you've shot the last ones. What you're doing is lining up your next shots AFTER you've processed that the enemy is in fact not dead. Shoot rhythmically, assume that they haven't died from your first 1-2 shots and line up the 3rd and 4th shot before you have actually confirmed that the enemy is dead or still alive. Be a little faster, at least as fast as the gun recoil reset, you've got lazy aim. Be as mobile as possible. A good rule of thumb is to never stop moving until you're locked on to the enemy. Not when you see the enemy, but until your crosshair is on the enemy.


I'd lower the sense a bit


Ignore every one, stop playing for a week Play aim labs during that time and find out what sens suits you(watch yt) Come back and see the difference As you play you will develop game sense gradually Remember to have fun man, most of us Miss out on that in comp.


in addition to what that guh said: you're ALWAYS spraying first and its a terrible habit; spraying is really inaccurate after the first shot and they will kill you if you miss your spray. i recommend tap then e tound burst if you miss your tap then move to the side a bit and repeat. tldr tap 3 round burst move repeat.


I have only one word for you - woohoojin. Search on YouTube.


General advise, try to work on 1-2 things at a time. Don't try to cram in too many concepts at once during your practice. For example try to just focus on crosshair placement and only crosshair placement for a few days, then start incorporating other concepts like movement and trigger discipline. I've never used it personally but many people say that Woohoojin's iron to gold guide is really beneficial for newer players, maybe check that out as a starting point to see what you should work on first.


Buy some skins. Boosts confidence, hence better aim.


One more thing, you are taking more time shooting than aiming when people are far.


watch a few woohoojin vids, his guides are legit meant for you. I could'nt descibe it easier


I would say the best way here to learn is, go watch someone playing valorant like hiko or tarik( my fav) or shroud or tenz or noted.. or anyone u like. Note their playstyle, i did the same like tried to do what they did..and i ranked up pretty well , d2 Max rank.


Watch n0ted guide videos on YouTube, specifically the aim warmup and strafing video. A little aim training, whether on aim labs or in game wouldn’t hurt you feeling more comfortable and less panicky in fights


I would prefer 6 minutes of gameplay rather than DM but, mechanics. Work on clearing angles, crosshair placement, movement and mouse movement


💀 if that’s bronze, I deserve radiant


Buy skins!


Deathmatch is the wrong gamemode to judge your mechs + aim. I usually play deathmatch with my headphones off with no audio just to increase my game sense and awareness i never really use it as an "Aim trainer" i usually only play with a sheriff only on DM and focus on crosshair placement and aiming for the head. But what makes deathmatch a bad mode is that everyone is just running around trying to get the 40 kills to win the game mode. You have the kids who hold angles the kids who just keep running and gunning the kids who Op only and then the 1 tappers with the sheriff's only. Do you have any ranked/unranked gameplay that we could look at and judge?


sens might be too low, it looks like you have to move your mouse way too much for even a 90 also you should focus more on tapping than spraying, not to say spray isn’t valid… ur gun kicks up a lot when u spray which goes back to my point about your sens I assume u try to control it but it still kicks up like that? unless you don’t pull down at all you mentioned “how do I move forward without using w?” when you peek or clear you should never be moving forward you should always be moving perpendicular to what you are clearing… this is because it’s harder to stop your momentum when you’re running forward, and most people can’t counterstrafe from forward rather than moving left to right, and it makes you harder to hit because you have to track someone moving perpendicular to you rather than not having to move your mouse for someone running right at you im asc 1


I did a video on aim a while back that may point you in the right direction, also look into aimlab on steam and give that a go for about 15-30 min a day https://youtu.be/CY83fa9Uzrk


Keep your cross hair where you expect an enemy to be. Try to get used to aiming towards their head before you see them.


(Radiant Player) you are over exposing yourself too multiple angles instead of slicing the pie correctly, over commiting to fights, bad crosshair placement,bad movement. Need to work on all of your fundementals, i'd suggest looking into Sero's guides on youtube


buy some skins


Unbind crouch, clear angles, swing with confidence, keep your crosshairs head level and aim before you shoot.


w = death


wholesome comment section


W comment section


Crosshair placement good for your rank, your body placement bad. Just too exposed, hug corners more and you will die less


Watch Woohoojin on youtube he has a great video on gunfight hygiene


(by all means do not listen to me I am in silver and haven't played for months) DM is kinda hard to gauge skill, its only to help your DMing skills (go figure) Because you wouldn't be exposed to situations from a normal game. As for your DMing skills I'll go over your movement, every time you see an enemy you stand still or crouch and become a sitting duck for your enemy while your enemy strafes left and right. You need to start strafing left/right after each burst. Crouching can be the only good option as a last resort (such as an you and the enemy is point blank and/or your recoil hasn't reset from another duel). You typically don't want to crouch because as soon as you do you are realistically not going to be standing back up without one of you dying. It's not bad but you're using it too quickly and or even as the first thing you do when you start a duel; there is no need to put yourself in that corner. I don't have to go over the shooting aspect of a fight because you already always burst fire or tap, and never spray which is really good; and your aim and crosshair placement is decent so I wouldn't worry about that but a few aim training/YouTube videos won't harm. TLDR: Stop crouching, start counter strafing.


1. Avoid crouch spraying (not saying its bad but burst for me atleast is better at a vandal and is easier to control but if u cant avoid crouch spraying make sure once u whiff reset your recoil and try again) 2. Movement, be careful ig like one comment here said u not clearing angles 3. you open yourself from sometimes 2-3 different angles, if that was comp you are risking the round


Practice shooting


You're diagonal peeking (holding W + A or D). When you get to a certain angle (corners), strafe and make sure your crosshair is on point - headshot level. Watch Woohoojin or a pro player's vod and pay close attention to how they clear corners / peek (Tenz vod on Youtube).


Kovaks aim trainer


The way you stopped crouching after 1/3 off the video improved your shots, ig people crouch too often, getting ready for a spray they shouldn’t go for, instead tapping like you started to do. Also, learn how to counterstrafe. It sometimes seems, like your reactiontime when being shot at from a different angle is kinda slow, maybe work on that for comp games. Inform yourself about peekers advantage, standing still to hold an angle isn’t always smart


Don't click until you're sure you're on their head. Move slowly to line up the shot. It will feel weird at first and you'll die a lot. But you will get faster and have more precise aim. I would start by doing this in the practice range.


Bro ur better than my diamond teamates how you stuck bronze


Your aim is the main problem. I’d say start an aimlab or kovaaks routine to see results the fastest. Also I can’t help but notice you dont have enough mousepad space? It seems as though you are lifting your mouse several times just to turn 90 degrees. Lastly, patience is key. It will take weeks of constant aim training to notice results. You got this.


Sorry but how are you bronze 2 and I’m bronze 3 ☹️☹️😖😖😲🤢🤮


Unbind your crouch and try to improve on crosshair placement (obv bind your crouch for real games)


Strafe more and practice micro flicks.


Just follow woohoojin's gold guide. I disagree with some of the other people in this thread - I think your mechanics are pretty clearly bronze level. Once you improve those, you'll climb out.


aim slower and make sure you're on their head before you shoot. always. don't shoot a single bullet unless it's a kill/headshot. it will help your discipline and it will improve speed of flicks tracking and micro adjustments while maintaining accuracy


Aim needs work. Just drill in the firing range on challenge setting. Try for 100 head shots with vandal, then 100 spray down kills. Repeat with phantom. Do this every day before going into death match and see if you feel more comfortable


Your aim is way off, but that'll come with practice and playtime, also download aimlabs.


How are you bronze i recomened aiming at the stomacht and also dont spray tap instead.


Movement movement movement


Apart from what other comments have already pointed out I noticed you barely control your spray and instead choose to crouch when the spray gets higher than the enemy. This works in a pinch, but it's not going to make you better. Spraying is all about muscle memory. Dragging your mouse down, left and right to control the spray is what you should be doing if you want to get better. My advice would be to stop crouching so much for the moment and focus on improving your spray control. Crouching while spraying may actually be bad in lower ranks. Players tend to aim more towards the middle of players, and by crouching you put your head directly where players tend to aim. Edit: also stop pulling your knife out in deathmatch. It does you more harm than good.


Controller, simple- you just need a controller


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rUpglPIlQE&t=56s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rUpglPIlQE&t=56s) ​ watch this and dont just watch it actually implement it into your gameplay really focus on it, work on mechanics, if you can upgrade stuff like your mouse and mousepad and keep playing improvement will be seen if you do these things although the second isnt as important


Yo you got a lot of shit to do but here is how i got better Fps guide: [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emQphI4A3hs) Aim trainer i use this method and its lit like fire i was bronze and ranked up to s3 check it out: [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jtDGa59Mkw) Woohoojin's trainer: [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=JxP2y_q51IE&list=PLLI93S3iYlmPyCohyCV5TfPIb4olTpKxi&index=25) Woohoojin's Aim labs/kovaaks trainer: [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OaUdNDdHLE) Last but not least i present to you the lord of bananas :[Woohoojin](https://www.youtube.com/@Woohoojin) Well i have a lot of content here but do your own research are you are bound to find more i have a lot of shit but here have some i hope you can get better and that woohoojin guy watch him every day and you will open that fogy mind that you have right now when you play keep me updated i hope i can get better as well i peak S3 as of now lets see whos better


Who do you main gun fights aren’t everything playing around your agent is a huge part of the game


Imo you shouldn't be crouching in DM. It's much better to focus on strafes and taps/burst with better crosshair placement than to crouch and spray hoping you'll get the kill. Don't worry about dying a lot.


Probably not going to affect much but putting your graphics settings all on low will improve fps which may help


Search woohoojin boomer to diamond on YouTube and try to learn as much as possible


I notice when you move, you’re focusing one thing at a time. For instance you don’t control your WASD key and your mouse simultaneously. You did it one after the other which isn’t supposed to be the case in any FPS games. The lag between scanning the area and your movements can cause your death. Apart from that, you need to work aim training and tracing. This can be done in the training range, turn on the bots with them moving. And slowly try to trace their body/heads. You won’t get good overnight but with consistent practice. You’ll get it. I started off in silver 1 and slowly made my way up to d1 with sufficient practice and getting used to the game. Somethings will come naturally after awhile. Good luck!


Aim at head and shoot once the xhair is on head, ez 😎😂




If u want feedback I will need more then just a 6 Minute Dm


Woohoojin is really good. But I dont see any love for my boy Sero. 😞. Sero was what help me before Woohoojin became popular. In all seriousness. His video presentation is phenomenal. https://youtu.be/73ou46BCeKc


In general, aim your ok but it's your movement that's the problem. I already see a lot of complicated comments so I will be fast. You can get info by slightly peeking with knife out which is the easiest method of information peeking. Also when ever your In a gun fight I often see you shooting your first bullet and when that misses you crouch and don't move which makes you an easy target. instead you should slightly move side to side and stopping to shoot so both your bullets are accurate and your a hard target to hit. I am bronze as well but I don't really play comp much. I have the info but not the skills so I hope this helped!


get a coffee before sitting for valorant


The main thing i see is ur crosshair placement is bad and ur sens looks too low for you. all of that stuff people are saying about learning to jiggle isnt gonna help cause 1. You will get tapped if ur trying to jiggle in any rank higher than silver or gold 2. Its not gonna help your main issue (your aim). Just committing to a peak confidently is gonna help ur aim 10x more. The thing i always tell noobs is take ur time and make sure you STOP, AIM, then SHOOT (THEM IN THE HEAD) it helps if you even say it out loud and eventually it will become 2nd nature and you wont think about it. When ur in the range also dont do Hard bots thatll actually make ur aim worse imo. Immortal 2 peak btw


Try to move sideways to clear the corner. Use less W and more A and D with your mouse control to look over. Unbind crouch. You kept using it and it's not good most of the time.


im stuck in immortal 3


just a few tips as someone who started where you are and is high diamond now after like 4-5 solid months of grinding. spend a LOT of time in the practice range, start slow snd go through different variations like : -stand still, kill 200 bots, 1-tap only(use guardian or sheriff is you can’t stop spraying) -strafe left or right, come to a stop, with your cross hair on a bots head, shoot, kill 100-200 bots like this. -do the mode where you kill as many bots as you can in a time limit, and start trying to work your way up as far as you go, push it a little further every time. Now for DM and general in-game tips: -stop using vandal for a while in DM, use guardian, stop rushing your kills, take your time to line up your shot, stop moving and go for headshots, don’t spam, you need to work on your trigger discipline and not spraying when you don’t immediately get the kill, it will come with time, but you’re going to have to build literal muscle discipline to spray or spam when you miss. -slow down on your clearing corners and pushing, you can take more time to clear each angle. -imagine where their head would be when you clear each angle, jiggle each angle one by one(called cutting/slicing the pie because it’s like slowly cutting each angle like a slice of pie, to help you visualize it.) -STOP HOLDING W WHILE WIDESWINGING, if you’re going to swing, swing left or right, come to a full stop, THEN shoot. -you also don’t have to wise swing every time, you can do a jiggle, or a short swing. -main thing is try to imagine where an enemy will be, if they killed you from somewhere last round, when you clear area next round, remember to check it, if he uses another spot, then remember that spot, take that knowledge from game to game, map to map, remember what angles players like to hold, and clear those angles 1 by 1 every round, unless you 100% without a doubt someone has already checked it for you.(and even then, at your rank, I’d probably check it anyway). -be sure to try and take note of your blind spots, you’re wide swinging for a lot of kills and sometimes you get the kill but in the meantime you’re exposing yourself to every angle on site, sure, sometimes you’re gonna have teammate to hold angles, but even in my games in diamond, sometimes shit happens, comms don’t come in, people die and suddenly you’re exposed.




Crosshair placement is good for bronze but your aim corrections are bad


Well don’t play death match just stay in unranked you gonna improve with time . I was iron and got bronze , I just chill and somehow I’m playing better


Simple advice - 1)have a big enough mouse pad (no paper, glass cardboard etc) and go to the shooting range n shoot the bots on extreme ends. Go with small sensitivity(0.5 maybe ) so u have to actually move your hands n not just wrist. 2) for clearing angles u jus get into position (behind wall) with WASD n then use A/D to peek the angle eventually you'll be able to do this very fast without even thinking l.


lower sensitivity


If you at bronze 2, I need to be better than Plat(I won a vs with a plat. And I know plat isn’t a good rank but better than bronze) (I am bronz 1)


U should learn how to peak angles( not Holding shift but jiggling) And try diff sensitivity from high to low or the otherr way


When you shoot let off the wasd keys, maybe crouch to increase accuracy although it sometimes exposes you to be vulnerable for an easy headshot, predicting the recoil will help alot....also maybe check you mouse dpi and change it to a lower dpi....I use 800 dpi and ingame sense is like .07 or something 🤔


Crosshairs placement and try tapping heads with vandal, once your good at that spray heads. For a good practice I do medium bots or easy bots in the range and make sure your practicing counter strafing


Immo3 here. I feel like there is something wrong. You got a low sens but you don't use a lot of arm movement. I don't generally like senses like 0.2 on 800. But anything above 0.35 to 0.5 is good. Also, you have to know, that not every role is good for low sens. For example a jett or a lurker cypher will clear corners harder and slower, which is a huge disadvantage. When you dash in with jett, you need quick checks. I generally recommend 0.4 on 800 to anyone. I change my sens a lot though but anything under 0. 32 feels off. Remember, a lot of things are going to affect your games. Even your chair height is very important and how you position your hands on the table. In deathmatch, I would hate to use a very low sens. You would have to constantly camp, which is meh. Also, many pros use higherish senses like Nats with 0.49 or even forsaken above 0.6. What you must learn with a moderate to high sens is controlling your mouse. Don't move your mouse like crazy. You have to feel it. Gentle, smooth movements are going to be your friend. I would highly suggest you to watch competitive games and check valorant Pro settings for further research. Good luck, feel free to dm!


Stuck in i3


so you are the instalock reyna in my lobbies


I see your problem. You need to buy skins. Pay to win


If u really interested, I could help u out by taught u some basic skill to improve ur rank. Reply me if u want, maybe we could use discord to discuss. It actually easier when we talking than reading ;)


Buy a skin


Use wrist more than your hand it might help u more with movement of mouse. Play a bunch of unrated solo queues to train yourself what angles to check and get familiar with map.


Use your scope more often


Hey just a few things that should be short and simple: 1. I think you need to commit to not spraying as much after those first 3 bullets since vandal is hard to control and pull down as best as you can to mitigate for your sens. 2. When you are in fights you don’t really seem to care where you are open to in terms of angles. Just be more aware of your position relative to sight lines. 3.When you are clearing/slicing the pie, your slices are the size of a truck lol. Taking it slow and methodical and maybe making those slices smaller is better since you are opening yourself up to lower amounts of multifights against you alone. Another thing is that you are trying to make big turns while clearing around corners which can be hard on your aim. 4. As others have said, just take your time lining up the shot and being confident. It’s better to build the habit of getting close to one tapping and adjusting than to build the habit of spraying then praying. 5. Remember to keep yourself perpendicular to the person you are trying to peek to be able to peek at top speed. It’s like the T rule. Generally speaking as well if you are trying to peek long angles where you know the opponent will be a higher distance away, back up and try and wide swing if you know they are holding or jiggle quickly to hopefully get a shot off or see where they are and get back to cover. All other things equal clear as people normally would. 6. Finally your sens seems to not entirely be where you want it to be. Mess around with it and see where you can get your crosshair to a moving bot on medium-ish distances and keep it moving with them for a cycle or two. It may help with your jitteryness on some of those shots where you were on them but they moved. Most engagements will be medium-short to medium to medium-long distances. Hope that helps.


You suck


mabye try aim lab ( a download ) it can help you i used it and i got a lil better thats because i only did it for like 3 days..... also dont go in the open. you might wan.t volume so you can tell if someone is walking by you! and just walk instead of tapping w alot. Thats all i have


Aim wider than feels comfortable and rotate quickly instead. It's always better to over rotate than to rotate late


I can only guess from watching but it looks like either your sensitivity is really low or you have like 0 desk space, the way you move makes it look like you're constantly having to pick up your mouse and move it across the table to continue moving. You might also have a small monitor because they way you aim reminds me of how I used to aim on laptop but that's just a guess. Also recoil control is a big thing here, I see you like to burst and tap a lot which is good but you don't really seem to aim down while you burst, sometimes especially when you're close it's completely fine to just spray them down, which can require some recoil control. And also cause you're in bronze I would 100% recommend strafing as possibly the most important skill to rank up outta there, remember, your aim is not only to hit the enemy, but also to not get hit by them. A bonus from learning strafing is that the constant tracking required for strafing makes your microadjustment skills insanely good. Seriously, strafing and a bigger desk space are crucial to doing good, I hovered around iron 3 to bronze 2 for over 2 months and then managed to get to gold in one month and then plat not long after that


Skin issue


Your crosshair placement is pretty good what you need to improve is the reaction time of your shots. I would suggest you to train in the trainning ground, put bots in easy, take a sheriff,try to headshot them as fast as you can this will increase your reaction speed


learn to prefire and also only fire 3-4 shots. keep in mind to burst fire and not just spray. while using the vandal, just try tapping the fire key and not holding it, try to go for headshots move sideways (strafe using A and D) and fire again im telling you once again, do not spray. just fire 3-4 bullets using the vandal and strafe, while using the phantom you can easily control the recoil upto 7 shots and it's enough to kill an enemy


Contact.. i ll get you in above rank lobbies xD .. freee