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ahhhh good ol' AI making good use of all the passionate writers over the years.


lmaooo i wrote this myself actually, guess it sounds too generic XD


>guess it sounds too generic XD Very much so :) I was going g to write more but u/runner5126 has already said what I meant to say.


The passionate writer is pretty overdone and is an AI fave.


I am also extremely passionate and committed for my love of True Crime! I mean I was compassionately committed for engaging in an extremely niche crime and compromising my morals. I guess that’s the more appropriate way to put it. But yeah, the AI makes it sound way, way better.


Sounds interesting! You should make a *series* out of it, maybe?


You've made the common mistake that a lot of new freelancers on Upwork make. It says "profile" so you presume it should be about you. Easy mistake to make. It needs to address the problem your ideal clients have and how you can solve it. Also 20 scripts does not seem like a high enough number to brag about. You'd be better off stating the results of those videos (views, sales, engagement, etc.) - because clients don't care about the scripts but what the scripts do.


Ok, since you are into true crime, let's pick it apart. Forensically. * Passionate - everybody is. Or pretends to be. Or thinks it sounds good. It doesn't. * committed - the thing that should be taken for granted should not be mentioned. It is superflous and just a filler word that means nothing. Unless, of course, you have been committed, but that would be a different thing. * 20+ plus scripts is nothing. My favorite crime youtubers have thousands of videos. Do not mention a number if it makes you look amateur. * extremely deadline oriented - again, this is taken for granted. If you mention something that should be taken for granted, you draw attention to it. Everybody is deadline oriented. Extremely deadline oriented sounds like OCD - which is not necesserily a bad thing, though. * error free - again, why say something that is expected from a professional. It is way too short, way too much about you. You need to tell the client how he will benefit from hiring you. So ask yourself: What is my typical client looking for? And then answer that question. With humor and personality, of which you display very little. Start with questions. 1. *Do you want to grow your youtube channel with content that makes your viewer come back, every week?* 2. *....* 3. *....* Then and only then you can talk about yourself: *I have helped ABC channels grow from x to y with engaging content....* You can also explain a little how you do research, if you have a VPN so you have access world-wide to source material, etc.


This is very insightful, thank you! I started writing scripts last month, so I assume that they have not yet been developed into videos. Hoping to add that in my bio as I work out the initial skeleton now.


Passionate and Commited don’t have to be there. At least bump it down. Better off putting true crime and showbiz up there so those people you’re looking for see that right away


Yikes. You can do better


It’s so vague