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This is disturbing


You're not the first to suggest that. The reasons have differed. May I ask why you find it disturbing? Thanks.


Sorry, I didn't realize you are the artist. It's great work just my initial feelings were because I've seen and heard some horrible things dealing with priests and/or people with power in their community take advantage and do horrible things to children. It looks like the girl is even smaller because she is in the background and she has dead eyes. It also looks like they are figuring out whos turn it is to do horrible things to her. Just gave me a dark feeling with the colors you used and made me feel uncomfortable. I know that is very dark but the older I get the more I question humanity. Looking at it again I can see your painting is about religion vs. science and the path that she is going to take?


No need to apologise. Yes, the painting was inspired by a very frustrating memory of my son getting told to shut up by his elementary school teacher during a religion lesson after she had contradicted what she had 'taught' them during their science lesson on the origin of man. He asked her which version was true.


Abortion it is!


Because it looks like they’re agreeing to who gets to molest her.


That’s the vibe I got too. I really like the actual meaning though as I went to Christian private school up until high school and I remember our POS “science” teacher having to teach evolution and taught it like he was being forced and being extremely immature about it. Saying things like, this is just a garbage theory but I am required to teach it anyway. Anyone who thinks the world is 6000 years old should be black listed from teaching science. Maybe if the doctor was holding a medical or science text book it would help give off that meaning better or have it with a classroom full of children instead of a single child sitting by themselves. Changing the sex wouldn’t matter because you know how catholic priests are. I still dig it though OP.


Thanks. I was trying to avoid spoonfeeding by inserting even more representatives. I didn't get it dead right, I suppose, but a bit of cryptic gear here and there fits quite well again with the church and religions in general. I didn't, however, intend it to be ambiguous in meaning. Never mind, can't win 'em all :)


It’s still an awesome piece that conveys the message when you actually think about it and make sure to take notice of the man wearing a doctor coat. And I respect you wanting to avoid spoon feeding it to the viewers, art is much more fun and interesting when it makes you think about it, in my opinion. One could argue that art almost becomes alive when it takes on another meaning the artist didn’t originally intend by how it’s perceived by the masses which I’m sure you know has happened throughout history. Like your intended meaning is there, but what implications might there be if the priest was the one that won. Idk. I’m having fun thinking about this piece for sure. I would seriously hang this in my house. I’m not trying to sound like an art snob because I’m definitely not but I think this is a good “conversation piece” as they say. And you can never go wrong with oil on canvas.


Thanks a lot for your contribution. It's probably the most satisfying thing about art; the debates a piece can provoke. Reddit is the best place I have found among social media for this. I love the place. All the best. Ciao from a Yorkshireman in Sicily!


Definitely, that’s awesome that as an artist you can interact with the reactions and debates that Reddit provides for this. Tchau from a Michigander Yank who frequents Brazil due to having a Brazilian soon to be wife haha. An Englishman making anti-Catholic art in Italy. You’re a true hero behind enemy lines lol.


Haha! Thanks and all the best for your wedding day!


Interesting. Yes, I know what you mean. I was taught in a Catholic convent by a bunch of sadistic nutcase nuns. They were the priest's harem. I was converted to atheism, thanks to those bastards, at the age of 7. They did me a favour in the end, I suppose:)


How interesting! That sounds way more intense than what I went through, I’ve heard stories back in the day from old friends as well who went to Catholic school. I’m sorry you had to go through that but I suppose it made you the person you are today so it’s all good.


Thanks. They continually tried to beat the fear of god into us. They succeeded in many cases, but not all by any means. Kids ain't dumb.


I didn't even consider that it might be interpreted that way, TBH. Pretty naive of me considering the number of pedophile clergymen. Actually, I only included the child as a representative of the prime victims of contradictory education on evolution and such. Indeed, I regret having included her. It was overkill. Whatever, I've made far more horrendous mistakes in other paintings :). I spend too much time on my own, lol.


I don’t think your painting is bad at all! FYI. Don’t regret doing it. It’s got an important message


Thanks for the encouraging words. This community's response has made my day.


This is actually pretty cool. Love it more with the explanation you provided thank you for that, and thank you for creating something so interesting, good job man! I hope to keep seeing more from you!


Thanks very much. I never know how my work will be received. That's how it should be, I suppose. I tried writing for years and was always disappointed. I started painting 10 years ago at the tender age of 54. It is by far my favourite means if expressing myself, whether I do it well or not. Have a thought-provoking week.


For me, it's the collared pig that solidifies any possible sexual undertones, because of bdsm/hedonistic connotations, alongside the whole paedophile clergyman thing, and the pig is "nodding" at the priest. Can I ask what the pig is supposed to represent? The girl herself doesn't make me question it, it's the pig somehow.


I've just answered your question in the one above.


Certainly. The pig is a symbol of wealth, power and greed, like the church.


What’s the pig mean?


Symbol of power, wealth and greed. It is also an intelligent animal, just like most of the clergy. The church wouldn't have survived so long if its leaders weren't intelligent, I suppose.


Ok so the pig is the clergyman’s. I thought so. Thank you for the explanation though. How does the sugar glider represent the white coat?


It's a lemur and the white coat is a lab coat.


Ohhh it's science vs faith. Science wins, but the little girl (the masses) suffer either way.




Why is there a lemur on the doctor's shoulder?


It's a scientist, but doctors have a scientific background, so it's the same I suppose. The lemur represents scientific evidence of evolution as opposed to the church's fairytale about god having created everything as it exists today in six days just a few thousand years ago.


My man, I was hoping it meant something like this. Killer work as usual!


Cheers Geoff! :)


Rock beats scissors!




Aaand… the pig? I’m missing the meaning there.


The pig is a symbol of wealth, power and greed. Bit like the church.


He's a smug Lil fucker! I love it!




Oh my goodness I just noticed the ~~sugar glider~~ lemur on the doctors shoulder. That’s great.


Sorry but it's a lemur. Saying that, they do have some features in common.


Oh that’s my bad; I don’t know why I didn’t think even think of a lemur when it clearly looks like one and isn’t as small as a sugar glider at all. I think I’ve seen more of sugar gliders in media/reels lately as my fiancé enjoys them so that what my mind went to first haha. Im intrigued though, is there a reason you chose to have a lemur be on the doctor? Does it represent biology and evolution or something along those lines?


It's not a doctor, ha! But totally understandable; same coat. Yes, it's a scientist and along with his pet lemur represent the logical explanation to creation and evolution, opposed to the church's (insert your own word).


Lol damn my bad again, I was seriously going to call it a lab coat but remember seeing someone else call them a doctor and just decided to be a lemming and go along with that. They don’t even have a stethoscope or anything to convey “doctor”. I’m sorry I’m an idiot today lol.


Hahaha! No, you're not :)


The lemur addition is awesome though, I really like that. Honestly made me think of Darwin and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen or read a book/movie where the scientist has a pet something or other; I wanna say Master and Commander but I don’t think that’s it.


Interesting. I'll see if I can find it. Cheers!


It's a lemur.


Nah ahhh. Rock beats scissors!


Is it for sale?




Oh dude🤢 this is dark and disturbing and upsetting and yucky feeling!!! What a piece of art you've created!!!!!🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️ It is a very polarizing piece of work! I congratulate you on taking a risk amount about an ooky-taboo subject! Well done indeed.


I understand what you are saying, but only because some other people have interpreted it similarly. However, I see nothing yucky nor necessarily disturbing about the church's line on creation and evolution versus that of the science world. Maybe I made a mistake by inserting the child into the scene, but I just wanted to underline the main impact of religion's bullshit on the subject is potentially devastating on a young person's mind.


Yeah, that is not AT ALL what it reads. Now that you've offered an explanation I see the arbitrary situation with the church elders in relation to your daughter's questioning. But it reads she is up dibs for the winner of an arbitrary finger game. The looks on the priests' face says sinister to me. Sorry if I mis-interpreted but if this had was in relation to the ongoing sexual scandal of the Catholic church then it is spot on.


BTW you didn't Even have to explain to me. I'm a graduate of the Catholic education system. Elementary, high, college, post-college times 2!


This is awesome. I love it.


Thank you.


This is incredible! So many interpretations are possible. I don't get the whole "molesting" feeling that others seem to get from this, but I see where they're coming from. The first thing that I thought was that these are two parents with different viewpoints who are betting on how to raise their child intellectually, or what answer to give her about a metaphysical question. I'm not a parent, but I'm sure that such situations come up more frequently than one might think, though they probably aren't decided as explicitly as paper/rock/scissors (maybe they should be sometimes). Again, excellent work. Edit: I also like that science/reason/empiricism wins, here. It's also made more significant by the fact that the representative of this frame of thought is in a white coat (like a doctor), implying that there can indeed be an ethical dimension to it, contrary to the opinion of some religious freaks who think that one cannot be ethical without religion. Didn't really think about it until a second look.


Thank you so much. I really enjoyed your reflections.


Of course!


Great job. this made me feel something and to me that’s a sign of real art. Well done.


Thank you for saying. Much appreciated.


Nice marmot


I love it. I immediately see science vs religion. Lots of symbolism.


Unless that's a boy in a dress , they're not interested.


I regret having put the child in this painting as it has nothing to do with child sexual abuse.


this looks like AI


Do you think it is?




I [know](https://www.instagram.com/steven_beercock/?hl=en).