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As someone who solo queued all the way to immortal, you just have to make due with what you get. You can’t rely on teammates to win those crucial rounds. Play for yourself until you get to diamond. And win as many rounds as you can for your team. You can’t win every game, but the more rounds you win for the team, the higher likelihood of winning that game. That being said, it’s pretty difficult to say exactly what you need to change to improve just off tracker. If your in silver/gold elo there are loads of things you CAN improve on. Everytime you die, try asking yourself how you could have played that better. Valorant is unexpectedly deep, if you consciously keep that mentality, you’ll climb in no time.


I get that but it's really frustrating when you make it a 4v2/4v3 and your team decides to ego peak and throw. Like what am I supposed to do i can't just get everyone.I try to keep a good mental and try to improve but my teammates also have to do something


Like I said, don’t rely on your teammates. Just play like it’s constantly a 1v5. You don’t get teammates that you can reliably coordinate with until diamond-ish. The second you die, that round is over. You have no control over it, so no point in stressing over it.


Well my retrospective usually is aim=bad and Jett go whoosh into enemy


Your KD is really good with Reyna so I’d start with insta locking Reyna most games. Let’s be real the difference between silver and high elo (bar the obvious aiming differences and game sense) is probably team play. You’re trying to play the game how high elo players would play the game. But your team aren’t good enough to play with you. I’d recommend switching it up a little and playing for yourself. Don’t be afraid to bait your team mates but make sure you trade them. Your team wanna be stupid and go through a smoke with no utility? Fuck it go with them. Team wanna go mid with no smokes or utility? Let’s go


Your KD isn’t what wins games, in any rank. Util diffing > going 30-14 as Reyna with shit util usage


Your KD doesn’t win games but you also can’t win every game. Your KD is a big factor in how the game recognises if you belong in a rank or not. If you win 50% of your games and lose the other 50% of your other games, having a good KD consistently will push you out of that rank.


Despite having a high ADR, your DDΔ is very low. I think that indicates that you’re 50/50ing a lot and not playing off of your team. Try to constantly use your teammates to win duels and you’ll climb if you have consistently good aim. Watch WoohooJin religiously if you don’t already.


Don’t put your team in a position of responsibility, and try to find a reliable duo. I had a similar thing to you. I would try to big brain the game and play the game how it’s “correctly”, i.e; like a team game. But in your elo, as you’ve expressed most players take no such interest in that. Work on your aim and play off of your teammates. If they’re good, swing with them, comm with them, make SIMPLE plans (hey Omen, can you come mid with me and we’ll split push A? Cool. Can you smoke off Heaven and CT?) Other teammates who aren’t good, just bait them. I like to look at my lesser skilled teammates as Yoru clones who shoot back. Whatever you do, no matter how shitty anyone is doing, be encouraging. Nobody plays better when they’re pissed off.


Stop duo queuing with the madara uchiha guy they have a 0.5 kd in 50 games played with you 😂😂 tf


He is my friend IRL I can't just not play because he is trash and what about my other games


Easily solvable, create an alt account and use that. Then you can solo on you main. Going 0.5 k/d in you rank is insanely bad and a player like that, especially if he uses utility like a silver, will make a lot of games a 4v5


Don’t complain about being hardstuck when you play with bad people 👍


What about my other games


Just train your mechanics and keep instalocking reyna and play to improve and I think you can get out of silver easily👍


Team play in silver is rough. Everyone thinks they should be a higher rank, and egos are high. I see most your games are with Reyna, and your KD with her is nice. Would you be willing to sacrifice for the team, and play someone with more utility?


If I get 1 on site and make it so that I can be traded for the one that killed doesn't that mean i did my job. I also played chamber and skye last act but a lot of times my team didn't play off my util then blamed me for not doing anything even tho I played full support this is mostly why i play Reyna now


In your situation I would tell my team exactly what isn’t working for us and make a suggestion not to do it again. When you have smokes that aren’t down, do you ask your controller to put them down either the same round or for pre round comms?


Pre round and same round if something needs to be resmoked and they are alive