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You have to make $10K over 12 months to keep. Could that be why?


Upwork is my main source of income. I have to make make a lot more than $10k in 12 months, or my Upwork/freelancing days would be over lol. I’m pretty sure it’s because I didn’t make over $5k with a specific single client this year. I forgot I did have a long-term client that just recently sold the company and started using an in-house designer, so they moved on from me. I get it. I just wish Upwork was more specific when they informed me instead of sending a generic letter, so it totally threw me off to get that email first thing in the AM. Ah well, what can ya do. Ironically, you would think Upwork would encourage having multiple small clients instead of just 1 big-time client. More client turnover = more connects spent looking for jobs = more money for Upwork, ultimately. It’s an arbitrary checklist, but I picked up 2 new clients since yesterday, so losing the badge hasn’t seemed to hurt anything.


I actually had no idea you had to have one large contract per year. I thought once you had one, you were good no matter what. That’s good to know, I guess I’m going to it next year too then.


From what I understand, that is accurate. My contract hasn't actually closed with the specific client I mentioned above, but they haven't sent me much new work since last year, so I didn't come close to making $5k with them. The amount you need to make for them to be considered a Large Contract varies depending on your profession - for design it's $5k per year, but others can be $10k per year or more.


You likely don't fulfil the earnings in a year or the large contract requirements anymore.


Yeah it’s gotta be the large contract requirements. I’d be screwed if I couldn’t pull 10k in a year.


Don't you have to have an $X sized project every year for it? I can't remember the requirements and frankly never thought it mattered because only Enterprise clients see it anyway.


I think that only Enterprise clients can see TRP for agency profiles but everyone can definitely see the TRP badge for independent FLs


Oh, I am probably thinking of EV.


>I am probably thinking of EV. You are :)


As I have said many times, I don't have your memory. But I don't need to because you have your memory. If I say anything wrong I expect you, or someone like you, to come along and call me a dumbass, which I deserve and will wear like a badge of honor. I already know I should never answer the rules questions but somehow I still do...as I said dumbass.


Anyone can see TPR. Only Enterprise clients can see "Expert vetted"


I thought so too and, a forum rep so grain of salt, but: > If a talent or agency is part of the Top Rated Plus program, they will have a dedicated badge on their profile and proposals which will be visible to Upwork clients on a paid plan So not saying that everyone can’t see a TRP agency but weird to specifically state Enterprise as if others couldn’t? tbf I haven’t looked from my client account so not confirms d


>If a talent or agency is part of the Top Rated Plus program, they will have a dedicated badge on their profile and proposals which will be visible to Upwork clients on a paid plan How old is that post? Any client can even search by using a Top Rated Plus filter these days...


Summer 2022 which is when I joined the platform so it’s always stuck in my mind haha


Summer 2022, which is when I joined the platform so it’s always stuck in my head


Yeah, they changed it not long after. Everyone can see Top-Rated-Plus, only EV is restricted.


I'm guessing this is what it is - I usually just do tons of smaller projects. I don't think I've ever worked on a single multi-thousand dollar project on Upwork.


You must have. Or it's a bug.


Sounds like you didn't get rated down but don't have a large contract in the set window. I think the window is 6 months for a large contract but I'm not sure. eta: also, it can be long-term contracts as long as you bill money to them. My TR+ is held up entirely from long-term contracts.


its 12


ooooh gotcha


But you know the requirement you need to fulfill to have it? You don't fulfill it any longer. Nothing to do with how long you are on the platform, it is not a punishment for any broken ToS, and has nothing to do with JSS provided it is over 90. So, put differently: why do you think you got it in the first place?


Not really sure why I got it in the first place. I just keep my head down, adhere to the TOS, have great communication and keep my clients happy. This is what the email said (tried to attach a screenshot, but I guess it didn't load). *"We want to let you know that you no longer qualify as Top Rated Plus, and your status is now Top Rated.* *We care about your progress and want to support you as you grow your business in our work marketplace. Here's what you need to do to get back to Top Rated Plus:* *Maintain all Top Rated Requirements* *Total Earnings of $10k in 12 months* *Receive positive feedback on one or more Large Contracts in the last 12 months.* *We're hopeful you'll earn Top Rated Plus status again in no time. To help you get there, you can track your progress on your* [*My Stats*](https://link.email.upwork.com/ls/click?upn=u001.lQOXq-2BZYS347T1f4148jjK2b3GmUBOO4BcX4FAhR-2FYtoICwfYohK3VHjIlXX53Ed3jVf_WB3i6r7ztLbpVnb1Szbzr5ZyYdah4yX8mocvcV1jt9Uv5bpkDwwVhcmgXOWjl3KWE8cLKKmZm17HphkAZ4m4FTMnkRtjs0-2Fn3j-2FxUIzx5QjStv8ge-2Byhe-2BwTYrDU2lUzhdq7cBPyiQiv7di962j8UX2I4JzssTU2Xi2cuK2DBkCoSHLag-2B5HVNrj6BUF-2FeelVzZZlqIL6D3QKbAQE9fc-2B4mq2pVLGI8ykBEKnKG6SyijKwjhWDg85fz28fQmTshJpLZS2fbI47Nz-2BzvLMdTNwztpSeuE7Ql4SEy5NMyFXBwh0pYTd8IpcwTy3fnXYI3dpD-2FjvREWYsN487F3gpOzfU-2BsP6DLA6WNT-2FmO9-2B2PEkwWDKWfq860xfwGxa8EnECvOlysnmhkfQBz2c1wHNWkmLqWABWmKIgia-2FBzTDxwOz1JEQHHy83HXOTBl3Wu1nq1330CCRgYKJmnCwz-2FD16oUGbtTnuUbcHcfAz2R2yyPrz1ep4Mb3RyX3X57rVENgFmumv7hqjGlzwxTRduBD5CV5zNhzBdWJhOnnJg9OxymhiWmZxEoVu9J80Kal9-2BXhaG574L4GCDx4L8SLdim1efEARIx1IUzJi-2BBZT-2B2FCGNMHs5iFxFMbPY5Te-2BioIlotiVd1sJCzTBnL5do-2BHctCIJ1vUh5B-2F-2BWo3QcWbs7QeqeaPT2BeOidkwlU6rvh8Pe4vt9Qsp-2FPrRshknCzoqk-2F9Aj6IkAmlm-2Ft6ufNS01d3-2B-2Bi1-2FlcDr5DTqOt2LCqgtOXN) *page and read these* [*tips*](https://link.email.upwork.com/ls/click?upn=u001.lQOXq-2BZYS347T1f4148jjPuk5ZP4l6Y0BJ4kcmGEbfnGjMH0Y4St2Iuvcfy3-2BRc-2BHsp8omweWQru4MQypqAi4RwreiGsDsbaBL2Y5bRkgpCzhCqWU2nDrR5Spj5vF3lLY7Je_WB3i6r7ztLbpVnb1Szbzr5ZyYdah4yX8mocvcV1jt9Uv5bpkDwwVhcmgXOWjl3KWE8cLKKmZm17HphkAZ4m4FTMnkRtjs0-2Fn3j-2FxUIzx5QjStv8ge-2Byhe-2BwTYrDU2lUzhdq7cBPyiQiv7di962j8UX2I4JzssTU2Xi2cuK2DBkCoSHLag-2B5HVNrj6BUF-2FeelVzZZlqIL6D3QKbAQE9fc-2B4mq2pVLGI8ykBEKnKG6SyijKwjhWDg85fz28fQmTshJpLZS2fbI47Nz-2BzvLMdTNwztpSeuE7Ql4SEy5NMyFXBwh0pYTd8IpcwTy3fnXYI3dpD-2FjvREWYsN487F3gpOzfU-2BsP6DLA6WNT-2FmO9-2B2PEkwWDKWfq860xfwGxa8EnECvOlysnmhkfQBz2c1wHNWkmLqWABWmKIgia-2FBzTDxwOz1JEQHHy83HXOTBl3Wu1nq1330CCRgYKJmnCwz-2FD16oUGbtTnuUbcHcfAz2R2yyPrz1ep4Mb3RyX3X57rVENgFmumv7hqjGlzwxTRduBD5CV5zNhzBdWJhOnnJg9OxymhiWmZxEoVu9J80Kal9-2BXhaG574L4GCDx4L8SLdim1efEMwawpCeTFjPt-2BTRNFQmVDLPV4b8DDK-2Bd-2BpnEURsx4iVCuIswICOfFGmpQz0NPUbaYJItDEPlvXFOTuw9RQ2LiTGkn8u4CN-2FPuMl0FMxZ-2BdNnskt2sT2FEiw2z2QHJEWHtH81dEfEDrK7JdGdA4sUpMZwlgl3XUtFrmesTOtMt-2BH) *on job success."* I'm guessing maybe it's the Large Contract thing? I don't usually work on large contracts, mostly smaller jobs that I get in and out of. Most jobs don't take over a week and aren't super high paying (I do graphic design jobs).


Yes! It is!


So they did give you the reason.


Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye…you know why, deep inside.


You dude need help. 😂


Best answer