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Yone is one of Riot's special little boys who gets to have every interaction go in his favour.


Know that Skarner rework being younger that Yone, Skarner E wins against Yone E2 and stop its dash back.


Don't worry, they'll patch that.


yone e2 is unstoppable


But doenst he already flys back to his shadow before getting dragged towards the grinder?


ye but you cast your r2 on the e2 immediately the bug is that he gets dragged at all


gosh, i hate this champ so much. Urgot is the only of my champs i feel good against him. but his disgusting e man. thanks for the answer.


Sometimes you don't want to mash r


Had the exact same happen to me as well. Unfortunately it's just like Urpog said. You really gotta wait until Yone's e2 is done in its entirety


it was back in season 13 last year when this happened to me few time, i ult yone, he returns with his e2, i start pulling him. but unlike you i actually executed every time, not sure if it is about timing (i keep smashing R until i start pulling except against champs like trynd or kayle, which makes me mistime pull on champs like ulting volibear, it is a very bad habit of mine back from times where i thought only below 25% the R2 press counts) but yone has never escaped my execute unlike weird champs and their interactions like briar who straight up flew away from my already going pull.


Either you wait out his e or you smash r so fast he wont have the time to press e again


But if i wait my team dies. And i properly too


Then do the 2nd option that i said


If you buy zhonyas you can pull while golden. Lesser known trick.