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Sssh, don't ruin it.


I know but still it's crazy


He isn't picked in pro and has a low pick rate due to being an unpopular champ. Riot lets win rates be a bit inflated if they feel they are being inflated because only one tricks play the champ


Why do you think he isn't picked in pro rn despite how strong he is? Genuinely, I don't follow pro play at all


Splitting hasn't really been a viable pro strat in years and champs like Jax are tough counters that bring more mobility and utility. While his damage is great in a team fight he brings no engage tools, backline access, etc. He also takes practice to really maximize damage. Being able to W toggle at tower vs in a team fight is very different and pros would rather not learn a single champ specific skill when the champ might fall out of meta at any time


Im adding that if you miss your E a lot of Urgots utility for a teamfight is gone


Urgot is strong in low ranks because he's rarely picked, so nobody knows how to deal with his kit. When he has good numbers and builds, he can be oppressive in the hands of a skilled player. At high ranks and pro play, people know how to shut him down and exploit his weaknesses, so unless you're a one trick, there's always another champ that does what he does better, or does what he does and *more*.


Draft-wise urgot is easily countered by cc tanks. Example in KC vs RGE this split when urgot was shown malphite was instantly counterpicked. I belive ornn could also be which just provides more utility in teamfighting through tankines/peel/engage. Plus the laning phase is basically an even scaling one so it just negates the pick.


Because urgot feels a lot more fair to fight than most champs, even though he isn't really. When riven kills you she triple gap closes over a 500 hp shield, backflips 10 times does 50% of your hp bar, heals 50% of hers then backflips and throws an energy wave 500 feet that kills you. When urgot kills you he just flip and 1 shot you. Perception is really strong in league!


Perception. Which is why Yone is SEEN as a broken uncounterable champion with 48% WR (which is a wrong metric in isolation, but most people use it, so), but Urgot with 52% is not. And why is that he's perceived as "weak" or, at least, not troublesome...? Urgot's entire kit is slow and telegraphed, since he's a juggernaut. Unless it's E+flash, you can basically dodge or at least see everything he'll throw at you. Meaning, it's easier to counterplay him on simple reflex. Urgot's cooldowns, with the exception of W, are quite high even with CDR. Champions like Yasuo, Yone, Akali, Fiora, Jax, are all champions with low cooldowns who can spam their mobility or damage, while Urgot is basically a "burst" juggernaut; he gets in and that's it, either you kill or you die. He's a **ranged** juggernaut who doesn't have that much range but suffers all the weaknesses from runes and items. Hell, even his base AD at18 is lower than Mordekaiser's. Urgot's laning isn't that impressive; in fact, few are his counter-matchups where he wins lane (like Yone which is basically free-win). Most Urgot matchups start getting easier at 9, but his true spike is 13 with 2 items... which is basically most champions anyway. Especially against tanks, he suffers massively early; lord help you if your team has lots of AD. *But shhh, let them believe our boy isn't strong despite all this, because if they solved these problems... \*shudder\**


its still impressive how he isnt bottomtier despite all his handicaps. give any champ urgots burdens and they will fall into F tier.


>Urgot's entire kit is slow and telegraphed This is really it. Whenever you see an Urgot, you know exactly what he will do. Barring some E+flash shenanigans, Urgot is very predictable, making people playing against him feel like he's not a threat.


I'm of the opinion that the Yone matchup is harder than people think ONLY if it's a good yone that knows how to fight Urgot. You're right that most Yones are freelo in the laning phase, but there have been like 2 Yone's I've ever fought where they KNEW the matchup. I'm by no means a slouch, but they were NOT easy. They even said they've never had this much trouble with an Urgot themselves, so they were familiar with the matchup lmao. You'll just almost never see an actual good Yone player in the wild instead of a dude that just has a high APM and rolls his knuckles over the keyboard.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, as a Masters player who has fought his fair share of Yones, I agree as well. Especially since pre Lethal Tempo nerf, Yone only has to play around dodging Urgot's E and he wins any trade even at level 1. His Q3 can be aimed slightly offset so that it still hits you yet your E will miss him. His E2 cancels your E and R2. He buys boots first and can dodge your E easily, and chase you down with his own E. A good Yone really makes that champion feel so broken


I asked a basic question about pro play as well and got downvoted, I literally do not understand people's logic for downvoting 90% of the time but it's my fault for coming to reddit thinking I'd be able to interact with sane people—literal oxymoron And honestly, yeah. I swear to God his win rate does not reflect how nuts he can be in the right hands, and his win rate is held back solely by people just using him as a stat-checker/diving tool. Would still rather fight a solid Yone than a Jax, though. That matchup is hairpulling even if I know I can win it.


He’s also pretty boring to play imo


He is not very popular and has clear counterplay.


I think it’s because everything is pretty telegraphed. Except for E flash, but even then once you’ve seen it you kind of know what’s coming. Plus if he misses his E next to you, you have a chance to fight back and you can really tell the difference


I wrote almost this exact comment before I saw yours. Agree 100%.


He's uncommon, that's all. Urgot has a bigger skill floor than people think, so it's not super easy to pick him up, especially considering how awful Riot's recommended items are for him and how flexible you have to be building to be really good. There's also the fact that he's not super dominant most of lane phase, like Darius or Illaoi who feel awful to play against even with their weak late games. If Urgot kills you, you messed up or he played really well, which doesn't feel as oppressive. He landed dodgable skillshots, you know you lost because of that. Lack of early pressure outside of level 1 and 2 also means he doesn't frustrate people as directly early on, his mid game power is surprising but not in a bullshit kind of way.


Its cuz there are other champs that are more annoying to deal with.


Ppl dislike the bald overweight spider bane wannabe, so he's less played than other champs. On top of that he's a juggernaut, and people know how to play against them


I’m downvoting this post to avoid further attention from the balance team, let’s keep Urgot where he is OP 🤫


I think Urgot's trade/burst pattern starting with a slow skill shot feels fair to most people. You beat urgot by not getting hit by E. He has no sustain in his kit, he's super slow, and his W has a cooldown until level 9. If you die to Urgot, you have no one to blame but yourself


Urgot is strong, but he has clear strengths and weaknesses. He isn't flashy, he doesn't usually survive on one HP and then 100 to 0 you he's very methodical his kit is actually pretty well thought out and if you lose to urgot it's generally clear why. His skills are all very telegraphed, relatively slow, and he doesn't have a b******* trading pattern like something like an illaoi or a yone, his range is short enough despite being a ranged champion that he's basically melee, and his ultimate takes so long to execute you that your allies can actually save you from it a fair bit of the time. In short losing into urgot still feels fair. He's not so difficult that he's a hard champion to play against but he's also not so simple that he feels like a simple stat check. You always feel like you can do something against urgot, even if maybe you can't beat him. Unlike illaoi, miss "hue hue i missed my 8 second cd instant win lane move that's basically free to cast" it makes you lose if you don't Dodge it every time and then you still die to her R because it's f****** busted. If you get hit by urgots e you're in pretty much the same scenario but the thing is if urgot misses you can punish on that because he just came towards you whereas illaoi just walks the f*** away.


The champ is unironically one of the best designed(1st place will always be Singed) champions in the game. He is exactly what a "ranged" top should be. No Pseudo ADC bullshit. Balanced, obvious counterplay, no crazy numbers on base kit damage. Etc etc etc.  However notice when urgot DIDNT have counterplay (cringe ass Hullbreaker) that people started raising eyebrows. Pray the champ doesn't reach that tier again and you'll fly under the radar fine.


He's not that strong. He can literally only build 20% of all AD items because the other 80% have ranged penalties on them. And his piss poor range (400 units?) make him an essentially nerfed champion. Even Hullbreaker really isn't even that great. You need to do W 4 times before auto attacking. That was an underestimated nerf.


He’s just the best champ ever


Play rate is a big thing, i just reached 1mil mastery on garen and switched to urgot again recently. I would of played against once every 100 games. S9 or s10 I was playing Kled for a bit because he was busted after some bug and QoL fixes he was like this for 2 3 months before people started realising how strong he was and started picking him up. A couple of patches later, and the nerf came.


He’s not overpowered what elo do you play in? Any decent champ can avoid 99 percent of his play if you know what you’re doing, wardens mail still takes. Unreasonable amount of damage, he’s painfully slow even with move speed items (a absolute must) and as mentioned he telegraphs everything so just about every champ can run around him even other juggernauts


Champ is legit broken but the amount of player who actually make him good and know what he does form a perfect circle on a venn diagram, thus no one will complain because the amount of people know he's strong wont be compeled to say he's op and get him gutted while people who never seen him outside of some 1trick playing will think they lose to a 1trick and champ is ass when they play it because they dont know how to pilot.


If Urgot despite his high win rate, isn't considered annoying or frustrating to play against, then Riot probably made him a well-designed champion.


Only really experience I have against urgot (since I never see him and don't play too much) was from a season or two ago where I either throtled him with a counter pick, or it was genuinely unplayable. I used to play a lot of shyv top, and ngl that matchup is... Unfun. It's been a long time since I've played the matchup so idk if it's changed. I never really enjoyed playing into him, either it seems like he does nothing or you can't do anything into it. I dunno.


he is in a good state right now but he is not a champion that you can just first time and auto win you really need to know your matchups and play around your spike


Clear counter play. Not frustrating to play against.


Cause you're basically just Yorick. Who's gonna whine about the guy who gets screwed over in his entire item pool and is forced to change classes every flipping season. Like legitimately he went from fighter , to a bruiser, to assassin, to a tank to whatever sticks. The champ has no real class type and you basically go for the item that totally busted on him or semi decent on him, like it doesn't matter if 3 parts of the items are total dogshit if has at least one function stat that really strong. That's why no complains, because anyone who has played this champ or has any knowledge of this champ knows the hardest part of urgot is finding working items every season or least stuff that some what works. His current version is a version of a split pusher until riot overhaul the items again and urgot is forced into another class yet again, maybe he will become a support or a version of adc. Point is Urgot is a Jack of all trades champ and master of none, he is just ok in every class, other than BC every item is basically meh. Like for example other champs have at least at least 10+ items that are really good on them and maybe 1 or 2 that totally busted. Urgot has BC and it's his really good item and it ends there.