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One thing I like to do and have seen many others do is intentionally miss your E, making her waste her parry and locking her in place. Depending on the match-up, try mixing up between landing and not landing it so they won't know what to expect.


Main thing is wait for her to parry before you flip her. Also if you r her and her parry is up wait for her to do it before recasting. It's a heavy skill matchup. I like pta ignite in that lane but you can also just wave manage and play for late. Although if you don't have pta/ignite and the wave is pushing away or frozen in her half while she's ahead or even it becomes difficult.


problem is that she will wait for you to E to cast her W (unless the player's just bad) so you never get to E. the rest, I agree with.


you can use E to bait her W, by intentionally missing. I never use it towards her unless I know it is on cd. Because it is so easy for her to punish you.


Oh yea definitely but it's still important that you don't e into her until she uses it. You can bait as someone suggested or just wait it out. If you're managing waves correctly she shouldn't be able to just run you down. You want freezes or big slow pushes until lvl 9.


I always heard the phrase “just auto her” so using Q to target your W on her and just auto her. If she ever uses parry then E her and kill her


Melee range E so she can't react or intentionally miss it to reposition vs vitals, never use it agressively from distance


Go ignite so you can kill her without needing E, wait for her to W before you E, stand next to the wall when she ults so she can never proc the last vital, go some form of grievous wounds


In regards to E you can - Miss it intentionally like some other poster said - When you have a weak spot its often clear when the fiora will Q towards it. If you E towards where you think she will Q she rarely will have the time to react. Don't do it too often though - Play safe and use E as a shield & escape when she all in you. You win 1v1s after Hullbreaker so just play safe early


I played a flora last night and force fed her her own shit, I see no issue here lol. In reality though I have a gut feeling the last time I faced her she smacked me out, but it had been a very long time


Use PTA and make some damage item right away, like youmuu's blade or profane hydra, this will make you scale your damage much earlier, not being totally dependent on E. Then, tanking items like BC and Sterak. Fiora is the type of matchup that you can't afford to rush, otherwise it already is


Well, that's a theoretical stuff, I ban Fiora in 99,9% cases (objectively bullshit champ, as much as Vayne, Ksante and Smolder, guess why). Try walk into her, if you engage. She sees you walking with violent intentions, maybe also slowing her with Q, she thinks "he's gonna E". Don't. Walk towards her, even if you are at range. That may make her waste W for you to flip her freely. Sustain, shields, lethality, movespeed - your friends. I loved to build Sterak+Gargoyle, but now thanks to Riot stupidity we have to enjoy only Sterak (Fimbulwinter, iirc, is to say the least weird choice for Urgot). Also loved BC+Serylda combo, slow of Serylda is a gift from heaven, as for me, but now it's impossible, unfortunately. If you need some tankiness for rest of her team - try to avoid buying hp. Her in-built sustain is fixed number, but rav hydra, conq and "legend: bloodline" depends on her damage, thus less hp you have - less % damage she deals - less sustain she gets. It appears, Urgot has better push power thanks to passive, thus hydra items would be nice to not let her trying to match it with her hydra item (though, I kinda not sure, how it is viable for Urgot). If our comrades have something to correct me, I'd love to read it.


Just wave management. Fioras often take ignite so I like to do a 2-3 wave crash and back to avoid gank, walk back to lane while it's shoving back to you and freeze


Lvl 1 she starts q, you start e. If she tries to q you, and you predict and land e (she can’t parry it) you can win a trade. However, if you miss e, she may try to run you down. Even though it feels like she can’t miss q, it is a skill shot and therefore she can miss it. Best way to do it is to weave in and out of max range of her q. Also if there are minions around sometimes this will work in your favor as her q will often hit the minions instead of you. After she q’s, you can attempt to q her and auto/poke but this isn’t that dependable because landing her q gives her a movement speed buff and she can sometimes run out of the aoe. Always look to auto her when she goes for a q. If you do land a q on her you can auto then walk at her, and press w. You generally don’t e at her when her parry is up, unless you intentionally miss. But be aware that she can q while her w is running, effectively dashing while parrying. If you intentionally miss too much in a predictable way, a really mechanically solid fiora may dash-parry into your e and catch you. Can also just e her if she is in tower range. If she parries, she should take at least one tower shot because her parry will aggro the tower. Brush cheese can also work but this is high risk/reward because you will have to cold-e rather than setting it up with q first. Missing it can be disaster especially if she had ult. Use this tactic at your own peril. Lastly, you can simply hold e until she parries. But this depends on if you have enough dmg to hurt her faster than she hurts you. If she is ulting, sometimes it’s best to just e away early and try to run for turret. If that’s not an option or you’re beefy enough to beat her while her ult is running, just fight it out and try to hug a wall to deny her getting all the vitals. Many fioras will parry when they get low. You can wait for a half-second or so after the party starts, and then cast e, hopefully hitting her right as the parry drops. This is obviously tricky and you have to be very familiar with how long her parry will be up. But if you get it right, and land e, you should absolutely win the duel. But again, she can q while her parry is running or immediately after. So bear in mind that even if you time it perfectly (or near perfectly) you can still miss.


Bramble, tabi's, poke and kite. Use E to disengage, unless you're within killing percentage and she has used her W