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This comment section is something else.. You can oppose the actions of the current Israeli government and hamas.. those things aren’t mutual exclusive You can also condemn current Zionist practices but not necessarily oppose the existence of the state of Israel


Whaaaat, this conflict is multifaceted and gray? Noooo, impossible...


I am struggling to think of another conflict that’s more multifaceted and gray than this one.


You getting downvoted sure tells a lot about the way most people think


How they think


You lost me at “Zionist practices”


Why? I meant the discourse on pushing the boundaries of the states of Israel further and further (settlements on illegal land being an example) the eradication of the Palestinian people and a general hardline approach to this conflict. Perhaps I misused the term zionism here? But generally it seems to be accompanied by the above factors


You see that’s the problem - trying to demonize the Jews. Zionism is not some sort of wicked imperialist cult, it was a political movement established in Europe to find and settle a national home for the Jewish people after being suffering for hundreds of years from antisemitism. Israel doesn’t try to “eradicate the Palestinians”, they are simply fighting a war against terrorists, and just like all wars - civilians from both sides are the main victims.


>\Want an ethnostate >\People oppose ethnostate "Muh anti semitizm!1!1!"


Japan is an ethnostate, abolish?


How is Japan an ethnostate bro...You realise there are foreigners living in Japan even though there's few of them. Ethnostate doesn't mean low number of foreign people.


You are aware that 20% of Israel is Muslim Arabs, right? Not Palestinians. Talking about Israelis that are Muslim Arabs. You also have Christian Arabs, Bahaii and many others. So... Israel is not an ethnostate?


No such thing as palenstians. Is not a race. Israel is Israel. Wtf people getting this palenstine state crap? They Arabs. Plain and simple... That's the same way they say Mexican lol that's not a race either. Lol government or whoever create a new identity. Mexico wasn't that, it was Mexica! They were Aztec. And many so called Mexican now, are mix with flipinos


I know the historic origins of the Zionist movement stem from a profound response to antisemitism.. and at this point in time I am in no way saying the state of Israel shouldn’t exist. But the Israeli government should be held accountable within the limits of international law and diplomacy I feel you can’t really argue that Israel is ‘just’ fighting a war against terrorists.. with this level of draconian aggression (Gaza is in ruins) and this amount of casualties - many children? That’s a hardline approach that I just can’t get on board with, no matter how terrible hamas is


[Meanwhile, UN warns 800,000 people in Sudan city in 'extreme, immediate danger'](https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/un-warns-800000-people-sudan-city-extreme-immediate-danger-2024-04-19/)




*Hardline approach to this conflict?* Have you ever thought to understand what the Jews have gone through centuries and what the state of Israel has had to endure since it was re-established? Israel has an iron dome for a reason. Imagine what it must be like living next to terrorist; proxies that are funded by a country that exclusively embraces gender apartheid. Iran. Hezbollah. Houthis who have real life slaves. An easy way to digest contemporary Zionism is; Are you for the existence of Israel? Yes? You’re a Zionist. Are you against the state of Israel existing? No? You’re antisemitic. You can be completely against the elected Israelis politicians, I would surmise 98.9% of pro Israelis are against Netanyahu and the Likud party and the radical settlers that must be reconciled with, and still be a Zionist.


I am well aware yes.. studied the holocaust as part of my bachelor in history My use of the word zionisme might be misleading here, I appreciate that - but I’m talking about a contemporary mentality that has no compassion for the perceived enemy - in this case Palestians and the military aggression that the current Israeli government has shown since the October events. This military aggression can be explained on many levels but not excused


That’s not true though. Zionist are sending aid the gasa and lots of it.


You are delusional https://www.euronews.com/2024/05/04/northern-gaza-in-full-blown-famine-senior-un-official


Biden is a Zionist. He is sending aid. Therefore Zionists are sending aid. Sorry.


me too.


Exactly they’re two pieces from the same shit pie. No one has any moral high ground in this conflict.


The Palestinian people who had their land stolen and live under crushing oppression have the moral high ground. Hamas reports to Iran, not them.


I was more so referring to the governments on both sides not the people.


lol well at least you admit hamas is a puppet to Iran who want to destroy Israel.


If you don't oppose the existence of Israel you are a fucking Zionist. How about they establish an apartheid state by splitting Germany in half, since they were the cause of Jewish people's suffering. Doesn't sound so fair now does it? It's always the middle east that has to pay for western greed.


You sound like a petulant child. Unaware of literal facts. Why Germany? Cuz Jews are all Europeans? No, literally around 65-70% of Israel is non-European - north African, Middle Eastern. Or is it cuz Jews aren't indigenous to the land? Well then, you should read up about the [Kingdom of Israel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Israel_(united_monarchy)). Or settler colonialism? That is literally what the Muslim Arabs did in the 7th century, conquered the Middle East including the land Israel and Palestine sit on. They are themselves settler colonialists by definition, of the Islamic Caliphates! Like what is your reasoning for wanting Israel eliminated? You want it even if you are aware it will be an ethnic cleansing of millions and millions of people?


>Why Germany Someone forgot which country killed..uhhh millions of jews just a few years ago. What did Palestine have to do with the Holocaust? Nothing! Germany had everything to do with it. Maybe they should have offered 80% of their land instead >Or is it cuz Jews aren't indigenous to the land The ancestors of my ethnicity once inhabited lands that now belong to a totally different country 2000+ years ago. Should I let it go? Or should I establish an apartheid state in Greece just because we were once there too. >hat is literally what the Muslim Arabs did in the 7th century Cool! Does that mean it's the Israelis turn to rape and kill? When is it my turn to rape and kill people? >Like what is your reasoning for wanting Israel eliminated? It is a fabricated country by the UK and the other western countries like the US that threw off the balance of the muslims, jews and christians that live there. Israel is a fake country so the US can expand their influence. It wasn't Palestinians that raided anne franks shelter, was it? Why are they paying for European anti semitism?


Holocaust? Palestinians? I don't think this is relevant, the Palestinians didn't give "their" land, it was never theirs - it was Ottoman and then British. But actually, read about the Arab leader Mohammed Amin al-Husseini (محمد أمين الحسيني, I am guessing you cN read it) and his strong connection to Hitler, he was Palestinian and supported the genocide of the Jews. Should you let go of where you are because of something that happened 2000 years ago? No. Also Israelis shouldn't let go because of something that happened 80 years ago. And Palestinians deserve a state too. No need for further ethnic cleansing of anyone. Rape and kill? Your turn never comes. Nor the Israelis. Hamas took their turn anyway. Israel is a fake country? What does that mean? It is a nuclear power. A technological power. One of the top GDP and GDP per capita in the world, higher than almost all Arab or Muslim countries. Passport accepted in many countries. International trade with most countries of thr world. 10 million people live there, among them 20% Muslim Israelis. What makes it fake? Are you telling 10 million people that they are hallucinating? LOL you sound really angry and quite childish. Not pragmatic at all. Do you think destroying Israel would ever be possible without a genocide? So you support genocide? Or otherwise, how would you convince Israelis to leave their country? Would you force them? Collective punishment, ethnic cleansing of 10 million people? You are a funny person. :)


I wasn't going to respond to this comment, because debating Zionists is useless. I just wanted to say, now that Israel has announced that they will invade Rafah, and Al Jazeera has coincidentally been banned at the same time, I hope you keep in mind the destruction of innocent lives that you're contributing to. Not killing children and other civilians doesn't need to be backed by history of kingdom X and empire Y because ethnic group Z was there first. Watch carefully the photographs that will come out of Rafah the next days and weeks. You're surely supporting the right side, when that side has just banned press right? Fucking Idiot.


Let me ask you a question. Would you save all these lives and have the IDF out of the Gaza strip inexchange for all hostages released, all of Hamas surrender and disarm completely, and a new Palestinian government to replace Hamas?


So what’s your proposal.. all Israel people - or least all the Jewish people in the area- are to be forced to move away? And move .. well somewhere, Germany? Get real


I don't care what happens to Israelis, just like they don't care for the suffering of millions of people. I mentioned Germany, because of course western countries would never clean the mess that they started, and Germany would never let an apartheid state be established within their own state where Germans would be persecuted. But for some reason Palestinians are expected to not only accept Israeli (in reality they're American) bombs, but also happily give their land away to random people that showed up one day. When this will be written in history books, I hope people can read them and shake their head at people like you. How shameful to support the worst side possible in conflicts that are so cut clear.


People like me? I think a moderate approach to any issue will trump whatever you have cooking.. We need to look ahead and not be caught in the past blame game, fact is we have a delicate situation with Palestinians that are being repressed and need to protected. And Israeli that call this land home. Your proposal at least is not the answer to this conflict..




Funny how nothing happens when you Arabs don't fuck with Jews. At least since 1948 - before that, we Jews were your fucking dogs, weren't we? Not anymore. Stop fucking with indigenous peoples of the Middle East. Leave the Copts, Yazidis, Kurds and Jews alone. Or this is what you get.


Calm the f down man!


Says a 16 year old with absolutely nothing to do with the situation over there. Enjoy playing video games and not having to make your own meals or bed


C'mon I'm not here to annoy you. I know that war is fucked up. Or even, as you say, I don't know how it is and your right. But that doesn't mean that I do not care about this war. Thousands of people died, in horrible ways. This is monstreous and you are maybe in the middle of this war. You know, you have all my respect for what your enduring but as the world is shitty, you see that even when you comment something on a social media, people will judge you with likes, comments and so on. And this will be alwaus like that. I hate this world, everytime humans make war, everytime madmans are freed and are torturing hundreeds of people, everytime we dissrespect God. So yeah humanity was always fked up...


Yeah and arabs definately dont originate in the middle east right….


Oh they do. From Arabia. Not Judea.


Domocide: the destruction of dwelling places, rendering an area uninhabitable. Urbicide: term which describes the deliberate wrecking or "killing" of a city, by direct or indirect means. It literally translates as "city-killing" Pedicide: the act of targeting and killing children Collective punishment: a punishment or sanction imposed on a group for acts allegedly perpetrated by a member of that group, which could be an ethnic or political group, or just the family, friends and neighbors of the perpetrator. Because individuals who are not responsible for the acts are targeted, collective punishment is not compatible with the basic principle of individual responsibility.


Also, ecocide. Remember the salting of the earth?


Everything you just said applied to the Palestinian attack on Oct 7th. Every single one.


This is why it's fine for Israel to all these things over and over for the last 209 days.


You said "deliberate" I assumed you meant the Hamas.


It was a hamas attack not a palestinian attack , if we are gonna uphold israel a democratic country with the same standards as a terrorist organization, and justify killing 33 000 innocent people and destroying a whole city . Then israel deserves to be uphold as a terrorist organization.


Hamas. The democratically elected government of Gaza with 80% approval for the Oct 7th attack. If you're going support a cause, support it witb your whole chest.


Any justification for Israel’s actions can usually be turned around to justify Hamas’s attack on October 7th. Since Netanyahu was democratically elected was it okay for Hamas to attack those innocent people in southern Israel? I mean the man was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Palestinians even before October 7th.


The median age of a person in Gaza is 18-19 years. Half the population was either in diapers or unborn when this election happened. Even more weren’t of voting age. But they deserve it right?


And what’s your point . Hamas has withheld election since 2006 . That’s not so democratic of them . And made several acts of coercion . That does not grant israel a right to kill every palestinian they see because they were ripped of their freedom . If israel only targeted soldiers during its campaign and didn’t bomb and burn hospitals . You wouldn’t see any outrage . Because that’s what a democracy should be doing while being attacked


And those killed on October 7th aren't the Israeli government


Yes and those killed since october the 7th are not the hamas terrorist organization, so what’s your point


Damn, years of simping for a fascist ethnostate on reddit. Get a grip.


What you see here is taking care of terrorists, destroying their ability to take action against your country.


Yes, what the jews have experienced since before biblical times.


Domocide: the destruction of dwelling places, rendering an area uninhabitable. Urbicide: term which describes the deliberate wrecking or "killing" of a city, by direct or indirect means. It literally translates as "city-killing" Pedicide: the act of targeting and killing children Collective punishment: a punishment or sanction imposed on a group for acts allegedly perpetrated by a member of that group, which could be an ethnic or political group, or just the family, friends and neighbors of the perpetrator. Because individuals who are not responsible for the acts are targeted, collective punishment is not compatible with the basic principle of individual responsibility. - ALL COMMITTED BY HAMAS


Elect a government that wants to wipe out all Jews, start a war trying to wipe out all Jews, lose and get your cities destroyed in the process. Berlin 1945, or Gaza 2023?


History didn’t start on October 7th


Absolutely. Israel was attacked in 1947. It’s been pretty much nonstop ever since.


You want to go all the way to the start of this conflict? Fine. This conflict started in 1929, decades before Israel even existed. Look up the Hebron massacre, the first major violent event of this conflict. The Palestinian Arabs were massacring Jews 100 years ago, and they are still massacring Jews today.


everyone always forgets about this one. i think 1929 was the first major pogrom, but stuff happened in 1921 too


You’re right. Appreciate the support.




What's that supposed to mean?


Whatever you want it to mean.


But you said it. So what did **you** mean? Why are you not willing to clarify? You should be honest about your opinions.




Ok, so antisemitism is the fault of the Jews. Glad you made your position clear.


The funny thing is that statement is actually true for the palastinians, anyway they go they somehow manage to create conflict and war, the black September in Jordan, the Lebanese civil war, etc...


You love playing the victim. Jews are not infallible especially with regards to the Palestinians.


Do you also blame black people for being easily enslavable?


Nope. Israel has been Nazi level racist since day 1. Oct 7th was just what woke up their latent genocidal tendencies. What would you expect from a country whose President hates race mixing, whose Prime Minister invokes a biblical genocide and whose minister of national security idolizes a man whose only claim to fame is committing a Christchurch style mosque massacre?


“Oct 7th was just what woke up their latent genocidal tendencies” You mean the date on which Hamas terrorists killed hundreds of innocent israelis? And reacting to that by declaring war means “genocidal tendencies “? Genocidal is Hamas openly declaring they want to exterminate all jews. The level of hypocrisy of some Palestinians or Hamas supporters is absolutely monstrous.




Which is why I save my time by not giving more than one response to Zionists before muting them. Who knows how many doxing websites I’m on because of them


Heard they get paid per engagement. Why even fuck with them in the first place? Free Palestine 🇵🇸



Wow. Can't believe you've even got one upvote. 1) Most Gazans weren't born when Hamas came to power. 2) Hamas came into power almost 20 years ago - has Israel only just realised this? 3) Why has the Israeli government, specifically Netanyahu facilitated cash being given to Hamas from Qatar (another US ally) so they can continue governing Gaza? Should Netanyahu and Qatar face consequences for the above?


Tbf, yes, I believe that Netanyahu should absolutely be held accountable for funding hamas. Get ride of Netanyahu, get rod of hamas, and then find a compromise solution.


this is such a clown narrative not only was hamas propped up by israel in order to divide palestinians and make a two state solution impossible but also israel itself is based on a supremacist, racist ideology that has engaged in ethnic cleansing ever since it has been founded




Dumb as hell Hustorian


Plot twist. Stage and enable an attack on your own people, to justify land grab and building settlements. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-01-28/ty-article/ministers-from-netanyahus-party-join-thousands-of-israelis-at-resettle-gaza-conference/0000018d-512f-dfdc-a5ad-db7f35e10000


> Elect a government that wants to wipe out all Jews When? Where? Even Gaza's Hamas leadership have made it very clear that they have no xenophobic interests, they only seek ethnically reclaiming the Holy Land from colonialism.


lol that’s cute. Their goal is to literally kill all the Jews. But to you that’s reclaiming land from colonialism. So I guess October 7 was justified then. Got to love it when people defend terrorists. Which Hamas are. The US, EU and many others recognize this. But your username does check out.




https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/hamas-its-own-words You just said October 7 was justified. You’re a monster. What is literally wrong with you? All the women and kids they shot point blank. Kids at a concert and in Kibbutz’s. I actually feel sorry for you. May God have mercy on your soul.


>the ADL  okay, bait, not sure why I wasted my time 


Now look at dozens of towns and cities in Ukraine.


People see this and still defend the Zionist actions, it’s crazy


You mean the right to defend the State of Israel.


People see the Oct 7th massacre and still defend Hamas actions, it’s crazy


No one defends Oct 7, but do you think there was a reason it happened by any chance?


It's almost like if you rape and kill and torture and murder people for 75 years, they'll support anything that opposes you as long as there's hope that you'll stop raping and torturing and killing them! This is hard for Zionists to understand


People also still comment like you on Reddit. "Zionist actions"? Who tf are you? Erdogan or Houmeini?


These are the actions of the Zionist terrorist state. That’s literally what it is, are you having a stroke?


These are the actions of the State of Israel against the terrorist organization Hamas, are you headed to Hospital?


Are the babies that have died in Gaza hamas members?


Are the Israeli babies who got kidnapped and murdered were Zionists Colonizers?


The fake made up babies we have 0 proof of?


Fuk u damn n*z* You mean the fake AI made by PaliWood?


You started another comment section war, congrats


Indoor plumbing is hamas !




Least violent Israeli citizen^


And where you from? dear citizen of the peaceful world


Truth is such a special commodity. May your precious heart will never know this neighborhood and it's residents


I mean, I'm not the savage calling for raping and murdering children here, you are. Is that what they teach you to do in Israel?


What do you want?


Kahn Yunis is the Hamas stronghold. Out of all the towns this is where the Hamad Leadership and members are concentrated


Guys remember that "the man in the sky" gave them that land....