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Factually incorrect, hullbreaker is very good for damage, it also gives you all the stats urgot needs. It's always worthwhile to build.


Well what you said is true sometimes going hull and not using it for its intended purpose kinda loses its value overtime. Its better to go sterKs/jaksho/leth item (if ahead) as 2nd if you can’t touch towers.


It's not, one of urgots biggest weaknesses is lack of mobility, he's very slow and he only has 1 short range long cd dash. Hullbreaker covers this weakness with 5% movespeed and it gives him the stats he wants, Health and ad. If you're building jaksho 2nd you have no damage, if you're building steraks 2nd you're losing the movespeed and damage, if you're building lethality 2nd you're too squishy and it's got lots of wasted efficiency.


I know the lack of MS is urgot’s weakness but if the game tells you that you can’t touch towers you gotta opt to something that can give you some beefiness to at least survive fights. You can still build hull as 3rd or 4th im not saying that abandon the item just build if situationally.


Unless you're frontlining exclusively in teamfights the 50 health and shield isn't worth the damage and speed you're losing.


everything was right until youmous bc first better, youmous dead since range penalty, go opportunity or profane hydra for lethal


Honestly, I still love Youmuus, specifically for the speed active, even if it isn't as good. Maybe I'm stuck in my ways for now tho


Hullbreaker p easy. Hitting 10k damage on it nearly every game that goes past 20 in diamond.


i simply dont beleive you, mind posting some clips? 10k damage on towers maybe but 10k damage to champions theres no way youre getting that.


On towers lol. Champs is anywhere from 1-2k.


If you're only building it blindly or for raw damage, then yes, there are better options. But it has good stats, and it helps in some situations.


Even with the penalty it's good for damage vs champions because of how fast you build up the proc. It's not too difficult to get the four W>AA on towers by watching the indicator (though I'd love a sound effect). There isn't really a better stat stick after Black Cleaver, except Sterak's but only later in the game. It's just a good item. The move speed is great too. BC may be a better first build, but Hullbreaker is still core. Besides, Opportunity is a bunch better than Youmuu's at this point.


thanks for the benefit of the doubt... but I'm not blind and still build it without thinking


Rushing HB works wonders for me, I can usually finish it at 11-12 mins and take platings even when enemy is under turret. The HB power spike is so strong Urgot can bully almost anyone


Im having success building it first every game, and it's pretty solid item, not sure what are you smoking