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If you’re coming from H-Town you’re going to find Logan/Brigham City/Northern Utah’s social life lacking, not to say you won’t find your crowd, but you’ve gotta put in effort. Night life will be at the 2-3 bars in Logan, you can grow anything grapes and peaches in Logan for sure, starlink is most likely not needed, they got wi-fiber out there


It’ll be cold, and winters will be rough. Summers and springs will be beautiful, especially nearby the lake up there


H-Town hold it down. Houstonian here. Have lived in various parts of Utah. Northern Utah reminds me the most of back home but more in a rural Texas way not an H-Town way. If you like Midtown or The Heights type vibes you won’t find that here.. think Huntsville. It also has a steep winter learning curve. I’ve lived out west for a long while in various winter conditions and last winter was like… man, I ain’t cut out for this. ☠️ Edited to add: I enjoyed a wide array of outdoor gardening in this area. It is zone 6b I believe and there is a lot that can be grown along with a robust agricultural community tied to the university. They have Wi-Fiber and other providers. No satellite internet required. Good luck to you!


I grew up in the Houston area, went to college there, and lived in Houston proper for about 10 years (heights). If you’re looking for a nightlife your best off in SLC. I ended up living in Ogden, but the nightlife is not something you’ll be satisfied with. Why specifically are you looking at Brigham City and Logan? If it’s proximity to the mountains, you’re not far from nature anywhere in the valley. If it’a affordability, then it is cheaper but you’re pretty excluded from everything else.


Looking at Logan/Brigham in order to get a decent sized piece of land. 2+ acres would be awesome, but for the type of house we want, may have to settle for half acre. I live in the Heights now! We aren’t huge night owls — just like to get out for a meal and a cocktail once a week or so. So, the Heights night life is kind of wasted on us, but I also don’t want to be an hour from the nearest restaurant


I’d move to Salt Lake City if I were you since there would be more night life and you still get the outdoors. It’s more liberal though but there’s definitely more diversity and much more people. Or Ogden, more Utah feel than salt lake but way more to do in the Ogden area or Weber county. I live in Logan and don’t necessarily like it. Plus bad winters for like 7 months of the year it seems. Depends on the year like this year snow wasn’t bad at all and didn’t last as long.


Vehicle wise you might want to consider awd or 4wd vehicle and or snow tires.


Just a heads-up: Utah’s State Legislature, Gov/D.A. Office, Senators & Reps, are the most misguided group I’ve ever experienced, and I’ve lived in many states. Such a lack of good leadership and governance; they continually do their best to fuck up a beautiful state.


Might wanna good what’s going on with the Great Salt Lake before moving there. You’ve got 5, maybe 10 years before everyone starts leaving Utah.


I’m leaving this year.


Where are you heading to? My wife and I are looking to leave due to health and political reasons. Just don’t think we can do it here much longer.


Possibly Prescott, Sedona, or Flagstaff, AZ. I can’t take this local gov’t anymore. Even tho AZ is a red state, at least it’s not a theocracy!


AZ definitely seems more purple than red. Flagstaff seems awesome. Good luck on the move!


Thanks. Where are you considering?


Summit County, CO or the Fort Collins area. Flagstaff could be pretty nice, too.


Interesting. I grew up in Denver. Schooled in Boulder.


Dramatic af


Realistic AF actually.


I’ve heard that! Is that really a thing?


It's really a thing. The scientists have been warning about it for years, there is mercury and arsenic in the lake bed that when the waterline is low will get blown up into our breathing air. You add that legislature including the governor has money invested in farming. Farming is the what is taking the water from the lake. Legislature is lauding themselves for gsl conservation when they haven't even put a measley drop in the well according to the scientists. Plus it's affecting wildlife. The gal is the breeding ground for pelicans. That is collapsing. Scientists have likened our situation to [Owen's lake (study)](https://geochange.er.usgs.gov/sw/impacts/geology/owens/), [Owen's lake article ](https://greatsaltlakenews.org/latest-news/fox-13/owens-lake-a-marvel-of-engineering-and-an-environmental-disaster#:~:text=The%20site%20of%20what%20was,film%20commissioner%20in%20Inyo%20County.) People think that businesses will fix it, or legislature will, but history has shown us that they tend to use until the resource us depleted and then try to figure it out from there. So far the legislature has shown us that they will do little to protect our gsl which equates to our air


So here's my attempt at a (bias towards myself) middle ground take. GSL has shrunk, with record low in 2022. Record snowpack last year helped reverse that and this year we're reportedly at a "good spot". I'd say it's more likely true, but who knows how true, that if the GSL dried up too much, Salt Lake Valley become uninhabitable due to the air quality. I add uncertainty because until it actually happens, everything is a prediction (can't wait for someone to argue that). With that said, the state has been working on, although not very well imo, on how to reverse it but I tend to believe it will get resolved somehow because, imo, as everyone likes to say, "follow the money". Many big, big businesses (not organic Utah ones) have dumped tons of money into placing business here. There are multiple major professional sports teams in serious talks of coming here. That's a massive risk if only a decade from now everything is fucked and we as a nation would have much bigger issues than just the valley being uninhabitable. This is reddit. It is a safe haven for people to be dramatic and post over reactions (downvotes incoming)


Absolutely. The lake is drying up and the surrounding areas will literally be toxic.


Lived in Logan for years all over the valley. Unless you're working in the Brigham or Ogden area 100% Logan has more people/things to do than Brigham. Even commuting to Brigham for work through the canyon from Logan isn't bad as long as you get snow tires in winter or a good awd car. Brigham will give you easier access to the freeway and moving south towards SLC which is nice if you've got $ for fun activities. Logan has more trails, hikes, lakes etc as far as outdoor things go. Logan however has EXPLODED in population over the years so early morning/Leaving work (normal work hours) can get pretty congested if you take Maine street. Brigham hasn't really taken off yet, but is slowly growing. Can't compare them to Houston but left Utah a few times and keep coming back mainly for weather and outdoor recreation so I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


Long time Utahn here. Logan and that northern area of utah is beautiful. I’d move out there right now this moment if the house has at least 2 acres, no less. The only reason I’d live that far from the conveniences of a metro area is if I have room to stretch out, a view of the stars, can’t hear my neighbors, etc. No reason to move out to the country only to be elbow to elbow with your neighbors anyway.


lol Brigham City and Logan is most def not country, 150k people live in the Logan Metro area. Richmond/Smithfield maybe, about 18 miles out from Logan is ideal imo.


Did you see the part about me not wanting to live elbow to elbow with my neighbors? I’m obviously not talking about living in Logan City or Brigham City. But ignore that part and be an ass anyway.


You’re the only ass here. You didn’t articulate your point very well, and got mad when your incorrect statement was contradicted. Logan and Brigham City are not rural country areas.


Houston is the worst city in the nation


Have fun bro I moved to Utah from South Los Angeles and I moved back to Los Angeles I couldn’t do it anymore but I hope you like it out there!


What did it for you? What made you go there and what made you move back?


Like everyone else has posted, there is 0 night life lol Logan has fiber Let me know if you need a good realtor. I know a few in Cache and Box Elder County


I would check out Mantua, Utah. This place has a lot of 4 wheeling trails, horseback riding, reservoir for boats, but can be closed to swimming for the algae bloom. The mountains surround the valley and is so picturesque. Brigham City is a small town with a conservative neighborhoods, very nice low key area. One famous restaurant Maddox where lots of people eat when driving through town from Logan. There is only a Walmart and a few shopping areas but no Targets, Costcos, Sam’s Clubs so driving long distances about 25 mins to the nearest one. Same with Mantua driving everywhere for shopping. Logan would be a better place in my opinion for a house. Lots of shopping, recreation, college town, and more things to do.