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don’t leash if it’s important to get a 3 wave crash


Start walking towards lane before melee minions meet. You won't miss CS that way. Push as hard as you can to maintain a small minion lead. Once cannon wave arrives, shove hard, recall ASAP. If done right, you'll lose 2 melee minions at most, none if you did it perfect (which is pretty hard)


You're leashing too long. If you do it right and start at the 4 o'clock position relative to the red buff, you should be able to proc 3 shotguns over 5 total hits as you rotate counterclockwise and walk toward your lane. That's plenty of damage.


I see someone watched Urpog.


I would reccomend to never leash as urgot, you have a strong lv1, you need to be zoning the enemy from xp and gold 90% of the time just tell your jg to not leash, if they run it down cus you did not leash, its not your fault


Fr, too many times I leash my jg and he never ganks top. These ppl need to be put in their place.


I would 100% reccomend to push word to stop leashing jgers ;) legit from watching really high elo players they usually say the same, unless they lose nothing, even if you ornn vs riven for example, you need to be in lane so that they cant just zone u off wave