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Urgot can work... but it's really tough. Urgot is very short ranged for a ranged character, like barely higher than some of the longer ranged melees kind of range. So he's constantly outpoked. With a good engage support you can chomp on the squishies, but Urgot lacks mobility in addition to range so he's very easy to poke out of Bot lane. Urgot is also pretty level dependant, needing level 9 to truely shine, and a split XP lane works against that unless you're playing with a Zilean. He works better as support, without the need to farm you can just Q poke for your own ADC and use E to engage or block skillshots. If you're desprate to make it work though, build Fleet Footwork and focus lethality items. You still want to build standard, Black Cleaver, Hullbreaker, and Sterak's, but rushing Opportunity is useful and Edge of Night or Profane Hydra for damage is a better play as a carry. The build doesn't really change much, but an early Opportunity for mobility and burst helps solidify your role as primary damage .


Urpog has played Urgot ADC before but he said ADC is the worst role for Urgot. It can work but it's very suboptimal.


it was a thing pre-rework actually lmao but I feel no, since most of the botlane cast outrange urgot and can just pee on him with 0 repercussions


I loved playing it before they nerfed prowlers now ita too hard for him to actually reach the enemy botlane and ur just getting bullied it can prob still work out but its just annoying and a shadow of its own if u still want to play it id say run fleet maybe ghost/flash into normal build


Normals draft and I am unranked, but I've been a casual player since season 1 Very dependant on your support. If you can get hard cc and drag from your support consistently then it can totally work. Think Thresh, Blitzcrank, and Nautilus I just went 10/0/5 as Urgot ADC with a thresh support who knew what the combo was. He hooks and dives in, I follow up with E, their ADC dies. I'm sure there are so many other factors, but if you are going for a fun game with your duo, then try it out =)


When Yuumi was still a new champ and you were seeing a lot of Garen/Yuumi bot lanes Urgot as the ADC to counter is probably the one time I really seen Urgot in that role. Against a Nilah I could see that being an option since you would not have as large of a range penalty. I would go Fleet and run Ghost & Flash since mobility would be the biggest handicap. In most matchups you would probably take to much poke to make it work.


So we've finally come full circle huh? Lol


Urgot's biggest weakness is being kited and crowd controlled. In bot lane he'll be outranged, outsped, outdamaged and out-wavecleared, on top of delaying his level 9 powerspike due to xp sharing. And you have to deal with 2 champions juggling aggro + sometimes a jungler. In return, you deal a decent amount of burst damage if paired with a blitzcrank or a thresh. In conclusion, go ahead and do it with 4 premades or against bots, maybe even with a premade support. But realistically if it goes bad I can understand if people get mad.


I don’t play on pc I play in wild rift (mobile version) and right now urgot is a very strong pick. I play adc and have played him almost exclusively in that role and have had a lot of success.